Mizune's new Interest.

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Mar 4, 2012
Mizune was once again being the stealth stalker she was. As Tsukune and the others ate and talked at a table she hide behind a pillar watching them from afar.
"Ah, Tsukune around them again." she said.
Even though she hung around and fought along side them they were her love rivals.
She continued to stand far away and watch until someone who was walking by happened to cross her view. She was tempted to say:
"Hey Idiot your blocking my view." and freeze him or advice him to move.
But, that was until she saw him as he walked past her. She froze and for once she had her eyes set off of Tsukune.
Nathan was a human like Tsukune, only he had been here longer. He had managed to keep his cool around the monsters and hid his scent by always hanging out with some. He was registered as a low-class Nyx, which was basically a human with elemental powers. He made certain it was low-class so that no one would be suspicious when he never actually performed magic. The real reason he was there was because he knew of this world and wanted to study it. When he walked by Mizune, he shuddered, a cold chill went down his back but he didn't look around to see what it was. He only continued to class, rubbed his hands through his blue hair as he still felt cold and relied on that for some warmth. When he arrived to class, he sat down near the window and leaned against it, just listening to the teacher and staying silent as he took notes here and there.
Mizune had followed the young blue haired boy to class. She sat behind the classroom door as it closed. She sat there waiting, and when the door opened she would hide behind it and observe where he was going to next. With her candy in her mouth she would peek from behind the door and stare at his back before moving to a location to avoid being seen.
Nathan had no idea he was being followed by that woman. That snow woman. He still felt cold chills wherever he went, as if someone was watching him...but he never saw anyone whenever he would check. "God damn...Why am I so cold today...?" He murmured as he held himself to keep warm and continued to his dorm room at the top floor. He laid down on his bed after closing his door and wrapped himself up tightly in a blanket to keep warm. "Whats happening...?" He murmured with a frown. He didn't know why he felt like he was being watched the entire time.
Mizune was in his room leaning on his window.
"Maybe you just can't handle the cold." Mizune said as she continued to lean there and in his room, like it was something normal. She knew he was cold because of her, and she just opened her mouth and answered like he wouldn't get up and say something like 'Why are you even in here!?'
When he heard a voice, he jumped in surprise and fell off the bed, unable to actually flail around like he was going to and he eventually fell off the bed and onto the floor. He rolled over onto his back, still encased in his blanket as he looked at her upside down and could see her panties from where he was. This caused him to blush majorly as he did this. "A-And who exactly are you?"
"M name is Mizune." she answered.
Looking down at him as she noticed him blush. And she then opened her mouth again.
"Aren't you cold? You'll get sick like that if you stay on the floor." Mizune informed as she just crossed her arms and continued to lean on the window.
He began to start unwrapping himself from the blanket. Once he was freed, he stood up and frowned as he crossed his arms and looked at her. "So...Why are you here exactly...Mizune...?" He made sure to stay cautious. "Don't try anything...I may be a low class Nyx...but I can pack one hell of a physical attack if you try to kill me!" He said to show that he wasn't entirely afraid of her. He backed away and stayed cautious as to what she was doing here.
" Why am I here you ask? It was only to tell you that there is an interest in you."
Then, she looked down to the floor tilting her head as she let her hands change into the ice claws that she wore when she drop the human charade.
"Stop acting cautious. If, I wanted to kill you I would have done it when you left you last class going into your dorm." Mizune said.
Turning to the window she opened it and put one leg on the mouth of the window ciel.
"Well, later." She said as she jumped out of the window.
Nathan blinked as she was suddenly gone. He shuddered. "What exactly was her problem...?" He murmured and wrapped himself up in his blanket once more. He stood up and walked over to his bed, laying down in it and falling asleep once more. Since tomorrow would be an off day for him, he would stay asleep in his bed, tired and oversleeping.
Mizune, returned in the morning watching him to see if he was going to leave his room from behind a tree. Seeing that he was not coming out of his room she went to sit on the window ceil outside, sliding the window open she slipped inside and closed it back quietly. She looked at the bed and saw him sleeping. She sat under the window putting her head on her head she watched him sleep. If he stirred she made sure that he could not see her.
When he would finally awaken, he sat up with a loud yawn and looked around, not seeing anyone in the room. He stood up and stretched, popping his joints before he moved over to his desk to get on his computer. He was tired, but he was trying to wake up with some porn to watch. He began to scroll through different sites and watch different videos but he seemed uninterested in it all the entire time he watched.
