We have cookies (mistress X Killer)

light or dark?

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Jan 15, 2009
IT was the best sensation in the world, to smell the burning flesh and her the crisp sizzle as he held the saber deep in the Jedi’s abdomen, the red glow was the only thing that lit the room as his foe gurgled and spurted out blood before dropping his own saber, the soft zipping sound ringing through eh silence before both blades were extinguished and the zabrak took a step back, his black cloak flying up as he hooked the light saber back onto his belt, watching his opponent fall to the ground without another sound, a twisted grin on the sixths face as he stood there in the darkness.
with the room silent again the Sith could hear the muffled sound of blaster fire coming from the rooms around him as his soldiers took quick work of any civilians stupid enough to stand up against eh Sith Empire. Sabhail and his men had landed on a republic moon right on the edge of the neutral line after they had gotten word of a new Jedi temple poking up. The Jedi had been naive to believe such a place could stay hidden for long so close to the Sith border, even stupider to think that one Jedi knight could protect a temple of younglings, even his expendable soldiers were worth more than the force sensitive whelps that were being trained here, Sabhail had yet to see anyone other than the knight be able to wield a light saber. Though he was hoping that would change soon.
I can feel your fear in the darkness, there is no use hiding." The Sith hissed out, his arm extending in eh darkness to throw out a bolt of lightning , the air going crisp as it ionized around him and the light flashed form his fingers to strike a light post in eh darkness near the stranger he could feel cowering in he corner.
Seely had witnessed the entire fight and slaughter. She had her hand cupped tightly over her mouth to muffle her breathe and restrain herself from screaming as she watched her Jedi Master murdered before her very eyes. The young apprentice had been training with the Master of the temple before the attack and was commanded to hide with the Zabrak came. Tears streamed down her cheeks for the loss. And then the Sith called her out. Lightning struck out lighting up the dark room. Seely tucked her arms in and rolled out of the way and into sight. Her hand went to her belt and a purple glow extended from her light sabor. It was time she avenged the fallen Jedi. Her only choices were to attack or die. Clearly she chose attack.

Seely lifted up onto her feet and charged towards the Sith. "I am not afraid of you. I will avenge my fallen Master!" She cried out while gripping the metal handle tightly in both hands. The apprentice charged forwards waiting until she was a few feet in front of the man before kicking off the ground and stricking her light sabor downwards from above. If the Sith was paying enough attention to the girl he would notice something quite you unique about the girl. She had the tentacles of a Nautolan but her eyes were human like and not black though she would not let him get close enough in the darkness to see they were a bright green. Her golden yellow skin looked brown in the darkness but practically glowed against the light of her blade. It was hard to tell beneath her robes but black spots danced down her sides. Seely the Jedi apprentice was a very rare mixed breed, the child of a Nautolan and Twi'lek.
"too bad..fear is a strong emotion, fear cna keep you alive." Sabhail mused as he slowly walked circles int he middle of the dark room waiting fro the girl to strike. she was a cornered animal, freightened and left with no way to escape, he knew soon enough the fear or adrenaline woudl get to the untraiend warriro and she would lunge at him, its what any apprentice woudl do, especcialy after watchign their master die. He coudl feel her termoil her hate, her fear, her rage buildign up in her, the emotion making the sith grin widder int eh darkness, it was so rich so delicious to play with lower beings in such a way.
finnally she struck out, what felt liek hours was only minute whens he lunged at him her fet soft otn eh ground but robes loud as they caugtht eh wind when she lept up, any fool could tell where the attakc was comming from. She was either stupid or poorly trained, after watching the sith figthwith her master she should know a head on attack liek that would fail, and the zabrak was happy to rub it in her face as all she was able todo was raise her saber up before she was stopepd mid air, a force slammign agaisst her whole body as, the darkness makign hsi acuracy off he went to push her witheh force istead of grab her. he waited till eh hear her body slam against teh stone wall before he unshiethed hsi balde again, the red and purpel ligth minglign tossing their shadows aroudn as he walekd up to her, he could see her many tentacled lobes, but thougth littl of it as now he had clear view of her throat, his rigth hand slowly liftign up to throw out a froce choke aroudn ehr neck, eh coudl feel it, even from three feet away he could feel her soft flesh beign crushed under hsi gript hroughteh force, the feelin sent chills up his spine as he began raising her off her feet.
he began toyign with ehr once she was floating, loosign hsi grip befoer she would balck out so she could take int he neccxasary air only to clamp down on ehr again, hsi white teeth shining itn eh dark witha twisted grin as he watched the shilohette of the feminien figure struggle under his might.
after a good five minutes of fun the door swished open lettign ligth fluid in forcign ther siths face to cringe at teh sudden change, a disgusted look on hsi face as he turne dto glare down a the soldier that dare bother his fun.
"S-sir, the temple is.. clear, my lord we are ready to move on when you are there is already a fleet otn eh way to salvage teh wreckage." Teh soldier had hesitated at first glancign between the strugglign jedi and hsi angered lord, his composure came quickly though, it hadnt beent he worst thing he had seen today.
