Breaking Miss Watson {darkest_fate&Master_Germish}

Kale went home and he smiled and decided he would give her another ten, maybe fifteen days of submitting. He knew that she would wear her collar the entire time, tonight had been to powerful, she would be too aroused from the nightly playing that he knew she would do. He smiled as he arrived at his home and took a deep breath before sitting down and passing out in his living room chair. Kale spent the next week going about his business and arranging meetings for various employers and others. The second weak he sent her a note that was delivered with the same champagne she drank with his cum as well as a single white rose and the note read. "Hello my pretty little submissive, it has been one week and I hope you have been behaving, but now I want you to wear the plug on a daily basis, only removing it to use the restroom." Then there were a few breaks and the letter was simply signed 'D' which was shorthand for dominant. He smiled as he hoped she would obey as he wrote that letter and then once again spent another week going about his business and another week passed without his contact and he wrote another note, though this one was delivered to her on set as it was a bouqouet of the same rose and a new note that read. "Two weeks. Time for another date, go get a dress that you know I will like. You know how I like you dressed and presented. Appease me and I may take you to my home after our date. Also, be at my booth, waiting on your knees a glass of my favorite wine in your left hand and I want you to buy a silver leash for your collar and for that to be in your right hand. You are to be kneeling with your legs wide and both toys in." Again there was a break in the line and then that single letter 'D' representing all of his control. Kale was proud of that letter and hoped that it would be enough and that she would obey.
Emma couldn't recall being so conflicted in her life. After she'd cleaned herself and rested, it almost felt like that night hadn't happened. She'd gone to work next day, shooting scenes and acting as if everything were just as it had always been. Except she still had a collar around her neck, indeed, there could be no mistaking it for anything else. There had been some initial questions, but Emma had just waved it off. The collar looked good on her, and she felt strangely comfortable when wearing it.

That night, she'd gotten home and seen the pink thing, sitting by her bed where she'd left it. Her body hummed just thinking about it, and she decided that she might as well. So Miss Emma Watson had relieved the stress of the day by holding a buzzing vibrator to her shaven slit, rolling it around and teasing herself. The toy would press along her, buzzing and sending all the best signals to all the best parts of her. Then, just as Emma began to feel that familiar sensation building, she would find herself pulling the toy away, leaving herself breathless. The first time, she had stared at it, not believing that she'd actually done that, her mind rebelling at the very notion. Even worse was how she found herself bringing it up, pressing it against her lips. Not many inches went in, mostly because Emma felt disgusted with herself shortly after beginning, leaving the toys to go and bathe herself.

A week went by, and Emma found herself using the vibrator every night, cleaning it off with her mouth most every night as well. As the days passed, she figured that maybe Kale had forgotten her. On that sixth night, she almost considered not pleasuring herself, simply falling into her normal routine. When the note appeared, along with a bottle of champagne that made Emma swallow, hard. The command made her swallow harder still: one of the most unpleasant parts of that night had been working the toy within her, and he wanted her to wear it all times?

Emma rebelled, if slightly. The toy did not go in that day, nor did she pleasure herself that night. However, the next day, she awoke, saw the letter, and felt herself squirming. That letter and that man promised sensual pleasures the like of which she'd never seen. All she needed to do was follow a few simple commands.

Emma Watson went that day with a plug up her pretty little ass. There was a lot of squirming, and she found herself getting flushed at the worst times. The sessions in the evening grew more frustrating, to the point where Emma was tempted to throw caution to the wind and simply let herself cum. Even worse, there was a handsome bloke on the set who started eying her, and Emma eyed back, wondering. However, he'd been there when the bouquet arrived. Emma's eyes widened, especially knowing that she'd have to find some way of buying a dress like that on her own. That alone nearly made her balk.


That night came, and it would find Miss Emma Watson again made up beautifully. Dark purple ringed brown eyes, drawing them in and giving the girl a sultry look. Those beautiful locks had again been styled, arranged to fall over mostly bared shoulders and frame that magazine ready face. The nails had been done as well, and her skin had that same flawless white that so many idolized. Her dress? It fit descriptions nicely. It was more buckle than latex, with a strap every five inches or so along Emma's chest. Her left side was covered, if barely, in a tight layer of deep purple latex, which at least covered nearly all of her left breast, before curving back to nearly expose Emma's navel. It ended by covering her sex; something had to, as again, this was not something you wore undergarments with. The buckles were all that covered her right side, including the nipple of her right breast. The girl was seriously worried that a deep breath would cause her to pop out, not that she needed to be worried, given the club.

