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Private With TomasRHellsing

Semper Fi

Aug 22, 2012
Julianna walks into the house nearly an hour earlier than usual. She slides off her jacket and flip flops, hearing strange sounds from upstairs, she walks up the stairs towards the bedroom she shares with her husband. She opens the door, shocked by what she sees, her husband with another woman kneeling in front of him as he fucked her throat, her back to the door. Giving Jules a clear view of the painful welts covering the woman's back, the broken cane a few feet away gives away what made the welts. It leaves Jules shocked, intrigued and aroused.

Jeshickah [pronounced: Jessica] groans softly as he thrusts roughly into her mouth. Her back felt like it was on fire from the cane, which had eventually broken, much to her relief. She knew she'd earned it, but that didn't make it hurt any less. She takes no notice to the door opening or the woman behind her, to focused on him, her brown eyes watching him.

((Sorry, it's kinda short, I have a hard time with starting posts))
Thomas groaned his hard 12 inch dick buried deep in the sluts throat. He slammed his cock head deep into her throat. Bringing the crop in his hands down so hard it bent on her right ass cheek. The bitch was handcuffed to the back legs of a chair. This meant she was forced to lean forward. This angle meant with Thomas's cock in her throat she could at most pull back six inches before the pain on her wrists became unbearable. She was literally his cock sheath like this. A spreader gag keep her teeth away fro his hard fat prick even as he brought the crop down again on her right ass cheek. She'd lost her right to be a "human" when she'd broken his rule and so now she was an object, unable to speak and to be used by her master. A hand wrapped tightly in her hair worked her head back and forth hard and fast. His dark blue eyes on the T.V. on the nearby wall. Even as the cane bent so hard from the next strike to her left ass cheek it nearly broke. The next six bows bent the leather tool, but not quite s bad as the ass blows had. However they were across her shoulder blades.

Thomas's arm moved the slut's head and mouth with a scary ease. His dark blond hair brushed back. He was totally naked as was the slut at his feet. His hard six pack glistened with a light sheen of sweat. The slut's saliva dripping over his large balls.
Jeshickah's cries from the whip are muffled by Tomas's cock. She tries to pull back from the pain, but it only causes her more pain, forcing her forward again to cause the least discomfort possible. . She was small meaning that the position stretched her arms even more. Her body was continuing to shiver and shudder from the pain radiating from her body from being struck with the crop, but her eyes are remaining on Tomas's face as she watches him.

Jules just stares, it was hard to tell if the woman was enjoying it or not, but she wasn't struggling hard, though she certainly looked uncomfortable, she shifts her wait, making the floor squeak on accident as she freezes, she watches her husband, she had never thought he would be into any of this, though he certainly seemed like he was.

((for Jeshickah's body type, think Michelle Rodriquez, the actress, and for Jules think Simone Kessell, except blonde of course))
Thomas worked the latina's raven locks back and forth on his hard fat cock. Groaning in pleasure as he watched the porn on the screen. His hand firm in the little cock sleeve's hair. He was basically jeering off using the latina's throat. After another forty five minutes he groaned and came. Her ass was black as were her shoulder blades and the area between them. For the next few weeks a shirt would cause her pain and a bra agony. However if she didn't wear one to work she'd get a cunt lashing. Thomas was truly sadistic occasionally. Moving his dick and raising his hips to allow her to breath he walked across the room turning off the T.V.. He undid the gag, as he said, "What do you say slut, you'd better impress me with your slutty apology, or I'll put another move in and get the paddle!"
Jes shudders as this continues, her back and ass had long ago gone numb, but she could only imagine the pain in the coming days. Finally she feels him come, and she manages to swallow most of it. She breathes deep and ragged when he finally allows her to breathe. She stumbles through an apology, whimpering "I am sorry Sir. I know better. I won't do it again" She says through her ragged breathing.

Jules had since retreated to another room, unable to not rub herself at the images she had just seen. She could still hear them in the next room, which only added to her arousal as she masturbates. She would love to be in that woman's place.
He smirks, "Go and knock on the bathroom door, tell my wife "The Master would like to see you now, come to him naked.", I think your punishment will be over after you return well for the most part."

He chuckled saying "I'm upping the charge on your "Lunch time job" I want you to bring me a thousand every day for the rest of the week."

His slutty secretary had been ordered by him to suck dick in the lunch room for 50$. She was exspected to give him 500 every day, or she was punished and even that required her to work fast to get during her house punch break. Double that would mean her mouth was sore for a few weeks. Plus she wouldn't get to eat anything but cum.

Thomas laid on his large California king bed. he waited for his wife and slave to return.
She nods, standing up in a rush, hurting her sore legs, she winces a little at his words but she doesn't question them, she rushes out of the room to the bathroom, which shocks Jules especially at what the woman says. Though now she recognized the woman as her husbands secretary. Jes turns hurrying back her master. Jules strips off her clothes, leaving them in the bathroom before stepping out and walking into their bedroom, seeing her husband on the bed, his secretary Jeshickah standing beside the bed, looking incredibly sore.
He smirked, "Tell my my slutty wife, how long have you been a disgusting whore like Border Hopper here, so fucking sic and pathetic, she needs a real man to show her her place."

