Death within Love

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Nov 30, 2010


Sienna Schyler looked around her, eyes taking in the sights that were no longer the familiar sights of district 12, or the woods around it. But this was the capital, straded with a man she didn't know, and a drunk that didn't seem intending to sober up enough to help either of them. Peeta Mellark was two years older then her at 17, but the space o two years might have as well been a lifetime. Last year, she had seen him live through the fact, everyone here had won a victory in the most vicious game known to man, the hunger games. But her. Everyone but her had killed.

Sienna trembled a little swallowing hard as she looked at Cinna, her stylist, before looking down at the slightly flickering dress she was wearing. She wondered if it had been originally made for the original girl on fire, Katniss, or if Cinna just wanted to keep the theme of fire going. With her lightly tanned skin, she looked like candlelight, flickering, threatening to wink out.

Stepping into the chariot she swallowed hard as she kept her eyes forward, refusing to look around her, look for help in a capital she knew no one was there to help. There were victors here, and she was just someone to push aside in their rush to the top. Barely reacting to Peeta stepping up next to her, she focused on watching the victor's get ready for the tribute march through the city circle, and hoped that death would find her quickly.




Jace Masons frowned a little as he surveyed the crowd around him, of all the hunger games that he despised watching, he thought he was going to despise participating in this one the most. After all, everyone in this arena had proven that they were willing to kill to save their own lives, and had killed bloodily and frequently. And trained others to do so. Yes, for the crowd who loved their victors, and more then willing to send them back, it was going to be a show that only came once in a lifetime.

Shaking his head to clear it from the morbid thoughts he let a small, wicked smirk curl his lips. He might have ended his own game in a accidently gutting, but since then,he'd sat through 6 games, and learned quickly that once you stripped away everything, everyone was willing to kill.Even him. Every year, he sent his champion into the arena, and this year, once again it was going to be him.

Blinking in the lights of cameras and streetlights as his chariot started into the city circle, he forced himself to not wave or respond to the cheers. He would not give these bastards the pleasure of seeing him tremble and desperate, even if he was.He was young, he was deseperate to survive but he wouldn't do it. At least not play for the cameras, because he wanted to keep part of himself, for himself.

Looking briefly down at the form fitting scuba suit he was wearing, the dark green material highlighting the toned body under it, more then he hid it. Looking around, he knew that there was no such thing as standing out, not with everyone waiting for their favorite to die in a gladiator's arena.

Scarlet clenched her jaw and looked straight ahead, trying hard not to let the glares in her direction get to her. She knew she was a target; the ideal tribute to kill. She was threat, a person whom everyone knew could win if they did not get rid of her. With the highest kill count in history, she was a villian. People hated her, and the Capitol loved her for the drama she created. However, while she was from District One, she was not a born killer. Her parents maybe have trained her in the art of knives from an early age, hoping she would win the games one day. And she did, but because it was her choice. She was forced into this in more ways that one, and now she was the most hated person in the arena...

Scarlet was dressed in a dress made of diamonds, complete with an elaborate diamond crown. The neckline of her dress was so low, it showed her naval, making her feel exposed. She swallowed nervously, trying to appear as if she was unfazed by the situation. Her chin was held high, and her hands gripped the hand of the chariot so tight that her knuckles were white...



Peeta had a hardened facial expression, bruises beneath his eyes from lack of sleep. Dressed in a suit of the same theme of her dress, he glowed beautifully. However, he was visible beaten down. Besides being scared to death, he was heartbroken. Afterall, the girl who saved his life a mulitude of times was now dead. Dead all because of him... He swallowed, shaking his head. He needed to focus, but it was hard. Grief stricken, Peeta had yet to even introduce himself to the poor girl beside him. He was too nervous to get to know her; to scared to get attatched to another person only to lose them to the games...

He looked out at the crowd, but did not smile. No, he would not play that fascade this time around. He was stripped of nothing, barely being able to see his family because of all the victor tours... He had even resulted to drinking a bit at night with Haymitch, his only friend now.

