We have cookies (mistress X Killer)

light or dark?

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There was a brief almost none existent second or relief when he released her clit before his fingers intrued elsewhere. Once against she gasped, stunned his fingers were now inside her. Her hips squirmed even more. It felt funny, her crotch was dripping and hot. Then she felt his fingers press against her inside and she suddenly fell silent, breatheless. A large shudder ran up her body like one would when they caught a sudden chill or heard nails scratching against a chalkboard. What was this feeling that was radiating from her intimate areas. She felt completely helpless and violated. Yet at the same time that strange heated sensation between her legs, she kind of wanted to feel more of it. This was weird, too weird. She was not supposed to enjoy anything he did to her. Then he broke her thoughts when he called her out. Was she really blushing?!
"Don't flatter yourself" she denied it even though her cheeks were turning pink and her spots were gradually fading into a bright orange color. There was a pressure building inside with each shiver and squirm he forced through her body though the nieve twilek was clusless to what was happening to her. "Ah hah-" She clasped a hand over he lips to muffle herself the moment his greedy fingers began to play with her nipple. There was that tingly feeling running through her chest again. He was having too much fun with her. She had to stop it before it went too far or she said something she would regret. Esepcially when she noticed the freckles on her hand. "G-get offf.. You'vah had your fun." She stuttered out the words as steady and commandying as her frail little body could muster. Her head turned to the side to try hiding the new colors in her face and she weakly beat a fist against his chest to try forcing him off.
"you still don't get it do you?" He whispered to ehr at ehr protests as his thumb began pressing and massaging her clit in a rolling fashion,as best he could at his angle. "You don't get to tell me what todo, you're my prisoner, my slave. You are lucky to not be muzzled or collared" HE added just to try and drill in the fact that she was his, he wanted to see how easy ti was to break ehr spirits, hsi own body shudderign again as he watched ehr squirm udner him, gaining twisted pleasure formt he feelign of her fists pressign agaisnt his chest, the figth was always so fun, witht eh women he knew it was so rare to have a struggle like this, he missed it and as he gazed over her he ntoiced soemthign, a change in ehr color, his gaze leaving her body as he kept workign her body with his hands to look aroudn the room, wodnerign if maybe the lightign had changed. He didn;t see anything differnt, still he wasn;t sure if it was just fatigue and pushed the change in hue away form hsi curiousity for now as he leaned back down to grab one of her tentacles into hsi mouth, teachign ehr never to turn away from his, less she expose the suculant tendrels, one of which he now bti softly into before suckign upon it, leavign a bite and a hicky mark befoer he pulleed away and began trailign hsi tongue over to a new tentacle.
The pounding against his chest did not stop. In fact it desperately increased the moment his thumb met with her clit. An embarrassing moan was forced from her lips, luckily muffled once again by her own hand. Punching his rock hard chest was a rather pothetic attempt to push him away. An infant could do a better job. All the attention he was putting on her body and his clear superior strength compared to hers made her muscles feel like mush. His response only confused the hybrid even more. Before he wanted her as his understudy now he was calling her a prisoner and slave. She did not know what she was supposed to be. The only certain thing was that in his eyes she belonged to him.

Despite her protests he didn't slow down on the assault. In fact, when she thought he could do no worse, for he was using both hands, he still managed to grasp claim to yet another sensitive appendage. "Ahhah pleeease" she moaned as tingling sensation traveled through her tentacle and made her thoughts hazy. His fingers were continuing to tease her clit, nipple and pussy at the same time. This strange feeling was becoming too intense. She was practically begging him to stop. It was too much and clearly wrong. She had this desire for him to keep doing whatever it was he was doing which meant he needed to stop. It appeared even if her mind protested her body was too weak to resist. His slimy tongue curled around one of her tendrils making her shiver. Then his teeth bite down and suddenly released all the tension. Seely squint her eyes shut and bite her bottom lip. Her fist opened and tightly grasped his shoulders. A shudder ran through her body then her hips convulsed as she cam on his hand. A tingly feeling ran down her legs and suddenly it was over. That tense pressure between her legs was gone, though she did feel her pussy twitch ever so slightly. Seely laid beneath the Sith lightly panting. Her cheeks were flushed and her spots were now an assortment of bright orange with a few teal spots starting to show. Her arms fell to her side as she tried to figure out what had just happened. Did she just orgasm? Did this red monster just coax her into her first orgasm? She was not sure which was more embarrassing, having the orgasm or having it so quickly. He had not been playing with her for very long at all, though the stress of the experience made it feel much longer.
"That feeling, that pleasure... You could have it any time, any where if you submit to me.. in tiem." HE whispered to ehr as his soaked fingers traiel dup her body leaving a glistenign trail of fluids befoer they met her lips , he ran the fingers over her lips so as she woudl taste her own fluids befoer he finally pulled away and stood up, loomign over her with a satisfied grin. "Now then us eyour robes to wipe up, you're not going to be needign them any more. I can't have you dressing like a Jedi on my ship." He added, as if every thing were back to buissness with him while he walked to the intercom. "Is the tailor done wihthte robes?" Sabhail asked only to be responded with a short yes fromt he guard outside. "WEll, bring them in." HE said in a slow voice, holdign in his impatience efore the door swippe dopen, it was the same soldier before out of hsi heavy uniform and instead in a black casual wear, his oen good eye gazig down at hte girl as he blindly handed Sabhail the blakc robes, the soldier seemd conflicted, concerned for the girls health but alsmsot over joyed to be able to get a glimpse of the bare body, hsi attention was snapped aeway though as sabhail took the robes from him. "Good, Major you can leave now, is your better half on their way up." Sab hail asked calmly as if the quick anger had subsided as fast as ti had come. "Yes, she had left the mess hall the same tiem as me, she should be suited and on ehr way here." THe soldier added before slipping out of the room eager to get out of there and back to pushing all of that bakc to the dark cornere of hsi mind, he needed a day off after the raid, he always had hated killing the younglings, sure they could be deadly but stil visualy it was jsut him shooting a temple of children and it alwasy left his gut unease and full of guilt.