"good collect any weapons that migth be of use and leave the rest for the clean up crew. NOW LEAVe!" Sabhail barke dotu leavign eth soldier to stumble and scurry away befoer his golden eyes laid upon hsi victim for the first time. her skin was a rich golden yellow almsot liek a subdued version of the shinign metal itself, her tear streaks actualy made ehr flesh glsiten liek gold between ehr squinted eyes, he could hardlys ee her figure under the robes but he ddin't need to, he coudl tell jsut by lookigng at ehr face how her body must look, the mutlipel tendrils trialign off of her head gave away the fact she was part Nautolan, but everythign else was different, he coudl see human ear hidden behidn the first endril, along with dark leopard spots running down the side of each one as well as over her jaw lien downt eh sid eof ehr neck, something he had never seen in any other species but a t'wileck, she was a rare one, a prize in his eys. "Tell me...do you fear death/" EH hissed otu as he onc emor tightened hsi grip, expectign no response from ehr as he waited for her strugglign to stop, once passed out the zabrack puleld her towards him and tossed ehr slender body over hsi cshoulder as he grabebd bother her and ehr master's ligthsabers as trophie sbefore headign back tot eh transport.
the ride back up to their destroyer ws spent withe h zabrak hoverign over his new captive as a medic went over her to make sure Sabhail hadn;t perminantly damaged her, once ont eh ship in orbit he tossed her in his quarters, still garbed in her jedi robe.
"Report to me when she awakes, and don't touch her unless she tries to escape." were his only orders to the soldiers at hsi door, he took one last look into hsi room, a greedy smile on his face as he stared over the body that hung there, his room was that of luxury and fetish, one would easily see it was the room of a commandign officer and yet it held equipments of torture liek the contraption Seely hung in now,, her arms stretce dup to the side of her pulel dby electric chains that cut off her force powers from her hands, while her angles were bound and spreed the same way, ehr body a large cloked X that hung at the head of his bed on the wall.
Seely had the courage to fight but not enough training to stand a chance to fight a Sith of his level. She did not strike the monster, not even a scratch. He did not physically touch her either. The hard cold wall made a brutal impression on her as it knocked the breath from her lungs and brought the frail girl to her knees. Seely inhaled a healthy breathe of air just in time for the threat of strangulation to lift her up. Her feet dangled, kicking and flailing. First it was to find ground. Then it was to strike the blurred figure. Even though she could not physically touch the force clasping around her neck her hand instinctively clutched at her neck as if it would help. Seely gasped and heaved for air. The other hand hung at her side clasping her light saber. Her knuckles were turning white from her tight grip. She would not lose her only chance of survival even if she was clinging to life by a thread. Just when everything was starting to fade and she could take no more he loosened his grip and the rush of air filled her lungs. Seely welcomed in the thick air and regained consciousness just before the grip tightened around her neck once more. “Let me go!” She rasped as she helplessly struggled in the pitch black room while the rest of the temple was burning. He tortured her for what felt like hours. By the time she the soldier came in to give an update she had was hoping he would finally end it. Instead he loosened his grip to give her a chance to once again regain consciousness.

She gasped in as much air as possible and tried to figure out a way to free herself from his vice grip while the two talked but it was impossible. Tears freely flowed down her cheeks instinctively from the struggle, from grief for all her fellow jedi and frustration mixed with rage. It was impossible to tell which were the true cause of the tears.

Just as the Sith looked over his victim she finally got her first clear look at him before his voice hissed in her ears and everything went black.

Seely’s eyes eventually did begin to open, slowly and cautiously. It felt as if she had woken from a dream. Her hearing was the first to wake up as she heard the sizzling of electricity and looked up to find her wrists and ankles bound by electric chains. “What happened?” She groaned as she looked up. Her eyes grew quite large as she noticed she was hovering over the head of a bed. Who’s bed? The room was filled with intimidating objects and torture devices, most of which she had no idea of their true purpose. Nor did she want to find out. In order to remember who’s room it was or how she got there, Seely thought back. The last thing she could remember was the attack on the temple and struggling for air. Her lungs burned so bad they felt as if they would burst. Then everything went black. Her lungs no longer hurt. She was perfectly healthy. How did she survive? Did someone miraculously come in and save her? By looks of the room it was not the case.

Seely noticed her light saber was gone and her limbs were stretched to such a degree that she could not use the force to help her. So quietly she hung in the empty room trying to think of a way out of this. It did not take long for an idea to form in her mind. If she could not physically over power him in battle then she would outsmart him. “Hey, is anybody out there?” She called out towards the closed doors. “Can anyone here me?”
"The signal is weak, we can only get audio through." the guards voice clicked out through his black helmet as the sith lord approached, a displeased sneer growing on his face from the news, he hated talking with his sith master without a visual hologram. His master had taught him more in the mental persuasion, you could only get so far with a sword, but you could raise a nation with words. With that training they had grown to rely on body language seeing as how the audio was always botched through transmition. I was worrisome to talk to anybody without being able to read their emotion, even more so with his master, the one person he knew could kill him with just a thought.
"My master, I have slaughtered the Jedi at the temple as ordered, have your scouts reached the planet yet?" Sabhail asked hesitantly, trying to keep his voice strong yet the doubt was even stronger until he could hear his master's voice, there had been set backs over his masters conquest of this sector, planets rebelling against the empire over Sabhails rule, other sith had to step in, his master hadn't been pleased. Few sith kept loyal to their first master after they rose to the rank of Lord, but he had to say his relationship with his master was special, many apprentices wished to over throw their iron fist of a teacher, but they were both smart he knew he was no match for the force mastery the Darth had, not yet so instead of over throwing and showing his dominance. but to do so would mean to become a target, to over throw his master meant that others would know his power, instead his master had made a pact, they would rise through the ranks together, every emperor needed their general, his master was better with the politics while Sabhail's zabrak nature made him better in battle. Still he was expendable, he knew his master had the means now as a Darth to easily obtain a new apprentice to mold so Sabhail treaded lightly now after his few defeats.
"Yes... the first reporzzz... are in...." The transmition went silent after the first static burst of voice, still the voice wasn't calm, it was a higher pitch then a scold or a demand, it was a good sign and the sith lord breathed a sigh of relief as the next transmition came in. "you did good my young apprentice. I have already sent you a reward along with your next shipment of supplies." The next transmition came in clearer and his hopes rose higher as his master spoke of rewards, though hesitant he spoke back instinctively bowing as he did so.
