Rate the Avatar above you...

9/10. Your mask is as glorious as always, the 1 point is deducted for that white border at the right edge of your signature~ it's a little bit distracting!

Made me look up the comic (which looks pretty ace - and I'm not a huge comics fan so that's really something from me!)

Just the little bit of speech bubble that prevents if from being perfect!
Well. Normally I'd give it like a 4 but I might be feeling generous and bump it up to like a 7.

I think that fair.

Winks and sticks her tongue out a little bit
See. Now. Thats unfair. You can't possibly downgrade mine to lower than yours. Yours is just a mask and while I love masks its more masquerade masks I like. So in comparison to the grand, ornate and beautifully painted masks like that, most all other masks naturally seem....less interesting. Not my fault.

See, now as you've been incredibly biased in a decision like this I have to lower yours back down to a 4. You were at least above average before, now look what you've gone and made me do. I'm very tempted to lower it all the way!! But I won't because I pride myself on at least being fair in my decisions!

I was being way too nice before, I see that now. Error of my ways and what not. You can lower my mark all you want but it'll just seem silly now! You'll remain at a 4. Unless of course you change your Avatar to something other than that mask.

Sighs and shakes her head acting over dramatic for no real reason but that she can.

People are sooo touchy about their masks, goodness gracious. What happened to fairness and equality people are whining about so much these days. Good grief.

Oh. Wait. Pffft. What am I thinking? I'm a goddess, I have very few equals. Tsk. Silly me.

hahahahahahaha. Even as a great dragon, I cant even hope to aspire to be as great as a Goddess. I give you a 9 because of simple dragon basis.
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