" little red and te bg bad wolf;)

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Feb 17, 2012
Open to first to play wolf/ Guy(shifter)[/color]

Name- Fhallon

This is kind of a twisted version of Little Red Riding Hood. It has the basic settings and idea, but instead of the big bad wolf trying to eat little helpless Red, they are falling in love. Little Red[<name here] is pretty much grown up now, but she continues to wear the blood red cloak she's so well known for. A stranger has moved into town, a boy. No, a man really, somewhere around Reds age. He's devilishly handsome, and catches innocent Little Reds eye quickly. And she catches his. But this man has a secret. He's a werewolf, and a dangerous one at that. But Red won't back down, despite the many warnings he has issued her. Will they find a way to make their love work, or will it end in a battle as bloody as her name?

Today was not her day , she neede to get it of the house .

             So she'd set of for the river, the one place she could always go,
 Soon she was at the river, and a familiar calm settled over her like it did every time she visited her little sanctuary. She instantly moved over to a clump of willow trees, the way they had grown almost making a complete circle once you've stepped inside. When she was here it was like she had her own little world, one where no one could bug or bother her. One where she could be herself. She reached inside one of the willows, its insides hallowed out, and grabbed out the paper and pencil she always had stashed inside, and began to draw.
Today was not her day , she neede to get it of the house .

             So she'd set of for the river, the one place she could always go,
 Soon she was at the river, and a familiar calm settled over her like it did every time she visited her little sanctuary. She instantly moved over to a clump of willow trees, the way they had grown almost making a complete circle once you've stepped inside. When she was here it was like she had her own little world, one where no one could bug or bother her. One where she could be herself. She reached inside one of the willows, its insides hallowed out, and grabbed out the paper and pencil she always had stashed inside, and began to draw.
Jace sighed and put his hands in the water and scrubbed them together. Once they where.clean to his standards he.stood. jace stood at 6' and was weighed at about 225 off all muscle. His sun kissed skin fit well with how figure. His hair was as black as coal and was mid back length and pulled back into a ponytail. His ice blue eyes scanned the area he spotted the red hair women, not wanting to be found he sung back into the bushes he came from.
Fhallon rubs her neck, pulling off her cape and laying it on a beach with a the, her long red hair curling around her waist as she sits at the edge dipping her hands into the cool water. her pale skin Shineing in the sunlight. she looks up at the sky's ,placing her cool wet hands against her face.Hearing a soft crack as as if a twig had been stepped on , she turned around quickly
Jace slunk back even further and quickly formed into a wolf. His animal forum was about the size of a direwolf his fur was a white color. His eyes where still there ice blue color, he watched.the girl his muscles twitched under the fur.
Red eyes focus on a large object hidden behind a tree, She quickly backs up grabbing a large stick,felt her whole body tense up.Her heartbeat sped up once again, and she felt herself inch back without thought, her body moving of its own accord. Fear wasn’t something she often felt, so when she did she followed her instincts. Usually. Right now she knew she should just get up and run, but another part of her refused to move back more than a few feet, something inside her drawn to the large creature
A deer ran by. Jace jumped out his insticts taking over. The ground shook as he came down and chased after the deer. The deer went across the river and jace followed letting his wolf side take over.he stood at the bank for a few moments and let out a howl, the. Went I.to the forest chasing the deer.
Red found that as her chance to run grabbing her red cape and wicker basket leaving her shoes, as she ran into the densely populated woods." Oh saint ... I'm lost"she whispers. Looking around the unknown territory of these wood,Moss dripped from the sickly dark tree's like decayed flesh. Deep shadows seemed to ooze, move and threaten of their own volition. Every branch held the promise of something dark, gray and slavering for blood. Even the wildlife held it's breath, seemingly sharing her fear. Every tree in this thickly forested, misty and light less glade seemed to hide some ghastly secret or ghoul. Even the wind in the boughs sounded thin, sickly and fearful.
The wolf stopped and changed into his human forum. He poped his neck "thats better" jace started walking half to his home which was in the forest, it looked run down and that no one lived there but that's how he liked it. He went into his home and sat at the window watching the forest.
Red continues to walk through the scary FOrset yellin, she finally gives up sitting on a large tree truck" where am I..." she whispers tears shinning in her eyes.she pulls off her red hood , her curls bouncing around her face
Jace heard the hell for help he sighs and went out of his home and goes to the sound of help. "hello is someone there?" His pants rip on a branch, he shrugs and keeps walking to where he thinks the cry for help was.
He sees a small petit girl with long locks of curly red hair, the one from the pond, a black lace dress and a red hood surrounding her body , she looks up with bright blue eyes" Hello.... Could you help me please" she whispers standing up , the smell of food strong from her wicker basket
Jace hold out her hand "this forest is no place for a women like you to be" he said and less her to his home "youre canrest here till you get your strength up then ill take you to whereever you belong" he said and opened the door to his home "this forest is home to the silver wolf the gaurdian of the forest" he said to her
Red looks up at him, he's about 5 inches taller then her" Thankyou" she whisper dowelling along beside him trying to catch up to his large steps" the sliver wolf... Yeah I think I say him, I was running away from him that's how I got lost" she whisper laughing softly and stepping into the small house
"if you saw him you must be good of heart..mud only is seen by the gods of heart people there has only been a handful of people that have seen him" he told her "are you thirsty little one?" He asked
" Good of heart" she whispers laying down on a softl couch," Yes Thankyou..." she whisper pulling off her cape , which showed her small curvy body , her eyes shinning in the dimness of the light
He went to his small kitchen and grabbed a cup and dipped it into the small waterfall that he built into his kitchen. He filled it up "here you go little one" he said and handed the cup to her. "hes no harm really" he yld her and sat down on a chair
Her eyes shine as she looks at the small waterfall " I'm not tat little " she whisper drinking from the cup and closing her eyes " so cold.. Good"
"Well what should I call you then?" He asked Nd drank out of his cup "if you sab more just tell me do you want any food?" He asked her
" My name is Fhallon but you can call me red, and your name" sHe whispers sweetly tutting her cup down and laying her head n her arms yawning softly
My name is jace where do you live fhallon so I can get you home" he said "its not safe in this forest at night so I want to get you home before then" he stood up and grabbed her cup and his and filled both of them up he set hers down in from of her.
She looks at him a bit apprehensive of telling him where she live" The brave heart village" she whispers, her eyes dozing n and off, her red hair covering her angelic face.
" I can walk" she whispers standing up on wobbly legs and tiring her cape back on, as the sound of rain litter patters outside .She looks out the window at the darkend FOrset and gulps, looking at the large man in front of her
He looked at her "its okay" he said and liked at the window "shit well we can go now or wait till morning" he told her he knew that he would have to control his shifter side if she stayed
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