Discovering the Qun

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Jan 20, 2009
It was another morning in the settlement outside Kirkwall. A nameless place full of people who knew nothing of the world outside their tiny little village. The collection of huts, two taverns, several farms, a single blacksmith and a spattering of other low level artisans could barely be called worth glancing at. Having been rebuilt since a raid long before the people had come to embrace a simpler life. They gave their tribute to the viscount, they ignored the soldiers, and they lived their lives. He was one of those living the life. A young man who'd grown up on a small farm, he was bigger than the rest of the citizens. A solid seven feet tall, his skin the color of brass. His eyes were a deep purple that almost glowed when hit by the light. However his parents had never made him feel strange. The children of the town had teased him, but as he grew bigger and bigger taunts eventually became silent.

His mind turned to girls, then to girls and boys as he became older, however his first love was the sword. From a young age he practiced with an iron bar, it simply grew bigger each year and had finally become something that he was sure none besides himself could wield. His muscular frame was enhanced by two decades of farm work and now at twenty two years old he'd found himself on the other side of the town for the first time. He was making a grain delivery to a new tavern. He lifted the entire stock of the cart before hunching down and walking into the large double doors to avoid hitting the top. He heard the random whispering and shrugged it off, no one ever spoke to him, merely about him.
A hooded figure slunk around in the shadows moving between building to building avoiding the watchful gaze of the templars who were currently stomping through the nameless town just outside of Kirkwall. The man was really annoyed. So he was a mage it wasn't like he was hurting anyone with his magic. Hell all he did was heal people! Grumbling the lithe bodied mage continued to hide in the shadows until one of the templars looked over in his general direction. Deciding it would be best to simply 'look normal' the mage entered the closest building, a tavern.

Once inside the hooded figure slunk his way over to the bar, brushing past a Kossith on his way to a bar stool the mage sat down and ordered himself some ale. He wondered why the Kossith was there and not with the others in kirkwall, was he here doing research on small towns for the Qun? Looking over at the tall Kossith the mage lowered his hood and motioned for him to sit next to him. After all even the templars would re-think approaching him with a Kossith right beside him. Yes, he could use the Kossith as a deterrent for now until he could find a way to escape the templars and their stupid chantry!.
Walking up to the counter he talked to the tavern owner for a bit before she handed him his coin in payment and told him to bid hello to his father for her. "I will." He replied before he turned and spotted a man in a hood eyeing him from across the bar. His initial reaction was to cock his head slightly and focus on him. With his sharp eyes he noted several things about the young man, he could almost feel the magic in the air through his senses. He'd always felt strangely about the few mages he'd ever met. Their magic set his teeth on edge, almost like it was something he was naturally susceptible to in a strange way but he shrugged it off. He had to get back to the farm.

Walking past the man he looked him over briefly, he was somewhat younger and more well kept than most of the mages he'd seen. It wasn't the time to be checking out men now however, he had somewhere to be. Stepping outside after a moment he walked to his cart noting the several templars, most of whom rushed to get out of his way as he approached them. "Hhmm wonder what's got them on edge?" He pondered openly before he climbed onto the cart. He kept thinking back to the man in the bar though, maybe he had a moment to spare for a bit of fun. They rarely saw new people, and this might be his last one for several weeks he reasoned.
The mage frowned as his yeah meatsheild walked out the door. Popping his hood back up the mage quickly placed some coin on the bar to pay for his drink, downed it and promptly left after the man. Besides it would only be a matter of time before the stupid meatheads decided to check in here...Aandraste's flaming sword was he hungry though! Sneaking out of the tavern the mage saw the Kossith on a cart. Walking over to it as though he were a simple beggar, making sure to keep his face away from the view of the templars the mage approached the Kossith. "Greetings friend. I find my self in need of some transportation out of town to avoid some unsavory people from Kirkwall. Might I be able to convince you to give me a ride out of town for a price? I know very little of the Kossith or what the Qunari view as valuable but I can at least pay you 15 silvers for the trouble." The mage said before fishing out a pouch of coins and showing it to the Kossith. He really wasn't sure if it would work or not, the last Kossith he had met tried to kill him as a hired mercenary by the templars. Mages are better dead then free it would appear.

Perhaps he would luck out and this guy had some poor injured mother at home and he could just use some magic on her and be on his way shortly there after. Then again if he could convince him to stay with him for a bit then the mage would have much less to worry about. Well no matter, right now it all depended on what he said now. Would he allow him on the cart, or turn him away to fend for himself?
He looked back and saw the man approaching him and contemplated taking off. He looked about with a level of suspicion that made the young man uneasy. "What is a Kossith and what does it have to do with values? Coin's coin we all know that don't we?" He asked curtly. He knew of the Qunari, they were guys that believed in this weird hive like doctrine thing. His father had briefly educated him on them and had told him to never interact with them because one of their mages had cursed him. It was the reason for his appearance being the way it was and would always be. "I live here, I have no need for your coin to take you somewhere else. I'll take you to our farm, its on the other side of town just a ways outside. I'll drop you off by the road and you can go wherever you wish from me."