This time, he was here to survive, maybe, if he could pull himself together, that is...
When they made it to the training center Jace smiled slightly as he stepped out of his chariot, helping girl next to him out, glad that it was mags and not finnick's annie, not poor beloved annie, who even the most hardened person couldn't hate. Smiling a little at Mags he blushed slightly as she encouraged him to go get the other victor out of her chariot, ignoring the career man with her as he crossed,holding out a hand to scarlet. While the others intended to kill her, he was self serving enough to know that if he was with her, he mght survive long enough to actually win."Lady Scarlet, may I escort you to dinner?"he said tilting his head.

He knew mags had no intention of surviving long, and he knew that she had every intention of making sure he did. Which, he couldn't just throw away, scared and angry at being dragged back, he was going to piss off the rest of the victors, and team with the one career that everyone hated.


Haymitch smiled slightly, encouragingly as he helped Sienna out of the chariot, gently shoving her towards the entrance door, watching her go before looking at peeta. "And let the games begin."He muttered, slurring the words, because even now he was a little drunk even if he was sobering up. Because he had every intention of getting peeta home, even if it meant Sienna wasn't going home. Heading upstairs with the man and the small girl as she huddled mostly into herself against the wall, not talking to the sienna or peeta as they entered the dining hall."Eat."He ordered looking at them both.

"...I can't...I don't feel like eating."Sienna said quietly, almost the first words she'd said to either of them, looking a little wide eyed. Despite it being the best food she'd ever had, she couldn't eat, not knowing that in a few days she'd be starving again.She was to scared to eat, to nervous and alone.
Scarlet looked down at the male tribute, her dark eye piercing and intense. She did not smile or nod to him, but simply took his hand and let him help her down. There was no way this guy was being genuine. She knew manipulation when she saw it, and she was certain that he was just trying to get close enough to her to stab her in the back when she was not looking. She went into this Game not trusting anyone, and she planned to keep it that way, because she was not an idiot. She knew she was a well hated person amongt the tributes. She knew she was a target and that there was not anyone here that thought differently.

"I can escort myself to dinner," she murmured, rolling her eyes. She was not some kind of fragile Princess or anything. She could get from room to room in one piece and she was no about to let him think otherwise.

Walking with a slight click of her heels, she entered the dining room and sat in the spot that had her name in front of the plate. Sighing, looked next to her and saw the name "Jace Masons". Great. Rolling her eyes she reached over and grabbed her glass of champagne, taking a sip and trying to remain focused. She tried not to think of her family or what the Capitol had put her through since she won... She tried not to think about the fact that she was probably not going to survive this time around.


Peeta cut into his steak almost immediately, then took a sip of his red wine. He looked over to Sienna, frowning slightly. She was much, much too fragile to be here. She was not like Katniss; someone he never feared for. No, this girl made him nervous because of the sheer fact that he knew it would not be long before he felt the need to protect her... Sighing, he gritted his teeth and decided this was the time he needed to finally buck up and say something to her... He would not let him get attatched, no way. But he needed to atleast communicate.

"It will make you feel better if you eat," he murmured, nodding to her plate, then turned to Haymitch. "So, I'm assuming you know most of these people," he said in a low voice. "Who can we trust and who do we need to get rid of?"
Jace laughed, loking amused at her response, dropping her hand as they entered the dining room, smirking slightly as he sat down next to her. "Your not going to survive the first round, Scarlet."Jace said, starting to eat, absently looking around the room as he inspected the other tributes. At least the younger tributes seemed to still be in shape, unlike the others. And he was blunt to the point of being rude,but Scarlet knew he was only playing a game, what was the point of pretending he wasn't?

"Not unless you have help.And I'm good at hiding."Jace said with a self deicaptating smile, because everyone knew he was a coward and a bastard who'd spent his whole game hiding and won by a accident. He'd actually had some kills in there,but no one had seen the near silent and quiet boy turn on his fellow tributes in the effort to survive. So, while scarlet had shattered early on every dillusion of innocence and helplessness that the others had about her, Jace was going in as a victor who was seen as the weakest among them....well, except for Sienna Schyler, the poor girl from 12 who was just chattel to be slaughtered, a victim for the victors.


