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Little Things You Love

That time when you remind people.

Snow in late April :p can never get enough of that white fluff!
My nephew.
My mother, father, and sister.
My boyfriend.
My cat Tails.
Life itself.
Studying Veterinary Medicine.
Getting an outstanding education!
Aaaw that's a shame! I can't help it though-I'm such a weather lover I've stood outside and watched local flooding (april 07) go to my back door steps. I took pics until my friend dragged me into the house because they'd forced evacuation. I got 47 pics though! :p

Digiorno Pizza. it's so much better than most "Fast Food" pizza places. Except Dominoes... But Dominoes does't deliver to my area and I don't feel like going out.
Summertime babies that come into the store without shoes on! Little toes and feet are the sweetest thing! ^.^ :heart:
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