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@Ravnarh Her face being shrouded behind a hood while glorious red hair is spilling out of that appearance adds to the mystery ;)



Only a 9 because it isn't the best succubus there is *cough* Morrigan *cough* :D
10/10 I never get enough of your masks, Pazzo.

Can I see the rest of your body then, ~M~? You could put your clothes on the ground and join me in my shower or under my blanket...
9/10 for the creep factor (as well as it screaming your username)
I like that wicked looking avatar. Gonna give you a 9/10 for the awesomsauce. And my avatar is actually from a scary movie, as is my name.
I love horror movies and haven't seen a really good one in years, but that migjt be because I tried to get scared by watching monster films. I'm going to watch The Babadook and I'll befriend that entity. 10/10 for your amazing avatar.
Seems like something a serial killer would wear (or hell, even the mask itself could be the killer). I love it.

10/10 for the best class in Destiny.

Titans unite!

Throw me into the Seventh Circle of Hell for a few years...Then I imagine we can 'strike a deal'.
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