A silver chain dangled loose in her right hand, and a glass of wine set in her left. She could feel that familiar plug between her pert ass cheeks, snugly fitted into its by now familiar sheath. The pink toy was lodged in her nether lips as well, though she refrained from turning on; Kale hadn't said so. Still, the woman waited, not believing what she was going through. The pleasures though... the pleasures would make it all worth it. Emma just knew they would.
Kale had deliberately left choices up to her. Wanting to see the submissive in her make decisions. To often did she simply glaze over during their 'dates' and she just become a doll for him to control via her nether regions. He wanted a coherent date between the two and he wanted her to understand that he brings pleasure as well as control. She needs to trust him and give into him, but that is for later tonight when she, if she, deserves the honor of going back to her dominant's home. Kale had purposely gone to the club much later that night. Wanting her to remain kneeling by his booth for almost an hour. If she was still there she would be happy to see him and he would know she is devoted. Kale entered the club and immediately everybody knew he was there as he commanded the attention of the room. But his eyes did not waiver, instead they moved and locked right onto his submissive as she was kneeling there and she was dressed in a supremely sexy dress and he walked to her as he said nothing and stopped in front of her. Still no words were spoken as he looked over her and then a smile slid onto his face and he said. "Emma, good choice in clothing. You know just what your dominant likes you in." He then crouched and his hand slid between her legs, he did not ask or even tease, he did not need to, she was his completely. Kale felt the pink vibrator and smiled as he flicked it onto it's highest setting and then he patted the butt plug as he then stood and took the wine from her hand and took a small sip as he said. "How did you know this was my favorite?" He asked as he did not tell her to stand. He sat down at the booth and he reached to her right hand and grabbed her leash. Using the leash he made her spin and then kneel facing him as he waited for her to answer his question.
Emma lost track of time while she waited there. It felt like forever, with her knees pressing against the hard floor of the club, while both her holes tingled from the sensation of being so fully plugged. People looked her way quite often; they did generally stare at celebrities. One or two even approached, but Emma simply insisted that she was waiting for someone. When Kale finally arrived, most knew exactly who was waiting on him. Quite a few sets of eyes followed the imposing man as he strolled through the club, and a handful more remained upon Emma, wanting to watch the first few acts of this play unfold.

"Thank you, sir," were Emma's first words, responding to his compliments. She stiffened as she felt his hand traveling along her body. Talented fingers just graced her shaven slit, sending sensations throughout her sex. Her inner lips trembled and squeezed at the toy within, which made her body tighten. She could feel her anal cavity clamping hard upon the dildo within it as well, and all this resulted in her taking a sharp intake. He was soon flicking on the vibrator, sending the arousing sensations throughout Emma's already moist sex. The girl had to bite back a moan, her back arching much against her will irregardless of her own resistance.

"I asked, sir," she managed, her brown eyes following him as he grabbed her leash. She was soon scrambling to move in front of him, each little movement jostling the toys within her, making her arousal grow higher and higher. It had been... so long since she'd allowed herself to cum. Why had she even bothered to listen to this man, let him have that much control? her eyes looked to him now, arousal shining through. Yet there was a tinge of doubt within them, as though she didn't quite believe this man could give her what she truly wanted, despite her previous experiences.
Kale remained seated as she now knelt in front of him and she said that she had asked what his favorite was and he nodded. Pleased that she was smart enough to do so. He hoped that she could remain the way she was throughout her training. She was going to be a good girl if she could and if she became the stereotypical 'yes master' submissive then he would have no use for her and have to get rid of her. As Kale sat there and drank his wine he said nothing. Only watched her squirm and move about from the vibrators. He only did something when he finished drinking his wine and that was give her leash a soft tug and then pat his lap. A very clear, nonverbal sign. The tug to get her attention and the pat to signal she needed to be in his lap. He waited patiently with his hands out of the way as she rose and then moved into his lap. Once she was kneeling in his lap, her legs spread wide he smiled and kissed her chin and then moved down her neck before saying. "And did my little girl do as I asked? Did she tease herself every night?" He asked as his eyes moved over her slowly and carefully, he saw the sweat forming and he saw the arousal in her eyes and body. She was ripe for the taking and he hoped that she earned such a taking tonight as he had not fucked since he had chosen her as his little toy.
Emma was nearly insulted that he'd been surprised that she'd figured out something so simple. She shifted, still nervous, still fighting the arousal from the thrumming toys within. Kale was just sitting there, sipping at his wine. Meanwhile, Emma was fighting against the urge to make noises, and not quite succeeding. Every one in a while she'd let out a little moan or a whimper, her body's release from the pent up arousal that roared within her.

