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Private With TomasRHellsing

He gave the latina slut a light tap on the cunt. Shaking hiss head as more wax ran between their feet. Shaking his head he said< "So fucking pathetic, both of you sluts I'd get better you fucking border jumper unless you want me to take the razors to your feet again that makes you scream so good."

He grabbed his wife by her hair saying "And you, if you don't get better I'm going to go have my step daughter and your blood daughter come in here see you trussed up like a true little whore both of you kick it into gear if you don't want agony without pleasure."

Thomas was perfect at removing the top most layers of skin on the Latina's feet. Sheer ungodly agony but not enough to scar over or cause blood flow. Having white hot nails shot into her hurt less and that was with normal feet as abused as hers were the agony would drive her to the edge of sanity.
Jes whimpers at the idea of the razors, that had been misery, without the wax and the welts, she could only imagine how it would feel now. She shakes her head "Please don't" Her voice was almost a whine. She doesn't think she could handle the razors after everything else. Jules flinches when her husband grabs her hair. She shakes her head "No, leave her out of this" She growls, though it sparked an interest, having her daughter brought in. She adjusts herself, trying to get comfortable, which was an impossible task, and in doing so, she rubs her feet along Jes's, causing the other woman to cry out in pain from the wax and the salt grinding against her skin, more hot wax runs down their skin.
He growled, tired of fucking around he back handed both hard enough to bust their lips. They'd have collapsed from the force were the ropes not holding them in place. Deciding he was done being nice, he got four curing irons. Putting one in the arch of the ladies feet he pushed one into both their cunts. Plugging them in he said, "These are old curling irons you sluts have maybe fifteen minutes before they do permanent harm to you fuck holes in which case I wont' need either of you, SO, make me cum before your insides are ruing and I'll unplug them."

He sat own know fear could be one hell of a motivator for kinky thoughts. Border Jumper had a nasty burn scar on her ass so she'd know he would ruin her if she didn't get serious.
Both girls groaned, shuddering in pain and pleasure, Jules had since taken the lead of their competition. Jules could taste the blood from the backhand, but despite that it only served to arouse her more, she enjoyed the pain. Jules, having lost track of who's turn it is speaks "I imagine looking like her," She murmurs, indicating Jes "bruised and sore. black and blue" She says, "Letting you beat me with anything you want" She says, her blue eyes up, meeting his. Jes shakes her head, while she enjoys pain, she can't imagine actually wanting to feel like this. It made the simplest things nearly impossible to do. While she enjoyed it in the moment, she always hated it later.
Thomas brought his crop down hard on Border Jumper's heel. His full strength behind it causing four or five ounces to run down her feet. He said "Cum on you dumb border jumping bitch, i want your insults and stories to fly back and forth so fast I have a hard time keeping up, 13 minutes until your cunt holes are ruined."
Jes shudders and cries out in pain, more hot wax hitting her foot. She rambles on about another story, another one with the hot neighbor just after she moved to this country. She goes on about how he took her out to dinner and had her pleasuring him under the table, or he was pleasuring her and she wasn't allowed to make any noise or cum. She growls when Jules moves again "Knock it off!" She snarls, her voice slightly rough and ragged as she glares at the other woman. Jules just glares back, the pain making her less patient than she usually is, and she intentionally moves, causing Jes to whimper and yelp.
The story is hot, and testing a theory, he kicked his slut wife hard as he can in the clit, forcing the now slanted burned candle to drip twice as much wax on the Latina's feet. The salt getting crushed in the wounds. Her titty candle sending a large pool gathered in the top of the candle over her nipples. He groans "Fuck yeah you dirty bitches, fuck yeah I'm about to cum tell me stories until i do, i don't care whose story or what, make me nut hard and fill your fucking jars fantasies, facts I don't' care but fucking make it happen!"

