The New Recruit (Jugger x Neon)

"Hmmm, maybe little Ichiro has had a bad run in with a hallow." Rangiku guessed.
"Best way to know is to ask Ichiro. That's the only way." Rangiku explained as she once again tried to get her Zanpakto to cooperate.
Rangiku leaning back into the couch some, sighed as she once again spoke.
"Take your time kid, you'll get there."
When he saw her lay back, he blushed as he saw her breasts jiggle with the motion. "Ichiro is just a sword...He can't talk. Though I can feel his blood lust for hollows. He wanted to kill that one so badly that it felt like he'd just fly out of my hand and do it himself." He frowned and crossed his arms. "Its confusing...How am I to speak to Ichiro? He's just a sword!"
"Don't say that he isn't just a sword." Rangiku stated seeing Himimoru walking into the room. She was using him again and without Hitsugaya's permission.
"Oh, hey there Himimoru." she said turning to him.
" See, Himimoru is Captain Hitsugaya's zanpakto and he isn't just a blade." Rangiku explained.
(Wait...Can the Zanpakto actually form into a human form in the real world? I thought it was only in that weird little world Ichigo got sucked into those few times? I didn't get that far into the anime then if thats the case.)
((Yea they can. But, the wielder still keeps the blade and the Zanpakto spirit has the same blade as their masters.))
(Ah. Interesting.)

"I...I had no idea..." He said as he saw Himimura enter the room. He felt uneasy. An actual zanpakto in human form? He had never seen such a thing before...He looked to the hilt that poked out of his sheathe and sighed as he gripped the zanpakto. "I wonder what kind of person you will be...someone who probably just wants to have a blood lust and kill hollows entirely. Thats all I feel coming from you whenever I wield you." He turned to Rangiku and frowned. "When is our next assignment?"
Rangiku looked at him and she started to think. He was eager to meet his Zanpakto, but he was confused and she could tell. Not knowing what kind of person it will be or how it would react.
"Tomorrow." Rangiku answered.
Still, wondering herself what kind of Zanpakto is red and has there been one that was that color before.
"Tomorrow? How are we going to draw him into his or her human form? What if it isn't human?" He crossed his arms. "What happens then? Will it hate me for not knowing what it wants from me? Will our bond slowly break to the point where it would not choose me to be its owner anymore? I'm a bit...worried, if my sword is as 'human' as you say it is, then should it have feelings or is it just...knowing to do what I say, I wonder?"
"You worry to much kid." Rangiku said then looking at him leaning off the coach and facing him. Putting a finger in front of her face.
"Listen up kid, you'll find a way to get him out of the blade, but that is something that you have to do on your own. The Zanpakto are born with their user and they die with their user. More than likely it is familiar with you. It might not attack you, but to find out more about your Zanpakto you must talk to it. Convince it to come out on its own. Which is the only way they can come out and will come out." she explained.
"Don't rush it, give it time to adjust being wielded by you, but one thing that all Zanpakto's are for is to protect their wielders. It won't harm you." Rangiku said.
"Although they have their own personalities though." she finished as she looked back at her Zanpakto and sighed.
"Mine is stubborn." she said.
"Yours is...stubborn? How so? I thought it was supposed to heed to your every whim since its pretty much your servant...? Or rather not servant, but just your protector?" He crossed his arms and thought hard about this. "Well...Whatever...I'm eager to go out and start fighting more hollows if it means I get better."
"Like I said before they have personalities and mine definitely has a stubborn one." Rangiku answered.
"And good, nice to know you is so enthusiastic," Rangiku spoke before sighing.
"Hineoko, I know your in there, why won't you walk to me?" Rangiku tried. And at that moment Hitsugaya stepped into the room.
"How many times must i tell you Matsumoto, to not use my Zanpakto as your slave." he spoke as he walked in.
"Well, its not like he had anything better to do." she replied.
"Wait a sec...This kid is the...Huh...Just goes to show how far you can go in the world even if your'e dead..." He said as he saw the lieutenant badge on Hitsugaya's uniform. He looked to Rangiku. "And you were using his zanpakto as a slave? Just...What the hell have I gotten myself into?" He murmured with a frown as he laid back and laid there on the bed, looking to the ceiling, not really caring for Hitsugaya's presence in the room.
"I am not a kid." Hitsugaya warned looking back at Rangiku.