He looked to the coins before he looked to the bag. IF he were a true Qunari, his mother would be unknown to him and back on their island somewhere .But he wasn't in his mind he was the child of a pair of decently well of farmers. His parents had raised him to ignore the rest of the world and trust them implicitly which having had no other education beside private tutors who were completely under their thumb he did. He gestured to the cart after a few moments. "Get on, I have to get going." He said gruffly.
The mage raised an eyebrow at the man clearly confused by the fact that he did not know what a Kossith was. Blinking the mage shook his head. " are. You are a Kossith, some people refer to them as the Qunari but that is their religion not their race. I've been led to believe the Kossith value services over coin." The mage said as he continued to watch the larger male wondering where his horns were. Normally Kossith had horns. Perhaps he was a Sten? Shrugging off his curiosity for now he returned to listening to him. "Ah thank you then. My name is Malik and if you need any help with anything I'd be more then happy to assist you for this. I have some...skills that many find useful, especially while injured." Malik said with a smile as he climbed onto the cart next to the Kossith.

After talking to him the Kossith seemed rather intriguing. How could he not know what a Kossith was when he WAS one? That was rather...odd. Pondering this the mage adjusted his hood once more as he waited for the cart to begin moving.
"Your jokes aren't as cute as you are." He spat with a slight distaste." He said before he shook his head and looked away. "I'm a person, I was cursed by a mage such as yourself when I was very young. It took set and couldn't be dispelled in time and thus rendered me with this appearance." He said reciting it as easily as he would have said the sky was blue. He started the cart once the man had climbed in. "You can ride in silence, or you can be thrown off. I'll hear no more talk of Kossith, and Qunari." He said simply. "I am Arakh." He replied curtly before he looked to the road. "My folks don't trust magic, and I for one aren't all that fond of it, sorry to disappoint you."

He looked to the man who eyed him before he started the oxen to a slight gallop and quickly passed through the town. He sat in silence contemplating what he'd said. He'd seen someone, once, that looked like him. From a distance, a man in armor with a massive sword. He'd been told he was similarly cursed, and then his father had whisked him away.

(The rank of Sten bestowed to one so young, how fancy it would be indeed.)
Malik raised an eyebrow as he looked over at what Arakh said as he closed his eyes and began to try and figure out if he was really cursed. He didn't feel any magic on him though. Crossing his arms the mage smirked as he looked over at the man. "Just let me say this: Whoever 'cursed' you must be very talented because I can't feel any magic coming off you." The mage said before smirking. "Though these aren't jokes I appreciate being called cute by someone as hansom as you Arakh." The mage said before leaning back letting his arm brush flirtatiously against Arakh's.
"That's what other mage's have said. My father claims it was a great mage that did it. I've learned to accept my lot in life." He said slowly. "I guess being cursed does have its advantages." He said before brushing back against the mage before he slowed as they pulled up to a small farmhouse. "Wait here, I'll be back after I drop this off." Slipping from the seat he headed off to the farmhouse. He'd done this a few times before, driven a traveler to the road or some such but this one seemed different. He'd opened the door to find his father staring at a gigantic sword that lay on the table. " this for me?" He asked the man who looked to him sternly. "They...want you back." He simply said.
Malik followed the Kossith's wishes and stayed put. Though he was a bit curious now, and it wasn't like the Templars were right behind them anymore. Letting his hood down the blond mage looked about before running his hand through his short blond hair. Sighing Malik waited wondering exactly why they had stopped at this farm. The only idea he had was that it was Arakh's home. Deciding that he wanted to investigate a bit he stepped off the cart and made his way over to the door but stood just outside not wanting to intrude on anything. Though he could swear he heard voices, but they were way too quiet for him to make out any words.
He sat at the table as the grey haired man began to speak. "Years ago, the Qunari came to this land to search for...something." He said slowly. "It was an excursion of sorts. I...I was a soldier then, we fought them because we didn't understand why they came. I was part of the final push to drive them from Kirkwall. However, I made a crucial error, you see, a woman had come to their camp, she had been with one of their chieftains and had fallen pregnant. She had just had the child but died during the difficult birth. She......I....I thought..from the blood, and the way she'd died the Kossith had butchered her. So, I killed the guard next to the tent. However he couldn't fight back as he was trying to carry a bundle...and" He said softly. "Your mother had just miscarried, and was told we could never have children, the Qunari had fled and we were all alone. So...I was a sign...I brought you here..and raised you as my own." He said solemnly.

