An Unexpected Journey Back (Chaos_The_Chosen_One and Frogger)


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World
England was such a beautiful place to be. Even in the wintertime, with the trees bare and mist coiling its fingers around anything it could, the only word that comes to mind is breathtaking. There was just a meager inch of snow on the ground, yet whenever a step was made it would crunch underfoot. In a few hours, it will all be gone, leaving just water in its place. Then the next morning…there it will be again. A new blanket covering the earth, so that it was painted in black and white. It being this early it was almost freezing, but that was to be expected. High above the sky was threatening rain, rumbling and with lightning flashing every couple of seconds. For the most part, the streets were empty. There was just a few children still out and about, throwing snowballs at each other and laughing.

Kagome smiled at one little girl, bending down to make a snowball. Her hair was the red of flames, crackling and practically burning under the weak sunshine. The dark green scarf she had around her neck began to unwrap, but she huffed and quickly fixed that. If she was to guess her age, it would have to be around eight or nine. “I’m going to get you, Jimmy!” the girl cried out, rolling the snow between her small hands to pack it together. “Just you wait! I’m going to get you good!” She hurried her efforts in making the snowball, little white bits crumpling from her hands to fall back to the ground.

“Yeah right!” The boy cried back. Jimmy himself appeared to be a few years older, maybe ten or twelve. He himself was building up his arsenal, and had a pile of snowballs next to him. “Like you’re ever going to hit me, Amy! Your aim sucks!” A huge gust of wind knocked the hat he had on, but luckily it only danced a few feet away before getting caught in a low branch. From there it waved, beckoning him to get it back. He went off to retrieve it, giving Amy an opportunity to make more ammo. It was fairly obvious that the two were brother and sister.

In a way the two reminded Kagome of her and Souta, back when they were that age. They used to fight over everything, from who called shotgun first to who received the biggest piece of dessert. It went on for years. Of course, anything had to come to an end. Their little arguments ended when they just…grew up, and got tired of arguing all the time. So they came to a truce. Now she and he got along much better than they used to, and would even hang out once in a while.

Kagome adjusted her coat against an icy breeze. Her black hair went flying due to its force, waving like a banner. Pink was along her cheeks. Though she was simply dressed, she was a rather attractive woman of twenty-four years. In fact, those years have been very kind to her indeed. Back when she used to travel to the Feudal Era, she had already been a beautiful young woman in the making. It was only these last few years that everything really started to develop. Her hips were wide, legs long and nicely toned. Her breasts had also grown. Now a D-cup, the plump packages were twice the size they used to be. The scar Mistress Centipede left behind was faint and a light red, but it was still there nonetheless. However, where the Shikon no Tama remained to this day was a mystery.

I wonder what InuYasha would think, seeing me now… Her chocolate brown eyes rose up to the heavens, noticing how different hues of gray are fighting against one another. It had been years since she had last seen her favorite silver-haired hanyou. After Naraku was defeated by the combined efforts of everyone, they were together as a couple. However….with all the love in her heart for him, she didn’t anticipate being with him to be so difficult. Now they weren’t as they used to be. After the break-up, he went on to marry Kikyou, though they never did go down to the pits of hell together. Miroku and Sango married soon after. She couldn’t see much of this happen. For some reason, the well yanked her back to her time once she and InuYasha broke ties as a couple, and now she was stuck here in the present.

A rumble of thunder broke through her thoughts. First one drop hit her cheek, then another on her chin. “Uh oh…” she murmured. “I better find some shelter pretty quick…” The children squealed, dropping snowballs and abandoning the game in favor of going home. It wasn’t much longer before the rain really began to pour. Quickly she hurried to the nearest establishment, going inside. Her coat was soaked, as well as her jeans, making the clothes plaster to her skin like they were a second layer. With a little grunt she shed the blue coat, water dripping off it. There weren’t many people in the pub. Aside from the person behind the counter and another waiting tables, only three men haunted the room.
One of those men happened to be a knight, enjoying a simple but strong ale. Unlike the priests of their order he was not limited by such silly rules like no beer or sex. His duty was a simple one and as long as he kept in control he was free to enjoy life. That was not to say however, that he was allowed to run wild. He had a strict code of life nonetheless. He was allowed beer but only to the point before it affected his senses. He was not allowed to be with more then one woman at any one time, he was to pledge his life to her, second to his duty or not at all.
Currently he had no interest in women though, however this changed the moment Kagome walked in. His blue eyes took her full curves in, her wet soaked jeans sticking to her body, his heart skipped a beat, and he knew who she was. There was no denying the accuracy of the ancient tombs, She was the same girl, only now a woman, and he felt his face flush and his pants tighten a little as he stared at her.

