We have cookies (mistress X Killer)

light or dark?

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Seely did not like his answer to question. If he thought she was going to drink that sticky white gunk that came out of his flaming red junk he had lost his Sith Lord mind. She did not even have a desire to taste such a thing. As she was getting on his good side she kept her mouth shut about the subject. She tried to get as much ointment on him as possible while touching him the least amount, if that was even possible.
When she was done he ordered her back into position.
She hesitated for a moment. His words were encouraging enough to make the girl move. Carefully she lifted her body up and twisted behind her to get on all fours. With her rear end up in the air took a moment to wipe her hands from the ointment onto the sheets as well as some of the cum off her face from his surprising blow of nectar. Nervously she lowered her head down onto the sheets and waited. Even though he had said he would be giving her some relief with the ointment she was preparing herself for more pain.
"Good girl" he mused out happily as she crawled into position, her smooth yellow cheeks perked up in the air waiting g for him. She had obeyed an order finally without much objection, it was time to be a little nicer to this hybrids frail frame. The sith stepped on to the bed before dropping to his knees behind her, bending down to hover his face over her anus before stickingg his pointed tongue out to run it over her flesh, lapping up a drop of blood that leaked from her torn hole, the taste making the dark lord shudder in a wave of blood lust fueled ecstacy. No words were spoken as he straightedge up, his hands run ing from her calfs up her thighs to rest upon her butox, thumbs spreading the cheeks wide as he pushed his hip forward. Without a warning the man once more shoved his hungery member hard into her, the throbbing flesh slipping in with ease now as the medical gel acted as a lb, filling up her hole where ever his flesh slid in to begin mending the tears he large girth inflicted upon her virgin flesh.

He wasted no time, his first thrust going all the way I as he leaned forward, his hands sliding off of her bottom to tease up her spine and wrap under her armpits, his hands groping at her bosom as his chest pressed upon her back, his breath heavy in her ear as he resisted the urge to just tear the girl apart in his lust. Instead his grip tightened on her bosom as he huffed, his muscles tightening and he lifted the girl up kneeling up straight as he let her small frame fall fully upon his member, his lips upon her shoulder as he waited for their bodies to adjust, his golden eyes staring at their reflection in the mirror at the head of his bed, hungery looking over the alien girls body. "Move for me" he finally growled out as he twisted at her nipples. "The tell won't spread well if you just sit on it" he informed her, the sith seeing if he could actually get the girl to ride his dick now.
The sith master grinned as she began moving, her body reluctantly bouncing upon his hungery flesh, soon though she would realize there was something extra in that he'll as she began loosing all sense in her head. Her thoughts going fuzzy and the rest of the night blurring as he dad as he pleased with her perfect behind, he hadn't wanted to use this specific healing mixture, but it worked the fastest, least painful and now he had her without her complaint.

Still the next morning as she awoke she would find her virginity intact, though her chest and back sticky and coated in his juices, the master obviously choosing the messier way than filling her up. She would awake on the floor at the side of his bed covered in blankets the master no where to be seen, a quick glance to a clock would reveal she was out for nearly twenty hours.

The room had changed slightly now, where his trophy stand had stood now was an indent in the wall housing a glass pillar, the pillar hollow inside with small holes on te floor and cieling, hologram words floated upon the glass, simply saying wash. On the bed she would find an assortment of white, tan and brown clothe strips, like bad ages but thbicker, along with black belts. There also layer upon the side was an assortment of thigh highs h foot wear once more in the variety of brown black and white, they were all of different patterns, a white one left the toes bear, ending the leg wear in a v shape to loop on her longest toe, a black one was made of what looks like all belt straps banded together cone Ted to still to heels at the end, a white one was of a thin fabric like any normal silk, and a tan pair were padded at the knees and gave soft padding on the foot. Along with the leg wear came arm wear of the same variety, some covering all fingers, some bare, some reaching below the elbow and some all the way to her arm pit, a note was left for her as a floating hologram there as well stating 'choose your clothes', the clothe straps and belts obviously ment to cover her body as she saw fit, though if she didn't then at on the head of the bed hung a hooded brown robe, different form her jedi garb as it was made of leather and of a much darker shade with black accents upon it.

