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Private With TomasRHellsing

Jes's jaw drops at the order, how in the fuck was she suppose to manage that one? Jes stands, hurrying with pained winces towards the elevator, once inside she takes the heels off, carrying them, hoping she won't get caught.

Jules rolls her eyes to look at him, her blue eyes wide with need and lust. All he gets in respond to his question is a deep groan, her entire body shuddering with need.

Jes runs towards the lunch area barefoot, carrying her heels, retrieving Thomas's lunch and returning hte the elevator, and back up to their floor. She was cutting it close as she slides the heels on and whimpers softly as she runs down the hallway, skittering to a stop, and knocking on that door just at the ten minute mark, close enough that he might accept it or he might not.
Thomas smirks, opening the door he punches the latina in the womb. Spitting on her face he takes his unc saying "For DARING to try ad defy me your to run from here to the bottom floor and back six ties you have one hour to do so and since those heels see to be causing you issues."

He forced four size too small heels onto her feet locking them into place. He started his stop watch. Moving to his whore he thrust hard into her throat. Letting her suck his dick as he worked for a it. Watching T.V. on his plasma screen Tv.
Jes whines and whimpers at the pain, how the hell did he know? She wonders, "Please Master, don't" She groans as he forces the heels onto her. But then he is gone and she is forced to do as he says, turning she runs to the elevator, hoping and praying he doesn't mean for her to use the stairs.

Jules groans, opening her mouth happily to suck on him, running her tongue over him eagerly, hoping if she does well, she might get something in return. She works quickly sucking and licking, bobbing her head to take all of him into her mouth before retreating a little, only to repeat the process.
A large guard is standing at the elevator. Shaking his head he says "Mr hellsing said no one is allowed to use the elevator from this floor but himself something about "dumb sluts should follow orders", sorry miss." The guard relaxed It was obvious she had to use the stairs.

Thomas smirks at his slutty whore of a wife. Using a metal pointer to truly beat her ass. No mercy and no remorse as the metal cane does more damage than the wooden one. He wants to see how dark he can make her ass. Rolling his hips into her throat.
Jes sighs, nodding she heads for the stairs, she knew she wouldn't be able to do it, she couldn't run these stairs six times on her best day, especially not in heels, she makes it through twice before giving up, and it makes her mad that she has to surrender, so she leaves the front desk lady with a message for Thomas "Tell him I fucking give up, I can't do it." She snarls, wanting to make him angry as she leaves the building heading for her car, knowing she might make it there before the message is delivered.

Jules groans around his dick as she is hit, enjoying the pain coursing through her, and she knew she'd be lucky if she sat down comfortably again this week. She opens her mouth wider to take more of him in
Thomas gets the message and knowing all he has to do is bait the dumb bitch he texted her "Go who needs you, I have a wife anyway but you leave you'll be back to selling your ass for cash you were a useless gutter slut when I found you want to go back to that fine if not you WILL follow orders!"

Thomas groaned as he kept hitting his wife's ass. Harder and harder as he goraned. Cumming in her tight throat ut he keeps going. Groaning in pleasure.
Jes freezes, seeing the text, Even he isn't that cruel she thinks frantically, but she doesn't want to test the theory, so huffing she doesn't respond, simply turns and walks back to the building, there was absolutely no way she could do it in an hour now. And it was nearing two hours before she finished his order.

Jules moans and whimpers in pain and pleasure from the hits, actually leaning into them somewhat as she swallows his cum, continuing to suck and lick as long as he is in her mouth.

Jes is out of breath and clearly in pain when she knocks then enters his office, looking at him as she limps "Please master," she whimpers, "Please don't make me do that again. I'll take any other punishment you want, beat me, tie me up and use me without any of my own pleasure, make me watch you and your wife, I don't care. Just don't make me do that again" She rambles, pleading for anything to get her to avoid ever having to do that again.
He smirks, for the last half hour his freed wife has been riding his dick. Bringing the slut in, ad throwing her to her knees he looked at his wife saying "What do you think slut what do you think we can do to make this whore really scream for us?"

Smirking he leads her two two buckets with a fucking machine between them with two large does. Smirking he has her put her bare feet in the buckets and then has her fuck the fake dicks her hands tied behind her back. However smirking he says "Oh did I forget to mention those are coated in capsaisin and a dozen of the hottest pepper seeds and juices I could find your feet must be in agony but keep fucking yourself your holes will burn and when you take them all the way they will shoot a spurt of it all the way into your womb and colon."