"Thank you my master, but you know what I think of surprises. What am I to suspect from your reward?" He asked with as much of a calm voice as he could.
"A new apprentice, the counsel is running out of competent masters and-"
"No... I told you now apprentices unless I find them myself." Sabhail quickly rejected the idea, his hand coming straight under his right eye to feel over the deep scar that ran down his cheek all the way to his neck, a gift from the last apprentice he had that had taken out nearly half his jaw, he refused a full cybernetic though allowing his skin to grow over the metal jaw they had placed in.
"It isn't your choice or mine, you have gone a year without an apprentice, it is an important trail for a sith to be able to train his own and he has already been sent... but remember if he were to die during training it is not your fault just remember even within your own ship there will be soldiers more loyal to the emperor than to you, DO NOT kill him out of your own incompetent rage." The last warning rang hard in his ear and his rage grew as he was backed into a corner, the idea was infuriating he didn't need an apprentice he was already under the empires beck and call, the attack on the temp hadn't even been his masters orders but another Darths an down they forced another task on him, He was a lord he should be back at the capital with his master not out hear babysitting and running errands. He had to think of a way to get this new leech off his back but how?
~~~~~~back at SabHails room~~~~
The voice was muffled from behind the door, Sabhail was private like that and his personal guards did not question it, they knew their lords special interigations, they knew it was best most people didn’t hear. But any sound coming from there when the lord wasn’t around was sound for alarm, they knew he had a prisoner bound, a jedi and if she had found a way to escape the lord would not be pleased. “what is it you want?” The soldier asked as he stepped through the door leaving his companion outside to keep guard while he came to watch the interior o the room now. His armer was shaped exactly ;iek any other sith soldier, with a helmet that looked almost as if it were in a perpetual frown and padded plated that draped over his shoulder and around his neck, the back though had a red cape draped down with obscure black stripes, any oen who knew would know it was the ttripe patern of their zabrak lord, it was the status symbol on their ship if nothing else. The same went for his outfit thought he build was exactly like that of any sith soldier his black helmet had been painte don with two red stripes that ran vertically down passed ssi eyes to the bas eof the helmet which became completely red after the mouth piece, the plate on his shoulders each had a bright red vertical stripe in the middle and the clothe on any part of hi uniform had been changed from black to a dark crimson red.
His brow raised under his helme t as he looked over the robed women strung up over his lords bed like a trophy, he really knew how to display them though the guard questioned as to why he had kept the jedi garb when it was so obvious the little prisoner had such a great body hidden. “what is it you want to know?” He asked comly his voice changed througteh helmet to obscure his identity, ti was only for the personal gaurds just to strikethat extra fear of the unknown into his enemies, sure because of all helmet coms each voice was obscured when speakignt rhough it but they were all still distinct and different, Sabhail had made sure the helmet on his personal gaurds all sounded the same.
Seely looked down at the soldier that walked into the room. She recognized the colors. They were the same as the Empire that attacked the temple. The Sith Lord must have decided to take her prisoner instead of snapping her neck in half. Though judging by the objects in the room dieing might have been the better choice. Since she did not have that option her next option was to find away out of the Hell ship. It was time to put on a show.
"Oh, someone really is out there." She began. "I know I am a prisoner but these cuffs.." She said looking up at the electric bindings that held her in the air. Her voice was soft, youthful and innocent. "They are too tight. They feel like they can pull my limbs out of place. Could you please take them off?" Her eyes began to water and her throat chocked up as if she was about to cry. Her lips became pouty as she continued. "I am starving. They don't feed us much at the temple and I don't know how long I had been knocked out. I feel too weak to stand on my own so if you uncuff me and lock the door I will still be a prisoner. If you leave me much longer like this I could get hurt and then I won't be of any use." She paused a moment to allow him to consider it and reflected on his second question, what did she want to know. "Could you at least tell me what ship this is and whose room I am in? Or w-why I was saved when everyone else had to die!" At this point the tears burst forth and she began to cry. She really was quite the sad sight. It was not hard to make herself cry when she thought about losing her master and fellow apprentices. The acting came from a childhood of conning suckers on the streets. After a good minute of tears she looked away shamefully, her body slumping in dismay. "You really don't care about any of this do you?" She stated retorically. "On your way out could you at least return with some food?" She requested hopelessly as if she expected him to be heartless and dismiss everything she had said.
The trooper had to resist bursting out in laughter, maybe on a cadet her charade would have worked, but he hadn;t rose throught he ranks by feelign pitty for every last victim he came across that gave him the pouty face. as she spoke he walked over to her and climber up on the bed to raise his hand up to her , letitng the glove dhand sldie down ehr wrist and push her sleeve out of the way to press on a puncture wound att eh soft flesh on ehr elbow joint. "you feel this? while you were out we fed you nutrition through a needle, your stomahc migth be empty but i know you have mroe than enough energy to live." he said to quickly contradict one of her clames befoer his hand movced over to her chest his ahnd pressign on her robes to feel the size of her hidden treasure. "and from the size of these i'm sure you were fed well." his hand moved quickly away though out of instinct, he wasn't stupid enough to linger long knowing if Sabhail came bakc and saw him touchign his trophy the soldier was as good as dead, with a reluctant groan the soldier hoped of the bed and circle daround tot he foto of it as far as possible form the girl, his face felt hot in his helmet as he clicke ed the locks off and tpulle dhte hlemet off he needed soem fresh air to calm himself as he spoke again.
his head was clean shaven, not because of rule sbut becaus eof necesity, if they were attacked whiel he was off duty he knew he wouldnt have to fuss with any amount of hair to get his helmet on, and unlike his sith lord who was alien to a strong degree this amn was obviously human all except for hte metal patch that covered one eye givign awya hsi cybernetic implants that clicked every tiem he blinked, and withotu the muffle of his helmet gave off a soft humming in the otherwise silent room. "I think you know i can;t let those bindign off of you, last tiem i disobeyed my lord, well i didn;t start off as a cyborg." He admited, givign ehr a fair warnign of how brutal his master could be. "You are here on the Defiant, an imperial star cruiser run by our Lord Sabhail, your captor and most likely executioner. an apprentice liek you would hold no valuable information for him to to torture out of you, so i asume you are his trophy, be glad, trophies last longer than prisoners."
