Romanian Romance (Anton, Keyria)

Anton Dracul

Oct 12, 2012
United States of America
Vlad chuckled. "Yes those where the days, and my son is starting to discover those days." He said.

Anton gasps slightly and he moans into the kiss. He brings her tongue into his mouth to let her explore. ~Hmm, I want you.~ He said mentally and he shifts to find a comfortable spot to sit as his breeches are getting even more uncomfortable. Anton's mind has slowly started to start to think on one thing. His fangs lengthen a little more as the craving for blood increases. His heart beat has increased as well. He doesn't even know that his scent has slightly changed and has increased as well.
Albus nodded. "Yes, I thought as much. They will know to go elsewhere, correct?" He knew things weren't the same when it involved two unique individuals as they, therefore there was really no stopping them.

Keyria could feel the bulge forming beneath her, she smiled slightly. ~I want you as well.~Her mental voice as strong as if she'd spoken aloud, though honestly, she couldn't be too sure she hadn't. She wanted him to take her, bite her and suckle upon her skin. That feeling alone was one that would surely be imprinted on her mind forever.
"I think so, this is Anton's first encounter like this." Vlad said as he takes a drink of his goblet and ate bit of the food that Albus had given him.

~Can you show me a good spot to go so that we are not disturbed?~ Anton asked mentally and his metal voice has gotten even more husky. He is becoming even more aroused. A deep moan escapes him even though his breeches are becoming even more uncomfortable.
Albud tipped his head toward the two, "See there? They've handled it right." He was relieved to see them moving away from the crowded Hall. He didn't want problems, and he surely would have had them should they stay.

~Follow me.~ She grabbed his hand, sliding off his lap to take them away. They rushed through the corridors, twisting and turning until they stopped suddenly at a wall. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body flat against his, kissing him deeply. ~Think of what you need. Right now.~
Vlad smiles at Albus.

Anton follows Keyria and he slightly runs into her when she suddenly stopped at a wall. He looks at her confused when they had stopped at a wall. He moans and his thoughts are on a comfortable place for both of them. His mind is also thinking of what his body needs and it is telling him that he needs Keyria. Anton kisses her just as deeply and he doesn't realize that he is slowly walking towards the wall while kissing her.
Keyria Lovi said:
Keyria smiles in their kiss, feeling the newly appeared door at her back. ~Ah, we've seemed to have found what we need, my love.~ She moaned into him, her hand fumbling with the knob at her back. The door opened and they stepped backward through it.

Anton had almost stumbled as he entered the room. The room is a mix of what his room is back at his home and what Keyria would feel comfortable with. He uses his foot to close the door. Anton pulls her closer to him and his hands are slightly still in the safe zone but his fingers are not exactly where they should be. He breaks the kiss as the need for air starts to make itself known. he is breathing heavy and he leans in and starts to kiss her neck and he is trying to hold back his blood craving and his body shivers from just the thought of tasting her blood again.
Keyria leans her head to the side, silently offering herself to him. Her hands cling at his back, pulling him closer to her. "Anton, love. Take it," her words were soft and inviting, beckoning him to her. She could feel his heart pounding heavily at the thought of taking her, and she welcomed it greatly. She would give him anything, even her own life.
Anton kisses her neck back and forth before finding the right spot that he wants to bite into. He starts to lick at her neck before he gently bites into it. His left hand has moved to where it is cradling her head and his right hand has moved to around her waist holding her to him. He moans deeply when her blood hits his tongue and he shivers in pleasure. His breeches have become very very uncomfortable after tasting her blood again. He starts to feed and he is very gentle about it as he doesn't want to take to much.
Keyria moaned when she felt his fangs biting her flesh, and lifted herself up to wrap her legs around him. She put her fingers in his hair, pulling slightly every time she felt him suck. "Mmmm, Anton.....that good..." her words whispered in his ear. She pressed herself into him, her breasts firmly against his chest.
Anton moans into her neck and his hips buck slightly when she wrapped her legs around him. He continues to feed from her and after a while he slowly and gently pulls his fangs from her neck. He licks the wound closed and he is breathing very heavy and his eyes open and they have darkened with desire and need. Anton doesn't realize that his neck could also be a very sensitive pleasure spot for him with him being half vampire.
"I didn't want to take to much." Anton said and his voice is very husky. He starts to walk towards the chair near the fireplace and he sits down while still holding her. He gasped/moaned at the contact against his body.
Sitting in his lap, Keyria can fully feel the effects Anton is feeling from the closeness of their bodies and his recent feeding. She moaned, moving against him slightly. She leaned forward, her lips nibbling at his neck. "Is there anything else you want?" Her voice was lusty, full of heavy desire.
"To...feel....go....od." Anton said with a moan as he tilts his head allowing her better access to his neck. He never knew that his neck would be a pleasure spot. His hips buck up slightly from her movement.
Hearing Anton's moans only made Keyria more heated. She nibbled and licked his neck, stopping to bite down here and there. Her ass moved against him with a jagged rubbing, raising off him slightly. "What makes you feel good, love?" She whispered in his ear, eager to do what would make him happy.
Anton moans as she licks and nibbled at his neck but when she would bite down on his neck his body arches into her as intense pleasure coursed through him. "I am not to sure, I haven't done this before." He said and his face heats up in a blush as he admitted a secret that even his friends back home didn't exactly know about. "Everything is new, but please don't stop it feels very good." He said with a breathless voice.
At her movements he moaned and his hips buck more into her and his eyes close a little bit. "Feels very good." He said as his hands come up and start to run over her back and one hand slips fingers under her shirt trying to get it untucked from her skirt.
She moaned, one hand moving to rip the shirt from her waist band. "Damn thing anyway..."she muttered, lips pressed to his. She kisses her way back to his neck, biting hard as she pressed herself deeply onto him. Her hands worked over his arms, lightly scratching him with her nails.
Once the shirt was free his hands find their way underneath her shirt. A straggled moan escapes him when she bit down hard on his neck and his hips bucked into her as his first release hits him. "I'm sorry." He said while breathing very fast and he is tilting his head to where she can have better access to his neck.
Anton moaned as he is starting to feel good again from what she is doing. He kisses her back and his hands have found her breasts and they start to explore her chest. From his movements earlier his shirt has came untucked from his breeches.
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