"Of course noble Monk whose name I have sullied! And do not tell me your name until I return, fur my ungentlemanly conduct does not give me the right to know!"
Arngeirr takes up the bottle, being careful not to crush it in his mighty hands. "And thank, dear brother Lucha, for defending brave Mary! Together our honor shall be restored! Let this be the start of a magnificent, magnanimous, most gloriously huge friendship between two warrior of justice!"
Arngeirr begins to jog in place, each pump of his legs punctuated with a thunderous "TOH!" as he prepares to charge headlong across the Temple.
"How shall I know this Valenti when I see him?" he asks between huffs of breath through his mighty lungs. He quickly thinks better of it and shouts, "No need! He shall know me by the power of my huge voice!"
Stretching his arms by swinging them side to side and working out his neck, legs pumping furiously, the mighty Arngeirr sets off at a dead run down the temple, his mighty legs propelling him at break-neck speeds! His head held high and his voice echoing through the halls, he bellow the name of the monk, "BROTHER VALENTIIIII!!!" as he charges, honor to the fore, though the halls of the Forbidden Temple of Buzzia!
For he is Arngeirr. And his duty is huge.