Then came a tug, and Emma moved. She wobbled as she rose, the long held position making her body jerky and weak. She nearly stumbled against him, her hands reaching out to stabilize. As she did, she saw the pat, and she knew full well what he wanted. Her hands went down to tug at the dress, wanting to cover herself as best she could. The dress did cover, if just, but the humming that came from beneath the tight latex hem was a bit of a giveaway. Eventually, Emma was perched on his lap, her legs spread wide. All her efforts had gone to waste, as the dress rose enough to at least show the bottom of her pussy lips. The dildo was just showing its head underneath it, and bits of juices were clinging to those lips like drowning victims to a life raft.

"Yes I did, sir," she said, swallowing. She was tempted to add a "mostly," but held it back. She could feel the flush along her body, knowing full well that she was in the full throes of arousal now. Sweat beaded along her skin, and the red showed quite visibly against the white. Her breath came haggardly, the barely contained bust trembling with every other breast. Even her words seemed ragged, as though she were barely containing herself.

"What do you have planned for tonight?" she asked, forgetting other additions for a moment. She shifted again, nearly grinding herself against him. The vibrator shifted within, poking out for a moment.
Kale smiled as he watched Emma struggle so much to move and to please him. He watched how she shook and how her breath was ragged. It was beyond obvious to anyone who paid the slightest amount of attention that Miss Emma Watson, was desperately in need of an orgasm. Kale leaned in and said. "Emma, does a submissive talk to her master like that? Does she demand to know things." He said as he reached between her legs and simply pulled the toy out of her pussy, leaving it completely empty as he shook his head and said. "If you want me to work your body as well as I know how to do you better show me respect. I can always give you to some of the other dominants in this club. Let them use their riding crops and whips to correct you instead of my words. Is that what you want?" He asked simply as he set the toy on the table in the off position as he called a waitress over and then he looked to Emma and said. "Order your master wine, like a good submissive." He leaned in and said. "Tell the waitress what you are, how your master feels about your current behavior and what he wants. You may also get something for yourself as well." He said as he spanked her a bit harder than the usual playful smack. He would not waiver when it came to her respect and to her understanding that he was her master sexually and if she wanted pleasure than she should remember to call him what he is.
It didn't surprise Emma that she'd made a mistake, nor did it surprise her that Kale had noticed it. The buzzing, thrumming within her was making the girl impatient and anxious. She'd never felt quite so aroused, so keyed up, and so very aware of that fact. It certainly didn't help that every move she made, even the slightest motion, felt sexualized, thanks to the clothing barely covering her body and the situation she found herself in.

"No, sir, that's not what I want,' she managed, nearly whimpering the words. This felt like torture, if torture of an exquisite kind. She gasped as she felt the toy leaving her sex, the lips of her pussy seeming to close after it. A strange feeling of emptiness soon settled in Emma's lower half, as though the thing within her had been natural, and her current state very much not. Her eyes went to the toy as it was set on the table, and she considered both the feeling and her options.

A new command caught her attention. She looked to the waitress, "My master wants more wine, waitress. I'm his personal toy, and he isn't happy with how I was speaking to him, so if you could please do this, it would make us both quite happy. I'll have some wine myself, if you would please."

She swallowed, her throat quite dry. She could still feel how wet her sex had gotten, and now her nearly bared ass stung slightly from the smack that had recently been put upon it. That pain mixed with the pleasure in ways that Emma had not been anticipating, and she found a part of herself enjoying it far more than she would have thought possible. However, she certainly didn't want her master to realize it; realize these wrong feelings she had. Instead she shifted, still feeling the plug within her ass as she waited for her master's next command.
Kale listened to Emma speak to the waitress and he heard her say she was his personal toy and he wondered if she really believed that or not. His hand slid close to her pussy and rubbed her inner thigh as he said. "Emma, are you truly my personal toy? Are you at your master's beck and call?" He asked as he reached back and behind her as he pulled the plug out of her ass as well, leaving her completely empty and he wondered if his toy would get alterations or not. He delivered a more playful smack to her now empty ass and he said. "That was decent, I would have preferred you to be a bit more descriptive, but it works. Emma, do you love the way your master work you? Are you his personal little slave and toy? If he wants you bent over on your hands and knees at his feet, will you be there to pleasure him at all times?" He posed the question as his hands had slid around her legs and hips and now rested his hands on her ass as he waited for the waitress to come back and as he saw her approach he leaned in and said. "Emma, thank the waitress, and apologize for not being clear to her, and be more descriptive. I want you to degrade yourself, to show me that you know what you are to the fullest extent and where you deserve." He said as he kissed her neck and spanked her once more.
Emma felt the hand along her sensitive thigh, and it made her hiss breath between her teeth. The beautiful Brit arched slightly, her skin crawling with the pleasure unleashed by that very purposeful touch. Words rained down upon her, questions demanding her response. Emma managed a nod, a rather emphatic one. She was his personal toy; she knew this, and surely he did as well. To her surprise, his hands went between her pert cheeks. Fingers seized upon the plug, and Emma gasped as he emptied her out entirely. To punctuate the removal: a light smack upon her ass, just enough for a flash of red to appear upon the pristine white flesh for the barest of moments.

