Discovering the Qun

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Malik pulled out his pouch of coins when he saw Arakh do so. Looking through it he had about 10 gold. As they continued to walked Malik wondered what kind of staff to buy. He figured he'd wait and see when he got to the shop, after all there was no point in deciding what to buy without seeing what he COULD buy.

When Arakh pulled back his hood Malik was about to protest when Arakh made a very valid point. Shrugging Malik conceded to the point. "Yeah. At least with you I wont be lonely and I wont be as easily killed." However at the compliment Malik blushed a bit as he smiled up at Arakh. "Y-yeah I guess I do look suspicious like that." Malik said before nodded to Arakh again when he offered up the idea of splitting up for a little bit. "Alright I'll see you in just a little bit then." Malik said with a smile before he began to make his way to the blacksmith to buy himself a staff.
"Oh really? And here I thought I was going to use you as a human shield while I fled." He said with a snicker before he shook his head slowly. He sighed as he looked to Malik walking towards the Blacksmith. "I never thought of Blacksmiths as the type to sell staffs." HE said as he pointed off in another direction. "In thedas maybe, but in Kirkwall you'd want to go to another shop." He said before he entered the smithy. He talked to the man briefly and showed him the sword. Soon he was fitted for an odd scabbard that folded around the sword allowing for its easy removal despite its size. Strapping it across his back he paid the man fifty silver.

He looked over a few other wares and had himself fitted for several things before being told to return later. Stepping outside the store he headed towards the docs after being asking a passer by the location for a qunari compound.
(Don't worry I have a plan for being at the blacksmith's, I'm not screwing up needlessly. ^_^)

Malik looked around the black smith's place looking at the blades and shields. Walking over to the counter Malik began to talk with the shop keeper. Malik decided that he should get a dagger or something so that if a templar approached them on their travels he could pass himself off as just a normal human traveling with a Qunari. The staff he would explain as something he nicked from some mage bandit. He smiled before buying a cheap dagger and leaving the shop to go pick out a staff. Perhaps he should buy some armor so he could more easily fill the role he was attempting to fill. Shaking his head. Malik walked over and bought himself a staff, glad to have a weapon he knew how to use properly in his hands he began to make his way to the old Qunari compound. If he needed it then he could go and buy some armor with Arakh, maybe even get his input on it.
Arakh waiting by the door for some time, people milled about him whispering to one another while tossing him glances. They didn't say much, they were used to seeing Kossith but after the recent upset it was a matter of discomfort for many. His farmhand clothes did stand to make him look a bit less ferocious but they certainly didn't endear him to any of the passerbys who saw his massive sword and rippling physique as a potential threat, as though he could take on the city and pose some kind of a challenge unless dealt with. Seeing Malik approach his eyes flicked to the dagger on his belt and he quipped. "What? buying children's toys?"
Malik rolled his eyes with a smile as he approached his companion. Standing in front of the Kossith Malik smiled. "No...clever disguise. I think I might go buy some armor as well to complete the look. If I can pass off as a rouge or something I could say I took the staff from some mage bandit. This way templars wont bother us. Clever no?" Malik said with a happy grin. He looked around at the attention that Arakh was getting quite a bit of attention. "Damn, I know your good looking but I didn't think you'd have this many people just staring at you." Malik said with a playful grin.
"Or you could wear mage robes tailored to look like merchant robes, say you're a merchant and I'm your body guard." He said with a smirk. "I'd hate to see you bruised by armor you likely have no clue how to wear." He teased before leaning closer to look him over. "Also most thieves are plainclothed or wear leather as armor hinders movement. If you wore armor it would interfere with both spell casting and movement." He said slowly. "As for the staff, its just an ornate walking stick you picked up at a stall. As you are not a mage you can't use it, or detect magic and had no idea it was a staff." He retorted. "Or we could get you other robes, say you're a mage from Tevinter. They wouldn't attack you without it being a public relations disaster..I mean unlss they ask for papers." He suggested. "Then again..some rogues do wear tight clothes...maybe we should try your idea first.."
Malik nodded at the idea that the Kossith explained his own idea of what story he should go with. When he commented on having Malik wear some tight armor. Smiling Malik walked over closer and placed his hand on the Kossith's chest as he smiled up at him. "You know something? Mage clothes are pretty damn easy to get out of. And besides with robes, I don't have to wear pants underneath...or anything else." Malik said with a smile as he continued to rub the man's chest.
He looked the man over before he shook his head before leaning forward. "I know..but you should be careful lest we get arrested for public indecency with you bringing up such ideas." He said before he took the mage's hand in his own and playfully nipped at one of his fingers. His lips softly ran along the tiny delicate digit before he pulled back and turned. "Come, we have some abandoned homes to explore." He said before he pushed open one of the massive gates to what was once the Qunari compound.
Malik laughed at the comment the Kossith made. Though after he mentioned rummaging through abandoned houses Malik got a sly smile on his face before reaching over and pinching the man's butt. "Taking a poor defenseless, almost naked man into an abandoned house? Now who is the sexual deviant? That isn't a complaint by the way." Malik said with a smile as he continued to hold the Kossith's hand as he lead him into the old Qunari encampment.
He looked to the man and sighed before he brushed his hand along his hair. "Work now play later." He said before he stepped in. It was much more quiet in the compound than the rest of the dock. Sounds filtered in from outside the high walls but none of them higher than a whisper. Papers and random items were scattered about the ground and doors varied between open, broken, locked, and missing. He eyed the area with suspiscion. "Looters are likely here." He said slowly before he began to walk further in.
Malik grinned cheekily up at Arakh as he sighed. Noticing the state of the area Malik grabbed the staff he bought and looked around, ready to set anyone on fire if he needed to. When Arakh mentioned the looters Malik couldn't help but wonder what exactly did they expect to find in the compound anyways. It wasn't as though the Qunari had been walking around with golden armor with silver hair pieces and the likes. "So, what are we looking for exactly?" Malik asked as he stuck close to Arakh, the formidable man would probably keep most looters away, or at least make them second guess attacking the pair.
He walked slowly while kicking over occasional junk here and there. "Basically we're looking for maps, charts, any information that will help us gain access." He said slowly before he looked around. " They're very utilitarian aren't they? It seems like they left in a hurry and just abandoned anything they felt they didn't exclusively need." He added before he peeked into a home to see embers from a fire still going softly in the darkened room. "I'm surprised squatters haven't moved in." He added before pointing high up. "I guess we should start up there, with those big closed double doors."
Malik looked around as he spoke, it made sense, and given what he knew about the Qunari then them not taking anything that wasn't needed also made sense. Keeping an eye out for anyone moving about Malik wondered the same thing, why hadn't anyone moved in? "You don't think we are walking into a bandit camp do you? That would keep squatters out." Malik said as he continued to walk with Arakh. When he mentioned the double doors Malik nodded and began to make his way towards them.
"Superstition is enough to keep out people for a short time but in a city with such poverty ridden slums as this there should be at least one or two." Hesaid before he climbed the stairs. "In any case, it couldn't be a bandit camp, not in the middle of the city like this." Looking about he reached the doors and gave a push. Upon finding it wouldn't budge he unsheathed his sword and hacked viciously at the small gap between the doors. His blade passed through easily, its edge slicing easily downward before he pulled it back and kicked the doors open revealing a medium sized room filled with strange jars.
Malik nodded as he looked around. "I guess your right." The blond said as he watched the Kossith hack open the door. Walking in Malik looked about wondering why there were so many jars and who had lived here first. He really hoped that there was some hint to what they wanted to find.