For a brief moment, when he silently climbed up onto the bed she had actually thought he had fallen for her pouty face and was going to free her. That was just wishful thinking and too easy. Her temple would not be wiped out by troopers that were that gullable, it would be insulting. Instead he pulled down her sleeve to prove a point. Seely tried pulling here arm away in discomfort when he pressed on her flesh. Needless to say it did not budge from the tight electric bonds. It was also a sore spot she had not noticed until it was pointed out. This was going to be trickier than she thought. Her green eyes watched his hand go to her chest and once again her body instinctively tried to pull away but with no success. Luckily he clearly was not as lustful as she had heard the dark side was. Otherwise this could have ended differently than the trooper stepping off the bed and taking off his helmet.
His cybernetic eye was the first thing she noticed. It was hard to miss. "H-he strikes down his own men?!" She questioned in a fearing disbelief. Although from her last meeting the Sith Lord she was not truly surprised at his handy work. Still even after being called out on the food she kept a sad, frail, weak composure. "How long does his t-trophies usually last?" She asked while trying to think of another way of convincing the trooper to loosen her bonds.
"He sets an example. If he is willing todo this to one of his most loyal men, well he lets the soldiers ponder on what he doest to people he doesn't like." The soldier chuckle dout with a solmen laugh trying to make the idea seem mroe humorous than it could ever be. He himself always tried to convince himself he had deserved the punishment for the mistake he had made, though the mroe he though the more the cybernetics began to pain him. "You.."The soldier snapped back form his thoughts as she spoke, anything to take his mind off the cold feelign of metal below flesh. "You will last atleast a week, it depends if you are stong willed you might be lucky enough to see the next planet we land on, maybe even Koriban itse;f." THe sodlier now laughed heartedly at the idea of one of their prisoners actualy livign logn enough to see the sith home world. "I'm sorry to say miss you probably wont see yoru next birthday, and even if you do, you wotn have enough sanity to celebrate it." His tone was solem with eh last sentence, the soldier couldn;t even bring hismelf to look at he prisoner now instead he turned to look at teh door as if guardign the bed he stood at. "And that is only if he uses you sexually... if you're here to be a punching bag... then the next meal we giv eyou will probably be your last." He added, speakign quietly now as he had even destroyed his happy mood again. "Though I hope its the former... you're too young to have to go through the pains we have." With that he soldier scoope dup his helmet and took a brisk stride to get tot he door befor she could ask or beg to be let out again.

"I see you've been getting to knwo my new toy." Sabhails voicerang out itn eh room as the door slid open infrotn of the soldier, leaving the two to stand face to face untilt he soldier lost nerve and took a step back. "go, leave me to my devices." The sith hissed as the soldier saluted and quickly stepped aroudnt eh zabrak to stnad in the hallway, turnign his head to take one last glimpse a the girl befor ehte door shut behidn the sith.

now with the light son the zabrak was in full view for her to see, on his ship he felt no need to wear hsi battle armer and instead wore wha looked liek a belted vest and tight blakc pants, still though he was draped in a black cloack highligths on the edgeds in a dark crimson that went into the exterior of his hood. his face was the signature red and black of most if nto all sith zabrak the blakc lines like tiger stripes or lightning etchign down his face except for the cheek where his scar ran down, the flesh that had grown over the cybernetics had stayed the crimson red with a lack of blackmarkigns at all, somethign the sith despised but would rather live with than the gorey protrusion of metal that msot opted for.he had eigth horns on his head, the two for msot ones rigth above his forhead were the shortest followe dbehind the longest and sharpest ones that seemd to hav ebeen filed to a point standign a good three inches tall, the two horns bhind each of those grew shorter in length and between his row of horns was his only piece of hair, a strip that ran don the back of his head to a short black pony tail. other than his scar his most striking feature was one tha the prided geneticaly, sharp golden eyes that seemed to shine in the faintest of lights, thse eyes rigth now looked over the girl, no hate no disgust but curiousity at he moment. "After what he has told you...are you afraid? do you wish to die now or go on livign not knowign what i have instore for you?" The zabrak asked calmly as he walekd up to her, placign his ligth saber upont eh bed side table befoer glancign back up to her, his hand runnign down the hym of her cloak as he spoke again. "What would you be willing to do to extend your life and sanity as long as posible?"
Was this soldier telling the truth? Was this Lord Sabhail really that evil? She had heard stories of members of the Empire doing unimaginable things to the Jedi and had witnessed first hand what the Sith was capable of back at the temple. But to save a young apprentice just so that he could have someone to torture for possibly a week, it was a waste of resources and beyond cruel. They weren't called the dark side of the force for nothing. Yet still, for her own comfort Seely believed the soldier was taking advantage of the opportunity to psych her out. After all, standing outside a door all day had to be a boring job.

