An Unexpected Journey Back (Chaos_The_Chosen_One and Frogger)

The kiss deepened, his tongue moving further into her mouth as he gently turned her, pressing her against the shower wall. One of his hands moved down her side, over her leg and gently slid under her thigh, his finger wrapping around and lifting her leg up as he pressed closer. His tongue still worked her mouth as the tip of his cock pressed into her pussy, barely spreading her folds as he pushed up against the floor, letting her keep one foot on the ground as his other hand helped her keep stable ground.
His hand slowly slid up to rest under her knee, and with a small thrust his cock pressed into her, sliding between her folds, spreading her pussy open as he game another small thrust and went another inch in past the head. His kissing became a little rougher as he slowly slid deeper into her, almost going full shaft into her before pausing. He broke the kiss, and pressed his forehead to hers, looking her deep in her eyes. "Are you ready?" He breathed, catching his breath. He slowly pulled out, only half way, and thrusted back in, started a slow pace, keeping the moment right.
“Mm, mm-hmm…” Kagome blinked up at the knight. Her eyes were darker than their usual chocolate brown hue, leaning more towards a deep brown that was almost black. The iris could barely be distinguished from the pupil. Her lips were parted slightly, like she had something to say. Yet no words escaped. Instead only a little moan could be heard from those velvety lips of hers. It was followed soon after by a long tremor, clearly showing just how aroused she was. When flat on her ass drunk, she was exceptionally horny due to the alcohol. Usually she didn’t just hop into bed with a man however. Or in this case…shower. Whenever she finally made it home, tingling and in need of relief, that was when she would put a vibrator to good use. Either that, or her own fingers. Both worked in the long run. A hand came up to stroke along one thick, muscular arm to grip onto his shoulder. This…was something she needed more than anything. Right now her judgment wasn’t so affected that she wasn’t aware of where she was…but it was affected enough that she was doing this with him. Before unconsciousness took over, she had to have this. “I’m ready…” was whispered into his ear.
He gave her a small but hard thrust, and then another, his cock moved slow, at first, as he gently built up the pace. His hand lifted her leg up more as he thrusted a little faster into her, his lips finding her neck as he rocked his hips against her. "K-kagome...." He panted, thrusting into her over and over. It felt good, but he knew there was only so much they could do in the shower. "D-do you want to m-move to the... unh.... bedroom?" He asked panting, looking into her eyes and gave her a small kiss.
Kagome bit her lip. On one hand, being in the shower felt good…what with their skin sliding together and all, yet there was also the fact that afterwards, she could clean herself off. On the other…a bed would be much more comfortable when having sex… “It’s…It’s up to you….” She breathed. “If we do… move to the bedroom, can I…can I come back, and wash off…when we are done…? I like that idea a lot…” Her hands slid down the length of his back, palms pressing lightly to bring him closer.
"I'll wash your back for you..." He said, and kissed her again, letting her get off him and turned the water off. He slowly led her to the bed, and sat down on the edge, urging her into his lap, but had her face away as he gently pulled her down onto his cock, his hands reaching around and gently grasped her breasts. He teased her nipples as his tongue moved along her collar bone before gently nipping her skin, and he started to bounce her lightly in his lap. "Mmm, you taste so good..." He was intoxicated with her, he couldn't have asked for anything more then to sleep with such a beauty.
"Mm, I'm sure..." Kagome didn't know quite how to response to such words. Of course all men thought that a woman tasted good, even a knight... It wasn't as though she was particularly delicious. Her nipples hardened under his ministrations, a soft moan escaping her throat. Dark brown eyes -even darker due to her arousal- began to drift shut. Her legs parted, yet it wasn't like that was going to do her any good, since she was seated in his lap. "Mm..."
He gave her nipples and extra pinch and started bouncing her up and down even faster, his hands moving around her waist and held her closed as he looked down over her shoulder, watching her breasts bounce. "You do..." He said, thrusting into her over and over. "Tell me Kagome... Do you know any tricks... or is there anything you'd like me to do to you?" He started to slow his pace a little, watching her as he kissed her neck. "I want to make you feel better then any man ever has..."