Haymitch snickered a little, quietly to himself as he saw the wide eyed surprised look sienna had for a moment before she hid it, amused that even now, drunk and withdrawn, peeta seemed able to bring out the best in people."Be careful of Scarlet, she's tricky, now that everyone knows she's not weak."He said biting his lip a little as he thought, looking around the room."And Jace Masons, he's not as stupid as he'd let everyone believe he is. And of course, Sienna."He said teasing the girl a little, more to see if there was fire to match that dress.

Sienna looked up startled, anger showing in her eyes for a moment, anger giving her enough fire to eat her steak, starting to dig in as she tried to eat slowly."No one has to worry about me. They're the victors, not me."She pointed out, angry that Haymitch was making fun of her, angry at peeta for not talking to her at least a little bit, angry at everyone and everything for a moment before the anger shattered under her fear of what awaited her in the arena.
Scarlet looked over at Jace like he had gone mad, her eyebrows creased with confusion. She shook her head, smirking a bit at his ignorance, and looked away. Picking up her spoon, she took a bite and savored it. That potato soup was the only thing she loved about the Capitol. It was amazing. "I didn't need help the first time," she said in a low, uninterested voice. "What makes you think I'd need help from a coward?" Looking over at him, she eyed him suspciously. "I believe I know how to hide in bushes if I need to." Snickering, she shook her head and tore off a piece of bread and dipped it into her soup.

"Sounds to me like you need my help," she murmured, "But all I can give you is a piece of advice."

Turning toward him, she looked at him with her big, dark intense eyes. Her face was youthful, but cold. She'd went through too much and had too many secrets to even pretend to appear happy. "Partnering up with me will not help you live," she finally said. "All of the people around this table want me dead first. One against twenty three? The odds aren't in your favor... And if it came down to the two of us? Don't think for a second that I will eat a hand full of berries for you."

And with that, she pushed herself away from the table and stood up, leaving the room to get out of the gaudy costume she wore and into a pair of black yoga pants and an over the shoulder, thin white t-shirt. From there, she got a cup of coffee from the kitchen and made her way up to the roof. She needed to figure out how in the hell she was going to get through training the next few days... Especially with Jason, who seemed to know exactly how to play the game.

She would not allow him to play her though.


Peeta nodded to Haymitch's suggestions, taking mental notes. That is until Sienna got visible angry, making him look over at her with raised eyebrows. He frowned and gave her a little shrug. "Scarlet only won the first time around because she was sorely underesitmated," he whispered, then looked at Haymitch. "Right? So Sienna might have a good thing going for her." He looked back at her, tilting his head in curiosity. There was still no light in his eyes, but atleast he was talking.

"We will make sure your are ready before you go in," he stated, "But for now, eat. We only have a few days left before you will have a limited food source, so this is your chance to put some protein in your system." With that, he took a huge bite of steak.
"Because not everyone was going to kill you the first time they have a chance. And I'm coward enough to not sliip a knife between your ribs as soon as you turn away.I need the help."He said looking a little wide eyed, a little innocent. Oh yes, he was quite willing to use her, and let the others think he was a moron for doing it. Smirking a little as he loked at her, "No one against 22. Little Sienna looks like she couldn't kill a bird, much less a human."He pointed out, nodding towards the end of the table where peeta and sienna were sitting, smirking a little."Nah, I don't want you to eat berries.If you did that, I couldn't claim to be the accidental victor again."He said smirking as he watched her go.oh yes,he would play the game, and enjoy himself. If these were going to be his last days, he was going to have fun. smiling to himself as he made his way to his rooms.


Sienna slumped at his words,starting to eat more as she shrugged."Only if I was good at anything. And I'm not."She said the words flavored with a old insult, something that she'd heard all the time. Her father had made sure that his daughter thought she was useless, a shadow of the mother that had drank herself to death, a useless girl who he cared nothing for. Haymitch frowned studying the girl, frowning because he didn't understand this girl who didn't seem to be fighting, so different from the girl on fire.Like she'd decided already she was gone, and was willing to give in.And the very reason that made peeta unwilling to take care of her, made him want to protect this girl.He wanted to get them home, wanted to see the two protected as much as he could."I'm going to bed."Sienna said smiling as she fnished her food,getting up and heading for her rooms.

