The New Recruit (Jugger x Neon)


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan was a new soul reaper at the soul society. He was assigned to be trained under Matsumoto Rangiku, whom he had no information about. So when he met her, he was...awe struck in both a sexual way and a delighted way. Her breasts were huge! And the flowing blond hair only made her more beautiful. Her cleavage was so visible that he hoped her breasts slipped out of her uniform as she would train him. "Good morning, sensei." He said before bowing down and then looking up to her. "I hope you'll train me well. I'm willing to learn and will undergo any mission you decide to take for us."
Rangku was waiting outside for her charge that she as assigned to, with her arms crossed.
"What is taking this guy s long." she said and then she noticed him walking towards him.
Letting him introduce himself and bow she then turned to him.
"Your my charge, I take it? Well, its about time. How long did they brief you in there?" Rangiku spoke. Then sighing she continued.
"Well, never mind, welcome to my squad, m name is Matsumoto Rangiku." she introduced herself.
Turning away from him she started to walk away.
"Well, are you coming? We don't have all day you know?"
He blinked. "Y-Yes ma'am!" He called out to her and ran to catch up with her, grinning happily as he was partnered up with such a sexy beast of a woman. He walked alongside her, hand on the hilt of his zanpakto as it lay in its sheathe. "I was not briefed on anything...what exactly will we be doing? All I know is that I'm going to the human world for the first time since I died. Wonder what its like since I died..."
Looking over her shoulder she spoke to him.
"Oh, you mean to tell me they didn't tell you anything? That sure makes the job harder on me. Listen up kid because I am only saying this once." Rangiku started.
"You are going to the human world to learn and take out Hallow's. Not to tour around like a school girl." she continued.
"Besides, you will have enough time for that later, but right now you have to get down to business." she advised.
They continued to walk through the soul society.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Just take me to the human world so we can finish up this mission." He replied as they walked to the teleporter that would send them to the human world. "So...Watch my back okay? I have only just gotten my zanpakto and I still need to get a feel for using it." He said as he gripped the hilt and unsheathe it, revealing the crimson red blade that was in the form of a saber rather than the regular swords that everyone else usually had.
"Wow, aren't we grumpy today." she joked.
"Oh, well. and of course. You think I am stupid or something of course you have only gotten it today. No let's go and get this over with? By the way pt that dangerous thing away before you hurt yourself." Rangiku said before she stepped into the teloporter.
"Yes ma'am..." He said with a sigh as he sheathed his blade and followed her into the teleporter. They appeared in the human world and he looked around, interested in how much it had changed since he had died. "So where is the hollow at...?" He questioned. "I don't feel a presence anywhere. Should we just have a look around?" He asked as he hopped up on a fence post to get a better view of the neighborhood so that he could try and see the hollow.
Sighing Rangiku looked up at him as he jumped on a post.
"Get down from there, will you it might now appear right away. But one is said to appear in a ally was just north of here.
She started to walk in the general direction.
"Come on let's get a move on already." she called back as she continued to head north.
"Yes ma'am." He called out to her before dropping down to the ground and walked out toward her. He followed behind her, blushing lightly as he saw her breasts bouncing as she walked and he just continued to think about how beautiful his teacher was. "A-Any sign of it anywhere? We're in the city now...It could be in any one of these alleys..." He said as he looked around, interested in how everything looked so different from what he remembered.
Rangiku turned to her left and she then stopped. Looking around the place she affirmed the information.
"Well, it is suppose to be appear here." she said.
she looked at her student.
"I guess we just wait here." she said before feeling the hallows presence.
"Well that was quicker than I thought." she said as the Hallow began to appear in front of them.
"Get ready kid."
Nathan drew his zanpakto saber and the crimson blade seemed to vibrate in his hands as if it were in need of a bloodlust from the hollow. He did not know what this meant. He bit his lip as he could feel the blade's desire to kill the hollow...So he fed the blade's desire and he rushed the hollow with a bloody roar. "Lets go, Ichiro!" He said to his blade as he jumped high in the air to gain a vantage point as he began to dive down toward the hollow in an attempt to pierce into its body.