He quickly regained his thoughts, taking a heavy sip from his beer and then waved to her, patting the seat next to him and shouted to her. "Hey! Why don't you have a seat over here to dry off! Let me get you a drink!" He smiled to her.

His name was Bruce, and he was a Knight of the Secret Order. Not a very thought out name but when your goal is secrecy it's best not to have an actual name. Bruce was five foot nine and as blue-eyed as a german could be. He spoke in a thick german accent but spoke english very well. He had lived here for over a decade now, training under many great knights before him.
His hair was light brown, and cut short as was the soldier's way. Still, it was enough for a girl to play with, if that was what she wanted.
“Oh, thank you.” Kagome sent a warm smile over in the man’s direction. He was rather handsome, with a cute accent that she couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t American…but it definitely wasn’t English. His hair was light brown and kept short, but there was enough length where a girl could run her fingers through it if she so wanted to. “A drink would be great. No doubt it will get me warmed up in no time!” Although she wasn’t a heavy drinker, she did occasionally drink sake back in her hometown. Unlike most girls, she can more than hold her liquor, but she can handle it wonderfully too.

Quickly her brown eyes scanned the rest of the bar. Logs crackled and split in the heart of a warm fire, glowing red, white and orange. All about the single room pictures were hanging, but what they held she didn’t much care. Right now what she wanted was to take off her coat, get close to the fire, and have a warm drink between her chilled hands.

Her coat was shed in a matter of seconds, dripping water as she hung it up on a coat rack. “What should I do about my shoes though?” she murmured only to herself. They were completely soaked through. If she kept them on, she was sure to catch cold…or get sick somehow or another.

It didn’t take her long to make a decision. Once she kicked them off and placed them near the fire, she made her way towards the bar. The light flickered over her hair, giving it the appearance of molten obsidian while she slid onto a stool. “Hi,” she greeted. Her cheeks were still flushed pink. “My name is Kagome. And you are?” She offered a hand to him, expecting the man to shake it and give his own name. It was only customary, seeing as how that is how people got to know one another.
"Bruce." He said, and shook her hand. "I knew it was you... I recognized you from the ancient scrolls at the temple. You're Kagome, the little archer girl who defeated Naraku." He spoke, his eyes glittering with wonder as he gazed upon her. "So what are you doing in Europe?" He asked, his eyes not leaving hers, it was obvious he was enamored with her, his face beaming with admiration.

He waved the bartender over to bring her a big frothy mug of beer, which he placed down before her as Bruce shifted in his seat. "You're a long way from home, are you traveling with anyone?"
(i really have no idea what else to write at the moment.)
Kagome accepted the beer. “How is it…you know about my adventures?” she asked, her voice cooling to the point where it could have qualified as arctic. There was no way this was a coincidence. How could it be? No one knew of what she had gone through in the past, outside her family. “I never told anyone anything about them…. What did you mean, temple? And scrolls? Why are there scrolls about me?” Her chocolate brown eyes –now slabs of that color, but without the warmth- met his enamored blue pair. Within the depths was not only suspicion, but a sort of strength she didn’t have all those years ago when she first went down the well. Back then, she was merely a child. Today? She was a young woman, who no longer takes things lying down.

