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The Great Divide: Accepting Female characters!

Jul 26, 2010
The Great Divide

The Great Divide: Character profiles

The Great Divide: Main thread

Welcome to The ‘Great Divide.’
This group rp is still being fleshed out, so pardon the mess.
More will be be added as more interest is garnered to areas pertaining to world building.
Basically this is an interest check and/or character creation page.


The plot would revolve around a small crew of male soldiers from the planet Adamros who are on a quest to gather intel on the female enemy thread and to make an assessment on their numbers and offensive capabilities. During their deployment something malfunctions, causing the ship to crash down on the planet. Now what will happen to this small band of soldiers. Will their technology and wits prove to be their salvation? Or will the impressive strength of the females and their numbers seal their fate. Perhaps the savage and feral creatures on this world go out of control, forcing both man and women to fight alongside once more.


World War 3- The event which spurred humankind's movement into space exploration or Great Migration , the survivors of world war 3 became the earliest space-aged settlers, their postcessors would go on to colonize planets Adamros and Everlias respectively.

The Great Divide- An event which marked the socially recognized divorce of men and women as a species. As a result of the Great Devide, men and women no longer lie together or co-habitate. It is believed the Great Devide was caused by or at least influenced by the following; The Great Space Migration, Disagreements over authority and vision(men wanted to colonize Adamros as a suitable home planet and wanted to suistain the old ways, whereas women were partial to Everlias VI and take on a more basic lifestyle, closer to nature.) women outnumbering men as much 2-to-1, world war 3 which claimed humankinds ancestral planet Earth and last but not least pervading gender biases.

Everlias VI:The planet that womankind settled following the great divide , though abundant in lush fauna and natural resources , it is a harsh unforgiving pre-historic world full of untapped mystical energies and hostile threats. Nicknamed as Eve. Ideal fantasy setting.

Adamros :The planet that mankind settled following the great divide, abundant in rare precious metals and abandoned alien technology though lacking in natural resources and mana. Mostly barren wastelands. The ideal science fiction world. Nicknamed as Adam.


Human beings no longer divide themselves by things like nationality and ethnic appearance , instead they choose to divide based on sex. Since the 21st century, there has been some noticeable racial differences between the genders. It is believe their interactions with their respective environments has caused these differences.


On average women are now

  • +Stronger and faster.
    +Natural warriors.
    +Capable of utilizing what some would call ‘magic’.
    +Larger population.
    +Longer natural lifespan.

    -More aggressive than their 21 century counterparts
    -Technology wise in the dark ages.

Reproductive: When the females broke apart from the males they realized the need for offspring. Hundreds of hours were spend on their new planet, tinkering with magic and the arcane arts. Finally they found a way to combine two of their kind and to create new life within one. In time their numbers started to swell, the use of magic nearly endless.


On average men are now

  • +More Creative & Adaptive.
    +Better Communicators.
    +Advance technology.
    +Better Co-ordinated.
    +Capable of utilizing 70% of brain's processing potential. Unlocking latent telekinetic power.

    - Less physically aggressive personality wise.
    - Lacking day to day struggle.

    Reproductive: Due to the lack of females in their midst the men turned towards scientific means. As their numbers began to dwindle and the fear of extinction became near truth, a breakthrough was made. A scientist created a machine that would be later hailed as ‘the birthing chamber’. With this device mankind finally had the means to sustain its numbers, although at a lower count than before.
Opperation stirrup is already in effect as we speak just in another way. Imagine a mother walking in on her daughter getting intimate with a boy. Now try to imagine the war mistress finding out that a male intruded not once but twice and had his hands all over a female's body. WAR TIME. It's time to tempt open the flood gates of hell.
Hhhhhmmmm with the captain away would the men get slaughtered? What do you think shoud I play superhero and come to the rescue or let them fend for theselves for the first time?
Points at a reptilian horde who have almost steel like skin….. Points at an even bigger wave behind that…. Pats the captain’s shoulder. “Pfffff…”
Well Captain should be in trouble. Abandoning his men, to tap that? Kinda hard to play superhero when you're buried six to twelve inches in a priestess, lol.
The delicious skin of a woman or the scaly feel of a reptile trying to kill him... in his hyperhorny state I doubt anything else is on his mind. It's like he's on drugs and can't come off his high.
You can change your character to a huntress if you prefer. Or you can make a new character if you like.

I am unsure who is currently occupied and who is not. As GM I thought it would only be fair if everyone else had their first pick.

And he prefers the term ‘eccentric’.

You can also try your luck with a lizzard man/woman
Tempting, very tempting. My Priestess is currently occupied and we have two slots left open for a huntress. Now if Donovan would only awake from his forever and a day come, he could take a whack at someone. Oooohh... lizard man. Oh natural. Very tempting. Okay oh 'eccentric' one. Thank you ^_^
Darn you two Altair and Dark, it's getting good and I have two , very busy, hours left of work. I'm just gonna have to read it here and there on my phone. :p
Oh fuck so many posts. I got tired from reading all of the pages that you made while I was gone... And now I finally posted... SO TIRED :D
aaaah what have i missed being away all day to today and all day yester and had to go to bed early due to getting up late and could not get on iam so sorry about that
A lot of things happened while you were gone. Maybe you should go read up on what happened. The war mistress should be making big moves soon. Maybe even cracking a few heads.
I did make a big move with her lol she walked in on Delaena and Altair together boy is she made her shot fuze is not gone she exploded lol and ready to kill altair where he stands.
wildkat said:
I did make a big move with her lol she walked in on Delaena and Altair together boy is she made her shot fuze is not gone she exploded lol and ready to kill altair where he stands.

so what are her feelings on shumi, "the witch," because she will be heading to the temple soon...
oo lol she likes to dom all females and she wants to dom the witch as well so she will try to use the witch to get her frustration out hehe bring her in and let the fun began.
well, right now she is dealing with the wounded men, but if she gets separated...
anytime my war mistress is now going back out to see the men lol and maybe she have to fight along side them when the horde arrives
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