"Well.At least we know what you're good at,we'll find her something."he said sounding for once, anxious about it because he wanted to give the girl a fighting chance,even if he had to get her a knife to allow her to commit suicide, because it was the only thing left for her.
Peeta watched her walked away, his blue eyes following her until she was out of sigh. He sighed, looking over at Haymitch. "There has to be something she could have potential in... I mean, maybe she can learn how to set traps?" He shrugged and took another bite of his steak, then sipped his wine. Looking up and down the table, his expression was mostly unreadable, even if he knew Haymitch knew how he felt. This little girl did not deserve to be in these games, and he was not sure how she could even survive the first round. She was fragile and vulnerable, so unlike Katniss. Sienna actually made HIM feel like the protector.

Reaching up, he rubbed his temple. "This is so fucked up," he murmured helplessly, the looked over to Haymitch.


Fiona sat on the ledge, her back against the stone wall. She sighed, holding her warm cup of coffee between her hands. Her dark hair blew in the went, and her bare, manicured feet sat out in front of her. This was the only peaceful plan in the Capitol, even if it held lots of memories. After the Capitol had killed her family, she was a hard, cold person. But really, she was just sad and lonely, even if she would never admit it.
Haymitch nodded, wincing a little as he looked at the other man, watching sienna go. The girl was 16, but it was a young broken sixteen, already broken from her father's abuse. There had never been anything more then rumors,but even in district 12 were life was one of the hardest, Morgan Schyler had a temper, and a habit of taking his frustration at unable to eat enough, to ever have enough on his wife and daughter.He knew there was something, talent under that vulnerable shell, they just had to make her believe she could do it. Because he'd seen that flash of rage, that deeply hidden anger at them all shining in her eyes, and knew that if they could goad her into striking back...well,she might live long enough to get out."It is fucked up, and we'll find something. Training starts tomorrow.We'll find something she's good at."

He sighed sftly, looking amused for a moment before finishing his drink,"You better get some sleep peeta."he said knowing it was hopeless to try to take care of the other,but he would do it.


" you care if I come out here with you?"Sienna asked as she stepped onto the ledge, looking unsure, and ready to retreat if the lder colder woman struck out at her, but having gone to her own rooms and found herself unable to sleep she'd' come upstairs to get some fresh air...only to find that it was already accompanied. Not realizing that she had a talent, a talent for making people care about the poor vulnerable, broken girl. Not a good talent,but pity could be the turning tide in a fight to the death if you had seconds to decide.
Peeta nodded and finished eating before standing up. "Night, Haymitch," he muttered, running a hand through his blond hair before retreating to his room. Sleep was out of the question, really. Since he was here not but a few months ago, he still had nightmares. Vivid nightmares.

Swallowing, he changed out of the suit he was required to wear and slipped into a pair black, comfortable pants. With that, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked out his window. The town was partying tonight, getting ready or the Games to start later in the week. The only had a few days left for training and prepping and interviews, and then they were going to be thrown into the arena...


Scarlet tucked a piece of dark hair behind her ear and took a sip of coffee. She barely even flinched when the other girl came up behind her, for her instincts had never relaxed in the past two years. She was always paranoid, especially now.

"I don't own the roof," she snapped, looking out at the scenery. She rolled her eyes. Scarlet's sympathy for anyone was very little. She was hardened by the reality of things, hardened by near-death experiences. She had blood on her hands that haunted her day in and day out... So this girl's "innocent and fragile" act was not doing anything for her. Everyone had a killer deep inside of them if they wanted to survive bad enough.
Sienna started at the woman's words, eyes widening a little at the harsh words."Well its still polite to ask if you want company."She said before sitting down on the ledge next to the other woman, sitting there as she watched the city prepare for the games. Looking a little disgusted, hating that they were going to be put into a arena to just be some entertainment. Sighing she shook her head, yes, this was all her life was worth. A moment's entertainment.