Rangiku was going to tell him how to kill the hollow, but she then heard him charge at the blasted thing and sighed. This was going to be more troublesome than she thought originally.
"Hey! wait kid! At least let me tell you how to kill it first." she said. Seeing that is was already to late she decided to stand-by and watch if anything happened.
When he got close, he tried to slash his sword out at the hollow but the massive creature only managed to knock him into Rangiku with a large swipe of his large arm. He fell back onto Rangiku and groaned. "At least something cushiony broke my fall..." He replied, referencing her large breasts as he stood up and held his arm. "D-Damn I feel like it broke my fucking arm...! Ow ow ow..."
Rangiku saw him flying towards her, and with a 'oof' she felt him collide with her chest.
"I told you to wait." Rangiku said, as she sighed.
"Alright listen here kid. You have to cut that Hallows mask." Rangiku said.
"But, if you arm hurts to bad then I'll do it." Rangiku said as she looked at him, and stood back up.
"Now, stop complaining and get to it."
"Did I not mention that my arm was broken, ma'am?" He said with a frown as he held his dominant right arm and held his saber with his left hand. He didn't know if he'd be any better with holding his weapon with this hand. 'Whatever...Gotta prove myself...!' He thought in his head as he began to rush out toward the hollow and leapt toward it, attempting to go for its mask as he slashed the saber at it.
"Don't you think that your a little to grumpy?" Rangiku said sighing.
"Prove yourself or get killed kid?" Rangiku asked him as he once again dashed off.
Sighing she drew out her Zanpakto. Growl Haineko." she spoke as her Zanpakto tuned into grey cloud like dust offering support to her wounded charge.
When his saber made contact to the mask of the hollow, it cut the beast in half starting from the mask and up. He ended up falling through the beast as it suddenly disappeared into dust as it died and he fell down on his bad arm, causing him to cry out in pain as he tried to hold onto it. "D-Damn this hurts...So much...even though I'm dead..." He murmured and looked up to his teacher. "Did I do good, ma'am?"
"Yea, you did good kid." she praised.
Walking over to him she looked at his arm carefully.
"Are you alright, Will you be okay until we get back to the Soul Society?" Rangiku asked as she shiethed her Zanpakto.
After, seeing him get back up she decided to go and report to her captain of his efforts and then to give him a break and some recovery.
"Yeah I'll be fine...just need to go to the recovery unit when we get back and let them have a look at my arm...Maybe I need to get some armor or something...these robes just aren't protecting me...I don't understand why I need to wear them but whatever, if its regulation then I guess I have no choice...Can you make the portal back to the soul society so that we can have this checked while you go report back?
"Well, if you say so." Rangiku then touched something on her ear.
"Were ready." she said before they both disappeared from the living world. As, they landed at the teleportation device she then started to walk off to her division.
"All, right you go get that checked. Ill go report." she said walking off.
Nathan nodded as he turned to head to the medical unit. After several hours of them treating his arm and healing it, he would return to his division to try and find Rangiku. "Sensei? Are you around?" He called out as he eventually began to head to her room, knocking on her door and opening it to see if she was in there. "Sensei?"
She was sitting there trying to get her Zanpakto to come out. Upon hearing sensei being called out she answered.
"Come on in. I'm over here." Rangiku replied.
"They said, some more training with the hallowz until, you can handle them without being hurt." she informed.
"Tomorrow we will be hunting hallows more. Now that arm of yours needs rest."
"Yes, ma'am." He replied and moved to sit next to her, blushing lightly as they were alone in her room together. Her large breasts caught his eyes and he watched them out of the corner of his eyes, trying not to erect to the many thoughts he craved from his teacher. "R-Rangiku...So tell me...How long before you think I can be a good soul reaper like you?"
Rangiku put a finger to her chin and looked up at the ceiling.
"Well, it definitively isn't a miracle one day thing. But, a couple of years maybe a bunch depending on your skill." she said.
"Why? are you eager already?" Rangiku said encouragingly.
"I'm eager to see what Ichiro looks like in his true form...his Shikai form and the true form of my blade rather than this red saber that seems to yearn for the destruction of hollows." He shrugged. "What do you think, about this Rangiku?"
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