He kicked the back of his secretary's knee caps forcing her to her knees. The bottom of her feet were scarred but covered in fresh cane marks. Many looking like they had nearly pierced flesh. Smirking he said "Those were her punishment for not wearing 12 inch heels today what do you think of them?"

He smirked as he said, "And slaves are on their knees when their master is present!"

He kicked his wife's knees out from under her as well. Looking at his wife he grabbed her hair, pulling it he said "Tell me your three kinkiest fantasies, the things that make your slutty pussy mouth drool, say them loud and proud bitch and I may let you join on on me and Border Jumpers games."
Jes shifts her gaze to Jules as she repeats her master's words. Jules simply shivers, replying quietly "Forever" She flinches as Jes yelps wen her knees are taken out and she collides with the floor with a quiet apology for not kneeling. Jules eyes Jes's feet, it was amazing she could even walk with the welts on them.

Jules yelps as she lands on her knees before yelping again when her husband pulls on her blonde hair. She quivers at his words "I just want to be completely dominated. You can do whatever you want to me" She finally says, meeting her husbands gaze.
Thomas smirks, as he back hands his wife "Nasty skank I want to see what that fucked up slutty mind of yours can come up with but I guess your too stupid so I'll make it easier."

He dragged both women by their hair to the middle of the floor. He tied both women together their feet pressing hard to cause pain to the latina's super sensitive ones, and for the warmth to arouse his wife. Their tits wrapped tightly then their chests were tied together. Their hands tied out stretchered. He knew his wife was rubbing the latina's bruises but he didn't care. Looking at them he took one of his secretary's heels.

He put a medium sized jar under each woman's cunt. Smirking he said, "You two sluts are to tell me dirty stories the one to fill her jar first gets not only to drink my cum from Border Jumper's shoe but also gets my dick first, Border Jumper your to tell only inky stories that have happened Slut your to tell only fantasies, get to it ladies because if I cum before either of you fill up your jar then you both get punished."

Thomas started jerking off his secretary's smelly heel under his dick, slowly catching his large globs of precum.
Jules shudders and yelp at the backhand, but she actually enjoyed it. Both women yelp as they are drug to where he wants them and tied into position, Jes cries out in pain as Jules is pressed against various painful spots on her body, particularly her feet. But the pain was mixing with pleasure, she enjoyed the pain. Jules hesitantly begins "I often imagine tied to the bed by you, letting you fuck me every way possible for as long as you want" She says quietly, her eyes drifting to Thomas, relieved to finally be able to tell him her fantasies. "To have absolutely no control over anything" She continues, trying to pull her body a little ways from Jes to take the pressure of the other woman's body, but is unable to.
Thomas smirked, as he said, "Decently kinky."

He brought the riding crop down with about a third of the force he could on border Jumper's right nipple. Smirking he said, "You two are taking turns, the more impressed by the others story I am the worse the punishment, if one of you bows out of the game the other wins, so you both have to work on out kinkying the other, your turn Border Jumper."
Jes groans as the whip comes down on her breast, a pleasurefilled pain. She can feel herself growing wetter. "I remember a party when I was 17, most just myself and most of the football team, occasionally another girl or two as they passed us around throughout the night, never giving us a break." She says, causing Jules to shiver at the image, moaning softly as she too becomes wetter from the other woman's story.
Jules yelps at the contact, but is even wetter from the hit. And after a moment she speaks "Sometimes I imagine you allowing others to use me how they want for as long at they want" She says, it was more for the lack of control, that she couldn't stop her husband from doing that, if he wished, rather than a want to be with other men. Both women's eyes are on Thomas as they speak. Currently though it looked like Jes would be winning the little challenge, the pain from the cane earlier was adding to her arousal, as she begins her story, "I was tied up in the forest, against a tree by one of my former masters. The feel of the bark against my back as he fucked me," She shudders as she breaks off her story. Yes, Jes was definitely winning the competition with Jules. Though Jules wasn't too terribly far behind, the other woman's stories were only adding to her wetness, she would happily have done any of the things the other woman had described so far.
Thomas smirked giving both women tiny "Taps" on the clit. Neither story had impressed him much. Smaller drops of precum were dripping from his head. The blows had barely had any force behind them at all. He shook his head "Come on sluts the way your going I'm going to cum first and both of you are going to be padded on the ass impress me!"