Affton an hour the hologram words would disapeared and instead a large arrow would point her to a door tucked in the side of the room, diaganol and to the right of the exit, a door that once more had also been hidden before, by his weapon rack last time.
Seely's eyes slowly opened. She sat up with a disgusted groan. She had hoped last night had been a dream. Yet the sound of her flesh peeling off the ground as if it had weak glue on it and the bed sheets clinging to her body said otherwise. She remembered how the night began. The Sith was not happy she had chosen to wear her jedi robes. In fact not happy was an understatement. He disciplined her rear end in a manner that made the young jedi physically shudder from the mere recollection. The rest of the night was a bit of a blurs, There were bits and pieces of the man groping her body parts and his strong sweaty body forced up against hers. She felt vulnerable and weak sitting on the floor covered in the Sith Lords dried up cum, completely naked. It was hard to believe she had let him take advantage of her like that. She felt filthy. So when she looked up to see the hologram the hybrid ran to the clear tube.

As she stepped into the shower area she hated the idea of the tube being transparent. Sabhail could return at any time or one of his guards could come in to watch her clean. The hot water that beat against her skin washed away those cares. Her body gave a relaxing sigh as she cleaned the filth from her delocate amber skin. She spent a good time scrubbing herself clean and took advantage of the time she was given to enjoy the clean water. When she finally stepped out and dried off her spots had turned into a teal color. She was relaxed, still alert but stil in a better mood than before.

Feely returned to the bed where her 'clothing' had been set out for her. She scuffed at the options. strips of cloth and belt straps hardly made for an outfit. Yet, after last night she had to remind herself that she was grateful he was letting her cover her body at all. She carefully looked over her options then began to get dressed. There was no telling how long she had been asleep or when he would return. She wanted to be fully clothed when he did. Her eyes skipped over the black attire rather quickly. She had decided black resembled too much of the dark empire and would be what the sith wanted. The first item she put on where then tan thigh high foot wear. The knee pads would protect her and be most useful against any more of his leacherous attacks. Next she put on a pair of white fingerless gloves with a big hold for the fingers and a hole for her thumb that ran up to her elbows. She then took the time to carefully wrap the white wraps from above her naval upwards. Her perky breasts were wrapped snug beneath the clothe to prevent any discomfort when she fought and the wraps crossed over her right shoulder to support the wraps into place and avoid the cloth from rolling down out of place. The wrap then lined down her side, slide over her hip as she began to wrap over her crotch area, the clothe ran under her crotch downwards, up over her bum then back down over her from pelvis until the yellow skin was hidden beneath the white cloth creating a bakini style cover. With the thigh highs only her upper thighs and mid drift were exposed once she tied the wraps off at her hip. She looked down at the finished product and frowned. Although she was covered she could already imagine the Sith Lord's greedy red hands taring away her wraps. Her eyes shifted over to the black belt straps. Perhaps she needed a little more reinforcements. She did not want to wear the belts but they felt necessary. A thick strap a good four inches wide was fastened around her hip to cover her pelvic wraps. She resisted the urge to put another belt any lower for it would restrict her movements. On her chest however she weaved a few belts to fit over her breasts like a corset linning. The leather fastened over the white wraps like a cage hugging them in place with two belts rapped over her opposing shoulder to support the weight. Last a set of smaller belts were rapped around her upper thighs and below her elbows to keep her thigh highs from rolling down. Content with her undergarments Seely pulled on the leather robe. She felt a heavy weight on her shoulders as she slide the robe on. The leather was thick but the simple act of wearing such a thing made her feel guilty as if she had already betrayed her kind. For now she had to do accept as the Sith asked. Acting afraid, letting her emotions show on her sleeve was supposed to be an act to fool the Sith lord and his crew. Yet last night, what was an act and what she felt had become blurry. She needed to be more careful now that her head was clear. She wrapped the robes around her waist then used three thinner belts to hold it clothes, the top one starting under her chest and the bottom over her naval. The belts made her chest stand out more, her waist look thin and the bottom of the robes flair like a skirt. She was almost ready. There was one remaining issue. Her toes were still exposed. Seely took the black thigh highs and wripped half the belts off. When she put them on it was as if she was now wearing a boot of belts. She had the steel heels and the leather protecting her shines on the left cut off below the knee but the right she had cut short and stopped just above the ankle. Now content with her dress she was ready.