"Here, colors fitting your new role." Sbhail said as he tossed the Hybrid her new robes, exactly liek the jedi's but jet black and isntead of a fine brown silk the outer cloak was mroe of a think leather that shine dint eh dark as well as a black tube top and blakc tight leather pants. "I i had the top and bottom made before i kne wyour nudity had been.. na option." Sabhail mused as he turned away from her placign all three of the light saber he had on him ontot he trophy shelf before clicking on an electric field to keep her from gettign to them now. . "Finish your meal, and you cna rest in my bed, my second Major will be just out side guarding you, and now if you don;t mind I've got a ship to run." He added, not letting her speak to him befoer he slipped out of the room leaving her alone.
A shiver ran through Seely’s core with the Sith’s next words. This feeling, she was still unsure how to describe was not enough to brainwash her into becoming his obedient slave. She was too confused and defeated to turn her head away when he ran the proof of her first orgasm over her lips. Still as he stood, pulling his wait up to release her thin form from beneath him. She made an attempt to cover her supposedly private areas with her hands. It was pointless but she still had to keep some kind of dignity, especially when his minion came into the room to drop off new clothes for her. She could not look the man in the eyes. Instead her eyes fell upon the ceiling and remained staring at roof speckled with black spots until she heard the door shut and she was finally left alone.

The hybrid finally mustered up her strength and sat up. Her panting had calmed to short soft breathes. She looked down at her robes but could not bring herself to use them as a rag to be tossed away. It was bad enough she was trapped in the dark side, she would not fully disgard the jedi in such a lewd manner. It crossed her mind to use the new clothes as rags. That would certainly get her point across, but then he might make her wear them stained in sweat and cum as she worked the ship. With a sigh she looked around the room for a suitable towel of some sort. She found none but did find the next best thing, a long cloak hanging near the bed. “Perfect” Seely mused with vengence. He made her sticky thus it was only right something of his would be used to clean it up. Sure it was a petty rebellion, weak at best, even she knew that but it was something. She used his cloak to quickly clean her body the best she could then the girl’s eyes fell upon the black clothing at her feet. She scrunched her face in disgust but put the black tube top and leather pants on. It would be harder for him to access her silky skin next time. Her Jedi robes fit back comfortably on top.

“You should think twice about wearing that.” The door opened and a woman walked in with a tray of food. It must have been the ‘better half’ Sabhail was talking about.
“Is he always like this?” Seely asked as she got herself comfortable in his bed and waited for the trey to be brought to her.
“Only when he’s in a good mood. He has killed workers for less.” She warned the girl but Seely quickly changed the topic when she saw the guard get up and try to leave. “You can guard me just as well inside as you can out there. Stay while I eat. It must be more comfortable and entertaining then standing at attention for hours.” She suggested.

For the next hour Seely tried to learn as much about this Sith Lord as she could from his underling. She didn’t get as much information as she had hoped, mostly warnings to stay on his good side.

