Breaking Miss Watson {darkest_fate&Master_Germish}

Kale smiled as she nodded and then when she asked if she should come to the club tomorrow kale smiled and said simply. "No, only come when you are invited. You have a few more trials before you get to come back here." He said and delivered a soft kiss to her lips and he said. "Goodbye, my submissive. Do not fret, you will be invited shortly. There are just things I need to do." He said and then his hands left her body and he was gone. He had turned and walked away from her, leaving her alone in the room. He had gone out to the main dance floor and from there straight to the exit. He did not want her to find him. Wanted her to feel like his, by following in his footsteps and obeying his every desire.

Kale let two days go by without sending her anything or her invite before he left a small black box at work and inside the box was a black gown similar to the dress she wore, but more revealing and much much less material, there was a note on top of it that read. "Your dress for your next visit." It was simply signed, your one and only dom. Kale had hoped she knew that she was to wear this the next time and then he waited two more days before he sent her his invite for that night. There were special instructions with the invite that said. "Bring what you were told to get."

Kale was sitting in his booth that night waiting for her to come to the club and to show him how good of a girl she was for him.
Only come when invited. Emma felt the urge to resist rising up again at those words, as though he controlled her life. Kale silenced her with a kiss though, and a promise that she would be invited soon enough. Without another word, he departed, leaving a dazed Emma still sitting there, uncertain as to what to do. It would be some time till she managed to pick herself off the ground and begin a slow, steady walk toward the exit.

For a while, Emma wasn't sure that what happened had even really happened, that she'd submitted to a strange, dark man in a club and he'd brought her to new heights of pleasure. She'd shot the next day, removing the "necklace" only for shots. For some reason, Emma felt like wearing the necklace. Perhaps it was a reminder, perhaps it was his work worming its way into her brain. Regardless, she simply dismissed it as a new quirk. Less so was her decision to purchase an anal plug and a vibrator, though the latter was certainly fun to play with. Stranger still, she followed through with the order about her nether regions, making them as smooth as the day she was born.

For a while, Emma nearly forgot it happened, especially as Kale hadn't sent word. In fact, she'd even begun to wear the collar less and less, even going without it for most of the second day. Then, she received the package, opened it, and stared. He wanted her to...? Emma shook her head, put it away, and tried to put it out of her mind. The next day though, she had the collar on again, and fingered the tag quite often.

Then the invite came, on that day. Emma stared at it, considering. No one would know; he'd promised. The pleasure had been intense. But a submissive? No, she knew she wasn't that. She should go though, to see if she truly was what he said. A little experiment. Obey his orders to get a little closer; that was all. Should be simple.

That could almost be said of the dress. Emma had put on her makeup: dark circles to make her eyes pop, a touch of lipstick, and her light brown hair flowing out around her. Then, she'd attempted the dress, and had some difficulty. For one thing, it was clear it attached to the collar, with a pair of chains extending from what could only be called "breast coverings" to the collar proper. A buckle around the front kept the two together, as well as pushing up Emma's cleavage. Neither breast was fully covered by the confining, reflective black dress: nearly half of each orb was exposed. It looked as though someone had taken a chunk from the dress as well. For while it clung to Emma's left side, it also bared a good portion of her white abdomen, from an inch to the left of her belly button, all the way around her right. A pair of buckles held it together on the right side, baring pale thigh beneath. There would be no panties with this garment, and no real shifting either. Though the dress clung like a second skin, Emma was still aware that a shift in either direction would bare her newly shaven slit.

