An Unexpected Journey Back (Chaos_The_Chosen_One and Frogger)

"Mm..." Kagome rubbed at one eye with the heel of her hand, the smell of food luring her from a deep sleep. It all smelled delicious. However, she didn't usually eat breakfast, so she was probably going to skip out. Well...unless he had coffee. Then she was going to make herself a cup. Slowly she drew on one of his robes, tying the sash around her waist several times before going out. "What's all this...?" she asked, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the light.
"Breakfast. You aren't still drunk are you Lady Kagome? I think this food should help warm you up, you haven't taken a shower yet I assume, I haven't heard any running water yet, ah well, sit, eat. I won't take no for an answer." he said pouring her a cup of coffee and handed it to her, before rushing her into a seat. He was quick to put food before her, and soon sat down himself, playing out everything in between them as he said a prayer, and started to eat. "Did you have fun last night? I hope I did not disappoint the great warrior." He said with a tone of utmost respect.
Kagome glanced down at the food. All this was certainly a surprise, not to mention his change of attitude. "I'm not really hungry... Usually I just drink coffee in the morning, so this is fine. Thank you." After taking a sip, she went on to add cream and sugar. "Last night was fine," she told him, not even looking back up at him. "I don't remember much, was fine. I just appreciate you letting me stay here for the night." She took another sip of her coffee, finding it to her liking. The bacon smelled good, but she resisted the urge to grab a piece.
"Just fine? I am sorry, perhaps, if there is a next time, I can do better." He said simply, and ate his food, eating his fill, wishing she would eat some as well. "Well. Would you like to make a visit to the temple? Perhaps see the shikon jewel?" He said, and finished his fill and stood up. He left her a small plate hoping she would eat something and put the rest away in sealed containers, careful not to waste a single bite.
"No, you misunderstood me." Kagome lowered her cup. "The sex was very good. I am not like other women, was probably much better than that. I'm sure that many would love to have you in their bed." She flashed him an unabashed smile, but then ignored the small plate to rinse out her cup. "And I would love to visit the temple. I need to make sure the Shikon no Tama is safe. It was once my duty, but still is, in a way."
"You flatter me Lady Kagome." He said, and smiled, but frowned as he saw her unfinished plate. He wrapped it and stored it, before heading to get dressed. "Yes, well, feel free to shower, we shall head out to the temple soon." he said and finished putting on a coat and boots, and waited in the front room for her to shower off and get dressed again.

(sorry my posts are short, they'll get transported soon enough I guess.)
Kagome went on to take a nice long shower. The hot water felt good on her skin, especially since it washed away the remnants of last night. All that sticky liquid on her legs and stomach wasn't very comfortable. Her hair was a black mane of molten obsidian down her back when she finally came back out, her clothes sticking to the contours of her body. "I'm ready whenever you are."
He nodded. "Yes, let us go." And he locked the door behind them as they walked to the temple. He lived right next to it, it was his duty to be near after all. He was silent the whole way there but let her ask him anything she wished. He needed to gather himself, he had just slept with the hero they had all revered.
When they got to the front door he quickly opened it, introducing her to the head monk, who showered her with even more praise, and he quickly led her down many a hidden passage way.
"It's not much further. We have to keep it deep underground, there are still those who seek it's power and we must shield it's aura from those who wish to do evil with it's power."
"That makes sense." Kagome glanced here and there, pleased by the security. After all, the Shikon no Tama had to be protected at all costs. It would be disastrous if anyone with ill intent had it in their hands, especially if they were anything like Naraku. Her dark eyes returned to the head monk. "Who is in charge of watching over the jewel?" she asked. "Or is it in regular intervals?"
"We take shifts. Everyone was either the son of a protector or raised on the monastery all their life. We take great care not to let any corruption grow amongst our midst. We keep no secrets and resolve arguments quickly. There is nothing to fear." He said and led her to the last door. He nodded to the two guards at the door, and took her into the room. The jewel sat on a marble stand, atop a stone alter covered in a cloth, and it hung there silently, just as it had originally been, necklace and all, the full jewel, unshattered and whole.
"Is it how you remember it?"
Kagome smiled bitterly. "In a way..." she murmured, the memory of it shattering coming to mind. That was what started this whole business, wasn't it? At least here, there was no chance of the jewel shattering...or for it to fall into the wrong hands. The monks seem to have everything in control. "Thank you for showing me the Shikon. I just wanted to check on it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be heading out. I only plan on being in this country for a few more days, and so I must see as much as I can." She waved towards the knight and him, already turning to leave.
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