Before she could reply to the amused soldier the doors slide open and another voice filled the room. Clearly it was the Sith Lords. New toy? A shudder of fear ran through the hybrid alien. So she had been taken for his amusement. Or was this just something he liked to say to scare his prisoners. For the first time as he walked into the room Seely was able to get a good look at the man. He was as intimidating in appearance as the trooper had described. The Zabrak had a strong build and walked into the room proudly in his battle armor. She sensed and arrogant air about him. His stride alone and the way the trooper cowered away told her the man was not new to his position and had been leading for some time. He had also been through some battles. She wondered if the scar across his cheek was from battle. Considering the place he had struck his own subordinate she had a suspicion it was a reprimand from his own master.

Seely meet his curious golden eyes for a moment as he approached her. Now she had to make a decision and quick. Should she play the same damsel in distress character on him or will he see through her act and turn from curious to enraged. Instead of verbally responding Seely nodded her head meekly when he asked if she was afraid. If she denied it he would probably do all he could to make her change her answer. The second question was much more difficult to answer. The first idea that came to her was to take the light saber he had just placed on the table and decapitate the Sith. She would be willing to try and it would extend her life quite a bit but it was not something he would be pleased to hear and pleasing the him was the only way she was going to get the cuffs loose. "I... I... could become a useful part of your staff." She began as her eyes broke from his to follow his hand down her cloak. "I would clean your room, cook... well learn how to cook" She corrected herself since her cooking skills were not the best in the galoxy. "I could give you massages after a hard days work of slaughter innocent jedi-" She chocked up for a moment before clearing her throat "Possibly dance for your men so they are not so restless on the ship." She tried painting an image in his mind, a positive sex free use for her.
"Good, fear keeps you alive fear tells you when to run, when to fight, it give syou power when you need it the most."The sith mused happily as the girl nodded weakly. He had already figured a good use for her other than the obvious one ha dhad planned snese he saw her bare body when they were healing her. His smile dissapeared as she psoke though, a serious intent look on it as his eyes gze dup into hers, judgign ever word that slippe dout of her soft lips. "You are one witht he force, even as a prisoner you shouldn't stoop so low as to consider yoruself the same level as these soldiers." He corrected ehr befoer lettign her continue her answers seemed sligthly unorthidox for a jedi, but at he same time it gave the sith hope as he stepep dback and walekd aroudn tot eh foot of his bed, as he spoke he stare doff to the corner right of the door where an asortment of lightsabers hung behind thick glass. "you are willing to step into the role of a slave just to keep yourself alive, yet try to keep yoru dignity by not mentioning my sexual desires." Sabhail pointe dotu bluntly after she finished. "though we can always assume i would want more than a massage at teh end. ah and yes it seems the jedi haven't brainwashed you and wipe dyoru emotions away, i feel that hate in your voice young one. that wasn't what i was gettign at though.... woudl you betray your order to live longer? would you take up a sword to strike down another for my cause?" Sabhail pause dbefoer givign a soft chuckle."No ofcourse not.. not yet. But then if you were completly compliant then there woudl be no room for you to grow." The sith mused to himself as he began pacign abck and forth at he foot of hsi bed, he had alreayd made up his mind and yet he had to second guess himself, he didn't want to waste such a trophy so soon. the sith's godlen eyes finally glance dbakc upo to her in a soft snear, he needed to tesst her atleaast. "Stay and ponder my words, you seem liek you could use somethign solid in yoru stoamch." Sabhail finally decided a she left the room a swiftly as he entered.
it was only five minutes later when the door slid open and the sith stepep din holdigna tray of a small asortment fo food not knowing which teh girl would eat, though he didn;t expect she woudl be eating much as he bent down a the foot of hsi bed to put he tray on his bed and pres sa button on a the pannel a the fot that let otu a crisp zap befor ehte electricity disapeared aroudnt eh girls appendages allowign ehr to fall onto teh head of hsi bed. "Eat, you're goign to nee dyoru strenght for the time ahead, that is if you really still wisht o stay alive." Teh sith said bluntly as he turne dot walk to hsi window, ont he opposite side of the room away from her and his lightsaber that still lay on his bed side table. even fromt hat distance he could pull his sabe rto his hand befoer she woudl be able to reahc it, btu ofcorus ehe would only do so if she reached for the blade.
The sith really did thrive on emotions and fear seemed to be the key goal on this ship. He had used fear of death to torture her back in the temple. Now he was mentioning it once again. To her surprise it, though she was sure he enjoyed watching her tremble in fear, he was not as much into instilling the fear as much as he was explaining how it could become a positive use for her. After that the conversation was quite confusing. She was quiet through most of it, speaking once when he asked her to betray the Jedi. It was difficult to tell what had possessed her to be honest at this part. "I wouldn't do that." she shook her head. Any other Sith would have probably pulled out their light saber to end it now or practice the chock hold. This one expected the answer and was actually talking about her growing. The entire time the Sith was in the room her eyes were on him, judging his movements and mood while he paced back and forth in thought. Then he left as quickly has he came leaving Seely to think, that was exactly what she did.

The red man was intimidating. Even though she did not want to admit it she feared for both her life and virginity. She had been trained not to let her emotions get the best of her and the tears displayed moments before were for show, however the fear and confusion was difficult not to feel. This Sith Lord, he was scolding her for speaking low of herself as if he valued his prisoner more than his own men. So... the trooper really was bluffing? Everything he had warned her about was contradicted by his master. He did have a sexual attraction towards her. Seely had felt it the moment the man walked into the room, however, she would avoid that topic as much as possible. Right now she was trying to figure out what he had planned for her. Even though it was mentioned she could die soon she did not feel that was his intention at all. He would not have bothered with all this just to kill her. Seely was so deep in thought about what the man was planning in his unusually complex mind that she had forgotten about planning an escape. There simply was not enough time to add in such thoughts before he returned.