The next morning Sienna smiled a little as she ate her food, tilting her head at peeta as he joined her for breakfast."Good morning."She muttered before wincing a little, shaking her head."No, well no it isn't, but good morning anyways." "Are you always this cute and endearing?"Jace said as he past by the table, pausing when he heard her words, tilting his head as he looked down at her. Maybe she really was, what the rest of them pretended to be. Truly vulnerable and innocent, not a survivor in the least. Of course, she hadn't lived through a game, so maybe that was the diference in seeing the girl. "No-I am not."Sienna stuttered looking a little startled as she looked up at him.
Peeta nodded to her, then turned to start a conversation to with Haymitch. He took a bite of his eggs then started to stir some cream into his coffee. "So what's our schedule today?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Training, I hope. Tomorrow we will get evaluated and then interviews, right?" He leaned back in his chair and looked over at Sienna, but decided that conversation was not best. Even if he was being pleasant, that didn't mean he really wanted to get attatched to her. NOt like that. He simply could not go through that kind of pain again...

Scarlet scoffed at Jace's comment toward Sienna. Flipping her dark hair over her shoulder, she gave the girl a little smirk. "Just so you know, cute and endearing will get you no where in the arena," she murmured, then picked up her black coffee up and tipped it toward Jace. "Well, dead." She sighed and took a gulp of the hot liquid. She had already been attacked by stylists that morning, wearing smoky eyeshadow that made her dark eyes even more intense. Her long dark hair fell in waves and she her training uniform, for she had the gym first that morning, being from District One.
Haymitch nodded, "Training, then we'll practice interviews."haymitch nodded looking at peeta, watching him watch sienna more then anything else, because he was wondering just how long it would take the younger man to admit that he was already attatched, even if he didn't want to be. Sienna frowned a little as she caught peeta's look, before shrugging."Talk if you want. Its not like I don't know what every game part is.Everyone knows what happens here."She said pointing out, going back to eating her food as she tried to think of something she could be good at. Looking startled as she loked at scarlet, shrugging a little."Why should I bother fighting?I'll be fighting victors. There's no point in fighting just to get killed at hte top."

Jace snickered as he sat down, looking amused as he studied the woman sitting next to him. "Hey, being cute and endearing didn't get me killed."He said smirking a little at scarlet, smirking because it truly amused him to see sienna. Wondering if she really was like this, or if like scarlet, it was all a act.
Scarlet looked over at Jace with a completely unfazed expression. "Because you are neither cute, nor endearing," she said, rolling her eyes. "You hid in a tree for... what was it? Three days?" She shook her head in snickered at his expense. "Maybe you should team up with Sienna," she murmured thoughtfully. "You can both be cute, endearing, and dead together."

With that, Effie Trinkett, whom sat beside Haymitch, cleared her throat. "Manners, Scarlet," she murmured, even though she could already feel other's snickering around the table, including Peeta. The girl was brutal, but she was right. This was not a normal Hunger Games, but an advanced one. It was useless to hope that a friendly attitude would get you any where. Plus, Scarlet, like himself, went through alot after the Games. They lost the ones that loved, had been subjected to the preverse society of the capitol, and had a decent amount of blood on their hands...

Scarlet shrugged and stood up, her training unifrom clinging to her curves nicely. A couple of the boys from other districts looks her up and down, but she pretended to not know it. Before she left though, she picked up her knife from the table, and with a practiced wrist, flung it across the table where it landed on the opposite wall right between Sienna and Jace's heads. Effie nearly hada heart attack. Scarlet smirked then turned away, lifting her hair into a pony tail before exiting the room.
"Ah, but it'd be such a pretty funeral."Jace said rolling his eyes, his eyes laughing as he heard effie repirmand scarlet, looking amused.Like the others, he had suffered, but not as much as some. So like haymitch had said, there was a bastard under that friendly attitude, he just was so used to hiding the pain under the friendness, that he had no idea how to let the bastard out without real displeasure. Turning his head he looked at the knife, smirking as he it cut off a lock of sienna's hair, starting to laugh, almost with that high hysterical laugh of a man who knew that things were just going to get worse. Laughing at sienna's face he smiled standing, picking her up."Come on sweetheart, we're going to go find you something to be good at."He said smiling as they headed for the training center.