Kagome was unlikely to remember much of this in the morning. Though the alcohol wasn't impairing her judgment quite as much as it did earlier, it still was doing a number on it. Her lips parted, the tip of her tongue moistening her bottom lip. "It...It doesn't matter..." she whispered. "You...You can go ahead and what you want... It feels good, all the same... You don't have to try and be the best..." One of her hands came to rest on his, fingers gripping onto his wrist tightly.
He slowed down and shifted her till she faced him, pulling her close so her large breasts pressed against his chest. "Mmm..." He kissed her slowly. "Would you give me head? Or perhaps I should just tie you up and suck and lie you all over until you cum a hundred times...." He kissed her some more. "What would you like to do Kagome...? I could listen a million things i've longed to do with you."
"I already told you, it doesn't much matter..." Kagome liked sex, just like any other woman. Yet to have it as something special... well, that was impossible, wasn't it? After having InuYasha break her heart and leave her in pieces, the idea of special times and love made her laugh. Eyes still hooded, she smiled faintly. "This is just...having sex, anyway... You don't have to think so much about it..."
He smiled, and got up, putting her to her feet for a moment. "Then we'll tie you up since you don't care." He teased her with a grin, and pushed her gently onto the bed. He walked out to get some rope and them came back, tieing her wrists together, then gave her a foot of rope to the headboard to give her room to squirm. He then mounted himself over her waist, leaning in to kiss her as he pressed his hands on her breasts, gently squeezing them as he slid his tongue around in her mouth. "mmmm so yummy..." He said and slid down, moving over her collar bone and nipped the skin, kissing it after he bit her and smiled. "Oh what to do with you..."
Kagome felt her skin quiver, literally tingling with want for more. Yes...every woman liked sex. She wasn't any different. Both her hands curled into fists above her head, hips shifting from side to side as the tension built. "I...I told you before... Do what you want... It doesn't really matter, does it? It's not like there is anything there...between us..." Her lips parted, dark eyes intent on his when he rose up from biting her collar bone. "And you know I'm right on this...don't you?" A delicate brow raised up in question.
"Oh shush you..." He said and kissed, his tongue working around her mouth before he pulled back. "I've been in love with you since i first heard your legend..." He then made his way down, his lips pressing against her belly, kissing the skin as he dropped lower, his hands sliding along her sides and down over her thighs. His lips passed over her soft mons, kissing her softly before his mouth went over her pussy, kissing softly as his tongue slid in, sliding between her folds and tasting her juices, moaning lightly against her pussy.
"Liar..." Kagome gasped when his mouth went over her pussy, that one action alone causing ripples of pleasure to go through her body. Both hands curled into tighter fists. a tragedy, and terrible. Why should anyone seek it out? All it ever does is cause pain, and heartbreak. Even though it feels glorious in the isn't worth the trouble. Instead of lingering on the subject, she cast it aside, that way she could focus only on what he was doing. "Mm...!" she moaned richly. Her hips raised up, to try and get him to lick deeper.
He pulled back slightly, not letting her get more then he wanted to give her, and his eyes looked up to her teasingly. He gave a few more licks and pulled back, a thin line of saliva connecting his tongue to her pussy. He licked it back, and grinned. "uh-uh..." He said and gently placed a hand on her belly. "you'll get the slow torture for calling me a liar.... Unless you beg and pledge your love to me...." he said, and then placed his mouth to her pussy once more, sucking slowly and flickering his tongue, moaning lightly a little bit here and there as he watched her squirm. He let her throw her hips out, and caught them to hold them there, while keeping his slow torture going.
Kagome rolled her head from side to side. "No, I won't pledge anything... Love...Love is nothing but a waste of time and effort...And I'm not interested in falling in love...anytime soon..." When drunk, honesty was also something that is going on. Not that it was her fault, necessarily. With both her hands still curled into fists, she opened her eyes and gazed down at him. The irises were dark with growing lust. "So torture me all you want...but that won't change..." Her legs trembled on either side of his head, toes also curled. Her hips tried to raise up more, resisting his hand.