There was a zapping sound causing Seely to tense up as she expected some kind of electric shock. Instead gravity took told on her body and she fell onto her knees. Seely straightened out her clothes and rotated her shoulders to relax the muscles from the outstretched position she had been in for who knows how long. Her green eyes stared at the food only for a moment before she moved to hang her legs over the side of the bed and side beside the trey. Whether she submitted or tried to escape she would need food to keep her going. "I... I don't understand." She began while she picked up one of the foods and began to eat. "What do you want from me?" She finally asked being straight forwards with him. Seely whiped the dried tears from her puffed cheeks. As she waited for a response her eyes darted towards the night stand where the light saber sat. It was teasing her. If she could get to it she knew she could over power the Sith Lord. There were too many guards. She could not fight off an entire ship but if she took their leader captive then she could get them to land and then escape. This was all assuming he had not left it as a trap. Maybe he left it there to see if she would try taking it. Seely hesitated but decided if she did try and failed then she would confirm how weak she was in his eyes. If he underestimated her enough then she could eventually find his weakness. If she did successfully take it then there was nothing to worry about. Seely was halfway through with the first item off food when she spontaneously lept to her feet and reached out for the light saber.
Teh sith grinned as he looek deout a teh stars, the girl had gone for the food first she was either patient or already submitting to him, either was acceptable. "I want you, as a student." He fianlly came otu withe answer she was lookign for, only moments before she lundged for the lightsaber, hsi ahnd twitche dbut he deiced against takign ti from her. "You would strike down an unarmed enemy? is that really what the Jedi code has taught you?" Sabhail mused eagerly as he turned to face the armed girl, his figner twitchign as he waited for response, if she was smart she wouldnt charge at him for fear of breaking the glass behidn him that lead to the empty vacume of space, but if she did he would stop her, behidn his back he still had her and her masters ligthsaber clasped to his belt and at a moemnts notice would pull them out and defend. The excitment was killing him though, he wanted to see her skill, he was hoping she had more tact than what he had seen back at the temple and as he waite dfor a response began walkign slowly awya formt he windowto see wha she would do, if he was correct the jedi code forbayed attackign an unarmed man, or at eh most was against killign them, it was a test was her emotion strogner than ehr code, could he break her like that.
Seely grabbed the metal handle and instantly there was a sizzling sound as the red light extended out. A thrill of success ran through her followed by anxiety. He did not even try to stop her. "You are not unarmed." the Jedi stated as she turned to face him and adjusted her stance to where she held the light saber out in front of her towards the Sith. Her eyes shifted towards the door as if the troopers would burst in at any moment. "T-there are troopers to your call at any moment. Not to mention your skills in the force." She told him. Seely was no edge. She wanted to keep calm and emotionless as she was taught to do in battle but she need to keep up with her character and acting emotional messed a little with her emotions themselves. He started to move, she needed to do something before he did call the troopers in. "I won't join the dark side of the force. I suggest you pull out my saber if you wish to stand a chance." She said as she charged forwards at the Sith. She charged forwards, this time aiming the light saber across towards his wrists in order to cut off his wrist if he tried to go for another choke hold.
"My troopers are all in the mess feasting on the ratiosn we looted from yoru temple." Sabhail mused seeign how much farther he could push the girl, her charge was mroe calculate dnow, but still sloppy. he waited for her to striek before side steppign, hsi body followign only an inch from teh blade till her first strike was done, at tha tmoemtn he turne don hsi heel to stand behidn ehr. "close but you hesitate on your swing, you are two slow." Sabhail said instructivly before extendign hsi hand tot eh side, pulling a good sized ring object from his shelf, graspign t in his hand befoer he took a striding step back. "Good good now try that again, as you strike remember to move with yoru swing, step away and be ready to change yoru swing at a moments notice, btu never hesitate." Sabhail instructed, the man acting as if he were talkign to a youngling, she posed no threat to him even with his own saber,.
The attack missed. She mentally cursed herself as his voice came from behind. There was no buzzing which meant he still refrained from using the sabers in his belt. She spun around on the ball of her foot like a ballerina to face him. He was right she was slow and hesistating. She had never killed anyone before. Plus her emotions were getting the best of her. It was as if she was forgetting the jedi ways. The Sith was feeding on this. The worst part was his instructions reminded her of her old Master. The thought made her eyes water and her rage rise. This was frustrating. Even with his blade in her hand he was getting his way. She was not going to be able to kill him in this emotional state. The timing was wrong. Seely shook her head. "I am not your student." She began backing up from the fight. One foot behind the other she continued to slowly walk back away from the man. Her feet wouldn't stop unless she met the door or an object would bump into her heel. The light saber was now held waist hight in front between both her yellow hands in case he took the inititative to attack or come towards her.