Haymitch looked thoughtful watching them all go, shaking his head a little."He's a bastard.Though he might be able to teach her something."He said looking thoughtful because he knew Jace Masons well enough to know he was up to something, and wanted something, but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what jace would gain from a girl that wasn't good at anything.

Jace grinned as he helped sienna with her bow, teaching her the basics, and despite having never picked one up, sienna was doing a fair job of hitting the targets in front of her. No where near katniss's ablity, but she was hitting the target at the edges, and with each passing moment she was gaining experience, learning what she needed. And while she knew that she'd never be good enough to survive, she'd make them work to kill her.
((Your male characters always seemed to be in love with your female characters. lol))

Scarlet ignored Jace and Sienna and picked up a set of knifes, strapping the thick belt on to her slim waist. With determination in her eyes, she plucked a knife from the belt and aimed it carefully, hitting the bullseye with precision, just like her father taught her. She sighed with satisfaction. People shouldn't even noticed that she had went two full years without any practice, because of her depression since her victory. Each knife she threw was a perfect shot, making people turn to watch her with fear. She may be the ideal person to get rid of first, but she was not going to go down without a fight.

Peeta moved to the training room, staying as far away from Sienna as possible. It was easier that way, for watching her with that bow hurt too much. It brought back painful memories that he did not care to relive... He started to lift weights, training his aching muscles and making his biceps buldge. Atleast he had strength, even if he knew it might not be enough. So after weight training and practicing his camoflauge, he moved over to watch Scarlet, trying to mimick her a bit. Surprisingly, she even helped him a bit with his technique, only because she couldn't manage to watch him fuck up her art any longer.
(ll oddly it works sometimes.Though I don't mean for it to happen ><))

Jace grinned a little as he joined the other two leaving sienna to her bwo and arrow as he studied the two, the knife flashing end over end as he tossed it and caught it again, looking at ease with the knife in his hand as he watched scarlet help peeta."Feeling helpful or tired of him fucking up?"He said a biting tease as he turned to look at the target scarlet had been hitting, aiming and taking a deep breath. Knives weren't his favorite weapon in the word, but he was capable of doing it. Wrinkling his nose a little be aimed and threw, looking as surprised as everyone else as he realized that he had indeed hit the hilt of her knife, the thing vibrating with the force of his throw."Well.Damn."He said sounding shocked.
Scarlet turned around and glared at him so hard, it was as if she were trying to send him to hell with her eyes alone. "That's none of your concern," she growled, then turned away from him and walked toward the target. She plucked the knives out and threw them to the ground with a grunt. Peetah snickered and turned to Jace, talking to him in a low voice so she wouldn't hear. "I think you are tampering with fire," he murmured, smirking a bit before picking up another knife and attempting to hit the target.

Fuming, Scarlet pushed past Jace and moved back to her throwing spot. "Shouldn't you be practicing what you are best at? Hiding?" she murmured, not looking him in the eyes before throwing another knife like as simply dart. He was getting under her skin, and she hated that. She just wanted to be left alone... Or that's what she thought.
jace snickered, looking over at jace, "Sometimes you have to risk getting burned."jace said studying th eother man for a moment, not adding the rest of the cutting thought he'd thought of. Of course, peeta'd know all about getting burned. Of course, he was a bastard but he wanted to screw with them all, but there was something about peeta that made him not want to toss that emotional barb into their conversation. It was so rare that he actually enjoyed talking to someone, that he wasn't going to screw this up, at least not for awhile.

Looking at scarlet as she moved back to her spot, Jace smiled already weighing the knife in his hand again and throwing, smirking as it joined hers in the spot next to the dartboard."I might have once been the best at hiding, but I've been practicing."He smirked, the smirk widening into that shit eating grin that said she so wasn't going to like what was coming out of his mouth next. "Of course, you could help me practice targetting things. I seem to keep missing my aim for smaller things."He said eyes sliding down her body for a moment before going back to aiming at the target.Really, jace just couldn't let something go. He just had to have the last word in everything.
Scarlet eyed him, watching how his eyes slid up and down her body, and she shuddered. Lifting her chin wit defiance and rolling her dark eyes. "Are you sure that it is small targets that you are having a hard time hitting, or is it the small tool you are having to use?" she asked, smirking as her eyes slide down to his crotch, then back up to his face. Peeta bursted out in laughter, having to walk away to regain composure. Scarlet rolled her shoulders back and turned to the target, making another perfect shot.