Sitting down he ordered "come on slut wife, insult her and praise my dick as you ride it." He sat down in his chair relaxing. Ashe enjoyed the screams and insults of his possessions.
Jes winces as she is drug to the machine, she eyes what in the buckets warily but she can't resist as her feet are put in them, instantly making her scream in pain, her eyes watering as she follows orders, allowing the two dicks to enter her body, causing her to yelp and whimper from the pain, she was already struggling to continue moving, having a hard time focusing around the sheer pain exploding from her feet.

Jules continues what she had been previously doing, though now she was occasionally calling insults, calling Jes a slut and a bitch. She winces at Jes's screams of agony as the other woman continues to fuck herself.
Jules shudders, groaning when he cums. She nods as she slides off of him, going to position herself in a way that would allow Jes to continue her current movements while also licking her. Jes slowly begins licking, she could feel her feet slowly going numb, a common occurance these days. She continues to fuck herself as she licks, hoping it will please her master enough to give her a break, the pain was unbearable.
For two hours he lets the girls play making sure the latinna's feet don't' go numb. Finally he gets his work for the day done. Looking at the latina slut he said "Have you learned your lesson what will you do when Master gives you an order?"
At this point tears were freely running down Jes's face and she made no attempt to stop them, the pain was too much, she meets her master's gaze as she breathes raggedly. she nods anxiously "Yes Master," She whimpers "I'll follow ever order given by you" She says, her voice rough from screaming. Jules was breathing hard, deeply, from all of Jes's attentions for the past few hours.
Thomas smirked at her "Prove it you latina slut beg plead with e to do something to humiliate you to degrade you I want to know the sickest inkiest most twisted thing that would make you ashamed to be begging for it to be alive while it was done beg for me to do it!"
Jes groans "Anything, just please let me stop" She shudders, continuing to think "Let everyone see what a slut I am," She whimpers, she was at the point where she would say anything to make him happy, she didn't care if he made her do something in public or in the office building, she would happily do it if it meant that she would get some relief from the pain.
Thomas stepped on her thigh forcing her so hard against the dick it was squirting it's pepper mix into her womb continuously as he said "Slut I don't' want vague I want details say it, say the thing your ashamed to say the thing that will make you not want to look in a mirror for months afterwards say it scream it!"
Jes cries out in pain, actually seeing black spots dancing in the corner of her eyes from the amount of pain. She closes her eyes, breathing deeply as she tries to get herself under control. "I want everyone to know what a slut I am, who I belong to. How much I need to be fucked." She finally says, that had been a big thing for a while for her, not wanting anyone to know what they were doing, it had either been a lie or her feelings had changed.
She shudders, yelping at the strikes "Make them watch you fuck me, or make them watch as I am denied any sort of pleasure, make me beg in front of them" She whimpers, groans as she attempts to shift herself on the fake dicks, despite the pain from the peppers, it still felt good. She needed and wanted any sort of release, any way to let her cum.
He kicked her in the ass to allow her to get off of the plastic cock. Putting her on her back he started roughly throat fucking her tramp mouth. Smirking he said "Baby go setup a share holder's meeting for two horus."
Jes yelps but scrambles off of it, eager to be away from the pepper. She willingly lies on her back, opening her mouth, her dark eyes watching him the entire time. She hears Jules disappear to set up the meeting that her husband wants. Jes soon begins sucking and licking how she can as he fucks her throat. Jules returns a few moments later "It will start at seven" She says, it was exactly two hours from now, she wanted no reason for him to punish her, though that of course wasn't exactly true, she wanted to be punished.
Thomas slam fucks the latina whore. His hands wringing her neck she'd have bruises as he violently fucks her throat. His balls slappig her face and nose as he uses her. Nodding he said, "Finger this dirty fuck hole slut finger her until she's cumming from getting strangled and her mouth raped."
Jes manages to make her breathing shallow, they had done this once before and she had had a hard time breathing and had actually fainted. Though she wasn't having nearly as hard of a time, though it still wasn't exactly comfortable. She makes a muffled whine of relief when she feels Jules beginning to run her fingers over Jes's pussy. She arches into it, it wouldn't take long before she would be cumming. Soon Jules is thrusting her fingers in and out of Jes, making the other woman arch and moan.
Jes continues to writhe beneath him, groaning around his cock. She knew better than to cum before he allowed her, she had no interest in receiving a beating like last night for it. Though it was becoming increasingly harder, and she could feel her body screaming for air, though it was also screaming for a release, and she wasn't sure which on she wanted more.
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