She did not like the idea of using his bed. She could already imagine the Sith sliding in on the other side and going for round two after a hard day’s work. She tried her best to stay awake at least until he returned then she could demand a second bed. Her plan failed however due to the comfort of his bed. She fell asleep before he would return.
"She is your responsibility, but remember, the Jedi do not take kidnapping sliek thsi lightly. Nor will the other lords whent hey hear you have picked your own untraiend apprentice... I advise you to head to Korriban as soon as possible, I had already schedeuled the trainign for your potential apprentices to begin. If you get to the planet in time you migth be able to end the trainign sessions with them and speak tot he lords there for permission to personally trian this... mix-bredd." THe last words form teh cloaked hollocron were that of confusion, Sabhail's master seemed unsure of his choice in an apprentice, of cours ehis master, unlike most sith, would back up his desicion, Sabhail could still tell that his master didn;t knwo how well the order woudl accept a mix-bredd, they were already cold to any non-human or pureblood sith, he knew thsi first hand either way his master spoek the truth as the room went dark as the holocall ended leavign sabhail to kneel aloen wiht his thougths.
IT was five-minutes before the doors slid open and the Zabrak slowly stepped out of the call chamber, givign a quick glance to both guards, aknowlodign them before he headed down the hall witha swift dtride, striagth to his room, it had been hours sense he had left his new captive alone; he had gone to eat and debrief his soldiers about the new mission, the only upside being it was on the way to Korriban so he wouldnt have todo a second briefing with the ships crew after the call with hsi master. Still, today had gone better than he had expected, and it woudl get even better when he would be able to get to his room to enjoy his new toy more,
A devious grin slipping on hsi face as his bed room door slid open to show the yougn jedit slepign huddled in her jedi robes. he ahd to hide the joy in his face to anger as he flicke dhis hand, a force yankign at her robe to strip it off her andsend ti flyign to the corner of the room. and with that and one leap he was on the bed crouchign over her, his palm presisng hard on ehr thoat, maign sure she coudl still breath, though barely. "Waht did I tell you? I todl you to get rid of the robe didn;t I?" The Zabrak hissed out, brinign his mouth close to er ear as he spoke, nippign her fleshas he finishe dthe sentence. "It looks like You weren't the brightest in your academy.. I guess it's time for lesson two then." He hisse dotu again befoer his body floppe dtot he side of her, hsi hand still hard on her kneck to yank her to her side before his grip let go, only to instead wrap his arm aroucn ehr and tightne so she was forced to pres shsi bakc against ehr chest, his chin on her shoudler as he breathed uponeh r flesh, hsi free hand slowly undoing the front of her tigth leather pants as he spoke. "You coudl forgo your punishment..if...you... masturbate... for me.." Sbhail made sure to speak slowly, make every word sink in before he spoke the next. his last word endig perfectly with eh last button on ehr pants.
When he removed the robes her box made a full 360 turn over the sheets. In her dream her subconscious disguised the action as a twirl. She remained asleep until he physically attacked the girl. Seely woke up deeply gasping in a heave of air. Her eyes shot open to stare up at her worst nightmare. Her spots changed colors in panic. Maybe if she closed her eyes she would wake up and yesterday's events would have been a bad dream. Instead of closing her eyes her hands wrapped around his wrist to try reducing the tension. She held her breathe for a moment and than slowly exhaled to regain control of her breathing. It was difficult but possible. A shiver ran down her spine with the mention of lesson two. She expected something like this would happen when she went to sleep.

Her flawless body grew stiff when he pulled her close. The moment his hand released her neck she sucked in a deep breathe, relieved she could fully breathe again. She faught her instincts to push his arm away. She had already learned he was stronger than her. Instead her cheeks flushed as she weighted in her options, each sound of a button reminding her how much sooner she needed to make a decision. Last night was aweful but he did not physically hurt her. She did not want to give in to him but if it helped her survive long enough to get him off guard and escape then perhaps she could tolerate it. There was one problem however keeping her from complying. She did not know how. "I..." She caught herself hesitating, a clear sign of weakness or perhaps strength in concidering the answer. "I...can't. I won't disgrace the jedi." She said refering to the robs. "And I am certainly not your toy."
Sabhails grin grew as she answered him, his mind flashed with ideas todo to ehr, ropes, chains, toys, all of it, btu he couldn't. He just couldn;t spend all that work, he ahd been up for a straight forty eight now,he didn have the patience to make an elaborit torture device for her at the moment. Instead he was going to deal with what he got. "Well, lets see what the Jedi woudl thingk of you when I'm done with you." Sabhail hised itno erh ear, takign in a deeep breaht with his nose . "enjoy the feel of your innoscence while it lasts. Because by the end of the week, that will be all gone." He mused out, as hand yanked down to pull her pants to her knees, chaffing her skin slightly from the speed of the leather on her smooth skin, hsi hadn then comign up to brush over her slit before it disapeare dbehidn ehr, only seconds later after abit of fumblign did his cockcomb out and slowly slid betwene ehr legs. "Press yoru thighs together, hug your masters throbbign member." he said , his lips still at her ear as his hand pinched her bossom to tease her before sliddign back around to her vagina, his index and middle finger slowlh slidding upa nd down over the soft flesh above her clit, making sure his sharped nails grazed over her flesh, he stroked the tender flesh, up and down up and down and one last tiem up before his naisl sunk in as he grazed drwon this tiem leaving to stractch marks on her flesh as he nails aproached her most sensative area, stoping rigth befoer hte burrie dnub the sith spoke again. "This is your last chance, finger yourself infrotn of me.. or I'll have to continue....teachign.. you."
Seely resisted the urge to shrug his head away. The hissing in her ear tickled but the words made prickly hairs at the back of her neck. She had heard enough stories from the guards to know that he meant what he said. She could not imagine the transformation he planned for her. If she held strong the hybrid was confident she would be out of this hell by the end of the week. She gasped when he yanked down her pants. Cold air met her young womanhood. She brushed her knees together trying to block out his hand and the air. Then she felt something like a fleshy pole sliding between her thighs and her body made the opposite reaction. The reaction was delayed. It took a moment for her mind to register what the object was. "Ewww.." the disturbed emotion was forced into a moan halfway when he pinched her nipple. She tried spreading her thighs apart as much as the pants would allow her and used her free arm to try pushing his hips away. This was when she tried to struggle to get away from his touch but he had a good hold on her. So all she could do was close her eyes and shudder in anticipation as his finger began to tease above her intimate area. Then his nails sank in causing her thighs to twitch and her head to roll back. "Ah-" She caught herself this time, swallowing the sound to deny him the satisfaction. It surprised her that he stopped there. She was actually a little relieved. "I won't do it." she replied almost instantly. "I will not be the object of your perverted fantasies." she continued to deny his request even though it was pretty clear she would lose this fight.
"Oh.. believe me, this is already a fantasy of mine." Sabhail mused before bitting down ont eh lover lobe of ehr ear, makign sure hsi canine dug into the soft flesh as if he were tryign to make a piercign usign his teeth. At teh same moment hs bit, hsi two figner naisl dug down at the flesh rigth above the clit, threatenign to break skin as he pressed harder and harder, only to pull hsi fingers back and loosen hsi bite at he same time, last thing he wanted was the stain his sheets with blood. The arm arodune hr waise began to loosen only slightly as hsi hand moved up, slitherign hsi fingers unde rhte leahter tube top, his sharpened nails pokign and prodding at ehr flesh unintentionally as he wriggled hsi way in until hsi hand grapes at one of her breasts and his elbow slammed a ther side to keep ehr tigth upon his body again.
"close your thighs..."the zabrak pause dmid sentence, as he presse dhsi lips upong he soft neck suckign on ti hard to leave a discolore dhicky befoer continueing. "Or next time i will make you bleed" He warned his voice quiet and sharp as he lefta trail of soft kisse up her neck agian to brign his sharp tooth back onto her tender ear lobe and gnaw on ti softly, hsi lips working more nad mroe of her ear into his mouth. His two teasign figners now moves his nails complitly away form ehr flesh as he begna pinchign at ehr nub, twistign ti softly whiel his rigth ahnd ttwiste dher nipple in the opposit directinion between his thumb and index finger, his palmpresign and rollign the flesh of her breasts slowly uner it as he waited for her to close her thighs aroudn his hard throbbign member. if she did so he would begin movign hsi hip slowly bakc and forth jsut so that the tipp of his penish would slide back, half wya through her thigshto ub at the area of flesh betwene her pussy and anus befoer slidign forward again, just enough so tha thte mushroom head popped out befoer slidign back in,t he howle time maign sure to rubba dn grind agaisnt he folds of her pussy.
Seely bit her bottom lip to keep quiet as the pain of being jabbed shot through her ear and pelvis. She was so happy that her back was to him making it difficult to see her face. She continued to struggle and push hear arms against him to no avail and was surprised to look down and see that with all that he had yet to actually pierce the skin. His hand slithered its way into her blouse. She felt violated. Strangely more than she had the day before. He thought he could just take what he wanted and she would comply like one of his obedient workers. She would not give herself to him, it was sinful, wrong. She was hesitant once more to comply but Sabhail was very good at what he did. His lips met with her neck and a tingly sensation tickled her throat. An involuntary smile flashed briefly on her lips, it felt nice. No, she quickly corrected her thoughts. It couldn't. Slowly the hybrid complied to his command. If she was going to go through with this she did not think it was any good making it harder on herself. He probably wanted her to protest so that he could see blood.