He sat down as he waited for them to really get into it. Both jars barely a quarter full.
Both women groan at the tap, though it's not hard enough for either of them. Jules knew it was her turn and she wracks her brain for a fantasy of hers, blushing slightly at one. It didn't come to mind often, but sometimes it popped up. "Sometimes I think about you tying my dog and letting the dog fuck me." She whispers. They had one male dog, a large mixbreed, German Shepherd mixed with something. He had been left unneutered. She shivers at the idea, she wasn't 100% sure she's like it in reality, but would be willing to give it a shot. That idea didn't do much for Jes, She was fairly certain that she wouldn't enjoy that much. She begins thinking of her next story, planning to have one ready. When it's her turn she watches Thomas as he speaks. "I had one boss who had me in his office all day, naked, and when ever someone would come into his office I would have to hide under his desk, continuing to pleasure him" She says
Thomas gave Bored Jumper a hard sharp strike with the riding crop read on her clit. The sound echoed and she'd feel it for awhile. After her story he did the same to his wife. His hard fat dick spasming and standing straight out. Deciding to reward the girls for a particularly impressive job he moved towards his dresser drawer.

Moving towards the ladies he put a then but long candle between their tits. Then forced one between each of their feet. Holding the ladies tits together with alligator clamps on their nipples. He lit them stepping back. The hot wax dripping on their breasts and feet he spoke simply, "Continue"
Jes cries out loudly in pain and pleasure at the strike across her clit. Jules flinches at the sounds, that must have hurt. Yet looking at Jes, she clearly enjoyed it too. Jules yelps when he strikes her as well. They both watch him as he moves towards his dresser, only to return with candles. Both shudder as he puts the candles in place and Jes whimpers when he puts them between their feet, her soles still painfully sensitive. They both moan at the feel of the clamps on their nipples. They shudder at the feeling of the wax hitting them, and Jules whimpers, forgetting it was her turn to focused on the wax hitting her. Jes quivers, groaning at the wax hitting her. Letting out a whine when some of the wax runs down the sole of her foot, across the welts and scars. She lifts her gaze to Thomas, watching him, despite the pleasure/pain running through her, this wasn't the first time they had used candles and it always got the same response from her.
Thomas brought the crop down hard on his wife's heel. To get her attention and also to cause a lare splash of he wax to run down Border Jumper's foot. He steps back. The slutty heel Border Jumper has been wearing all week held under his cock head. the entire toe is full of his precum at this point.
Jules yelps, jumping, realizing the she was suppose to be speaking, she quickly thinks, listening to Jes yelp and whimper at the wax splashing onto her foot, causing the welts to burn. She was beginning to wonder if she'd ever be able to walk properly again. between the scars, the welts, not the light burns, in addition to being forced to wear heels, it made walking misery most days. Jules begins to speak, it was similar to Jes's story, but different. "I imagine you having me in your office, using me in various ways, no matter if people are in there or not, you simply continue your work day, as if I wasn't there." She rambles, as the wax continues to drip causing her to groan as he runs down her body. The jars were slowly filling up, each nearing half way, though Jes was still in the lead slightly.
Thomas smirked, giving the Latina a HARD strike to her clit. Chuckling as he imagined the pain his little border jumper would be in all week. He loved to make her life constant agony, it make the pleasure so much sharper. He new with the force of that strike he'd made her body moved hard enough to send more large gobs of was on her breasts and heels. Smirking arrogantly he said "Your turn you illegal whore."
Jeshickah - Picture
Julianna - Except with dark blue eyes


Jeshickah cries out in pain and pleasure from the strike, whimpering at the feel of wax running over her body, she didn't mind the wax on her breasts so much, but the wax on her feet was nearly unbearable. She grits her teeth on a shuddering breath, working to control herself and the level of pain. And despite all the pain, she really was enjoying this. Jules quivers at the feeling of the wax on her body, some of it was beginning to dry, and she knew it would be uncomfortable coming off, but she was still loving it. She faintly listens to Jeshickah as she begins speaking again. "It was just after I had moved into this country and I had a hot neighbor. I spent days tied up to his bed, letting him fuck me whenever he pleased for as long as he pleased." She says.
Thomas barely tapped his wife's pussy with the crop. Chuckling he said "Come on sluts this is a contest, a challenge, you two should hate each other, insult each other between stories, after all one of you gets nothing and the other gets the ultimate prize, work harder sluts I'd hate for both of you to lose."

Thomas took a large container of salt and poured it between the women's feet knowing every jerk or twitch of his slutty wife's feet would grind it even worse into the latina's feet. He smirked at his wife, "Your turn slut."
Jules jerks, even though the tap was light, since she was now overly sensitive. She groans softly, wanting more, her eyes widen though seeing the salt. She yelps softly at the feel of the salt on her light burns. But she can only imagine the pain the other woman is in. Jeshickah on the other hand screams from the salt touching the welts, cuts and burns on her feet, and she can feel her eyes watering. She glares at Jules "Stop moving" She growls, every time the other woman moved it felt like someone was hammering nails into her feet. She shudders as Jules stops moving at Jes's growled order. Jules begins thinking for something before speaking "I imagine being tied up, letting you fuck me, but you never allowing me to cum until you say so." She says
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