“And let me tell you something right now, Bruce. I was not a little archer girl. Why must everyone give me some kind of label?” Just the thought reminded her of InuYasha, how every day he used to call her ‘jewel detector’. How degrading. Her blood was boiling hot remembering it all. That was probably one of many reasons why their relationship didn’t work out. She raised the mug to her lips, quickly taking a few gulps of the frothy alcohol. It burned her throat pleasantly, pooling in the pit of her belly. Little flurries of warmth went throughout her limbs. Yes…this was definitely what she needed, after being drenched. The shirt she was wearing was like a second skin, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her breasts were full and quite lush, her stomach flat.
He couldn't help but stare a little. "I... Can't say much but I'm part of the order of Knights that now Guard the sacred shikon jewel." He smiled softly to her. "I didn't mean to offend Kagome, I only speak in admiration. I never thought such a strong woman could be so... beautiful...." He said, his eyes gazing into hers. He scooted a little closer, his pants felt a little tighter, he was enamored with her radiant beauty. "If you need a place to stay, the temple provides quite wonderful housing. You could sleep in my spare bedroom. He watched her as she drank, and called out to the bartender to bring her another, motioning for him to keep bringing them as much as she wanted. "Careful not to drink too fast, you don't want to get too drunk." As much as he was in love with her right now he would not want to take advantage of her, he was a knight of honor, and he wouldn't sleep with her without her honest consent.
“Why is there a temple guarding the Shikon now?” Kagome asked, taking the mug that was offered to her. This time however, she kept it cradled between her chilled hands. It felt good. The warmth of the alcohol was slowly beginning to have it where she wasn’t so cold anymore. “It just doesn’t make any sense. After Naraku was defeated, I made a pure wish on the jewel. That should have caused it to disappear from existence…. In all time periods. Why is it here? Why does this Order of the Knights even have it? I was the one who was guarding the Shikon back in the Feudal Era…. I know what can happen if it falls into the wrong hands.” After a few long moments of silence, she raised the mug to her lips and drained it. If he didn’t answer her questions, she wasn’t going to provide any information about herself. Not if she could help it. Why did he seem so interested in her though? It wasn’t like she was as beautiful as he said she was. That had to be a lie.
"Well apparently it wasn't completely destroyed because it showed up in our city exactly a hundred years after that event. They knew it was powerful, so an order was founded to protect it and a hundred years later they learned of your stories from a strange old woman. Now it's my duty to make sure it stays safe. You know, I could take you to the temple, show you the jewel, tomorrow though, it would have to be." He smiled, and leaned closer. "But I bet you want to have some more fun on your travels right? Perhaps a nice warm bed to sleep in?"
Perhaps he was coming along a little strong, but she seemed so eager to gulp down the beer the bartender brought that he couldn't help be utterly fascinated by her. She was a gorgeous little bombshell and she had no idea how sexy she really was.
He was also intrigued at how she had ended up in the same town as the shikon jewel, the same bar as one of it's guardians. Why had she suddenly found her way here? He looked to her as she finished off her next beer. "Wow you drank that fast, you might to slow down a little miss."
Kagome turned her head towards him, a frown pulling at her lips. “I drank it because I was thirsty… Why else would I drink it fast? Besides…I was cold, too. It was warming me up…” Her eyes slid away from him, unable to focus on him for more than a handful of seconds. There was heat in her body, curling up in the pit of her belly like lust normally would. Was it lust? No, it couldn’t be… It probably wasn’t… Hardly, if ever, did she feel lust towards a man…not since InuYasha… Yeah. No it wasn’t lust. Why would she be attracted to this man? Oh right…the beer… Crap, she should probably stop, but…it tasted good. All the traveling and schoolwork she had been loaded with prevented her from relaxing much. That was the life of a college student. All work, no play.

“The Shikon…” She lifted a finger, pointing towards him, but over his left shoulder, “needs to be in safe hands. I will check in on this temple of yours… It wouldn’t surprise me if one of the priests was tempted by its power… As for the offer of staying… Hm…” The finger went to her lips, tracing along the full and pink bottom as she thought it over. Of course, that only brought attention to just how tantalizingly delicious they could be. Neither thin nor pale, they were that right shade rarely possessed by women. The shirt she wore tightened across her breasts while she shifted in her seat. “I’ll take you up on that… I could see just how well-guarded the jewel is… and it would be nice to sleep in a warm bed…” Lately she’s had to rely on her own funds, which wasn’t much. The inns weren’t cheap either.