She didn't go in for another strike, it was disapointign but he could see her large eyes begin to water, he was digging inat ehr emotions that was lalhe needed todo he needed to make sure she wasn't the brainwashed royal fighter all jedi were destand to become. he watched her begint o back away and he slippe dthe colalr in his belt next to eh sabers."Oh not yet at least you wont be my student for a fe wmroe weeks.. that is if you live." The sith chuckled otu as he thrust his hand out, a large yank pulled at his sword as he tried to pry it from ehr hand with such force that if she didn't let go she wa sbound to be draggged to him, the moment she let go it went flying, spinning int eh air with a flick of his wrist so the tip of the blade just grazed her waste, cutting her belt to let her robes flow open, the slimmer of yellow flesh bringing a glimemr to the siths eye as he caught his saber whiel his free hand extended out and pulled bakc, a wall of force pushing at the girls bakc o throw her towards him as he tossed all three of the sabers across the room to land on a shelf, he was the msot skileld at using the force to manipulat ethe battlefield, somehtign he easily could show off by havign oen hand do a differnt task at he same time., her body hit his ahdn his rigth ahdn twisted aroudn ehr to grab at her tendrils and yank them down whiel his left got the collar and slapepd it upon her neck with a satisfied grin. "You're mine now.. weither you liek ti or not." He hissed otu before runnginhis tongue under her chin, hsi body shivering at the taste of her flesh befoer he pushed her awaya nd stepped back, admirign hsi work as the robes hung half way off of her showign off her shoulder while her breast still clung to the fcloth almsot as reluctant to give in as the jedi they belonged to. "nwo that that is done... hwo shall i go about breakign in my new toy?" He mused curiously his golden eyes lookign voer her body as he genuinly waited for a response, he wante dto see her reaction he wante dto derwaw this otu a littl emroe longer before he relaly let loose.
Seely's grip was tight enough that her shoes slide a good foot across the floor before the light saber was finally pried free from her finger tips. The saber turned and she jumped back expecting to be stabbed. instead her belt hit the ground and she gasped as she felt the cold air running under her robs. Her arms wrapped around her to hold them closed, pushing her bust up. His movements were so swift and precise that the next thing she knew she was up against his hand. "Owww!" An involuntary cry echoed in the room as she felt her a pain travel through her tendrils the way her head was yanked back. A shiver of disgust ran down her spin and it showed quite plainly in her squinted eyes and pursed lip. His tongue was rough and slimy against her smooths skin. When she was finally set free Seely instinctively took a few steps back as well. A single tear glistened in the light against her cheek as she delicately rubbed her tendrils. The other hand came up to feel the collar around her neck. This was bad, very bad. She should have continued the fight. It would have at least given her more time. "H-hold on." She held her hand out. She was afraid of course, no sane person would not be but as she had been doing since she had woken she was overdramatizing it a bit. "I can't be your student and your... toy" She nearly flinched at the word. "I will reconcider and willingly be your student with no fuss. As long you keep your desires sedated." She said as she removed her hand from her collar to pull one of her sleeves back up over her shoulder. She could sense his pheromones everywhere. Lust was definitely his dominating emotion and she knew it would be a miracle from him to agree to it but she had to try.
"Such fear of sex from one raised by twi'leks..." Sabhail mused curiously as he tilte dhis head, his eyes goign wide with realization. "Unlkes syou weren't!?.." Teh idea exciting the sith as he made his move a grin on his face. "either way request denied, you will be both weither you like ti or not." HE chuckeld out as he lunged at her, the force pushing behidn him to come at her with mroe strength and speed needed to try and pin her ont eh ground on ehr back, "Now then girl, what's yrou favorite position?" HE hisse dupon erh ear befeor he leane dhis head forward to btie shard on the tendril that grew behind it, his breahtign heacvy lieka beast as he pulle dback fromt eh bite, a wisked grin on hsi face as his hands came to her wrists quickly makign sure she wouldnt struggle out form under him as he waited for an answer.
Seely shook her head. He guessed correctly. "I wasn't." She gave a short brief response. Then with a thud she was on her back staring up at the ceiling. Her hands went straight to his shoulders to try pushing the man off. He was well built and easily twice her size. Without some kind of help he was not going to budge. His question repeated in her mind in time before it was interupted by sharp pain behind her ear. "Aoeww!" She flinched, trying not to scream so loud this time. Her shoulder shrugged up as she tried pulling away from him. Instead of breaking free he restrained her even further as he locked his strong hands around her small wrists. This left her feeling vulnerable and weak, completely hopeless. If he kept this up her whimpering weak jedi act might no longer be an act. Think Seely Think! She tried to figure out a position that would work in her favor but none came in mind. In fact she only knew a hand full of generic positions. "I-I don't have one..." It was a weak response but when it came to sex she was clueless.
"mmm then how about lovers how many lvoers have you seduced with this body?" Teh zabrak hummed out as he took in a wiff of ehr scent, her fear sendign shivers downt eh all too excited siths spine as his gold eyes met her green ones, so large and full of fear, real fear, she was finally breaking, and all he had todo was tease her with sex. "Or..is your body untounched ... are you a virgin?" He asked teasingly fully expectign her to say no, he had yet to meet a single twi'lek of ehr age that hadn't been with atleast two partners int heir life time, he expected teh same from thsi twi'lek hybrid, even if she weren't raised by that slave race he figured her body would have lure dmore than a few potential suiters, and what a body she had, he let go of one wrist to move his hand down over her cheek down erh neck and to the collar of her robe, his eyes staring instensly down as he opeend het cloakc up fully, her golden breasts gleamign in the soft ligth of hsi room, her chest heaving slowly with every breath brinign the prize up and d down, hsi ahnd came to her rigth breast circling it with hsi palm befeor cuping it as his fingers traced the few spotsont eh side of the large orb , thos eleopard spots so exotic. "I found you this way, only robes, no under garments, do the jedi not believe in such things, or have you been a naughty girl?" Sabhail mused befoer he move dhis body down to run his tongue aroudn her nipple befeor bittign down har dont eh nub, he was determigd to have her squirm through he forplay.
"I was training to become a full fledged Jedi Master." Seely replied as she stared into his eyes. They were bright gold, beautiful, and fierce. They made her feel as if they were peering into her very soul. Too add to it he was asking what she believed to be very personal questions. "To have a lover is against the Jedi code." She reminded him the facts and figured the man could read between the lines. The yellow girl still had enough dignity that she wouldn't confess she was a virgin so easily. She knew what the twi'leks were known for yet she found his assumptions insulting. She was not a common whore. She did not mind the idea of staying a virgin forever, however, if she was going to lose her virginity a sith Lord was not her ideal mate. His warm hand silenced her. She eyed his hand. The further down her body it traveled, the hotter he cheeks became. Especially when she saw the look on his face when he opened her robes and saw what she looked like beneath.