Through this all Arakh stared in disbelief, his eyes staring to the sword rather than the man next to it. "A templar came to the house today. According to the Arishok, you are on of theirs, and you are to return to them. The Viscount has ordered it in fact" He said slowly. " are to make the Journey to their your worth, or they will come here..and slay us all." He choked back a tear before he continued. "Son..I love you...and I..."

Arakh walked to the table and lifted the blade, it was as tall as an average man, with a blade twice as wide as a man's hand The blade was a crimson red that glinted even in the low light, pommel ornamental white gold, the hilt covered in slight spikes to assist with grip but it looked to be painful to wield. "I....I will go" He replied to the sputtering old man. "So..." "Save it." He said simply. "Twenty years.....and not once did you hurt me..but not once did you tell me the truth. I have to go...maybe I will return." He simply said before he slipped out the door sword in hand.

Watching the old soldier shook his head. "There is no returning." He whispered to thin air before hanging his head. "Goodbye..."

Approaching the cart he looked to the mage. "Get off, we're walking." He said stiffly before turning to head toward the northern mountains.
Malik stared at the sword as the Kossith exited the house. It was a qunari sword. Dismounting the cart the mage approached Arakh with a sympathetic smile. "So....I take it you are a Kossith and not very very cleverly cursed?" Malik said as he began to walk in sync with the taller man. Malik was only 5'5 so he had to look up to see the 7 foot tall Kossith man's face. "So, what will you do now? I find myself in a position where I need to avoid templars and I know where the Qunari are in Kirkwall. They might be willing to help you. Plus where better to hide then the last place those damn tincans would think of to look? So how about it, care to travel together?" Malik said with a grin as he put his hood back in place to obscure his face.
He listened and listened in silence all the while seething. He gripped the sword roughly before he spun around and quickly gripped the mage by the edge of his hood. "I take it you're not so fond of living." He snapped before he lifted the man higher. "You're awfully chatty for a man who's supposedly hiding, what you need to understand is that right now I'm not in the best of moods, and while I appreciate your offer I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. I think you can help by shutting up and not making me into the psychotic giant who tore a chatty mage limb from limb and fucked his body with his own appendages." He seethed his eyes a bright red as he raged before he pulled back dropping the man. "I....I'm sorry...I....I don't..." He said as he staggered back.

He'd never experienced blood lust befoe, it w as outside of his nature he was sure. His eyes watered as he clutched his face dropping his sword in the process. He was a wreck, he hadn't cried inside but the farther he'd gone from home the more had welled up. He crouched in the road and caught his breath before he shook his head as though trying to clear it.
Malik was a bit taken aback by Arakh's reaction but it was obvious that he was having difficulty accepting the revelation that was just handed him. "Hey now don't worry about it your having a hard time right now. You just found out that what you believed all your life wasn't real. I can understand it's just that, I was trying to be helpful, but if you would like silence then I'll be silent for now. Just think about this: Does the fact that your parents aren't biologically yours change anything? They still raised you after all." Malik said before adjusting his hood and patting the man on his shoulder before he began to walk down the road in the way the man had been headed earlier.
"Therein lies the problem, I care for them, and they me. My mother couldn't even watch me go. I am being torn from my family not just by some foreign power they dread but by the viscount and all he commands as well." He said slowly. "I can't go back. I'm to be more or less exiled from the only home I've known, and if I am to die along the way the first place they will look or me is here. When they look, they may do more than asking questions." He said sternly before picking up his sword once more. "So I will survive..and fine these Qunari..and give their sword back to them, and if they refuse..I will give it to their leaders one at a time."
Malik sighed, he wasn't sure how to cheer the man up. Standing up on his tip toes the human pressed a quick kiss to the Kossith's cheek. "I know the feeling, but I don't know how to console you. All mages are taken from their families or murdered. My parents resisted when they came for me, they were hung from the Gallows, where they keep the circle of magi. They left them hanging there to show others not to follow in their example. Though I doubt they will just let you go, I think taking on the Qunari would be rather...difficult on your own." Malik said with a small sympathetic smile as he continued to walk with the man.
"These things happen I guess. I've never known my biological parents, but it seems someone wishes to lay claim to me." He said somberly as he walked. "I don't need consolation, I'll be fine." He added as he walked in an even slow pace not particularly paying the man next to him any attention. "We'll head to kirkwall and from what I understand from there head towards Par Vollen." He looked down to the sword he now carried and wondered on its significance before he simply sighed. "Maybe stop by a blacksmith for something to hold this with."
Malik nodded as he continued to walk along side the Kossith as they headed towards Kirkwall. "Hmmm...perhaps I should pick up a staff while we are there. Sure I have magic and all, but a staff would be very useful." The blond said with another nod. Walking along in silence wasn't exactly something the mage enjoyed but it seemed that Arakh needed some quiet time to sort out his feelings anyways. Letting out a sigh as they walked the Mage began to try and figure out what all he would need, especially if he decided to stick with the man beside him. Malik knew he was attractive but there was something else that was pulling him towards the Kossith. Malik genuinely wanted to help him much like he did with all those injured people on his own journey and around Kirkwall when he first was hiding.
He looked him over slowly as he walked ."Sure we could do that." He said in a flat defeated monotone before he continued to walk. His long strides likely made it hard for the mage to keep up but he didn't think of that, he didn't think of much besides leaving home. He finally stopped outside the gate to the city. There were no templars to be seen, though the guards looked at him warily before eyeing each other. He pressed past them as he'd done in the past but this time they crossed their spears. "Hold, who's the man with you?"
Malik sighed as they continued to walk in silence he wondered what was going on in the Kossith's mind. The silence was really really uncomfortable as he continued to walk. As they approached the city the mage felt a bit more uncomfortable. When they got to the gate and the guards stopped the pair Malik frowned, a bit worried that they might get caught. As they approached the guards did indeed stop them. Thinking quickly Malik stepped forward. "I am a specialist in Qunari culture hired by this man's adoptive father to assist him in assimilating with the Qun. We are here to speak with the Arishok." Malik said telling the guards a half truth, hoping that they would buy it.
Arakh stood waiting and sighed as the guards stopped the man. Hooded men always looked far more suspicious than anything else. "Where have you been?" They snapped while laughing softly. "Arishok was beaten, left for Par Vollen with the rest of them freaks yesterday. Words spreading through the city. Were you in some nowhere little village?" They cackled and uncrossed their spears. "Go ahead..go inside..see how much you can find out Mr. Specialist." The laughter became particularly derisive after the last comment.

