Mizune's new Interest.

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"Tsukune? That guy that everyone is talking about I don't know the exact things they're saying but its something along the lines of him beating the security leader or something like that?" He shrugged and crossed his arms. "Big breasted succubus? I may know who you're talking about. But meh. She looks too...well...like she tries to hard for men."
Mizune didn't expect him to hear her or say something on it. Even though she spoke up.
"Yea, he did the Security head tried to frame him for being human. As for the succubus, she's a slut trying so hard to get Tsukune." Mizune said, she sounded so heartless.
Although she was sort of glade that she was after Tsukune like the last man on earth.
"I don't want her Smothering her big breast after this one. If she does I would freeze her like a Popsicle" she whispered extremely low.
"Well. Everyone is affected by her charms but don't worry. So long a I don't get caught in that little love gaze of hers I think I can handle myself around her." He laughed lightly and patted the girl's head. "Don't worry. If you don't want her to be all over me, then consider me yours forever."
Mizune didn't expect him to even hear that to. His hearing was darn right scary and to accurate. But, hearing his laugh got her off subject. Then, she looked at him when he was done talking.
"Don't worry......you're to nice you know."
Her faint blush across her face from the last part of the sentence. Obviously, this Nyx was a smooth talker. She doubted if he got into trouble that he fought, actually she was sure that he talked his way out of it.
"What's your name Nyx Boy." she said turning what he called her snow woman on him using his own name.
"My name? Its Nathan." He smiled and moved over, closer to her and taking her hand gently before placing a kiss gently on the back of her hand. "Its nice to know you, Mizune." He smiled and continued to hold her hand as he looked her in the eyes. "I don't want to keep you any longer. Go ahead and leave if you must go. But feel free to follow me or come meet me whenever you want to, alright?"
Mizune once again blushed lightly although, she was slowly getting used to his manners.
"It was nice meeting you to Nathan."
"Okay." she replied walking towards his door and out of the dormatory.
Heading towards where, her friends would located.
The next three months would prove to be...interesting. They would not necessarily meet in person, though he would catch glimpses of her out the corner of his eyes and would feel chills to signal that she was there. When three months passed, the first trip he could take to the human world would arrive and he smiled as he boarded the bus, walking to the back and laying down. He laid on the very back which was pretty much a bench with a cushion and lay his head down, not knowing what the soft, cushiony thing he laid it down on.
Mizune was taking a nice little nap. After, all she had been up all morning to get permission to go to the human world with her friends. Although she did not expect to be laid on.
"......Ow....." she said as she slowly lifter herself up to see who had the audacity to sit on her. She then, saw him and calmed down some. Although, she was wondering why he was on the bus.
".....Nathan....?" she said staring down at him.
"Wait...Mizune?" He sat up and smiled to her. "There you are...I haven't spoken to you in a while, in person anyway. What are you doing here? I'm just going to the human world to meet some family. They're human...Nyx are born from human deformities that unlock a power that humans once had. Technically, we're creatures since we don't fall into the human category but I still consider them my family."
"Yea, its been a while in person. I am going to visit a couple of friends." Mizune answered.
"That are in the human world." Mizune answered.
But knowing the succubus would be there as well as Moka. She knew they would be there even though Tsukune didn't.
He turned and looked to the two other women aboard the bus and then looked to Mizune. "You...Those are the two women you were talking about? They're the ones you were talking about stealing this Tsukune guy from you?" He questioned and crossed his arms. "Very interesting and lucky guy to have had three beautiful women chase after him." He shrugged and looked to Mizune. "Ah well. You have me if you don't manage to get this Tsukune guy. I don't mind being your backup."
Mizune looked over after he pointed out he said two other girls. Indeed, they were the ones.
"Yea, Kurumu and Moka." Mizune said.
Looking at Nathan again she then tilted her head. And was wondering what kind of reaction she would get from him, if she did something.
"Lucky, more like horrifying one sucks is blood whenever she gets the chance. The succubus always pushing her breasts in his face or when he's hurt in the medical room she's on him." Mizune said out loud bluntly.
Knowing that Moka and Kurumu would hear her.
"Hey Mizune that was dirty! You stalker." Kurumu said from where she was sitting.
"Yea, Mizune what you said isn't true, and it was under handed." Moka spoke up looking over the seat.
"So says the big breasted woman, and the blood sucker." Mizune said.
"Oh, so says the wash out stalker, slaking my Tsukune." Kurumu said cockily.
"Oh, really have I been stalking him lately." Mizune stated looking at the succubus.
"Oh, that's right. That means you gave up one to go, looks like its between me and Moka. You finally realized you no match for me." Kurumu praised.
