The New Recruit (Jugger x Neon)

"Beast...Form...? What...What are you talking about? A beast form?" He frowned and unsheathed his sword, looking to the color of the blade and noted that it was also a different kind of sword. Instead of a katana like most zanpakto, it was actually a saber. "What do you mean a beast form? Or do you just mean its bankai form?"
"By, beast form I mean the form it shows you when you meditate and enter the sword. That's the form it pops up to you in. That is if it even has one. All blades that have a Bankai have a name and you must find out its name first. But, it is quiet know that your blade has a hatred for hallows. See if you could understand that first." Rangiku advised as she started to head back to her room.
"Go to you quarters and try to enter the blade and talk to it. If it doesn't want to talk it will simply force you out meaning you are talking things to fast." Rangiku explained.
(Thought they were already in her room to begin with...? lol. Also could you RP out my blade? Doesn't matter what you name him/her or what he/she looks like. If you don't feel like it, I'll RP out my blade. For when the time comes I mean.)

"Yes, miss teacher." He replied and stood up, bowed to her, and turned to leave so that he could try and communicate with his blade. He tried all night, but to no success. He had no luck and had no sleep last night. He wouldn't even leave his quarters unless someone came to check him out to see if he was alright. He seemed...tired...dumbfounded as he looked at the blade as it lay on the bed. He dozed off several times but resumed his meditation. By the time someone would walk in to see, he would actually be in mid-air as he fell backwards and was falling off of the bed to head straight toward the floor for slumber.
((lol she took him outside to show him her shikai an how its done and sure I think I can do that.))

He had been trying to get into the blade all freaking night. And quiet frankly he thought he would never give up. He saw how he would go to sleep only to wake back up and try again. Why, wasn't his wielder getting it? He was not going to let him in anytime soon. Why should he?
Rangiku had knocked on the door and walked in to see him tying to enter that blade. That is until, he fell backwards.
"Her, kid are you...the idiot fell asleep." Rangiku whispered the last part as she just looked at him and then the blade.
"I guess that blade isn't making it easy on him." Rangiku confirmed as she quietly turned around and began to exit the room.
(Oh yeaaaah I knew that lol)

Several hours later, Nathan would awaken slowly. He murmured lightly as he sat up and held his head in pain since he had fallen on it when he fell back. "Dammit...I still could not get it to work...Dammit why won't you let me see your human form..." HE murmured as he saw the blade just sitting there like he did before. He stood up and sighed, sheathing the blade before going out to see if Rangiku was around for their next mission. "Miss teacher? Where are you?"
He damn right almost laughed his head off when he saw his master get up and fume a little. At least he was alive after that had hit to the head. The boy wanted to see his human form? Why so suddenly though. In fact he didn't know that he even existed until he died. Sighing he proceeded to not pay attention to him. Rangiku exited he room and started to walk down the hall before she noticed someone calling out for someone else. She then recognized the voice and started to head towards it.
"Oh! Miss teacher, there you are! I hope I didn't cause a problem for...uh...sleeping in. I'm ready to take on a mission if you're willing to go out there and fight some hollow....Though...I think I am a bit confused...I would like to ask you something...The Shikai form...isn't that the form as to when the true form of my Zanpakto comes out? Like it turns into a completely different weapon possibly? I'm just wondering..."
Rangiku spotted him.
"So you're finally, up and no you didn't cause any problems. And I have been ready to out and hunt Hallows kid."
The rest of his questions took her by surprise. He didn't know? This kid was lacking a lot of information about the Zanpakto's.
"No, kid its the bankai form. Shikai is second release bankai is the third all release. So you don't see it in battles much that involve captains unless its needed." Rangiku spoke as shed began to lead the way towards the portal to the human world.
"I was...just confused is all...I just woke up. I got the two mixed up...Sorry..." He rubbed the back of his head as he seemed disappointed in himself. "Well...Lets go hunt some hollows. I'm sure my zanpakto is itching for their 'blood'." He said sarcastically with the help of him crooking his fingers around the word 'blood' to show this. "Miss teacher, I'll be right behind you. Lead the way!" He seemed to instantly become happier.
Rangiku looked back at her charge with widened eyes and a couple of blinks.
"Huh? Isn't he cheerful?" Rangiku whispered as she continue to head towards the device that would get them to the human world. Once, stepping on the device she waited for him to follow suit and they would appear in the world of the living.
Once they were teleported to the human realm, or rather the world of the living, Nathan looked around and frowned, crossing his arms. "So...miss teacher...Where is the hollow we will be hunting...?" He said as he patted her shoulder and smiled cheerfully to her, a small blush to his face as he was standing so close to the woman that had been his teacher and with the massive cleavage to represent her large breasts that he had always eyed from afar.
Rangiku sighed as she stretched her arms. And then hearing his question and then feeling his hand on her shoulder she began to think. What use would be his training if he didn't sense them himself? Well, today would just have to be a practice slash training session. "You will be finding it kid." Rangiku answered as she looked at him. "Lets see what you got." Rangiku finished. She wanted to see how well he would sense a hallow. And this time he will have to find a way to beat it without her help.
"Well..." He blushed lightly as he began to hold his hilt of the zanpakto in his sheathe. He smiled lightly as he blushed and the banes of his hair covered his eyes as he spoke. "R-Rangiku...Do you think...You could give me a reward if I succeed in finding and silencing this hallow...?" He looked to her with one eye showing through his banes. "Could you maybe...Reward me with a small kiss...?"
Rangiku looked over at him before putting her hand on her chin. Putting her hand on her hand before making a slight sound. "Hmmm, yea I guess." Rangiku answered. Usually, she doesn't get requests or questions like that from anyone. But, the kid asked and if he can take down that Hallow all on his own then be it, he will get his 'prize.' "Sure why not kid?"
He beamed happily. "T-Thank you!" He said as he drew his zanpakto and held it outward. He began to feel the bloodlust for a hollow and began to follow the sword, the bloodlust getting stronger the closer he got until he felt nothing but chaotic thoughts from the sword that were filled with pure intentions. "H-Holy shit..." He murmured as he looked around, feeling as if the hollow was right near them. But where?
Rangiku shook her head before, she decided to follow him. She noticed that he was following his blade. Obviously, the blasted thing had a extreme hatred for hallows since it would lead its master straight to it. She heard him say 'holy shit' before looking around. He was right in looking around, she could feel it there. But, she couldn't see it. Feeling something come from her right she jumped towards her left a landed a ways away from it. Seeing thee Hallow finally revealing itself she yelled as she saw it go far her trainee. "Watch it kid! It's behind you!"
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