he started raining blows down n their tits randomly. His massive dick shooting pre into the secretaries smelly shoe. He was obviously very close.
Jules cries out in pain, which spikes her pleasure. Jeshickah screams as the wax and salt get grinded into her feet, making her plan on calling in sick to work tomorrow, despite the punishment she might receive for not actually being sick. She prays that the jars are almost full as she listens to Jules. Who is rambling on and on about be used and abused, tied up and fucked endlessly like the slut she is. Both women are flinching from the strikes to their breasts, but it is only adding to the speed with which their jars are filling. Jules is continuing with how much she enjoys the pain, how much she needs to feel pain. Jules was still winning the little challenge the pain turned her on much more than it did for Jes, even though both women enjoyed the pain.
Thomas groaned cumming in the shoe. He ordered his slut wife to lick it clean releasing both women. He went to a blender, and smirked at the look of fear on the Latina's face. Putting a single drop of the liquid on his wife's clit and nipples they would be harder and more sensitive than should be possible begging for attention. Her pussy so wet it almost appeared to be constantly squirting.

He'd done this to give his wife a sample. before blowing out the candles and pouring them on the Latina's face. He yanked her hair back forcing the entire 2 pints of the liquid down her throat. The response would be instantaneous. As if he were her meth dealer and she needed a fix. Pleading and screaming begging for his pick, or anything in her cunt. He used rope to tie her arms behind her back, ankles behind her head. Last time he'd given her a half a pint and she'd nearly gone insane with need. Feeding her body both jars of cum, he turned to his wife. Smirking he said, "Beg for my dick in your slutty ass hole bitch, plead for it and taunt that border jumper while you do!"
Both women fall into a silence as they watch Thomas cum. As they are released they move away from each other a little to stop the pain in their feet. Jules takes the shoe, eagerly cleaning the shoe as ordered. She shudders, groaning at the reaction her nipples and clit have to the reaction, making her whimper, needing some sort of attention. Her eyes watch as Thomas moves Jeshickah into position, Jes closes her eyes and mouth as the wax hits her face, she shudders and makes a muffled whimpering sound. Though soon her mouth is forced open as she feels the liquid going down her throat. And she knows the reaction that is about to happen. As if on cue it feels like her body is on fire and she whines, "Master Please" She groans "Please fuck me" She whimpers, "With anything, just please, something" She rambles, the feelings only getting stronger, causing her to squirm and wiggle, trying to get any sort of relief from the sensations even if it is the floor. Her rambles are cut off as her master forces both jars of cum down her throat. Jules looks at him, when he speaks to her, following orders she begins to speak "Please master," She groans "Please fuck my ass" She says, meeting his gaze as she begs.
He groaned laughting he thrust hard and deep into his wife's ass hole. Slam fucking her over the bound latina. Hard, and fast, and deep. Groaning in pure bliss as he rode her hard and deep On hand yanking her hair, the other smacking her cunt.
Jules cries out in pain and relief when he finally entered her. She is now on her hands and knees as he fucks her. She shudders and cries out, the pain doesn't last too long and soon is replaced completely with pleasure. She moves back, to meet his hard thrusts, wanting more. She yelps and moans at the smacks to her pussy. Her head and neck are craned back as he pulls on her hair. Jes was still writhing on the floor, unable to find any sort of relief from the sensations exploding through her body. She's completely forgotten about the pain in her feet and back as she squirms, still whimpering and whining for some sort of attention.
Thomas chuckled at the border hopping whore. Slamming his slut wife as hard as he could he kicked the latina in the fact. Knowing the bruises and such would hurt her more later the roe she struggled now. Laughing he said "Come on you dumb bitch I want your voice to fucking echo I want to know what a despicable desperate whore you are if you want any chance of cumming for the net week!"