The heart-stoppingly sexy actress arrived at the club, and this time, heads turned. One woman approached quickly, only to reach up and read the collar. She laughed, gave Emma a slap to the ass, and pointed deeper into the club. The Brit swallowed, clutching the purse that held the plug and the vibrator, and she sauntered toward Kale, uncertain as to why she was there or what she hoped would happen next.
Kale saw the girl approach his new possession and he was pleased that the collar worked and Emma was pointed deeper into the club and to his booth when she arrived at his booth Kale said nothing but he stood and moved to her. His hand tracing her jawline as his eyes started at her eyes before letting her see his eyes shift down over her body and they went over her body, going all the way down her thighs and then back up to her eyes before he gave a small nod and then turned her around, her ass now facing him and he spent another minute analyzing her from the back before he spun her to face him and motioned for her to sit in the booth and kale sat next to her this time, his hand resting on her bare thigh as the dress rode up when she sat. Kale couldn't help but smirk and he moved her hair out of her ear for him and placed a kiss on her ear and said softly. "Welcome back, my girl. I trust you obeyed me to the letter?" He asked as his hand continued to slowly rub her barren thighs and he hoped that she had indeed done everything he wished of her and he was going to bring her to quite a few orgasms tonight. He was going to pound it into her head that she was his toy. He knew all the right buttons to push for her. Kale was ruthless as the hand on her thigh slipped under the dress and rubbed her slit, feeling no hair he smiled and said. "Good job, you have shaved." He said and then two fingers slipped into her pussy and immediately went to her g-spot. Stroking it and sending waves of pleasure through her. Wanting her to cum for him right now at his booth before they went to the back room and he truly exploited his new toy.
Kale was there, and he stared at Emma as though someone had presented him with his favorite toy. Then again, that was what she was to him, wasn't it? Emma swallowed, her hands flexing about the purse. She wished she was wearing more clothing; never had she felt more exposed. In fact, the clingy dress was worse than prancing about naked, especially as it kept dragging against Emma's recently bared sex, causing friction that she really didn't want.

He motioned, made her move, and Emma again felt like a prize on display for someone. The clinging black latex outlined a wonderfully pert ass, curving around to grip the slim curves beautifully. All he'd need to do is shift slightly to see the bits that most would care for, and that fact alone made Emma squirm, memories arising.

"What? Yes, I have everything," said Emma. She pressed her legs together, fighting against the flaring up that had occurred when Kale spoke. She wasn't a submissive, that was why she was here, to prove otherwise. Emma hadn't exactly figured out how being here did that, but she knew it to be true.

Kale was already motioning for her to sit, and Emma had slid next to him without thinking. Her dress rose slightly, baring a creamy bit of thigh. She tried to tug it down, but soon found his hands traveling over her instead. The fingers touched the smooth thigh, finding the skin hairless and prepared for him. Fingers almost immediately went to her sex, delving between the tight lips and pressing. Emma gasped, gripping the table, her head swaying forward. The fingers seemed driven to find a spot within Emma, and she felt pure waves of pleasure coursing through her. Almost immediately, her sex grew wet, hot, obviously needy for his touch. The tenderness of it had only been amplified by the shaving, the sensations all the more powerful.

"Stop," she moaned, her voice throaty and full. "People will see us."

Though she doubted many were looking, beyond those that were simply entranced by the sight of Emma, writhing and wearing what she was. Even then, there were other beauties to behold as well, some not wearing collars of ownership yet.
Kale smiled as she sat for him and she sat oh so prettily for her dominant and he said nothing to his submissive as he played with her pussy and he began his hunt for her g-spot and he continued his hunt until he felt the tight ball of nerves and he quickly began to rub it softly. Continually striking the soft ball of nerves and he wondered if he would be able to make Emma cum even faster than her previous visit. When she told Kale to stop he chuckled softly and pushed against the spot now, no longer stroking it but actually pushing against it, applying pressure to it and then removing the pressure, only to apply it once more. He continued this cycle as he said. "Emma, don't say such lies. You don't want me to stop, your loving this. Think about all the people that get to see your dominant making complete use of his submissive. Think of all the jealousy of the other submissives that my fingers are giving you and only you their attention while they have to have some other, weaker, and less popular dominant control them. That you are a lucky submissive that gets to have the attention of the most experienced and strong dominate in the entire club." He said as he continued to push against her g-spot, wanting her to have a body rocking orgasm right here in his booth and he said. "Emma, I'm glad you shaved for me, the feel of my submissives skin is so much better now. Though do me a favor and put your toys on the table. I want to see what a dirty girl you really are." He teased her and waited for her to obey, his hand never ceasing it's pounding.
Kale might as well have been pressing a "make Emma cum" button. She could feel him jabbing and releasing on something, some tender bundle of nerves, and almost immediately, her sex began the spasming. She bit her lip, fighting against it. Her grip on the table made her knuckles turn white, and her hips slid so much that she nearly left the seat completely. Words fluttered around Emma's brain, but she barely heard them, let alone listened to what Kale had to say.