Seely's head rested back down against the floor as he cupped her breasts and began to messaged it. She was uncomfortable being touched in such a private area, however, it did start to tickle as his fingers teased her spots. Still it wasn't really anything special. "It was a personal choice..." She began as her cheeks flushed a new tone of orange at the last part of the question. "It is habit I kept from a child.." She stopped talking as she felt his tongue now rub around her nibble. If he looked up at her at this point there was an uncertainty in her face as if she could not decide if it felt good or not. It was wierd, different to feel something wet lapping around her pink nub. She gasped her, body giving a jerk when he clamped down on her nipple. A shock ran through her chest and her free hand gripped tightly onto his shoulder, pushing as if to push him off. "Not there!" She whimpered, unable to believe he would bite something so sensative, so dirty and private to a woman.
HIs eyes brightenede as it finally sank in her words confirming itand his desire growign for her more as his teeth let go of ehr nipple as his face was suddenly back at hers, his eyes hard onto hers. "So your tellign me... yoru a virgin? is that even possible? do twilek have virginity?" Sabhail asked in curiousity, he had yet to ever meet a virgin twi'lek or atleast one that had actualy told him it, his hand venturing away from her nipple to feel down her waist, his body shuddering instictvly at the heaven of her smooth skin though his mind was focusede on any words that came from her mouth now, depending on how she answeredwould mean how she was going to be treated next as his fingers found the shivering lips beteen her legs, wrigglign between her strugglign thighs as his sharpened nails poked at her sensative clit, his free hand still massaging her breast though, unable to take both of his hands from her perfect round lumps no mater what the treasure was down below. "Have you EVER been touched by a living being like this?" The sith asked in almost sheer glee as his head dipped down next to hers again, runnign his tongue over the largest of her tentacles, figuring if she was a hybrid atleast two of her tentacles had to be brain lobes, more sensative than the others, he only assumed they were the thickest ones and always went to tease them first as he weaited her response.
Seely's hand somehow managed to find its way beneath him to gently press her nipple and shelter it from another attack. She was a little surprised he listened to her and released the nub. Then again he did need his mouth to speak. Seely did not like this topic he kept bringing up about her virginity. It was way too personal and showed her exactly where his mind was. Though with the amount of pheramones he was releasing around them she did not need him to be on top of her to know what he was thinking. How many ways did he want her to state it? Seely did her best to keep her eyes focused on his and not on the strong red hand that was sliding down her body towards an even more personal area. Her body began to shiver beneath him out of pure fear. She hated it, the fact that he could see her shaking beneath him. She wanted to stop but her body would not listen. Then she felt a sharp poke between her legs. The girl squiled, gasping in air as she broke eye contact with him to look down and clasp her legs tight around his arm. "Move your hand, that's private!" The words came out instictivly. She knew he didn't care about the privacy of a slave or prisoner but that did not stop her from saying so. With all her might her free hand pushed against his shoulder blade as if she could single handedly push him off. Her reaction pretty much gave away the answer to his next question. Should she lie? What use would that do? She was proud of being untouched so why was he making her feel so shy about it. "N-no-" She gasped as he ran his tong over one over her tentacle. A tingling pleasure filled her mind, it was as if she had been kissed by a crush and counteracted the awkward feeling of being touched for the first time. Her cheeks turned to a brighter orange, though for a moment appeared a flash of red. "I have never let anyone that close. I have more respect for my body than most twilek." The words stammered and breathed out the words almost as if she was moaning. It was as if his tongue had weakened her fight. Her hips jerked with each sharp poke and her thighs loosened through grip slightly as she squirmed uncomfortably around his hand.
"To love and to have sex are nto the same my dear." the sith mused as his nail slipped form her nub and his finger puhe dinto her slit now intrueding into her pussy finally as his ring and index fingers rubbed upon the side of the slit, each stroek comign bakc to let his sharpene dnails ligthly scratch at her sensative flesh, the man seemed to shutter ever tiem she squeezed her thigsh agaisnt hsi hand, takignt he tiem to enjoyt eh feel ovf erh soft near flawless y smooth flesh. "we woudl all be in trouble if we loved every one we slept with... No all you have to learn is the cardinal joy it brings your body." He mused eagerly as he rubbed his finngr on her inner wall, beign surprisingly delecate as to not scratch with hsi nail whiel inside her, he didn;t want to accidently hit her hymen or scratch her and make her bleed, he got enoug sadistic pleasure leavign teh soft welts on her outer flesh and he wasn't that evil as to not give her her own pleasure now, he wanted to show her the fun they could have, tease her witht he possibility as he lay over her. it was too easy to jsut take her by force rigth now, he could have his way with her any way he wanted, btu what fun was it if she wasnt confused and broken first?
his eyes caught the sligth color change itn eh girl as she squirmed and whimpered and a new found spark flashed in hsi smirk as he bent down over her face. "Oh ho, what was that? a blush my deer, have I found a senstive spot?" He cooed in excitment as his free hand begna massagign ehr breast again, there was a new found curiousity abotu ehr now as hsi eyes seeme dlocked on her cheeks, the zabraks free hand fondling her breats blindly tryign to repeat the results he had gotten, even snakign hsi figner sunder her arm to pinch at her nipple again,t eh whoel time hs other hand still working at wrigglign in his hybrid prisoners most sacred hole.
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