Peeta walked over to Sienna, shoving his hands in his pockets as he watched her wit curious blue eyes. "Bow and arrow, huh? Interesting choice," he murmured, nodding carefully. One hand reached up to run his fingers through his hair. It was obvious that this was hard on him, but he was trying. He knew that making her feel like shit wouldn't help anyone.
Jace smirked,"I'm pretty sure its the target and not the tool.Icould show you if you like."He said smirking a little as he struggled not to laugh. He was so not arrogant enough that he couldn't laugh at himself. He actually admired her for being able to come up with the response, it meant that she was going to fight, no matter how hopeless the fight. And he did enjoy a good fight.

Sienna jumped as she heard the trailing end of peeta's laughter, looking at him as she lowered the bow, biting her lip, trying to come up with a response that wouldn't hurt him, but the only one she had was going to be like a knife in the heart."...last year...taught me that its better to stand away from your oppenants if you can."She said biting her lip,"I can't use a knife, or a sword, I need the advantage of distance if I want to live."
Scarlet looked over at him and raised an eyebrow, twirling a knife through her fingers. "Are you sure? I might lose control of my knife," she whispered, looking down at his crotch once more with a dangerous look, the slid the knife back in her holster. The buzzer for the end of training rang through the room, signalling dinner time. She turned away, her curvy behind swaying within the tight material of her training uniform as she walked out and up the stairs.

Peeta swallowed and nodded, feeling that pang of pain from Katniss's memory. "Maybe you are right," he murmured softly, then flinched at the sound of the buzzer. He nodded toward the door. "I suppose we need to take a lunch break," he said, taking the bow from her hands and setting it on the rack. "We will have more time to train this evening..."
"Maybe I like playing with fire."He muttered nearly jumping out of his skin at the sound of the buzzer, watching her go for a moment before smiling heading out after her. "And we have to eat, because if we don't,we're going to be hungrier then everyone else."She said thoughtfully, looking sad though at the sight of giving up her bow and following him out of the room.

Haymitch tilted his head a little as he watched the two take their seats, smiling slightly at the pleased look sienna had. She seemed to have found something she was good at, or at least could become good at."Well?" "I can use a bow.Not well...but I can."She said smiling slightly, a quiet pride filling her eyes as she realized she could do something, starting to eat with gusto, because she was hungry after the workout.
Scarlet took her seat and smiled down at the chicken, pasta, and vegetables. She started to dig in immediately, not paying much attention to any of the others. Effie made sure to sit by her in an attempt to make sure she did not do anything irrational or dangerous. Peeta nodded to Haymitch, his expression a little empty. "Yea, she can," he murmured, referring to Sienna, and looked down at his food. He was determined to not let bad memories hinder his ability to eat and keep up his strength, but it was hard. His muscles were throbbing beneath his shirt from the weight lifting, a sheer line of sweat on his forhead. Looking up at Haymitch, he raised an eyebrow. "Any information from the outside? Sponsors taking a liking to anyone?" he asked, wondering who would catch the eye of the Capitol sponsors that could possibly send them life-saving items in the arena. Usually, the picked the people they thought could actually win, but in this round, that was hard. After all, everybody but Sienna was a survivor.
"Rumor has it a few found Jace, a few wanting Scarlet to win. And you have a few that I was able to drum up."He said looking thoughtful because he had no idea how to help them besides getting the sponsors they needed. And even then, it was a off chance that they would get exactly what they needed. Sienna smiled slightly, looking interested in having sponsors, but knowing that the victors would get more then she would. Before shifting, poking a glass of ice water towards peeta, even if she didn't know him well, it looked like he was hurting."Drink.The water will help your muscles recover from doing the weight lifting."She said because she had a feeling he'd strained muscles that hadn't been used to the workout, and he didn't need to be hurting before they even got to the arena
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