Instead, she was biting her lip, curling inward. Her lower half was trembling, the walls of her sex convulsing around invading fingers. The actress nearly bent double over the table, struggling to breathe, let alone do much more than that. She truly was in the hands of a master seducer, and her breathless state of pure arousal attested to that. The girl moaned, low, throaty, and almost too deep to hear. Her sex trembled, her body jerked, her head flying back, baring the collar clad throat. A tremble, a release, and juices would coat the sex, drizzle onto the seat and add a slight layer to the bottom of the dress. The climax was intense, powerful, almost painful, but blissfully short, and Emma was soon panting on the table, her hair splayed, her brown eyes already beginning to glaze.

She swallowed, her eyes rolling toward him as her brain tried to process his request. Something about the toys on the table or something. Emma struggled to shake her head, even began pushing on the table. Exactly what she hadn't wanted to happen was happening. She had to get away. Soon. Now.
He smiled as she came and he saw her muscles tense and he pulled his fingers free from her cunt and he was quick. His cum covered hand went into her hair and grabbed tightly. Securing her next to him and he placed a soft kiss on her neck all the way up to her lips and then he kissed her lips. Pulling her tongue into his mouth and playing with it as he kept her tongue captive in his mouth before he felt her squirm and he knew she was out of air, he only then released tongue and gave her open mouth a possessive lick before he smiled and he said. "Emma, show me your toys. I want to see that you have completely obeyed your dominant." He said as he looked over her and he continued to keep her in his booth with a firm grip in her hair and he smiled as he could smell her arousal as she was still catching her breath and in need.
Hands gripped Emma's hair, and she gasped, feeling herself jerk again. More kisses rained upon her neck, the hot bits of contact working their way up till his lips seized hers again. Emma moaned into the kiss, feeling her eyes flutter again. A tongue snaked against her lips, parting the willing bits of flesh till her own tongue was pulled forth. The muscles dueled for some time, and Emma felt her body rocking against it, that post-orgasmic bliss making her remarkably pliant.

The kiss continued for some time, depriving Emma of air. Her head, already light, began to grow nearly dizzy, her moans turning more breathless. Then, he released her, and she lay there, panting and feeling as though she were about to melt off the couch. She could feel the wetness around her thighs, still feel bits of air against her shaven sex, the slightest breeze making her tremble.

There was a lick, and a firm grip, but Emma merely trembled. Her body almost ached, and she had this feeling that something else, something more could be done to her. She opened her eyes, looking at her dominant, no, not that, looking at Kale, seeing Kale. She pinched her eyes shut, then shook her head, almost violently. Her hands were clenched at her side, the purse still sitting right next to her. Yet she wouldn't, couldn't move.
Kale saw the effect he had on the girl as he eyes were closed as she regained herself and then he saw her eyes move up to him and look into his eyes. He smiled and was pleased with what he saw. He knew he had her. Those eyes were one of a submissive. She looked up at him as so many had before in the past. Would she be able to handle his control and his desires or would she to fail. Kale let her regain her composure and then he noticed how she clenched her hands and he wondered why. His free hand moved to her leg and rubbed her leg softly as he leaned in close, his breath tickling her ear as his hand rubbed dangerously close to her pussy. Kale loved the feeling of the bare and freshly shaven flesh of her upper thigh. She was silky smooth and he could only imagine it wrapped around his waist. Kale then smiled and decided to do just that. He shifted in closer to her and then using his other hand he gave her pussy a soft stroke and then wrapped his hand around her ass. Flipping her over and onto him, one leg on either side of his lap and her ass planted firmly in his crotch as he delivered a kiss to the underside of her chin. A spot that could only be accessed in this position and he then kissed her lips once more as he kept his grip in her hair and said. "Emma, open your eyes. Embrace it, I know you know this is where you belong, right here in your dominants lap. Look around, look at all the submissive eyes on you jealous your in my lap and then look at the dominants and see their jealousy that you have chosen to be mine." He said and delivered another kiss to her underside of her chin and waited for her obedience to begin.
It felt as though Kale's hands were tied to Emma's sexual parts and desires. They shifted, and her body, hyper-aware and hyper-sensitive, felt him trail near her sex. She stiffened, her hands going toward her waist as though to stop him, but something kept her from prying him away. Instead, she wound up biting her lip, fighting the urge to squeal as his hands played near her shaven slit, teasing the already dripping area, still far too sensitive from the orgasm he'd drawn out of her moments before. It was becoming all too clear why Kale had wanted Emma shaved: her bared skin felt everything so much greater and sharper than otherwise, and it was making her even more malleable to his touch.

