Discovering the Qun

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"In a sense it doesn't really matter how attractive you are. In any case, I'm not marked as a Talvashoth, they wouldn't risk an international incident." He said softly. "Or the return of the Qunari" He added before he shook his head slowly. "Besides, Templars won't just outright kill you, they'll capture you to take you to trial, unless you give them reason to kill you outright, like say freaking out and attacking them preemptively." He looked down to the hand on his chest and covered it with his much larger hand before leaning in suddenly and pressing his lips to Malk's. He tried to be gentle, his other arm wrapping about the smaller man and lifting him.
Malik was surprised when Arakh kissed him but didn't hesitate to kiss back. His tongue peeking out from between his lips to lick at the Kossith's lips as his free hand moved up to behind his head pulling him in for a deeper kiss as he pressed his lithe body against the larger man's.
Arakh lifted the smaller man easily before pinning him to a nearby wall. His lips pressed forcefully forward but he made careful checks of the amount of strength he used. Forcing the man's robes up he stroked beneath them his fingers running up his inner thigh. His hands cupped the man's sack stroking his perineum with his index finger as his thumb grazed slowly back and forth upward to the base of his member.
Malik moaned as he was forced to the wall and felt his robed being pushed aside by the larger man as he began to grope his thighs and then his sack and member. Groaning Malik looked up to Arakh with lust in his eyes. "I-I shouldn't be the only one exposed now should I?" The mage said as he used his magic to make ethereal hands appear and begin to pull the Koosith's pants, and undergarments down before they went to work on his member rolling his testicles between their ghostly fingers.
"I guess so" He said before he felt the fingers groping him. "Except theirs are cold and mine are warm." He said before his sizable member stiffened and he ran the tip slowly along the smaller man's thigh. Kissing down to his throat he stroked higher running his fingers along his member then downward before kissing him again. His lips were hungry and forceful as they parted Malik's before his tongue stroke its tip gently against his upper lip.
Malik stopped the magical hands from groping him as his own hands took their place on Arakh's member and as he felt Malik's own before kissing him. Malik allowed his tongue to move out from his lips and meet with Arakh's own as they kissed. Malik panted lightly as he removed his robe completely allowing his almost naked form to be seen, his feet were still clad in his boots.

He kissed softly along the man's neck and down to his chest before nipping his way back up to his lips. Slowly stroking back and forth along the man's member he smiled before he lifted the man higher his member stroking down along Malik's. Looking to him with a grin he smiled. "Oh my wouldn't it be terrible if some bandits came upon us now, we'd be totally defenseless."
Malik moaned as Arakh's member rubbed against his own as his own hips rutted againest the larger mans causing more friction between the two as Malik kissed the Kossith's neck. "Shh...if you talk about them too much they might come before we get to." Malik said with a smirk as he continued his ministrations.
He kissed and cooed along the man's neck slowly kissing upward before nipping his ear and stroking his member downward till it brushed over his perineum. Dragging it back up he ran his member along the Malik's stomach before kissing him deeply once more. Slipping back he lowered the man before winking to him. "Hhmm to continue..or to ravage you on the floor."
Malik smiled as he was placed on the ground. Looking up at the the larger man Malik spread his legs open a bit as he regarded him. "Well my innuendo was more before we ~come~ so any of the options would be good, though I'm leaning towards being ravished." Malik said as he stroked his cock while anticipating Arakh to start ravishing him.
He moved closer to the man before he slowly lowered himself to the ground and crawled over him. He kissed him roughly before he pressed him back and ran his member along the man's thighs and backside then leaned down to bite softly at his collarbone as he pinned him and began to trail the tip of his member back and forth along Malik's perineum.
Malik leaned into the touches that the Kossith gave, as well as the kisses. Malik also couldn't help but moan as he felt the man's member trail along his thighs and rear and thrust his hips back to meet it as his own hands trailed the man's finely toned chest. "Come on, stop teasing. You know you want me, so take me." Malik said with a smile before tweaking Arakh's nipple with his finger
Arakh looked at the smaller man before he leaned up and grasped the back of the man's head. His member was sizeable enough that its tip looked rather odd as he pressed it to Malik's lips. "I think you need something to keep that mouth of yours occupied." He said as he reached down to stroke a finger back and forth along Malik's perineum. The finger slipped slowly back an forth before he slipped it down and slowly pressed into the man's backside.
Malik moaned as he kissed Arakh's member his tongue peeking out to lick the tip and moaned as he felt the man's fingers begin to enter him. Grasping Arakh's large cock Malik began to stroke it as he began to take the thick cock into his mouth swirling his tongue around it. He was having a bit of difficulty with it because he had never done this with a cock this big before but he enjoyed the taste, the musky scent, the way it felt in his mouth.
Pressing forward instinctively towards the feeling of his lover's tongue he groaned before his member flexed and swelled to its full length and he pushed forward trapping the man's head between his member and a wall behind him. Hew tried to avoid pushing forward as he felt the hand stroking along down to his balls before pulling up. Arakh for his part continued to slowly delve his finger into the man feeling his body squeezing his finger viciously. "I don't think I'll fit" He said teasingly.
Malik took the cock out of his mouth as he looked up at Arakh as he licked the head of the Kossith's cock. "Maybe...but I'm able to heal so it wont be too bad." Malik said before kissing the man's cock once more before going back to work on it again.
Arakh smirked before he pushed forward his member pushing against the man trapping his head between the wall and itself. "Mmm you sexy little thing, I just want to push every inch into you." He groaned softly.
Malik moaned as Arakh's member pushed further into his mouth as he sucked on it with a smile. He would have responded to what Arakh said but his mouth was full. One of his hands continued to stroke Arakh's cock, the other hand began to stroke his own.
He pushed his member deeper before he suddenly pulled back before running the tip gently along his lover's lips. Looking down to him he blew a kiss before he stroked his fingers along the back of his head then down to the back of his neck.
Malik groaned as he licked Arakh's cock as it was pressed to his lips before the Kossith's hands moved to his head then were run down his neck. "Mm...Not that I'm not enjoying this but...perhaps we could go a bit further now?" Malik said as he sucked on his own fingers before starting to finger his own hole.
"Oh my, aren't you a greedy one. Saving nothing for the mystery huh?" He asked before he slipped his member down running it over the man's body before he pushed him forcibly onto his back and lifted his legs. Leaning in close he kissed him deeply as his member brushed down past the smaller man's perineum. He wanted to see the look in his eyes when he finally penetrated him.
Malik smiled as Arakh's large member trailed over his body and eventually made it's way lower towards his anus. He felt a shiver go down his spine as he got closer to it and panted a little bit as he waited for him to push himself into Malik. "mmm maybe you're just too hot and I don't want to cum from only looking at you and sucking your cock?"
He looked to the man beneath him before he leaned in to look at him. "Hhmm for a tiny man you sure have a big mouth." Kissing him forcibly Arakh pushed forward slowly his member's tip kissing the soft pucker of the man's backside. He pushed with slowly growing pressure as he continued the kiss his hand coming up to stroke the man's cock pinching its base lightly. "You don't cum until I say you can." He whispered huskily into his ear."
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