Dragon's lust (ShoXDarkheart)


Jul 1, 2010
Fun night it was with ponies and a dragon. Candy everywhere and the costumes that were shown for each that traveled for the holiday. Spike himself with pride of his dragon heritage, decided to be a pun and wear a dragon costume as such.

Yet after what happened tonight, THINGS weren't normal. Especially when Twilight and Nightmare moon- LUNA, brought a eventful scene for all in pony ville. Now that everything was settling, he decided to look around for something 'fun' to do. Where was Luna?
Luna sat in front of her statue looking up at the moon and smiling, she closed her eyes and cried a bit, "Thank you Twilight Sparkle and all you friends," she looked over to the statue and opened her eyes, "now I am no longer that monster." she turned to leave, "The one everyone hated."

The air was crisp and chill and when it ran across her warm exposed backside she purred but kept her princess composure as she walked toward town. She stated at the moon and shivered remembering all of her evil that she had done before. She sighed and trotted back down the forest path, head held low.
(((OOOKKKKKKK WAIT WAIT WAIT. I must confess that I rather take our time with character rather than the sex SO FAST. I just want it to come out from Spike rather than just the girl standing herself out like that...)))
((Thank you =) ))

Spike walked along as he remembered that by tradition, he needed to leave candy for nightmare moon because of the tradition itself. Thus, while he ate a good amount of candy, he still needed to give what he had left. A pound of candy would be enough from what he had left and thus 'some' of his.

(Tradition is tradition...) He thought sourly as he needed to pay his due for princess Luna whom he expected to be at her statue. But looking ahead, he saw the Princess walking towards his direction.
Luna looked up and saw Spike and froze expecting him to drop candy as run tail so she sat and waited. The moon made her mane and tail glow on the dark ad she watched him intently. She then laid down and yawned and closed her eyes, just to see what her would do.
"Princess Luna?" He spoke to her as he now sat in front of her. He smiled with his dragon wolfish smile and poured all of his candy right in front of her. "My tribute~" he announced smiling.
She sighed and sat up, "Thanks," she got up, shook her pelt and picked up the pile using magic. She turned and began walking back to the statue to drop off the candy and looked at the statue with a sigh. She didn't like her past and it made everyone only hang around her to tribute to her or fear her. She missed being a princess people loved...she missed love.
Princess Luna? I thought you were enjoying yourself..." Spike commented as he saw her sigh. He was right behind her stiill a few feet shorter. Even he wasn't as tall as Rarity but...
"how can one of royal blood enjoy in fun when all the subjects of her village run from her and fear her?" Luna asked him as she dropped the candy and lept on the Statue and took her Nightmare Moon form, "All they see is this!" she said and and sighed sitting
"EEKKK!" He fainted down but quickly stood up. "Aw come on, you know that we all enjoy a bit of 'scare'." He told her with a dragon smile. "After all, you yourself were enjoying the holiday giving all of the children a good scare right? You seemed happy..." He pointed out as he walked around her statue where she stood.
"it is not that I enjoy scaring them," she said as she stood up to stare at the moon, "It's just I am a princess who is sent to make her people happy," she sighed and dropped her head, but what makes then happy is me being a monster," she looked at her flank, "A hideous monster," she looked back at the moon and closed her eyes.
"well not as a 'monster' to say..." Spike chose his words carefully. "I mean, you're just a scary pony right? You're like all ponies while I am a dragon...so..." he tried to make sense. "Besides, that one pony really said you were his favorite no?"
"Im sure he just said that because he thought I would gobble his rear," she jumped down and padded to Spike, "I mean what absurdity, how could they imagine that I, a princess of Canterlot, would put her face near such and area," she huffed, "I dare not go near a Colts private area with no consent!"
Spike said nothing. Her size and height made him seem so tiny. Yet her THIGHS were really something. So black and smooth with her gentle fur. He wanted to touch but he knew better. And yet... "Of course!" he agreed with her. "Besides, give them a chance when not on this holiday princess?" He asked.
"mm?" Luna said, "What does thou mean?" she looked at him and could sense the way he looked at her, "What? Has though been admiring the Princess?" she asked him leaning to be face to face with him, "Tell me Spike what has though been staring at?"
"Nothing!~" He lied. Of course, he was sharp with his tongue as much as his spike/fangs. "Why not trying approaching others when it's not this holiday? Surely you have the right to visit anywhere at night right? It doesn't have to be this night." He told her smiling wolfish.
"Yes, I see what thou means," she said and nodded, "You are quite smart Spike, but you dissapoint me," she looks at the sky, "Just admit what you were staring at, what on me is so appealing?" she asks, "Come now I shall not be mad you have me most intrigued."
"well, you're pretty..." he started but stopped. While she looked not at him, his stare among her body was so much. That even she didn't notice nor did he realize the growth occuring in his body...

"You're the fairest of all manes princess Luna. After all, you ARE a princess!" he pointed out trying to smooth talk with flattery.
"Well thank you Spike your quite a gentle dragon," she smiled and leaned down and kissed his cheek, "Your such a little cute dragon yourself, ah how funny life is," she blushed and smiled at him
Spike brushed a lot. Usually, he would have fainted but she was NOT rarity. Although she was just as appealing. Perhaps because he was more interested in her than princess Luna whom was very fair. "Thank you highness..." he said blushing with a smile as they enjoyed the moment while he continued to grow in size. His voice was growing deeper, he was getting taller, and his scales were forming more solid. Yet neither had noticed.

(cartoon logic>>>
Luna blinked and stepped back, "Oh my your growing!" and she couldn't but step back in shock as he grew. She blinked and shook her head, "What is going on!?"
:)P I just thought that was what the rp was about, and just because she gets aroused doesn't mean he has to do anything)
((No but I wanted HIM to take her by surprise; the idea behind this rp was for spike to take them by surprise. I mean sure she doesn't have to fight back but I really wanted it to come from 'nowhere'.))
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