Her dark brown eyes rose up to meet his again. “Now then! Another beer!” she called, waving towards the bartender.
"Actually hunny, the beer is only tricking your brain to make you think you're warmer. The best thing to do when you get soaked is share your body heat with another person. Lack of clothes is required to share the warmth the most efficiently. Unfortunately though you have to get to close to have sex and a heavy black also is required and that just restricts movements." He smiled and motioned for one more beer for her. "We can go after you get warmed up and the beer wears off. Don't worry I won't take advantage of you. I'm a knight, and I live by a code. I would only sleep with a woman if she asked me to." He sighed, wishing he could just show her how he felt, but he couldn't press things with such a beautiful woman.

He waited for her to finish the beer, and then paid for it, helping her to get her coat back on as he helped her back out. The rain had let up a little but it was still drizzling so he quickly made his way to his car and helped her in as he started it down the street. "You, really can't hold your liquor can you?" He said smiling lightly. She looked adorable with her cheeks flushed from the alcohol.
“You…” Kagome poked him in the chest to emphasize the word, “are a liar… The beer was actually warming me up…just from the inside out… And don’t hold your breath on the whole…thing you were talking about earlier… How having no clothes and sharing body heat is the best thing to do to warm up… Not interested…” Okay, so the last part might have been a lie. For some reason…she was a little bit interested. He was a handsome man, and he was nice enough to offer her a place to stay for the night. And…and it didn’t hurt that he was handsome. Did she already think that? Probably… Beer often made her thoughts slur together, so it’s hard to concentrate on any one given thing for a long period of time. Yet she wasn’t exactly complaining. To have the world fuzzy around the edges was kind of fun, and it certainly made things interesting….for her, anyway.

A breeze wafted over her, causing her to shiver and hug herself tightly. Because her eyes were closed, she didn’t happen to notice the little crack in the sidewalk –though she probably wouldn’t have noticed it if her eyes had been open-. The toe of her shoe caught onto it. With a little cry she pitched forward, her body falling towards the ground.
With a quick step Bruce darted in her path, catching her, his arms going around her waist and avoided touching anything he shouldn't. However her face landed very close to his and he was tempted to steal a kiss from her cheek.
But he didn't, as horny as he was getting around her and as harmless as a flirt he was being around this drunk hero, he was a gentlemen and helped her back up, walking her to his car, a small VW beetle, a deep brownish orange paint job it was clear it was kept in top condition but being drunk she wouldn't have noticed.
He helped her into the seat and buckled her in, before getting into the car himself and driving off to the small complex of homes that he and his fellow knights resided in.
It was a gated place with a high stone wall, and small but individual homes. Enough for a single person to live comfortably with what was necessary. They were not given the need for most modern day conveniences. Their life had a higher purpose and they didn't need distractions. But warm bed and room for company was one thing they did have.
When they got to his home he took her by the hand, leading her to the living room and helped her plop down on the couch. "Let me get you some bread and water. You need to sober up a little Kagome." Bruce said, moving to head into the kitchen.
Kagome’s head lolled back until it rested against the cushion there. “I don’t need to sober up, Br… Bruce…” Her voice was hoarse and raspy. Surprisingly enough, the new tone was sexy to the ears. It had taken quite a bit of effort to bring up his name. For a moment there she couldn’t remember what it was, and so was left hanging while jumbled thoughts scrambled to form one word. A lovely dark pink blush still lingered along her cheekbones. However, it was beginning to spread down the sides of her neck, invading whatever skin it can color. Luckily getting sick was not within reach. Because she can hold her liquor –and had quite a bit of experience doing so- just getting to that level was hard enough.