Seely took in a deep breathe, closed her eyes and let her legs relax to closed around his cock. Here goes nothing. The moment she touched his bare flesh her thighs twitched as if she wanted to pull away again. But she didn't. His fingers soon found her nipple and clit. She began to whimper through the back of her throat in protest. There was that funny feeling again. The ones he made her body feel the night before. Was her punishment another climax? His hips began to move. She felt the thick penis slide between her legs. It was hot and thick and a little bumpy. It was like a kid seeing a penis for the first time. It was icky. She was old enough to understand the concept of sex and that cock was a good thing. But it was her first time, it still made her very uncomfortable, not to mention it was his. Her nipples were becoming perkier and it was becoming more difficult to breath. Her hips shifted slightly every few seconds as she felt heat between her legs. And.. was it getting a little damp down there? Goodness she hoped not. "What are you doing?" She asked as his cock slide forwards she became aware of the possibility that at any time he could slide himself in. "What do you plan to do as my punishment?" She asked as fear of losing her virginity began to consume her thoughts. She did her best to hold her composure.
"hold your questiosn till the end of the lesson." Sabhail mused in a devious voice before his slitherign tongue worked around her ear and up to one of her tendrils, his hips keeping in motion until his cock was covered in her fluids. his tongue retracte dbakc into his mouth so his lips met ehr flesh again and he suckle dont he sweet taste of her skin while his fingers massaged her breast rolling the honey soft pillow of flesh under hsi fingers, every fso often makign sure to knick her ever so slightly with a sharpened nail, just to remind her who he was , the whoel tiem his index fingrs would rpess and twirl aroudn ehr nipple playign with tis firmness, testign to see hwo sensative she was. his other hand still focusign osuly on her clit, rubbign the tiny lump between two of hsi finegers befoer rollign ti with teh tip of one and repoeating never goign anywhere else than the sensative nub."mmmmwhat is this? you're leaking all over your masters penis, and here i thought you didn;t enjoy beign my toy." He mused as hsi lips finally left her flesh to acknowledge his soaked cock.

"It seems ti migth be tiem for the real lesson to begin." He added as his body twisted, hsiarm yankign her to roll so she was layign flat on ehr belly on the matress and he was atop of her. Slowly both of his hands slipped away from her as his grip loosened around ehr and his body pulled awya, his cock slipping otu from betwen ehr as soon his whole wait was off ehr, but that gave her no rigth to move as he quickly move dhsi hand to his belt to press a button on a control , turnign on a magnet in his bed that pulled on her neck collar so she wouldn't be abel to lift her head fromt he matress,t he magnet loosened but only after that was a sharp static crackel sound as electric chains apear out of nowhere fromt eh fabric itn he matress to connect to her slave collar, it allowed ehr to raise her head hlaf a foot of fthe matress btu ristrected her form movign side to side. It was Sbahails little treat, hsi whoel bed was a mechanisim for hsi fun, and maybe one day he would be abel to ue all of the contraptions on her, for now though he didnt want to give awya alt he surprises.

