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Little Things You Love

When I see people make positive changes and/or improve/learn from past behaviors. They might not think I notice these things.... but I do. Helps to be the sort that notices even the most subtle of things. *nods*
The smell of fresh baked cinnamon rolls.

The feeling after a nice hot shower.

Whiskers on kittens. (not singing nor making a joke.. I really do.)
Feral.Desires said:
Having my daughter cuddle up in bed to read me a story... And then play angry birds. (She's so awesommmmmme.)

... A child who reads you a story? That *is* awesome!

OT: warm choco after a long cold train-ride. After a long cold anything really.
Feral.Desires said:
My Flyers have come back to me. <3 How I've missed you so.

I think this both responds and is something that I love...


Saturday... 3 o'clock.
darkangel76 said:
Seeing that I'm making progress, even if it's small, on the house.... it's taking FOREVER... but damn, it's being made!

Glad progress on that is happening. Know the feeling.

Getting to have a three day weekend because you just plan deserve it.
When someone (a friend) pays you a sincere compliment and it just makes you feel good about yourself the rest of the day. :)
Waking up and laying eyes on my gorgeous boyfriend who's fast asleep, and my little baba staring at me with a huge smile on his face. :)
Waking up.
Simply finding myself taking in a deep breath and having the soft padding of my bedding around me.
That split second is serenity to me.
Only thing that's better is knowning if I choose to, I can roll over and snooze a little longer.
Coming home to find that my roommates have not destroyed the kitchen that I cleaned yesterday. Hooray for having my countertop back for cooking!
Waking up and having a butt load of new messages in my inbox on BMR.

Finding that my partner did not eat the last mini bag of chips.

A warm car on a cold day.

Going to bed alone and waking up with my partner cuddled up to me.

My cat, she's little and I love her so it counts.
Classical, old blues, old jazz, old rock, old metal, and old hip hop
My new profile picture <3 Every time I see I always laugh RIP, ODB.
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