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If I was invisible...


Jan 30, 2012
Okay, this should be fun! You're invisible. The person above you can either be your friend, lover or even enemy. What would you do to him/her?

Let your imaginations run wild!
I would trace the outline of his abs with two delicate fingertips....
I would put your boxers (or undies) in the freezer, then slip them back into your drawer the moment before you woke up... LOL!
*Blushes HOTLY!*

I'd lay down beside you each and every night and wrap myself around you holding you tight, and I'd whisper very naughty words against your ear, my lips moving softly against your skin, my warm breath bathing your cool flesh..
*Night night, Prince Charming! Sleep well.*

I'd come in and tuck him in all snug and tight, kissing his cheek softly as he drifts deeper into sleep...
I'd breathe up close to glass/mirror surfaces until my air formed a foggy presence.. then write him naughty lil messages... :p
I would deliver fresh baked bread every morning to your door, along with a single red rose. Then I'd knock and watch the surprised (and somewhat bewildered look) on your face! :D
^^ Mmmm.... *Kiss!*

I'd kneel down between your legs and lick your cock and balls while you were fucking that girl in your avatar! ;)
I'd randomly steal you hat and runaway while holding up a sigh read "ghost of dead cowboy" just to see peoples reactions as I run past them.
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