"Sit there and look pretyt for me as I get every thign ready." HE chuckled out as he slipep dof fthe bed and began stripping of fhis clothes as fast he could, firstwas his shirt and as his legs worke dof fhis pants oen of hishands dug througha drawr near his bed. once he was stripepd naked he hoppe dback onto the matres shis body over her as he grabed both her wrists, usign hsi strengh to force her hand sunder her body before he put the cuff on them and swithced them on so her cuffed wrists were now magnetically puled down ontot eh bed.

"Now... get on your knees and put that ass as high inthe air as you can, befeor i make ten perfect puncture marks in your ass." Hsi hissed itno ehr ear,as hsi hands came to her but cheeks, hsi nails slowly sinkign in as he moved hsi headaway form her so he wa skneelign rigth behidn her waitign for her to comply.
Seely's only moan came when Sabhail's tongue slithered over her tendrils. Her whole body made a small shuddering wave from the feeling and her thighs lightly squeezed tighter against his cock for a moment. It was her weak spot, even she did not know how well she had reacted to the licking she was only happy he had not concentrated on that spot for too long. His sharp nail against her nipple was a wonderful reminder that she was not supposed to be enjoying his big strong hands groping her body this much. Seely tucked her face against the matress and continued to whimper and occationally groan with each tweak and tease of her sensative buds. 'This is aweful. I can not like this. I do not like this...keep yourself together.' she mentally coached herself against him. Her body was betraying her. She felt hot, physically hot. She was starting to sweat from all the attention and down below she had gotten so embarrassingly wet that he no longer had any resistance to his thrusting. It slide back and forth against her lips like butter. Unfortunately he noticed it too. Her cheeks were flushed red to match her spots.

Finally he rolled her over and pulled away. Seely was relieved that he had failed in doing any more than tease her body. For someone her it was torture enough. Wait did he just say the lesson had not begun yet? Seely quickly tried to get up and panicked when some strong force pulled her neck down like a lead weight. The crackle of the chain made her jump before she could realize what had happened. Her hands traced over the links in the chain and she lifted herself up once again to test it's length. This could not be good. She turned her head to see what he was doing but when she saw layers of clothes begin to fall the girl blushed and quickly averted her eyes away. Instead she kept her ears perked to see if she could tell what he was doing by hearing.

She could not catch much but it did not matter. He must have been eager because in no time at all he was back on the bed and had put some kind of cuffs around her wrists, something identical to her collar. She tried to lift her hands to no avail. They were stuck beneath her. Finally he spoke again giving her the most absurd directions. He actually wanted her to stick her rear up in the air for him to admire and abuse. The fear of being deflowered once again surfaced in her mind. Once again she hesitated until she felt something sharp prickle against her skin. Seely made an annoyed growl to make it clear that she was not a slut in heat while she did her best to pull her knees forwards beneath her much like an inchworm consequently exposing her firm rounds bottom up in the air and more embarrassingly expose her glistening pussy to the cold air.
The sith held in his chuckle as he watched her comply, she needed some work, but it was a good sign to see it was easy enough to scare her into doing his bidding. IT took all his strength to stop him from pouncing on her now as he eyed her perfect amber lips glistening in the little light the room had. the man had been starved of most sexual interaction sense he had taken control of the ship, while he could easily take advantage of any female he commanded, there was an image he had to keep, and one of them was to not show any weakness. To be fraternizing with any subordinate would show a sexual weakness, and for the most part he kept it in his pants during mission, now though he had a force sensitive apprentice to play with and 'break-in'.
But, he id not want to pop that perfect orange cherry of hers just yet, not on the first night, he had known that coming into the room, and he was sticking with the girls lesson as he bent over her his hand coming to firmly slap both cheeks of her supple ass, thumbs blindly scratching at her flesh till they found her anus and penetrated, hooking his nails into her inner walls while his fingers squeezed upon her buttocks to begin spreading her tight little hole. The process made it so as he bent over her his throbbing member lay between her cheeks and slid down, smearing vaginal fluid from his penis upon her flesh until his head poked at her anus, stopping there as he began to breath upon her ear. "Now then... tell your master...Have you learnt today's lesson?" The sith mused before he slipped his head back to bite softly on one of her tendrils, suckling it until it left a darkened bruise.
Seely knew she was in trouble. Even though she could not see him in this uncomfortable position she could feel his large form hovering over her. She held back a cry when he gave her a firm spank. Her but cheeks were but she had been through worse in training. Then she felt something sharp scrap across her smooth skin. It was like nails on a chalk board creating goosebumps through out her body. Her toes curled briefly. Then her eyes when wide when she realized what was happening. Something hooked into her anus and spread it open. She cried out in pain and shock, quickly pressing her face into the mattress. She felt his slimy cock slide between her crack. Fear was quickly rising through her. The red spots were growing darker. "What are you doing? Not there! Stop!" She panicked when she felt a fleshy tip press between his fingers. This was not going to be a punishment like the night before. He was not forcing her into something her body would enjoy. This was totally different and it terrified her. She could not imagine what he was about to do. She had no idea it could go there but he was about to try. She tried to shift hopelessly only to feel his nails scrap her sensative walls with each movement forcing her to fall still.