“Just…Just leave me alone, okay…?” Her hand rose and swayed a bit in front of her face. The dark brown eyes she possessed couldn’t seem to follow the motion. “I don’t need your help… Or better yet… You keep me company…and help me stay warm…until morning. It’s cold in here… Turn on the heater…” The words started to slur together, having it where each individual word was still in the air as she uttered the next. “Either grab me a blanket…or come here and snuggle. I’m lonely over here, by myself…” If he was right there before her, he would be able to see how she spread her arms wide open, as though inviting him into that circle of warmth. “Come on… I know you want a hug…”
He sighed, and sat the food down. "I'd love a hug. Once we get you dried off." He said and smiled, walking out of the room and grabbed a towel for her, and a shirt and shorts to change into. He walked back into the room, and handed them to her. "Would you like some privacy?" He asked. "You can use my bedroom if you wish, but I just can not permit you to stay in those wet clothes."

Part of him hoped she was too drunk to care if he saw her naked, and he felt ashamed but at the same time he was trying to get into her pants. Or rather get her out of her own. He would prefer her to be a bit more sober though, he was considering trying to be as gentlemanly as he could so she might look favorably on him when she did sober up.
“Mm, no… Don’t worry about…a little thing like privacy…” Kagome rose up from the couch, almost tripping even though there was nothing to trip over except her own two feet. A hand went on to peel her shirt off her skin. Inches of creamy smooth skin became exposed as the fabric rose higher up, then pale pink that was her bra. It was a simple thing really, with just a bit of lace around the edges.

With a tug the shirt was gone, thumping onto the floor in a wet pile. Her arm wound around to her back to undo the bra hooks. They were always a nuisance, but bras were a necessary evil. It wasn’t long before that too fell. Both hands came to the button of her jeans, the denim sticking to her every curve. It was going to take quite an effort to take them off.
He blushed slightly, and smiled. Her breasts were amazing, so perfectly shaped he just wanted to touch them. "You're amazing..." he said, unable to help but stare. He wanted to take her right then and there, but he was a patient man.
When she seemed to struggle with her pants, he moved to her, and gently placed his hands on the side of her jeans. "Let me help you, I don't want to see you falling over too much." He teased, pressing a bit close to her, his hot breath on her neck, barely any room at all between his chest and her breasts. He started to gently push down on her pants, and then pushed a little harder to help them go down.
"How do you keep your body so amazing... I can see the feint muscles tone, but your breasts are still so... wonderful..." he said, looking to her, and pressed closer as her jeans hit the floor.
There he stood against her naked body, leaving her only in her underwear while he was still fully clothed, fully dry. Her breasts pressed against his chest and squished slightly as he placed his hands on her hips, and moved to kiss her along her jawbone. "It's so nice to have company over..."
Kagome tilted her head a little bit. “I am not…amazing… and thank you, for helping…” Her feet stumbled again, which caused her to come and rest against the knight. Every inch of their bodies met. Of course, not every part was exposed. So, he couldn’t feel everything that he would love to.
Sparks of friction flew, and she couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling. “And…And thank you for having me over…” Her words were a bit jumbled. That was to be expected, seeing as how she was pretty drunk. Beer was running through her veins right now. Her thoughts were hazy, and she couldn’t form a coherent sentence to save her life. Both her hands gripped onto his arms to keep her steady. “S-Sorry about all this…” she murmured to him in a low voice. The kisses along her jawbone felt good…but the one thing was is that she couldn’t quite comprehend the sensation. If there was more to it than simple kisses…maybe she would. For now though, she didn’t even seem to know that he was doing it. “I…I really should head to an inn… I…I’m intruding…. I can buy myself a…a hotel room…” Or…what they could do was just have sex… This unconscious thought ran amok in her mind.
"It's cheaper here...." He said softly, and gave her a small hug, resting his head on her shoulder. "We don't have to have sex right now unless you know you want to... I just, can't get enough of you. You're a legend, a hero, and even more so, gorgeous beyond belief. I'm having such a hard time controlling myself around you.... I don't want to take advantage of a drunk hero...." He sighed, and gave her another small hug as he still held her. "Now we need to get you into the shower to warm up properly, should help sober you up a little too, you don't, need me to shower with you do you? To make sure you don't slip I mean."
“Mm, but…” Kagome tilted her head and brushed her lips along his neck. Alcohol has a way of making thoughts go cloudy, to make reason go up in smoke, and have primal matters rise to the surface. Right now…all she could think about was how his touch caused sparks to fly along her skin… How she just wanted that touch again, only in different places other than her hips. “Yeah… You’re right… I do need to get in the shower… Please come with me… I don’t wanna fall over and hurt myself…” A hand passed down the length of his back in a heated caress, applying the smallest bit of pressure right at the small so he was pressed fully against her. Then she stumbled once again. That wasn’t intentional, but an embarrassed blush still made its way across her cheeks.
He smiled, and pulled her close, kissing her cheek as he helped her back to her feet. "I really adore you, I admire you, you're such an amazing girl, all the things you've done. And at such a young age..." He led her to the bathroom and opened the door, leading her into the shower and turned on the water, not too hot, a little cold, but only at first to help sober her up. Just enough so she wouldn't sleep with simply because she was drunk. She would never forgive him and he didn't want her to hate him. However he was quick to strip down naked, and blushed when she spotted his hard member, he turned away, and helped her into the shower, getting in behind her. "You have such wonderful curves Kagome...."