(sorry it's crap I don't really know what more to write at the moment.)
Stepping inside he walked along till he found a wall with etchings along it. "Its an explosive powder." He said simply before looking about. "Seems that the Qunari had stockpiled it here and didn't have a safe way of transporting it out." He said slowly before trailing his fingers down along the etchings. "I...I can read this..but..I..." Pausing he looked about the room. At the far end was a table with several maps and a number of potions of sorts. "I guess that should help,

(Its ok, do whatever you want, jump his bones if you wish.)
(I'm tempted but it wouldn't make sense with the story thus far. Sure they have been flirting but I think it'd be a bit too soon for them to actually do anything more then maybe groping.)

Malik looked at the barrels with the explosive powder and wondered why they had even brought them. Then he vegan to wonder if they should try to find a way to take it with them so they could use against any foes they might come up against. But he decided to leave it as is and continued to look about. When Arakh spotted the maps and potions. Walking over to them with the Kossith Malik smiled before wrapping his arms around the Arahk's waist, his hands resting on his crotch. "Good job Arakh!" Malik said before looking around the Kossith to look at the map. "So where to?"
He patted the man's head slowly before he collected the maps and potions with a slight snicker. "Hhmmm we should take a barrell, and douse the rest, getting it wet makes it useless and frankly now that we've opened this door eventually someone will find it." He said slowly looking amongst the barrels. "If a single match were to fall in the wrong place here it would take out most of the docks and part of the main city areas outside them."
Malik smiled as he looked around the room before looking over at the barrels. Malik let out a sound that sounded almost like purring as his head was pat before looking back at the barrels. "Are we taking one in case the Templars find us so I can blow them up easier?" Malik said as he let go of Arakh to inspect the barrels closer leaning over a bit as he looked at them.
He looked to the man briefly before he shook his head. "And what's your proposed delivery system? The powder has to be ignited, unless were going to build a cannon its unlikely to be of much use besides clearing obstacles." He said slowly before shaking his head. "The templars have lots to worry about besides one sexy little mage, if you keep fretting on it you may end up doing something silly." He added before he hoisted a barrel onto his shoulder.
Malik tried to think about what Arakh said about the delivery system and smiled as he picked up the barrel. "Well you could always throw it at them, or obstacles. And your right, this sexy mage shouldn't worry about templares with a hot, and very strong, man like yourself traveling with him." Malik said with a grain before walking over and groping Arakh's butt playfully.
"It would be a waste of powder and life. Some templars are just people doing their jobs, feeding their families." He said idly as he walked the barrel out of the room and placed it down. Slipping back in he began dumping the contents of the barrels into a nearby grating leading into the sewers. "One kills where one must."
Malik sighed as he nodded. He agreed that killing people arbitrarily was wrong but he couldn't help but hold resentment to them. "I never said we'd go out of our way to kill them. Just if it got to a kill or be caught and killed I'd rather kill. Especially since they might try to kill you as well, and that is a worse crime. No one as hot as you should be killed for any reason." Malik said with a smile as he followed Arakh inside as he grabbed the barrels and began to dump them.
"When it comes down to it, sometimes you have to do what you must to survive. But to go out of your way is one of the reasons people fear mages to begin with. Being prosecuted is no excuse for indiscriminate killings." He said slowly. "If I die, I die, such is the way of life isn't it?" He said slowly. "I'm not so hot as to escape the clutches of death, the good and pretty die young don't they?"
Malik nodded as Arakh spoke agreeing with much of what he said but to say that killing the templars who were after his own life was indiscriminate wasn't all that accurate. Unless he was taking into account that innocent people may be caught in the blast. Though at the comment about his own death Malik pouted before sauntering over to his and placing a hand on his chest, the other one sneaking around his neck. "Well then...I guess we should try and find a way to make you less attractive then. That will not be an easy task though." Malick said with a grin.
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