"Wrong move new kid. You're not in trouble kid so don't worry about it." Rangiku said.
"And I will be taking my Zanpakto back." he said as Himimoru left the room.
"How was his first try Rangiku?"
"Oh, it went well, all except for his arm that is."she said,
"Next time, don't be so forgetful. Rreport into me as soon as you get back so I won't have to hunt you down." he said as he left the room.
"By, the way that is your captain. I am his lieutenant." Rangiku stated.
"Captain's are promoted for being able to use bankai. And there skills." Rangiku explained.
"Bankai...Interesting..." He smiled to Rangiku and laid there with her. "I still don't know if I'll be able to make it. Will I be able to wait years and years just to meet my zanpakto, or to use Shikai, or just to even use Bankai? I wonder what my Bankai is like? Will it be a physical form or will ir just enhance my abilities? Its all a mystery to me...I don't know what to do when the times comes, miss teacher."
"I see your very anxious and full of questions kid." Rangiku started then sighed.
"All, you can do is take your time. Although Bankai is hard to master and even use." she continued looking up at the cieling.
"So, don't worry, when the time comes you'll have help remember? You have me to help." Rangiku soothed.
"Yeah...I wouldn't have anyone else come and help me." He said with a smile to her as he looked in her direction as they both lay on the bed. "So...Miss teacher...When will we go out on a mission once more? I am eager to go out and learn from you in many different ways. I am looking forward to you teaching me, miss Teacher."
"Well, I could show you around the soul society a bit. Or how a shikai is called upon." Rangiku suggested as she stood up and re-equipped Heiniko back by her side.
"Shikai sounds good." He said and stood up with a smile. "Miss Rangiku...I'm sure that you'd make a wonderful ally someday. Er...Um..." He blushed. "By that, I meant something else...I just feel too embarrassed to say what I truly mean. Being young and timid at first. But I'm sure over time, my life as a soul reaper will harden my personality."
Rangiku wasn't sure of what he was saying , but the end part she understood quiet well.
"I'm sure it will toughen you up, just take your time kid." Rangiku advised as she headed out of the room.
"We're heading outside and I am going to show you how shikai is done." Rangiku said as she started down the halls and leading them outside.
"Alright." drawing out her Zanpakto she looked back at him to see if he was there then forward again.
"Growl Heineko." as she finished her Zanpakto awoke into a path of grey cloud like dust only the hilt remained.
"Thats it...I mean, forgive me if I'm skeptical but...All you did was tell it to growl and all of a sudden there is a mist surrounding you....I...I don't get it!" He frowned and looked to his zanpakto. "Just showing me won't be enough, you have to TELL me what to do, whether I have to form spirit energy in a certain portion of my body, I don't know...Miss Rangiku what should I do?"
Rangiku laughed at what he was saying.
"Actually, it is harder to do than you think. Every captain and lieutenant have a different shikai and a different way to awaken." Sighing Rangiku continued.
"It takes time kid, you need to find out more from you Zanpakto." She said.
Turning back to him she then started to think of a easier way to explain it.
"Alright well I guess I won't learn much from him if I've just started...I've just obtained Ichiro only a week ago during training and now I must learn to understand him or her..." He frowned and crossed his arms. "Is there any way you can think of that could help me get my spirit energy out though? It might help with my training."
"Learn its name." Rangiku said.
"Its the only way to reach shikai the second release form. Many cannot accomplish this. The Zanpakto is the very form of your own spirit energy. As well, each Zanpakto has its own key saying like mine. But, how you find your, Zanpakto name is completely up to you kid. But, you can focus on the blade and enter it through your mind. See if you can talk to it." Rangiku suggested.
"Well...Its true I don't know its name. I just heard people call out a name to their zanpakto so I figured they just made one up...Ichiro isn't its true name. It could be anything. I don't even know if its a male or female so how awkward would that be if it was a female and I actually named it Ichiro, a boy's name...?" He frowned. "Well...I can try to focus on the blade in my mind...but I feel awkward whenever I wield it. Its...Its like it calls out for hollow's blood, even though they don't have one. Can it truly just...have a problem with hollows to begin with?"
"Could be." Rangiku answered.
"I mean that Zanpakto is an awkward color to begin with. Its red, blood red." Rangiku noted.
"Well, you need to finds its name and talk to it. At least try to see its beast form." Rangiku suggested.
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