" You or your big breasts." Mizune said laying her head on Nathan's shoulder.
"Hey, that was dirty. You just can't admit that you can't win."
"I'm going to sleep, your boring me." Mizune said closing her eyes.
"Why that little..." Kurumu growled.
"Haha calm down Kurumu Mizune." Moka intervened peacefully.
Kurumu then noticed what Mizune was laying her head on. She was using a blue haired boy as her pillow, but she didn't recognize him.
"Looks, like she found a new person to stalk."Kurumu commented.
When Mizune laid her head down on his shoulder, he blushed lightly and held the back of his head as he heard the ramblings of the girls as they somewhat argued. He let Mizune lay her head down on his shoulder and heard as Kurumu spoke of her having found a new boy to stalk. "I feel like I shouldn't be here but this is the only time the bus leaves for the human world during the summer..." He said silently to himself.
"Your fine the where you are." Mizune spoke up as she continue to relax. She dozed off a little on his shoulder, as she slept her harms wrapped around him so she could relax and sleep better.
He blushed lightly as he placed a hand on her head and left it there as she slept against him. The coldness of her body against his was welcomed. He rather liked the cold rather than being boiling hot. When the bus would arrive to the human world and stopped, he patted her head gently. "Uh...Mizune...Wake up, we're in the human world."
Mizune woke up and she sat up yawning and stretching a little as she looked to her left and right. Mizune stood up and started to get off of the bus. "Guess, I will see you later. Don't worry I'll find you." Mizune confirmed which finding him wouldn't be hard for her at all. But, first she had to go with her friends and check up on Tsukune.
Nathan shuddered when he heard her say that she would eventually find him. Hopefully...She wouldn't pop up at the worst possible time. It would more than likely make things awkward with his family with some random woman appeared out of nowhere and started to practically hang on him. He disembarked from the bus and began to head out toward the house he used to live in, greeted his parents, and went inside to start eating and catching up with his parents.
Of all times, his home was in female harem chaos. First, it was Mizune in his room, then Kurumu in his bathroom, then the witch who was chasing them both, then Moka knocked at the door and was the only calm one. He went home to relax, but all in all why did they have to go to his home? And later when it was dark it got worse. His sister thought she was watching a movie when she saw Kurumu and Mizune fighting in their true forms. To tell the truth Tsukune was freaking out all day. How was he going to explain the fighting to his sister, when she realizes that it isn't a movie?
(To be honest, this particular episode was where I last stopped watching the series lol. I was like 'Gah...Know where this is going...Don't even want to finish the series now...' I don't think I even finished the episode when I saw Yukari join in on the fight >.> Lets go Original after this so I'm still not spoiled :] Though...How is my character supposed to react to this...? Perhaps Mizune/Kurumu retreat and eventually find the home of my character?)
((lol I get what you are saying. And sure we can do that. But, i'm not sure how I am going to rp that out? I'll thigger somn out.))
(Just have one of them leave and eventually find Nathan's scent and then follow it toward his house. Doesn't matter to me whether its Kurumu or Mizune...Hm...It actually might be juicier for the plot if Kurumu does it, don't you think? ;3 )
((Haha, yea.))
After, Moka was released once again by Tsukune. The two stopped their fighting and went separate ways. Mizune went for a walk to cool off a bit more. While Kurumu decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood. As she walked down the side walk she heard some voices and she smelt a scent. Looking towards the house that she was mumbling and fussing in front off. "Have I heard that voice before?" Walking closer to the house she looked through the living room window. "Oh, so its him.....wait a minute." she moved from the window, and towards one of the bedroom windows. "Lets see why Mizune has been hanging around him more." Kurumu said as she jumped into the nearest bedroom window and to the room she thought was his.
Nathan had not noticed her when she jumped into the room. He was in the nearest room which was his bathroom, showering and soon he came out with nothing but a towel on his waist. When he saw Kurumu, he blinked in surprise as he saw her in his room. "K-Kurumu...?! What the hell are you doing here...? How did you find to begin with...?"
Kurumu was to say the least was not surprised when he walked into his room in nothing but a towel. She didn't even blush and look away. She just turned to look at him and then towards the window. " Why I am here, is to see why Mizune is so hung over you. And you have a very remember able scent." Kurumu answered.
"I still don't understand why you had to...just barge into my room." He said with annoyance. Darian crossed his arms, with one hand still holding the towel to make certain that he did not lose it, especially with this succubus around. "Kurumu...You need to go. If Mizune sees you in here with me at this situation...She'll never trust me again. She's spoken of her hatred for you."
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