Seely stared up ahead as his hot breathe spoke into her ear. She could tell he was trying to drill his place as her master into her. Before she could even think of a good reply he created a more intense distraction. "Ugh Ohhhh..." The soft bit sent a tingly feeling through her head and the sucking did not help her situation. His moist lips suckling hard on her sensitive tendrils sent electric shivers down her spine and through her body. She unwillingly moaned and the toes of right foot twitched repeatedly like a dog getting its belly scratched. Seely was shocked she could even make such a sound. She tried to ignore the reaction when he finally pulled away. "Yes." She responded hoping that if he was conviced the Sith Lord would back away and move on to something else. Anything else would be better than what she feared he was about to do. So she thought. "I have." She confirmed while resting her head down in the soft covers to relieve strain from her neck. "Don't wear a Jedi rob in a Sith's bed chamber. I will wear what you want me to wear." She told him.
Sabhail grinned, exhaling quickly in amusement at her response. "Close, but ...wrong." He mused as his fingers slipped from her hole while he thrust his hip forward, leaving the gland of his penis just indie her anus to close around, the force of the clench making the sith shudder over his little plaything forcing him to take a few breathes before he continued speaking. "You...Do...As...I SAY... Or... I...WILL... Repeat...Lesson..Two." Sabhail hissed out, his fingers still digging into her butt cheeks now as with every word he thrust his hip to push deeper and deeper into the girls dry anal hole, the mucus form her vagina had helped with the entry but it was no lube, or not enough, by the end of the sentence he was half way in, his member throbbing against her walls forcing the tiny hole to stay open.
"Again...." Sabhail grunted out as he slammed one last time , thrusting the rest of his penis into her , grunting at eh force and feeling as he did so, a bolt of pleasure running up his spine as he felt her clench around his whole girth and his balls slapped upon her dripping pussy. "And.... AGAIN..." Sabhail slowly pulled out a few inches as he spoke, slamming in again as he ended it, his balls slapping again, making a loud squishing sound upon the moist lips."And..AGAIN...And..AGAIN." The process was repeated for nearly a minute before the sith seemed to be out of breath , his hands leaving her perfect cheeks to slid upon the mattress as he leaned down to breath upon her ear, catching his breath as his member throbbed within her rear."Do you...understand the lesson now...Or does do I have to repeat it?" Sabhail whispered out upon her war as his hands moved from the mattress to her shoulders feeling over her smooth skin down her arms till her could feel where her breasts were sandwiched. "OR...I could make the rest of this lesson a tad more enjoyable." HE mused as his hands cupped her sweat covered flesh, his fingers running over and pressing upon her nipples teasing them as he awaited an answer.
The amusement in his voice gave her the chills. It was the last thing she wanted to hear. Without even a warning he forced himself into her tiny hole. Her perfect amber figure shifted forwards in the sheet yet her muscles grew stiff from the pain. She let out a single very short cry before biting on her bottom lip to muzzle herself. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of hearing her scream. She was stronger than that. Not to mention she knew there were guards outside who could probably hear them. Instead A girly high pitched grunting sound came from the back of her throat with each thrust he made. With each word he spoke he pushed deeper and deeper into her tight hole. Her anus clenched tight around his hot meat. It felt like her bottom was tearing and all she could do was clench her fingers tightly around her leather pants that stretched tight at her knees. She did not think she could take any more of him in. She had no idea he was only half way in until he made the big thrust that forced back to arch, her hole to clench and her head to fly back until the chain stopped it with a violent rattle. She closed her eyes to fight back the tears that wanted to come. It took a moment to get her mind off the pain before she realized with the squishy things were that pressed between them. Her face flushed red at the thought. His naked body was slapping against her. He did not stop there. Even pulling out sent a burning pain through her. She barely had a chance to catch a breath before he pushed back in. Seely pressed her head against the matress. She was breathing through her nose, her body tense and helpless to take every thrust. The punishment had only lasted a minute but his brute strength and throbing meat ravishing her hole made it feel longer. By time he stopped her skin was glistening in a light coat of sweat and her chest was heaving against the bedsheets.