"mmm...then torture...mmm... it is then...mmphmmm...." He said between slow licks. He kept her hips back as he licked slowly, taking his time as he went deeper. She was so against romance, he wondered if he would have to get her drunk every time. "Oh Kagome... I looove you..." He said as he moved up, and gently turned her around. He pulled her hips up, and thrust his cock into her. "Don't fight it, it feels too good." He said giving her slow hard thrusts.
"It...It does feel good, are still a liar..." Kagome tilted her head back as a rich moan bubbled up her throat. It was getting harder and harder to speak...and to focus on what he was saying. After all, she just wanted to get lost in the sensations he inflicted onto her body. Why couldn't he understand that? What they had between them was only physical, and she didn't want it to be anything else but that. Her wrists tugged at the restraints he put on her, her breathing fast and hoarse.
"Oh shut up beautiful." He said, and thrusted harder, pushing his whole crotch into her and pushed her forward with his body, slamming his cock deep into her pussy as he rocked her whole body. "I love you, so deal with it." He said, his chest heaving as he rocked into her, over and over he slammed into her. He saw how her body reacted, how could he not. How could he not want her all the more as she panted from the workout he gave her. This was the only thing he had ever wanted, he couldn't ask for more.
Kagome wasn't going to listen to his words anymore. All he spoke was lies, so why bother? How could a man love her...when he didn't even know her? Sure, this one knight knew of what she has done...but he knew nothing of how she felt, or of how she thought... No, he didn't love her. He loved the idea of being with her. That was all it was. When he slammed harder into her petite body, a ragged moan spilled forth from her lips. It couldn't be helped, it just felt so good... "Mm..." A long shiver coursed through her, and she just wanted more.
Over and over his body thrust into her, his hot cock throbbing with lust as he fucked her, his body hungry with need, hers deluded with alcohol, over and over the rhythm went until finally his body could no longer hold back and his hot seed shot out, some of it getting inside of her but he pulled out in the heat of the moment, some of it hitting her, falling where it may. He almost collapsed onto her but he kept up, looking down over the woman under him, his chest heaving, his hot breath on her face as he moved to kiss her. Whether it was blind love or true love he didn't care. He wanted to spend eternity with her and that was all that mattered to him.
"Mm..." Kagome continued to pant after her own euphoric climax, eyes hooded and body flushed pink. Every once in a while she would tremble as a result of the hard fucking. Her skin felt sticky from where his seed lingered, but that can be taken care of soon enough. Finally...exhaustion seeped in. Her eyes drooped, lips parting in order to accommodate her deeper breathing. "Mm...You...You can get off of me now..." she murmured in a drowsy daze. Her body shifted this way and that to try and get comfortable.
He rolled his eyes weakly and stole a kiss from her lips, before rolling off and laid next to her. "You can use my shower in the morning, I shall then make you breakfast, pancakes I think...." He laid there panting, looking over to her. "So cold, you must have had your heart broken into a million pieces. Im so sorry..." He said, drifting off to sleep. Tomorrow he would show her the shikon jewel. He was sure the temple would not say no, she was the great warrior from long ago anyway.
Kagome rolled away from the man. It didn't matter whether or not he made breakfast, or what he made. It didn't even matter what he thought about her heart. What did matter was that the Shikon was protected, and in the right hands. She didn't really care if he pitied her. After a few days, she was leaving this country. It wasn't long before she drifted off to sleep, her breathing soft and with no snoring whatsoever. Black hair created a beautiful halo about her head.
She would awake to the small of waffles, as well as bacon, sausage, eggs, and anything else she might want to eat for breakfast. He was in the kitchen, humming softly as he was showered, clean, and wearing nothing more then jeans and an apron, and of course boxers.
He made sure everything was nice and warm, hoping she would come out on her own to get some food, he was glad she had not left early in the morning before he had woken up.
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