A hand gripped Emma's tight ass, pulling her, making her cry out in surprise. He slid her body onto him, forcing her to straddle him: a leg on either side of him. The tiny black dress stretched up, sliding up and baring Emma's naked lower half to the air. That pure white ass was showing now, with black latex just showing above it, a little golden insignia almost seeming to taunt. She could feel the air touching her completely bared sex, and it made her tremble, her hands trying to adjust the dress and failing miserably.

Kisses came next, and Emma trembled. Her terrified brown eyes were sweeping all around her, but she made no movements, nothing beyond a little trembling. He insisted she was in her rightful place, and Emma's body agreed; oh, how it wanted him to work more of his magic upon her, even to cast greater spells. That thick cock would plunge into her tight sex, feel the walls of velvet clamp about it as the lithe girl came upon him. Emma tried to close her eyes, her breathing deep, but for the first time, no refusals came from her mouth. It was simply too hard to fight it at that moment; too difficult.
Kale's hands continued to roam over his pet's body and her pale white flesh. Kale loved how she remained stationary in his lap, her eyes shut tight and her body clearly pleased with it's position and her mind seemed to be struggling, but there were no spoken words. It was quite clear that she was indeed becoming submissive and he leaned into her once more. Delivering another strong kiss to her ear and whispering. "Emma, do as your dominant wants, look around the club, see those jealous eyes of dominant and submissive alike. Take pride that you are the submissive to one of the strongest dominants in this entire club." He whispered in her ear and delivered another kiss to her ear before smiling and moving his mouth away from her, although he grabbed her chin between his thumb and index finger and made her tilt her head down. He moved his lips and met her there, one hand slid between her legs and stroked the soft slit there as his lips locked onto hers, pulling her lips open and letting his tongue slid into her mouth and control her as one hand teased her sensitive cunt and the other kissed her. He continued the kiss until he felt a tear roll down her cheek and land on his. Only then did he break the kiss and allow her to breath. He looked at her and said. "Emma, tell your dominant that you are his and you want nothing more than to be in his lap." He said softly, but with a firm and unwavering tone of confidence.
Hands continued to rove Emma's body, as if guided to all her most sensitive areas. She squirmed into his touch, her inflamed body seeking out those fingers. His barest touch seemed to leave a trail of fire underneath Emma's skin, reminding her of her own sensuality, of the promises of delights that lay in wait for both of them. Orders penetrated that haze, and Emma found herself obeying reflexively.

A few were staring, to be sure. Dominants looked with hungry eyes, taking in Emma's flesh, the white skin bared to the air and to their eyes. Each one of them wanted nothing so much as to see this girl kneeling before them, those brown eyes begging for their personal attention and affections. They saw a walking wet dream, one that would cry out and be one of the most delightful toys they'd ever had the pleasure of playing with.

The submissives too saw Emma's beauty, but they looked more toward Kale. his prowess was the stuff of legend, and it only made sense that he would have a legendary beauty writhing on his lap, her sex leaking onto his body. Those submissives tried to look on their masters, to obey commands, but eyes kept sliding to the two hottest people in the club.

Kale soon pulled her in, his lips seizing hers in a passionate kiss that made her head spin. His talented fingers continued to play at her overheated sex, finding that arousal and teasing her, making her squirm all the more. The kiss deepened, drawing in Emma's tongue and making her writhe all the more. He pulled away, and she panted, her eyes staring at his.