Mizune continued to watch him. Seeing him get up and walk over to his desk where his laptop resided. She then saw him, scrolling through some porn websites and watching some videos. She blushed a light pink and moved back against the wall making a small sound. That she was sure he might hear so she moved spots.
Hoping that he didn't hear her, although she had some interest in him, but after all of her stalking...she did not know anyone in the school that watched or woke up wanting some porn.
When he heard Mizune shuffling across the wall, his eyes widened as he turned around and saw her. "Y-You again...!?" He quickly began to shut off the computer and exit out of the porn sites he was on and turned to look at her, not noticing that he had an erection. "Why are you back, snow woman...!?" He was moreover cautious than angry as he looked to her, biting his bottom lip.
She blushed even more as she was caught by him. Seeing him quickly, exit out of the sites and close his computer. Mizune stood up with her hands behind her back.
"I'm sorry.....I will be going now, bye. And don't worry I won't tell anyone." she said as she looked at the window and began to walk towards it planning on escaping.
"No wait...!" He said as he stood up and walked over, putting a hand on her shoulder and stopping her. "You don't have to go...There...must be a reason as to the reason you're stalking me. Why would you stalk me, of all people? What point is there to stalk me? What do you see in me...snow woman?"
Mizune was full intending to leave until, she felt his hand on her shoulder. She was blushing her eyes looking towards the bed.
"Really, but I think I need to obviously you need some alone time. Isn't there always a reason to stalk people? Take a wild guess...I said there was someone that you strike a interest in didn't I? And what, I see isn't a normal monster....just a kind of person that I take to." she just said it so she could stop blushing and get out of there.
She really didn't mind getting caught stalking , but this time was an exception. She saw something that she shouldn't have. Although, she could have been straight forward like she normally was, but after a few moments ago she just couldn't do that she needed some fresh air.
"So you're interested in me...is that it" He asked as he let her go and crossed his arms. He smiled gently, ignoring the fact his cock was slowly lowering due to the situation. "Well...If you find me that interesting...Then I'll admit I find you a bit interesting as well." He walked in front of her and smiled. "So...What exactly is it that you always stalk me for? Is it my looks? My personality? Or is it just something else? I'm just curious, snow woman."
Mizune silently cursed her luck that she couldn't use the window sense he was in the way. Well, without attacking him she wouldn't get through. She blushed lightly when he said that he finds her a bit interesting.
She had been stalking him long enough to get a gist of what his personality was like.
" The first two and the name is Mizune, not snow woman. Nyx boy." she stretched the last part.Taking a step closer to him as she said it.
"The name is Mizune got it?" she repeated.
"Yes Mizune...A very beautiful name." He smiled gently as he reached forward and took her hands gently, holding one up to his cheek and smiling. "You're so cold...But I can feel your inner warmth surging through you...Mizune. You may be a snow woman...but I bet you have a heart of burning passion, do you not?" He smiled and continued to hold her hands and looked into her eyes. "Its okay for you to stalk me. Just try not to kill me, alright?"
Mizune blushed lightly again when he complemented her on her name and the rest of what he said.
"Yea, I d." Mizune answered.
She looked down at their hands to keep herself distracted.
"I won't kill you." Mizune said.
Still looking at his hands they felt warm. And they were bigger than hers, well, bigger than her human ones. By reflex to this thought, her hands folded over his.
He smiled to her and winked. "You ain't so bad when you are talking to me, face to face and in person. You're pretty cute actually, if not beautiful looking." He laughed and patted her hands gently. "Well, I won't keep you waiting if you need to get out of here...but if you want to stay in here with me, you're very much welcome to, Mizune."
Mizune continued to blush lightly. Then she looked up at him with her eyes the same as always bored looking. She was wondering why he was so nice....like Tsukune.
"Mind if I set on your bed." Mizune asked as she looked at the bed.
It was still a little messy. Although, she didn't care she just wanted to sit in his room a while before leaving.
"Yeah yeah...sure...Uh..." He looked to the bed and began to move some blankets for her to sit on the bare bed rather than a mess. He sat down at his computer chair and frowned. "Just try not to walk in on me when I'm...looking at research alright?" He murmured as he rubbed the back of his head, his face a small flush of pink.
Mizune walked over to the bed and sat down after, he cleaned it off and left to go sit at his desk. She looked at him and saw him frown.
"I will ...try.."
"Wished some big breasted succubus would do some of that research and leave Tsukune alone." she whispered.
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