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Rate the Avatar above you...

Forbidden Fruit said:
Jeufufns said:
4. Nice figure, hair ruins it and too dark a skincolour

Too dark a skin color? Wow..


Agreed. Natural hair and dark skin ruins it? Okay then.

10/10 for the Fruit baby tho β™‘
Too dark a skin color?
Lol what the hell kinda comment is that?

I can't even right now.

10/10 for wifey bae β™₯
10/10 for Fruit child bae β™₯
Edit: Ugh, lait sneaked a post in while I was writing...

Ariamella: 6/10 - I find the facial expression very bland and emotionless. A smile would have gotten a higher rating.
lait: I am somewhat ambivalent about this one. The lips are nice, although a little smeared, but I find cigarettes disgusting so I regrettably give it a 4/10.

Ariamella said:
Forbidden Fruit said:
Too dark a skin color? Wow..


I was under the impression that we are rating the avatars, not the opinions of the people that they belong to.

Most of the ratings that I saw here so far are based on personal preferences (with Mitsu being a notable exception). People ding points for gender, height, weight, breast size, thigh width, hair colour, facial hair, and so on.
Anabella Carrasco said:
7. White boy turning into a white girl.

I understand that this is a sensitive subject that needs to be treated with care, but one should be able to state their personal standards of attractiveness without it being taken as a value judgment (or worse, discrimination).

If we should not use our personal preferences and only rate the artistic and/or technical merits of the avatars, it would help to explicitly say so.
Lurker said:
6/10 - I find the facial expression very bland and emotionless. A smile would have gotten a higher rating.

Ariamella said:
Forbidden Fruit said:
Too dark a skin color? Wow..


I was under the impression that we are rating the avatars, not the opinions of the people that they belong to.

Most of the ratings that I saw here so far are based on personal preferences (with Mitsu being a notable exception). People ding points for gender, height, weight, breast size, thigh width, hair colour, facial hair, and so on.
Anabella Carrasco said:
7. White boy turning into a white girl.

I understand that this is a sensitive subject that needs to be treated with care, but one should be able to state their personal standards of attractiveness without it being taken as a value judgment (or worse, discrimination).

If we should not use our personal preferences and only rate the artistic and/or technical merits of the avatars, it would help to explicitly say so.

I'm sorry, did I state why I agreed the avatar was a 0/10?
The last time I checked, I did not, and Forbidden Fruit never stated the reasons for her rating, so you can take all your extra somewhere else, thank you. : )

However, I did find the wording odd because by saying, "The hair ruins it and too dark a skin color," it gives the impression that the avatar is undesirable specifically because she is black and has black features. It struck me as tactless. I do understand that people have personal preferences when it comes to physical features. Everyone does.

I think stating opinions in a positive manner is OK... Saying a black girls skin is too dark can be perceived as racist because, well, it sounds racist.
5/10 - The composition is too dark (I cannot even see the girl's face) and the contrast with the window is too high.

Ariamella said:
I'm sorry, did I state why I agreed the avatar was a 0/10?
The last time I checked, I did not, and Forbidden Fruit never stated the reasons for her rating, so you can take all your extra somewhere else, thank you. : )

Given that Fruit awarded that same avatar 10/10 earlier, I see no other way to explain the discrepancy.
Lurker said:
Ariamella said:
I'm sorry, did I state why I agreed the avatar was a 0/10?
The last time I checked, I did not, and Forbidden Fruit never stated the reasons for her rating, so you can take all your extra somewhere else, thank you. : )

Given that Fruit awarded that same avatar 10/10 earlier, I see no other way to explain the discrepancy.

Given that Fruit is an artist, maybe she noticed something that she didn't notice before. Maybe you should ask her instead of talking to me about it. Maybe people can feel a different way about something upon second or closer inspection. Wow, so magical.
Lurker said:
Edit: Ugh, lait sneaked a post in while I was writing...

Ariamella: 6/10 - I find the facial expression very bland and emotionless. A smile would have gotten a higher rating.
lait: I am somewhat ambivalent about this one. The lips are nice, although a little smeared, but I find cigarettes disgusting so I regrettably give it a 4/10.

