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Parasite Eve Roleplay OOC

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I blow everything up AND know how to fix my own guns, make my own explosives, and utilize them. I guess I do have a good trade off.
Ok, quick question, how does doing this work exactly? I assume I make a full attack on everything in the general direction I point at? XD
Generally, it hits a certain area, where everything it it makes a reflex save. But I prefer your assumption. It is a mass of flying bullets.
Sounds like this thing is going to have some major HP though
Okay. As a rule, I don't do crit confirms. If you roll a crit and it hits, then it's a crit. A natural 20 always hits and always crits. Just a personal thing, for that's how it was for me, playing with my DM uncle.
Yes, unless you have evasion or improved. Then it does none.

Also, while we never set an initiative for this fight, NMC rolled 3, Xavier 16, and Allen and Allison haven't acted after acid spewing.
I am curious as to how? As I can't think of a X3 crit modifier that would do it. Is that a X2 or X4?

Wait, 74/4 is a weird number. How did you do that?
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