"I am my dominant's, and I want nothing more than to be in his lap," she intoned, not sure where the words came from. It was like when she acted: she said the script, played the character, and enjoyed her role.
Kale watched as Emma reacted marvelously to his touches, his kisses, his attention. Her body moved to his touches, he knew she was eager to obey and she was eager to move to him and obey. He was winning over and slowly provoking the inner submissive out of this famous Hollywood actress. He would end tonight with a much more solid command. Something riskier, though something he knew she would obey. She was his submissive now, she could not deny it. Granted she was clearly not of sound mind, but he had not drugged her and she did not have a single glass of wine here. He heard her say she was his and that she wanted nothing more than to be in his lap and that brought a small chuckle to his lips as she just regurgitated the command and so he decided to be a bit rough with her. The teasing hand gave a firm spank to her cunt and then leaned in and said. "What is the name of your dominant? Why do you want to be in his lap. Explain to your dominant in detail how he makes you feel and why your his." He commanded and gave her ear another kiss and his hand went right back to her slit and teased the flesh only once. Going from her clitoris to the end before sliding off to the left and stroking her inner thigh slowly and teasingly. He wanted to hear her speak and to see if she was sane enough to recall this or if he had produced too great of a high in his manipulating of her body.
The spank made Emma jerk. There had been a sharp pain, a pain in an area that had never felt something like that. It made her mind snap into place, clarity descending upon her. Emma's sex still burned, though now that feeling had become a mixture of both pleasure and pain. Her hips still moved, and arousal still showed itself on her form, adding a flush to the perfect white of her skin. Those lips parted slightly, taking in panting breaths as her mind processed commands.

"Kale," she said, reciting. Her eyes blinked again, her mind trying to process. This was much harder, not repeating lines but actually speaking. Improv. "I want to be on his lap because he knows what to do to me," she said, swallowing after. The words sounded strange to her, spoken in that crisp accent with that familiar voice. She continued: "His hands feel great against me, making me squirm and want to know more. I'm his because he knows my body, knows it better than I do."

Emma swallowed again, still not quite believing that she had just said this. She still felt a disconnect, as though she were no longer quite herself. Yet her body felt him, had felt that kiss and the teasing of her slit yet again. Those teasing hands made her move toward him, always seeking his touch, seeking more.
When he saw her gasp he knew that the smack had brought her back to the real world and he saw it in her eyes, they were aware and looking at him, not in a haze as before and he watched her body and he saw her struggle to formulate words. He knew that it would be hard for her and he wanted her to be fully committed to being a good submissive. She would need respect, but first she must understand that she is indeed a submissive. Kale's hands stopped where they were and just rested on her flesh as he placed a hard kiss against her lips and said against them. "You are my submissive. You Emma Watson, are my submissive and you know that. Tell your dominant that you know that you are my submissive and you want to please your dominant because you need his attention and his touch. That is why your his submissive, isn't it?" He said as he removed his hands from her body completely to hopefully bring attention to how her body ached for his touch and he hoped that by making her say she was his submissive he would bring her to realize that she was indeed his bitch. His and only his to play with and command. He knew that their next meeting would be on set and not in the club. He would slowly merge the submission she got in his lap in these booths and the feeling of seeing him approach her in public into one unanimous feeling of complete desire to earn his attention.
The hands stopped moving. Emma jerked for a moment, not quite believing it. Why would he do that? Why would he stop doing what was causing her so much pleasure and delight? Her hips moved, almost ground against him, desperate for more attention. Emma bit back a whimper, forcing her attention upon him. Without his touch to distract her, Emma could focus fully now. However, her arousal roared at her. It almost felt as though she were about to burst into flames.

"I am Kale's submissive," she said, again feeling the words come. She bit her lip after saying that, not quite believing it. Yet her body craved that touch, she wanted this, wanted to see what he would do to her, what pleasures he would bring out in her body. "I want to please him, to please you," she said. Another swallow, her voice becoming steadier, if still raspy. "I need his attention and touch. Please."