She had finished dressing in time for the next hologram to show her the way. "Stay calm and emotionless. The Jedi way." She murmured as she debated to even go through this mysterious new door. 'Don't let him break you.' She coached herself. Taking a deep breath she lifted her hood up over her tendrils and walked through the exit.
The doors slid open the moment she stepped towards it, only to be greeted with a darkened room, the lights of Sab'hail's own bedroom going dark to leave her in a void of black.

"There is no emotion, there is peace." the voice of Sab'hail's soldier spoke out form the darkness his voice obscured by the rebreather on his helmet giving him a more robotic tone, followed by the sound of boots stepping in the distance on a hard metal floor as the unseen soldier spoke out the Jedi code.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion" Sab'hail's voice cut out as the footsteps stopped, he himself starting the sith code.

"There is no ignorance-- there is knowledge" a clicking was heard between his sentence as he pulled off his helmet, his words un-obscured now, his voice calm and collected as the helmet dropped in the darkness sending echoes through the room

"Through Passion, I gain strength" The sith's voice followed by a loud thud as he dropped from where he had been, his boots slamming upon the ground and physically shaking the room.

"There is no passion, there is serenity" The soldier continued, the hum of his cybernetic eye clicking on breaking the silence between sentences.

"Through Strength, I gain power." A crackling shatter the darkness of the room as blue lightening sparked between two of his fingers, illuminating the red man for only an instant in the darkness betraying his position, the room was large, he was a good few meters away from her on the back wall of the darkened expanse.

"There is no Chaos, there is Harmony." once more the soldier spoke, his voice strong, un wavering.

"Through power, I gain victory." The zabrak's voice began to rise as his footsteps were heard in the darkness, the man coming closer.

"There is no death, there is the force." The soldier finished the Code of the Jedi, his footsteps following his masters.

"through victory, my chains are broken" a click followed by a loud humming filled the room as a vibrosword was turned on, a soft blue light emanating from it to show the ghostly visage of the blade as it stepped towards Seely, the doors shutting behind her cutting off her escape.

to her left another click was heard before a yellow light began sparking out, running down another blade as the soldier turned on an electro sword, once more only illuminating the blade but still betraying their position as the two walked side by side towards the girl.

"THE FORCE SHALL SET ME FREE" The spoke in unison , finishing the code of the sith together, the lights clicking on to expose the training room finally, walls riddles with 'non-lethal' weapons like electro blades, electro staffs, vibro blades, tazer pistols and rifles, electric buttons, and the like.

The zabrak's chest exposed, showign off his fit red body, the only garmetns above his waste that he wore were two thick brown belts that looped over both of his shoulders to create and X over his chest, a second tube like vibrosword hangign from his rigth shoulder, he wore no pants, instead a third belt clung tigth to his waste to hold a leather loin clothe, heavy fit brown botos went up to his knees endign in metal pads to cover teh vulnerabel join. his face half obscured by a dark grey cloth that wrapepd aroudn his neck over his lips and up to the top of his nose, leavign his piercign yellow eye sto gfaze intot eh young jedi's soul. The soldier , much mroe modest, keepign his plastic blakc armor on, the only thign missign was his helmet that he had dropped during the chant, hsi face stone cold and metalic palte for an eye scannign over teh leather clad slave girl.

"Tonight, we see how soft eh Jedi truely have mad eyou apprentce." Sab'hail spoke as he and the soldeir clicked off theri blades both strapign tehm to their back before the sith continued. "pick a weapon that suites you best, there are no light weapons int he room, so don;t bnother looking, and most of teh weaposn have been turned to a non-lethal setting." He informed , hsi eye slooking over hte cloaked girl still before turning to head back tot eh 'throne' that hovered int eh back of the room, obbviouslyt eh perch he had lept form int eh darkness ebfeor.

"The cloak was a bad choice, it will slow you down." The soldeir finally spoke out as he poitne dto the straps. "And teh belts will jsut make it harder for you to loso ethe weight, now then do as the master wishes, get your weapon, you cna chosoe multipels if you want to, we have all night." He added as he himself turned to head towards teh throne, though he ould stop near the edge, itn eh center of the room the metal fell away to expose a large circular dirt patch. droppign teh armor chest plate as he stopped, his eyes down as he worked on disrobing whiel hsi sith amster lept into the hoverign chair above.
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