(hope you dont mind him insusting on sobering her up a little. i just want to make sure IF they sleep together she doesnt regret it. although i dont know what you're planning so i'll shut up now. xP)
Kagome shivered as the water began to pound onto her heated skin. It wasn’t altogether unpleasant, but it was definitely something she could go without. “I…I-I’m not that amazing…” she murmured in a husky voice. “I just did…what I was told by everyone else…” Goosebumps erupted along her arms and legs, just showing how she was affected. “I was the…the one who broke the jewel in the…first place… It’s not amazing to fix what you did…” Her eyes drifted back over her shoulder, seeing again how he was throbbing and ready for her. That is…if he was willing to go that far. “Let’s…Let’s stop talking about the past… I don’t like the past…” Voice dropping to a sexier tone, she turned around and rested her hands on his hips. It wasn’t but moments later before she had her body pressed against his.
He shivered. "Right... the present...." His eyes fell past hers and to her breasts, barely noticing his hard cock pressing into her as she moved to look to her. "I th-think you're still a little drunk..." He said, and leaned forward, kissing her neck softly as he turned the water temperature up just enough so it was at least a little pleasant. He then moved his eyes back to hers, and slowly moved forward, his lips slowly pressing to her and gently moving against them, careful not to slide his tongue into her mouth just yet, he had to take it slow, there was no way he wanted to mess this up.
“Mm, no… I don’t think I’m drunk…” Kagome murmured against his lips. From there she tilted her head slightly, that way the kiss could continue on. It wasn’t anything to be impressed with. This man was being so careful…and all because she was a legend. A hero who saved the world five hundred years ago, from the malevolence of a power-hungry demon bent on taking it over. Why couldn’t he just think of her as a woman? That was all she wanted, really. Her hands started moving from his hips, rubbing along tender skin that was his sides.
He laughed a little, and kissed her more, moving a hand behind her head and pulled her lips close to his as his his other hand moved along the small of her back. He held her close to him as his tongue slowly worked it's way into her mouth, his eyes closing as his tongue slid against hers, his fingers working through her wet hair and for just a moment he turned the heat on the water up just a little so it was nice and warm, and then wrapped his hand back across her back.
Her hands felt nice on his sides, her body so close to him, was this really happening? Was he really about to make love to the the legend? He couldn't believe this was happening. He kissed her deeper, pressing his lips to hers and his tongue started to dance in her mouth as his hand slid down the small of her back, resting on the top of her butt as he pulled her tight to him.
Kagome rubbed her hands further up his back. Yes, this felt nice...but it wasn't as though it was special to her. There had been other men. At the particular moment, she was just drunk enough to be horny...yet sober enough to carry out a conversation. In the morning? This won't be anything but another sexual encounter with a strange man, and a handsome one at that. Him being a knight only made it a bit more interesting later on in the game.
"Mm..." The hands pressed lightly onto his shoulders, urging him to deepen the kiss further. Her tongue danced along with his as skillfully as any professional. Hips bumped, and more heat sparked between their linked bodies. It won't be long before they are unable to resist doing more dirty things to each other. A soft moan rose up from her throat at the clash.
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