Whose that Pokemon?! (Hiro Protagon & valkeryiefirestorm)

Vulpix and Steve went further through the forest, with little to no problems before once again setting up camp and laying down to sleep.
Vulpix went into the woods for some privacy and changed she waited until he had his back to her then she crept up and covered his eyes " miss me?" She asked and gently nipped his left ear
Steve jumped up, shocked, before sitting in awe. "Vulpix? I-it wasn't a dream?" He sat there, eyes with joy.
"i want to get to know you Steve all about tpu, you likes your dislikes... Since I am going to be spending a lot of time around you" vulpix said
"Well, a little. I never thought I would talk to such a pretty woman." Steve put his hand on her leg.
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