Now that he was still she was able to think of something other than tolerating the pain. She could feel his cock pulsing. Her bumm felt like it was on fire and her pussy twitched. She was baffled why it was moist, she figured it was from him playing with her earlier. While he once again asked the same question all she could think about was his cock. It is inside of me. Oh gosh it's pulsing like it has a heart beat! She paniced. They're pressing against me. It's pressing against my but cheeks.... No don't go in the shirt too. Oh that doesn't feel so bad. Don't moan, please don't make me moan. she thought as his fingers finally found her nipples. She shifted her legs trying to get more comfortable all it did was tease his balls and push her further against him. She could never get comfortable though. No one had ever gotten nearly this close to her. The padiwan did not like it. She felt tiny and vulnerable under his strong sweaty build, completely helpless and that was the last thing a jedi ever wanted to be. It took a second to realize in all her panic that he needed an answer. She released her bottom lip. "I understand." Her voice had less demand in it this time. It was killing her to give into him but she wanted the red man out of her and as far away as possible. "I will.. I will do as you say." She added as she looked ahead at the headboard to confirm what he wanted to hear.
Two days in, and the girl had already broken after a little anal play, he didn't know whether to be over joyed by the doors this opened for him, or disappointed that her spirit broke so quickly. He figured she would be back to her defiant self the next day or two, but still he had almost expected more from her. "good...Now sit still and wait for my return." Sabhail hissed out as he twisted her nipples softly, he had promised to make it enjoyable now that she complied, which meant not threat of tarring or ripping skin, only soft pinches and tweaks, stuff to get her nerves tingling was all. All to take her mind off of him pulling out as slowly as he could, he rationalized it saying it was for her own good, but in truth the zabrak moved so slowly only so as he could hold in his load, as much as he wanted to give her a warm little present, he knew the thought of him releasing inside of her could make her snap again. The man shuddered as her anus pope his erect penis out, the cold air a stark contrast to the warm tight heaven he had just been in. "Now then..." Sabhail whispered once he caught his breath. "I'm going to get off of you for a second... the magnets on your cuffs will release, your collar chain will loosen... be ready at the edge of my bed ." Sabhail spoke each word, slowly deliberately, clearly so as she knew all she had to-do, once his sentence was done he slipped his hands out from under the warm pockets they had been hiding, away from her breasts.

There was no hesitation in his movement as he backed off of the bed in what seemed like one step, and with another he was across the room looking through a cabinet hidden in the wall.
Seely did not say anything. She simply nodded her head at his request. A tingling sensation filling quickly through her chest as he teased her nipples. She wished he had not done that. It was sending signals to her body she did not want to feel. It was keeping her body in an aroused state when she just wanted to be left be. She shuddered as he slowly pulled out. An instant relief came to her mind and her muscles actually began to relax once he was out of her back door. She did not relax completely though. Seely waited until he was off of her and the chains released before she moved. She lifted her body upright on her knees bending her back backwards and arching to the sides to relax her muscles from the bent over pose. She rolled her neck and shoulders then cautiously ran her hands over her firm round bottom. She could feel the sensative spots where his nails had dug in and was hesisitant to touch her sore hole. She grazed her finger over it only to confirm the trickle of red mixed with a clear glossy liquid on her finger. She shuddered before realizing that clear liquid was more apparent further down. Glancing back she saw his back was to her. She used the sheets to quickly try wiping away the juices. She did a quick job before she turned her attention to the corner of the bed. There was no telling how fast the Sith would be.

Seely crawled over to the corner and sat down before quickly jumping to her feet with a soft gasp. Her bum was sore. She looked over to Sabhail hoping he had not heard her. Then back down at the bed puzzled at what to do. She could not stand there. Instead she found herself sitting back on her knees so that her bumm could hover over the bed. She mentally cursed herself for taking this position by choice. It was going to make him too happy. Seely folded her hands in front of her to cover basically everything below her naval. She then finally looked over to the Sith. The back of his muscular body was glistening in the light. She blushed when she realized she was looking at his body and quickly moved her attention in front of him trying to see what was in the cabinet. "What are you getting?" She asked him curiously. "What do you plan to do now?" The girl had learned in the last two days that he was always up to no good. She was afraid to ask but she wanted to know what was going to happen.
"Healing salve." Was all the Zabrak said to her as he riffled through the cabinet one last time before he seemed sure it was the right jar. The man turned slowly, a grin on his face as he eyed his precious yellow gem kneeling for him. She hid her crotch so modestly it was almost adorable, to think she thought hiding it from his view meant anything.

"Here catch, and put it on." Sabhail ordered as he tossed the jar of salve over to her, stepping to her slowly to see how she would react to the salve, waiting for her to apply it to her hands and move her hand to her rear, watching her every movement with greedy eyes.
"No...I never said put it on YOU...I meant...ME..." He hissed out the last sentence after barking out eh no, by the time his words slipped form his lips he was standing at the bed, his body hovering over her and penis still hard and waiting. "It's the only way We can be sure the gel gets.. ALL the way in there now isn't it?" He mused as he took her chin in his hand and forced her to look at him as he spoke, finishing the sentence with a kiss upon her lips, his grip hard one hr jaw so she could not pull away. He held the kiss for a few seconds, forcing his tongue in to slither around her cheek, not daring to go past her teeth for fear of a bite, but as he left her lips he made sure one of his own sharpened teeth hooked her lip to pull it with him, teasing her flesh as much he could before he stood up straight again. "Apply it on your Masters shaft... and remember, the more you apply the better it will feel." Sabhail mused, a confident grin on his face, not just knowing she would comply, but also the fact that he was ready to burst, he had gotten soft while looking for the gel but the new a few strokes in his load would unload on her, and as much as he didn't want to scare her away, he just wanted to see the humiliated look on her face when the might Jedi was covered in a siths semen.
Seely was pleasantly surprised to hear what he had pulled out of the cabinet. She caught the jar in one hand and quickly opened it. It was one order he had made that she had no problem following. Only pausing for a split second when she looked up and saw his hungry eyes watching her. It did not matter, he had seen her in a worst state than this. She reached behind her and had hardly pressed her finger against the flesh when he demanded her to stop. He wanted her to apply the gel to him. Her eyes rolled up to him. Before she could utter a word she was being pulled into a kiss. She barely kissed back. Her hands came up out of instinct to push him away but she restrained herself from actually doing so. She gasped in a deep breath the moment he finally released her lips. Her brows burrowed at him. "You said if I complied you would not do that again." She called out his bluff the fire in her spirit once again sparked by his orders. She knew there was a catch to the healing salve. He was a Sith which meant he could not be trusted. "It can just heal on it's own." She stated stubbornly and sat back.