"I love the way my master works with me; his touch feels better than anything I've felt before," breathed Emma, her voice hoarse. She swallowed, gathering herself and wanting to respond better than that. He'd asked for more, asked her to be there for him at all times. Hands were now sliding over her body, feeling the slim curves. Emma felt her hips move, rolling against his touch, practically begging for more. The girl bit her lip, that bright red sliding between pure white, and smothered a noise of appreciation. She blushed as the waitress approached, having great difficulty meeting the woman's eyes.

"I--I'm my master's pet," she stammered as the waitress came closer. "And I thank you for bringing our drinks. We hope it will help when I'm--I'm my knees later and master is enjoying my body," she blushed a dark red then, her words practically choking in her mouth. She managed to grab the drinks, but something told her that wasn't nearly enough in the way of description for her master. She couldn't, nor wouldn't, offer more description than that, however.
Kale watched as she moved and groaned and obeyed his non verbal motions and commands like a true toy. He watched as the waitress approached and eyed his submissive jealousy and hearing Emma tell the waitress what she was and he smiled as she got a bit dirtier and more descriptive, but nowhere near enough so instead of telling her to do more he looked at the waitress and gave her a simple nod. A sign that she may speak. The waitress looked over Emma and said. "That's so cute, honey, but why would you be on your knees?" She asked innocently as Kale's hands continued to roam over her body as she held the drinks for her dominant and herself. Kale moved carefully and set them down before he kissed her neck and his hands slid between her legs and rubbed the sensitive flesh as he felt her arousal and was pleased. Though he continued to wait for her to answer and he then gave her clitoris a small tug and said. "Emma, she asked you a question. A toy answers all questions honestly." He said and then he waited for her answer. He heard her speak, but did not hear the words she said. He would not care, all he saw was how the waitress face went from jealousy to disgust and then right back to jealousy, she must have done a good job. Kale then as a reward slid one single finger into her cunt and rubbed her inner walls as he kissed her neck and said. "That's a good toy."
Emma didn't see the nod, so when the waitress spoke, she felt nothing but frustration. Her red lip slid between her teeth again, trying to smother noises. Mostly because Kale's hand had continued moving, teasing Emma's flesh. The girl realized that if she was to get what she really wanted, if release was going to be hers, then she needed to at least play the part. Think of it as a role, she told herself, a role you have to play in order to get your reward.

"I'd be on my knees so my master can play with my hot little body," she said, her posh accent hoarse with arousal, "so he can run his hands all over my sexy little frame and make me his personal plaything. I'd be on all fours so he could mount me and fuck me till I collapsed with exhaustion. Then, he'll fuck me on the floor, till I can't take it anymore. Because he's my dominant, and I'm his submissive, and that's how it bloody works."

