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The Elemental Girls

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"I'm cumming...!" Marina roared out in pleasure as she came, spraying pussy juice all over Lily's face. "That was great..."
Sara hopped up and hugged Marina from behind. "If we don't get moving we'll be late, but we should get together more often." She gave Marina's boobs a playful squeeze before letting go. She bounced up to Lily and gave her a wet kiss on her lips. "You've seen how we treat our enemies. Just imagine how we treat our friends." She pranced away without bothering to put her panties back on.
Lilly had no cloths to put on for they had ripped them off of her. She kissed lilly back before taking off in the nude. she needed time to think she had been pleasured by the two of them and she returned the favor and it felt so good she wanted more. she did not know what to do about that for they seem willing and she was not expecting that. she took off into a near boy forest to think.
Amelia was a bit ahead of Jessica letting her guard her flank. She was on guard she was ready to light up on a moments notice.
Amelia was equally as furious as Jessica and her hair and arms ignited and her school uniform turned into her battle outfit. She then throw a fire ball at the man and moved into battle.
The Boss growl in angry as he felt the fireball hit him causing a bit of pain. He look around and spotted Amy and Jess and laugh "Is that all you got?" he said as he pick up a car and threw it at them.
Jessica follow suit and change into her battle uniform. "I .."
Jessica saw the car coming towards and yell "incoming!"
Amy used some of her training from martial arts to jump and roll underneath the car dodging it the sent a bigger hotted fireball at the man.
Jessica roll out of the way before she toss a lighting bolt at The Boss. ~~~~~~~~The Boss pick up a body from the ground and use it as a human shield, blocking the fireball but he wasn't fast enough to dodge the bolt, it caused him scoot back and to drop the bruning body. He look right at the girls before he ran towards them like a raging bull.
Amy saw him charging towards her and cartwheeled to the side getting out of the path of destruction then sent flames at his back.
The Boss didn't have time to react to the flames. The flames hit their mark, the flames were taking their on The Boss you could see the brun marks on his back. As The Boss try to move he was hit by a lighting bolt. The Boss yell and rip a street lamp from the ground and swung it at Jessica.
Jessica was get ready to throw another bolt until she was hit by the street lamp. The hit sent her flying into a smashed car.
Amy saw that the man was hit by both her fire and Jessica's lightning but was still fighting. She saw Jessica was sent flying into a smashed car and was worried. "Jessica!" She shouted before lashing out at him with a firey whip of flames.
Suddenly, a tornado picked up an SUV and slammed it into Boss. "I leave you girls alone for a minute..." Sara ran over to Jessica and picked her up out of what was left of the car she hit. "Speak to me, Jessica, tell me you're alright."
The Boss was to busy dodging the fire whip to notice the SUV coming towards him. The SUV hit him and cause him to drop down on one knee. "MORE!" he yell as he got up. Just how tough is he? ~~~~ Jessica said nothing as her name was call. She was alive but her eyes remained close.
"Sara, get Jessica out of her. I will hold him off." Amy said charging the man jumping into the air and fired a jet of flames that turned into a phoenix as is flew towards the Boss under Amy's control.
"I'm not leaving you!" Sara yelled as she picked Jessica up onto her shoulder. "Wake up, Jessica! Please wake up!"
"I didn't say not to come back. Get Jessica to safety, make sure she is okay then come back for me." Amy said her fist was engulfed in flames and she went for a strike with speed and grace.
"I'll be back, Amy!" She used the wind to fly away with Jessica. She landed a roof top and tried to treat Jessica's injuries.
The Boss took the firey punch head on. He grunt a bit before he went for a punch of his own, his punch was pack with pure power. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jessica laid there as Sara tend to her injuries. Her injuries weren't too bad. Mostly scaring on her back. "Sara?" Jessica said weakly.
Lilly soon came back out of the forest in the nude for she heard the sounds of fighting. she saw the big man of a boss and smirked saying to the big . "you want more follow me big guy and we can have lots of fun". she made two imps pop on her shoulder and she was standing in the nude right there in front of him.
Amy was unable to dodge the punch and took it straight in the gut. She dropped to her knees gasping for air. She was unable to concentrate her flames around her hand went out. She tried to hit him with a fire ball knowing at this close range it would hit her too but she wasn't afraid of fire.
The Boss was to close to dodge the fireball but the fireball was weaker than before so he didn't take too much damage. "Grr" The boss look at the naked woman and smiled. "The Boss always want more. The Boss will follow you." The Boss look back down at Amy. "You can't beat me!" The Boss roar.
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