"I should have likely mentioned that they want me back because they were going back and I was told to go there rather than to the city." He simply said to the mage before sighing. "Its ok. I can continue on my own from here. You don't owe me anything."
Malik frowned as the guards laughed at him. Crossing his arms as he glared at them the mage tapped his finger impatiently. "I am AWARE of this. We are going to have him assimilate with the Qunari, but first we need to stop for supplies. Fools." Malik said angrily before following the Kossith into the city before throwing a glare over at the guards. So what if he didn't know they left, last time he was in kirkwall he was sort of running for his life, and other then the first enchanter not many people in the circle were allowed to know what was going on in the outside world.

"Oh no. You aren't getting rid of me that easy. Now my pride has been hurt and I'm not going to abandon you till you meet up with the Qun. Fuck those guards I'd be a great Qunari expert." Malik said as he continued to grumble something under his breath about setting them on fire.
"You look awful magical boy, be a shame to have the templars hear about a rogue mage going around riling up guards." They snapped at him after his insult. "I hear they kill that lot for the slightest of offense." They continued though they let him pass on account of the massive man behind them who waited patiently with a rather large sword and distant stare.

"I never said it was a matter of abandoning me, its a matter of you going your way and I going mine. I'd not expect you to go a separate path on account of a stranger. " He said simply before he continued up the street towards the din of a hammer striking an anvil.
Malik ignored the guards as he continued to walk with the Kossith waving nonchalantly over his shoulder as he continued to follow the larger man. With his arms crossed. He just didn't care what they said he planned on being out of here fairly soon.

When the Kossith began to question when he was planning to leave. Raising an eyebrow Malik shrugged as he let out an exasperated sigh. "Lets see...parents are dead, friends are in the circle or dead, and the only other family I know of is my uncle and he was the devout Andrastian who turned my parents in for harboring me. I have no place TO go and no contacts, very little money, and no one to talk to. Soooo...yeah think I'll stick with you and help you out as much as possible. At least this way I wont be lonely." Malik said trying not to let on how alone he felt now, especially because he knew the Kossith must feel the same way because of his recent discovery.
He continued to walk as his eyes ran about the shops and stalls. He realized he'd not dropped off the money. However the money also hadn't been asked for. It was seventeen gold, by no means a lot but enough to get by on. Pulling it from his pocket he eyed the bag and sighed. There was no going back now, it wasn't like they'd miss it.

HE looked back to the man as he spoke before he smirked and shook his head. "IS it an "at least I have a friend" thing?" He asked simply before his hand shot out and pulled off the man's hood. "You look a lot more suspicious hooded like that than with it off. Though pretty thing like you might get snatched off the street if I turn my back too long. " He teased trying to lighten the mood. Approaching the blacksmith he looked to Malik and sighed before he leaned over. "Tell you what, you go buy a staff I'll buy a few amenities, and we'll meet at the former Qunari encampment, deal?" He said before he smiled at the man.
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