She punctuated by shuddering, nearly rolling back against Kale. Her eyes were lidded now, and staring up at the waitress. Emma too recognized the jealousy and such, though it mattered little to her. What mattered were the hands stoking her internal fire, making her actively pant now. Words of praise slithered into her ear, crawling over her and leaving a trail of pleasure. The girl trembled again, arching slightly, her overheated, teased body reacting overly strong to the words, and to the finger inside. Already her sex was closing about it, welcoming it as though it were an honored guest. He'd already find Emma hot, wet, and tight, her arousal almost overly apparent.
Kale kissed her neck as he toyed with his toy's pussy. He felt how hot, wet, and tight she was. He knew he could have her cumming in seconds and he would be fucking her tonight, she was ready to be used. He looked at her and then one hand rolled under her arm and pressed tightly to her breasts and his hand wrapped around her neck and began to push her head back into his shoulder. He made her through her head over his shoulder as he choked her lightly and he leaned over and kissed her lips as that finger began to slide in and out of her pussy. It moved slow and deliberately. In and out, in and out. He knew that was slow enough to get her pussy to be even wetter. Though he looked down into her lidded eyes and he did something that he hadn't done in a while. His hand moved from her neck to her cheeks and forced her mouth open before he leaned in and grabbed her tongue with his lips. Wrapping her into a deep sexual kiss. Her tongue was his and anyone looking at the kiss would see that Kale was the boss in the relationship and she was just the toy. Though it didn't help that she was leaning into him and her head bent over his shoulder and her back arching like a taught bow. Kale broke the kiss and let saliva drip into her mouth and then he made her close her mouth and he kissed her ear as another finger teased her love hole except this one shifted back and he rotated his hand as he slid a finger into her rear this time and stroked both walls closely together as he could almost make out the feeling of the other finger against the opposite one.
A hand moved, tugging against Emma's barely buckled breasts. Another wrapped about her neck, and Emma felt it closing. Her eyes bulged for a moment, and her body tightened to resist, should it prove necessary. She trusted Kale, to some degree; she did not trust him completely enough to put her life into his hand. She still let herself fall back against his shoulder, despite the awkward position. The bowing made the hem of her "dress" rise, and Emma could feel the bottom her pussy lips being bared to the cool air of the club.

Lips lowered onto Emma's, and she kissed back as best she could in the awkward position. Soon enough, hands were roaming south. Fingers played at her sensitive sex, stroking her. They slid; she could feel them practically gliding into her smooth, wet sex. The hot velvet clung tightly to him, surrounding him and welcoming his touch. Yet the maddening sensations were not quite enough to push Emma over the edge; likely done for that purpose. The girl's breath was hard, heavy, and the flush left little doubt as to her bodily state.

A mouth moved down, seizing Emma's tongue. The Brit allowed him to take the muscle, controlling it and controlling the kiss. The sensations of pleasure again washed over her, a spreading warmth that made her melt against him. The posture barely mattered; this position felt good, felt right. The kiss broke, and Emma felt saliva sliding into her. She closed her mouth; a kiss fell upon ears then. Fingers again plundered a wet sex, diving into her depths. The girl gasped, her body tightening, bowing even further backward. The dress had risen further now, showcasing nearly the entirety of the girl's shaven sex.

Another finger entered Emma's ass. She felt it pressing against the stretched rosebud for a few moments, before sliding into the tight crevice. The muscles there clenched tight, still relatively unused to invaders. The girl could feel the warm fingers wiggling inside her, pressing along her, nearly touching one another within. Her hips were moving now, her arms grabbing him for support. A knot of tension was beginning to form within her, and she knew that with a few more moments of this delicious sensation, she would lose herself upon him again.
Kale smiled and watched as Emma bent to his will once more as she closed her mouth and seemingly swallowed her dominant's saliva and he decided to push her over the edge. He would give the girl no rest tonight. He was going to make that little slit between her legs hurt and be sore. He wanted her to waddle her way out of the club tonight. He would be sure to make her see the pleasure a dominant had to offer and perhaps he would show up to one of her screenings tomorrow. Give her something to think about while she tried to act. Kale kissed her ear and then whispered. "Cum for me, my toy. Release your juice on my crotch and my lap. Show me that you are a toy for my use only." He said as he slipped a second finger into her cunt and fingered her pussy and ass quickly and hard. He was not surprised when it took mere seconds for her pussy to convulse and unload on him. He fingered her through her orgasm, smirking as she even squirted a bit. Though as soon as her cum flow stopped her removed his fingers and dipped them in her champagne glass, giving the champagne a sweet and sour edge as well as his fingers. He then pushed those into her mouth and waited for them to be sucked clean. It wasn't long before Emma was in her dominants lap, her cum all over his lap and her pussy ready for more. He looked at her and said. "Emma, can you walk?"
{please be careful controlling the actions of my character that you have no control over}

A kiss on the ear, followed by a command, the sweetest command. Emma gasped as the words hit her. They sank in deep, acting as a kind of hidden trigger. No sooner had those words spoke when that knotted tension released itself. The lips again slid between teeth as Emma bit back a noise of joy. Her body arched against him, her hands gripping him tightly. She could feel her sex spasming around fingers. Could feel the tight canal of her ass clenching vice tight about invading digits. The convulsions shook her, making her body dance, her taut, apple sized breasts jiggle upon her chest. The girl arched harder, her hands dug deeper, and juices flowed from a well teased sex.