Ariamella said:
Forbidden Fruit said:
Too dark a skin color? Wow..


I was under the impression that we are rating the avatars, not the opinions of the people that they belong to.

Most of the ratings that I saw here so far are based on personal preferences (with Mitsu being a notable exception). People ding points for gender, height, weight, breast size, thigh width, hair colour, facial hair, and so on.
Anabella Carrasco said:
7. White boy turning into a white girl.

I understand that this is a sensitive subject that needs to be treated with care, but one should be able to state their personal standards of attractiveness without it being taken as a value judgment (or worse, discrimination).

If we should not use our personal preferences and only rate the artistic and/or technical merits of the avatars, it would help to explicitly say so.

You assumed incorrectly. We are rating avatars from an artistic standpoint, not attractiveness of the people featured in them. I'd give Aria's avatar a 9/10, my attraction towards Asian girls a 0/10, and my friendship with her a 10/10. See? My feelings are a separate topic. Are people who judge artistically a minority in this thread? Maybe, but that has nothing to do with my post.

You're right; personal standards on attractiveness isn't racist. That's like saying straight men are necessarily homophobic. I never said nor implied that his comment was racist. It was very classless and tasteless though. "Skin color too dark", really? It implies that it is something she can change, and that her skin color is the reason that downgrades the quality of the avatar. Besides, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. That comment was begging to be shot down.

Why 0/10? "eyebrows too thin", lol. I was just pissed off by the comment. Yeah it contradicts what I just said about objectivity, but fuck it, a "Wow" seemed too nice a comment. Besides, chill bro, nobody cares about reasoning and score consistency; this ain't The Voice.

Aria bby gets a 9/10. :)
7/10 Nice braid, nice top, but weird expression.

I like the tongue poking girl in your signature rotation much better, such a cutie.
Top marks for originality and photography, plus I find it funny.
The full-size image has some amazing detail that is not noticeable in the avatar though.

Still, I'll give it a 10/10
Forbidden Fruit said:
Jeufufns said:
4. Nice figure, hair ruins it and too dark a skincolour

Too dark a skin color? Wow..


Congratulations, in a thread where you judge people for their avatar, you judged someone for their personal preferences.

And your hypocracy towards the entire topic is much more of a 0/10 than a badly phrased comment could ever be. I don't like black skin on women, wow so racist and it must be killed with fire cause who cares about free speech :3

And Lurker gets 8/10, I'm warming up to that animation.
Jeufufns said:
Forbidden Fruit said:
Jeufufns said:
4. Nice figure, hair ruins it and too dark a skincolour

Too dark a skin color? Wow..


Congratulations, in a thread where you judge people for their avatar, you judged someone for their personal preferences.

And your hypocracy towards the entire topic is much more of a 0/10 than a badly phrased comment could ever be. I don't like black skin on women, wow so racist and it must be killed with fire cause who cares about free speech :3

And I vote for the CPUSA so I refuse to be called a racist.

And Lurker gets 8/10, I'm warming up to that animation.

Um, no.

People were a littke taken aback by the word choice. It was very clear that no one was "judging you" for your own personal preferences. The wording was odd and rather tactless, that's all that was pointed out.

Nobody has to justify any rating they give in this thread, even a 0/10, and if you bothered to read, later on she did say she gave a 0/10 because "eyebrows too thin" on the art, lol. And if you bothered to pay any kind of attention to what people have been saying, literally nobody called you racist. Not a single person.

Avatar is a 2/10.
Now Aria gets a 10/10 because fuck score consistency :p

Also forget about him. No need to justify anything for someone who thinks this is a thread "where you judge people for their avatar". Instead of, you know, judging avatars :)

Anyways this will be my last post on the issue. I think I said what I wanted to.

Erin: Its actually the same girl lol
I think I took the sensible solution, reporting and blocking both of them...

9/10 slightly clashing colours but I love the exoskeletal parts, the face, just adorable and sexy for me.
I have messaged all involved, now lets enjoy the game the way its meant to be.

I think Ima change my name to her lol but no she looks like her but it's an original character, her monster form is named calne ca which is a translation to calcium, so her name is calcium cause of the fact that her monster form is skeletal
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