It was her rear that saved her from another lesson. The moment she sat back a spike of pain returned from sitting. She gasped pulling herself back up. "Fine." She huffed after a brief moment to think it over. She scooped her hands in the jar and looked up. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the red throbbing member. It was the first time she had gotten a good look at it in the past two days. The girl had nothing to compare it to but it looked big and impressive. It was intimidating. That thing was inside of her! She did not want to reach up and touch it. If she did not do it there were other places he would make it touch. She tried to show no fear and quickly threw her hand forwards. Just get it on quickly is what she decided. She slathered a glob of it onto his shaft and began to rub the side of his cock in a circular motion. He felt surprisingly hard. Then she brought the other hand in to get the other side done faster. Little did she know any of the tale signs of an orgasm now was Sabhail kind enough to warn her. She had about half of him glistening in gel a load of cum shot out. Seely jumped in surprise. White sticky cum shot at her chest and sprayed up at the bottom half of her face. "Ewww.." She began as she reached up to wipe her face but once again stopped herself she she realized her hands were greasy with ointment. She closed her eyes and took in a deep deep breath. She was getting too emotional and completely forgetting she was supposed to be a jedi. He knew this was going to happen. She was so mad. At the same time embarrassed he had gotten so much emotion out of her from this. Not to mention upset from his sticky gunk on her. She was filthy and her bum hurt. She tilted her head down inhaling another deep breath. Her arms dropped in her lap, once again covering herself, not so intentionally this time with her hands faced up so the ointment would not get on anything. She was so stunned by what just happened she could not think of what to say next without getting herself in trouble. From the moment he surprised her with his orgasm her spots had changed the darkened pure black instantly then each one faded itself into a different color so that her freckled spots were a rainbow of colors.
Sabhail watched curiously as she went wide eyed form his load, his body shuddering from the joy of the release though he stayed as still as possible, reluctant to show signs of weakness even in pleasure. his brow cocked though as she closed her hands and eyes and put on her strange display of colors, this wasn't he first time she had done such things to her spots, and though his curiosity nearly drove him to ask why it happened, he knew those questions were better saved for a later time.

"Now now... stopping so soon?" He mused out, thoroughly amused by her little display of defiance. "If you think this is enough salve, enough lube to help heal you.. then I guess we can begin." Sabhail added , putting a little flare in the end of his sentence s he snapped his fingers, the sound triggering the chain on her neck to tighten, not fast and not hard, just enough to try and get the point across that she was to get back where she had been.
Seely could not believe what was happening. She sat in front of the Sith half naked and coated in a fresh coat of his cum. She had been reduced to the sex slave half her race was known for. It was pothetic the state she was in. In one day he had briefly made her forget her Jedi training. A Jedi was to be emotionless and strong. She was not supposed to show her true feelings yet she was a ball of emotion just waiting to blow. Sure the night befor she had been emotional to the guard and even to Sabhail but that had been an act. It was an act she needed to quickly remember before he could break her.

Seely felt the tug on her chain reminding her to where she should be. It was time she dialed back some of her defiance. She had to ride this out as a weaker Jedi so that when they landed she could fool the Sith and make her escape. It was the only way to survive. Yet he was making it difficult for her to be completely submissive. "No, wait." She lifted her head up. Instead of falling back on the bed she fought the chain, pulling her upper body forwards. "I was not finished." She told him as she looked at the half covered member. She reached out to grab him with her slippery hands just to prove it. "You just... " She fell quiet as she noticed it was much softer this time and sort of limp. She squeezed it curiously, lifting it with one hand and made a slight wiggle motion to test her theory. Maybe she just had not noticed it before. Her cheeks flushed and she pulled her hands back once she realized what she was doing. "You aren't going to do that again will you?" She asked as she reapplied more of the ointment on her hands. She was looking down paying attention to the medicine simply so she would not have to look up at him. Seely waited for a reply before she would reach out for him in fear that another few rubs would cause a second eruption. Though if that did happen she was now prepared, well at least expecting it. The very thought she found amusing, the big bad Sith Lord could not contain himself after being touched for hardly a minute.
With another snap the force on her neck went limp allowing her to get back into position, her curious probing of his member making it easy for the sith to get hard again, a devious grin slipping upon his red lips as he watched his girth grow in front of her. "And if I do? What are you going todo about it? You should be begging to drink my sweet nectar." He scolded harshly before nodding his head down to gesture to his member. "Now continue what you were doing or, well you know what will happen already." he warned figuring he would not have to repeat himself. She complied though obviously very ginger about it, the red skinned man keeping the large grin as she finished her job, his hungery member throbbing hard with every stroke of her hand.

"Good good, I think that's enough to heal your 'injury'. Now then are 6 out going to get in position? Or do I have to get some help?" He asked as he raised his hand his fingers ready to snap to pull the jedi padang in back if she refused.
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