He smacked his wife's ass hard, "Come on you dumb fuck slut, insult and degrade the dumb whore under you she wants what your getting she'd take it from you, insult her for it!"
Jules cries out in pleasure now, as she presses back into her husbands thrusts, shuddering and quivering. She flinches seeing Jes get struck in the face, causing the other woman to yelp and whimper, more blood coming from her face. Jes quickly begins rambling "Please Master, I just want to be fucked, by anything" She whines, squirming beneath the pair, watching them, wanting to be in Jules's place, her body was on fire, needing a release. Jules yelps, leaning into the smack, enjoying it, though she fails to follow instructions, she has a hard time insulting others.
Jules shrieks at the smack against her sensitive pussy, but she shudders, enjoying it, probably more than she should. She begins quietly insulting Jes, mostly just repeating insults she had heard Thomas use earlier in the night, she groans softly, leaning back into Thomas as Jes continues to squirm on the floor, managing to find a little relieve against the carpet, though not nearly enough for her.
Thomas senses his wife's reaction. Smacking her cunt hard with a thick leather lash. Over and over he brought the lash down groaning as he took her tight ass hole. Stretching it out as he slam fucked it hard and fast and deep. Groaning in bliss as he really fucked it ruining her to the point a fist would probably fit in her hole. One hand yanking her hair so hard a few hairs were pulled out. He groaned seeing the mexican whore trying to hump the carpet. Laughing he said, "fuck you whore I'm close beg for my seed!"
Jules whimpers and shrieks at the leather hitting her, enjoying every strike, she continues to lean back into his thrusts, she could feel herself beginning to want to climax. Though she doesn't dare, for fear of what would happen. She yelps when he yanks her hair. She groans deeply, enjoying the few burst of pain. "Please Master," She all but whines, beyond caring that she is begging.
Thomas shoved her head against the floor, taking her ass harder and harder. He brought the heavy leather lash down with his full force saying "Come on you skanky fuck beg like the dirty fucking waste of space you are you exist solely for me to get off with your useless worthless ad ugly, ow fucking beg plead with your god to give you his semen your one reason for living or i will END you!"
Jules groans as her face is pressed against the floor, continuing to press her ass back against him, wanting him to continue to take her roughly. She yelps and moans as the leather continues to rain down on her. She moans deeply "Please master, please cum in me" She whimpers, "There's nothing I want more" She continues, as she presses back against him harder. Beneath her Jes was nearly sobbing from the sensations racing through her and the lack of relief, the carpet wasn't nearly enough to satisfy her, so it was really only serving to tease her. She's trying to tune out the pair fucking above her, but it's hard, she was so accustom to her master's voice, it was nearly impossible to not listen to him as he talks to his wife. Her eyes are nearly black now with want as she meets his gaze over Jules's shoulder.
He groans cumming deep within his wife's ass. Using the hot curling iron to bur a light but quick "T" into her right ass cheek he doeses her with the aphrodisiac as well Tying both up and going to bed.

The next day at noon he wakes up and heads to work. Wondering hos his nasty sluts will have surprised and be waiting for him. Both of them had to be at work by 7, and wear specific clothes.
Jules moans deeply when he cums in her. She yelps and groans when he brands her ass. Both women are left groaning and whimpering, writhing in the floor, trying to satisfy themselves, yet unable to.

The next morning Jes was up and at work, dressed in her outfit as instructed, yet if left her in unbearable pain, and she was holding back whimpers and tears most of the morning. And by lunch time she had given up the heels, sitting at her desk barefoot, she hardly had any place to go, so it was easy to be barefoot under her desk as she works. Her body was still on fire, burning with need and want. Still unable to satisfy herself in anyway, she new the punishment for that. It made her restless, constantly shifting in her seat, unable to get comfortable.
Thomas waled into his office. Spotting his secretary's head into his desk. Growling he said "Who the fuck said you could take your heels off bitch is my fuck hole of a wife in my office and ready?"

He'd ordered his wife to be given a gimp mask gagged with her secretary's soaked panties, tied spread eagle and arms out over his desk. The Secretary was to finger her o the edge of orgasm and give her a hundred cane strikes every hour on the hour. He added as he waited for an answer "And what's my itinerary for the day?"
Jes flinches, quickly sliding her feet back into her heels with a whine. She nods "Yes, she's waiting for you" Jes says quietly, she knows his schedule daily by heart, never wanting to make him wait "You only have one meeting this evening over dinner, with a Mr. Anderson. Your two other meetings rescheduled for tomorrow and Friday" She rattles of promptly, knowing he hates to be kept waiting. She remains in her seat, knowing if he wants something else form her he'll demand it, she lifts her gaze carefully to meet his.
Thomas smirks, heading into his office before stopping. Smirking he says "Oh slut my lunch order is down stairs, you have ten minutes to get it and get back and take the stairs."

They are on the hundred and fiftyith floor she'll have to flat out run Chuckling he headed into his office. Ungaggig his whore of a wife he said "Hello slut how are you doing today?"
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