After a handful of moments so pleasing that they were almost pleasurable, Emma relaxed against the man. The flush had taken her over, giving a rose colored sheen to the pure white of her skin. Her beautiful hair had become disheveled already. The buckled dress had shifted, now askew upon her form, not at all covering the glistening lips of her sex. She bit back another noise as the fingers slid from her, and her lidded brown eyes watched him dip those same fingers into champagne.

Tired lips parted for fingers, taking them in. She tasted herself, mingled ever so subtly with champagne. Another unwanted groan left the girl, followed shortly by a slight tremor. She could feel her sex still quaking, the lips almost parting as though asking for further attention. A question was posed, and the girl managed a slight nod of affirmation. She could walk, though she wasn't sure how steady she would be.
Kale smiled and kissed her neck as he slid, with her in his lap, to the edge of the booth and he lifted her up and set her down on the table as he stood and then handed her, her champagne glass as well as his as he said. "Follow." He then put her on her feet and saw that she was steady enough to walk a bit and he then got out his leash and clipped it to her collar as he then turned and walked off. Leading her through the club as he walked back into a hallway as he moved down the various doors which various noises could be heard. The sound of a whip there, a sub begging for pleasure, over there, the sound of a sub screaming in pain over there. IT was clear that whatever lay behind those doors was diverse and any dominant could make anything happen. He found a vacant room and smirked as he opened the door and lead Emma into the dark room as he released her leash and said. "Kneel, arms behind your back, legs wide. I want to see your sex from here." He commanded as he walked past the stream of light from the hallway and disappeared into the dark as he flipped a switch and soon a bed appeared as well as another door. This was more of a honeymoon based suite, but Kale knew of the dark things in the store room and he looked at Emma and said. "Emma, tell me what you told the waiter, I was not listening. I only saw her face." He explained simply and then walked past her and closed the door and locked it.
Another command, and Emma rose as best she could. The girl wobbled slightly, having to grip onto Kale in order to balance herself. That she wore impressive heels certainly wasn't helping matters. She lowered a hand now, adjusting the dress and pulling it to cover herself as best as possible. The shifting accidentally bared a nipple, and Emma had to reach up to cover that as quickly as possible. Soon enough, she was following Kale as best she could.

Sounds hit her hard, moving in waves. A whip, a scream, all a mixture of pain and pleasure, all dark and mysterious. Emma swallowed, feeling her heart beginning to pick up. She'd realized this relationship, such as it was, was... dark, but knowing that and facing it were something else entirely. They stopped by a room, and Emma entered the dark room. She felt a hand dropping her leash, and she nearly gasped at the loosened tension.

Another command. Emma knelt as best she could, her arms behind her back, fingers threaded together. Her legs were as wide as she could comfortably manage, forcing the dress to again rise up and bare the bottoms of her nether lips. A switch flipped, and light illuminated the area. Emma blinked several times, wincing. Another command hit her while she was still orienting herself.

She repeated the words as best she could, her voice wavering more now. All the while, the girl barely moved, simply kneeling there and listing off precisely what she said with that clipped accent of hers, as though she were reading off a shopping list as opposed to essentially telling the man nearby to fuck her raw.
Kale looked over Emma as she knelt and he smiled down at her, listening to what she actually told the waitress and he moved over to her and stood right in front of her. She was at the perfect height to deliver a blowjob, as he stood right in front of her his crotch sat in front of her face and he said. "Emma, do you want me to fuck you on all fours like the little toy you are, then when you collapse, do you really want to be fucked until you pass out? Do you want that, my toy?" He asked as he moved closer, his crotch now mere inches from her face as he lifted his foot under her and ground his boot lightly against her pussy and he was not surprised to find it still wet. He waited for her answer before he moved and walked off, he entered the room in the back and could be heard rustling around as he collected a certain amount of 'toys' and threw them into a black Duffel bag before walking back out and tossing the bag on the floor as he pulled out a riding crop and then he moved to sit in a chair and he looked at his submissive and said. "Emma, come to me, kneel at my feet and beg for what you desire. Show me that you really desire it with your words and body. Beg with your entirety, beg with your soul." He said as he remained sitting, the riding crop sitting in his right hand and teasing Emma, he looked at her like a true dominant. A cold stare that demanded respect and obedience.
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