She squirmed again, not even realizing it. The girl forced herself to remain still, her eyes locked on him. The girl could express much with her eyes, the benefit of years of training, and now her eyes lent credence to her truth. Her mind might yell at her, insisting that she was bucking society, that this was entering a realm of depravity that would not be in her best interest, but all that was overwhelmed by feeling and desire. That was what took hold and made Emma Watson confess and submit to the powerful man that held her now, and it was what would make her crave him all the more.
Kale listened to her as she squirmed in his lap and he saw that she was addicted entirely to his touch and he could not wait till after this meeting when he came to her set. How would she react to him in a public environment. How would she behave when there were no other submissives around. Kale listened to her and he heard her speak and he knew that she was only attached to him because he was a master at control and knew just where to push to bring her body to the ultimate climax. He leaned in as he breathed against her ear. His hot breath teasing her as his hand patted her inner thigh and then slid quickly to her cunt and then two fingers slid into her and his thumb gyrated against her clitoris. His fingers moved back and forth, rubbing against each other. Almost beckoning the juice inside Emma out of her body. Kale smiled and kissed her ear as he said. "My submissive's pussy is so wet, so needy. She looks so beautiful with a dripping wet cunt as she sits on her dominant's lap." He said as he continued to finger her and his other hand moved up and to her neck, embracing it slightly as if he was choking her, but only lightly squeezing. Hoping that the control will arouse her more and he delivered another kiss and he said. "Does my submissive want to show me how well she can dance? How well she can move her body to please her dominant?" He asked as his fingers and hands continued to torment her.
Hot breath teased Emma's ear, making the girl tremble. No sooner had that sensation wafted over her body when another accompanied it. The hands that had teased her thighs moved light lightning, diving two fingers into her tight, wet sex. Emma arched against the hands, her hips rising off Kale's lap. She felt the fingers push into her, the walls spreading in a welcome embrace. A thumb touched a bundle of nerves, and Emma quaked again, a spurt of juices rewarding his efforts. Kale did indeed seem to know precisely how to coax juices from the girl's body, willing or not.

The fingers shifted, moving within, making Emma's hips move with them. Again that flush of arousal returned, tinging the pure white skin with that pinkish rouge. They rubbed against one another, and pushed against those tight walls, drawing more throaty moans from the trembling girl. Her head lolled back, and lips pressed against her ear, words soon following. A hand moved to her neck, stopping her from lolling too far back, almost choking her. The control felt delicious, mixed with everything else, and brought another unplanned tremble.

"What? Yes," breathed Emma, her mind again returning to that swirl, not quite grasping her situation as the sensations overwhelmed conscious thought. "I want to show you how well I can... dance."

Emma blinked, confusion piercing the arousal for a moment. Dance how? What did he have in mind. She trembled again, gasping as she felt a bolt of arousal leave her. His touch felt so good, far better than she'd ever thought a man's touch could feel...
Kale saw her body twirl and shake in his lap and he saw the spurt of juice from her pussy at his fingers teasing and he was pleased as well as satisfied in this girl's pussy and his ability to control it. He watched her body as it shook and moved and writhed with his hands and when she said she wanted to show him how well she could dance he caught a hint of confusion and felt the need to control more as he squeezed her neck and his hand slid from her pussy and he kissed her ear and said. "If you dance well, you will get those fingers again, maybe for a while if you really impress your dominant." He said as he kissed her ear and then kissed his way down her face and to her lips. He placed a firm kiss to her lips and once again held it until he felt her run out of breath. When he broke the kiss and she gasped for air, he replaced his lips with his juice covered fingers and let her lick him clean before pulling out and then he stood, his powerful hands grabbing her hips as he set her down and then by grabbing her hand he moved her out onto the dance floor of the club as he moved her in front of him, his hands sliding to her hips and then he bent over her and said. "Show your dominant how well you can dance." He teased.
A squeeze, a kiss, and it all earned a tremble from the girl. Her lips parted, gasping, her eyes locked onto his, struggling to understand and process. The highly intelligent Miss Watson knew full well how to act, and her mind easily processed the commands, much as she would when doing a scene. Dance, and maybe he'd pleasure her again. Another kiss, and soon their lips were meeting, Emma's far more yielding and wanting than she would have expected.

She gasped again as they pulled, and found fingers replacing them. Without thinking, her lips closed about them, tasting the sharp tang of her own arousal upon those digits. Her lips slid off, almost popping as the fingers left her lips glistening. He stood; she stood with him, jerking her dress down so that it once more covered her ass and sex, if just barely. They moved to the dance floor, the music pounding in Emma's ears.

Suddenly she felt much more exposed, reserved, almost shy. His hands moved to her hips, and she heard the command. Dance for him. Her hips moved almost immediately, swaying to the music. The girl had practiced ballet, and had the grace that came with such practice. Yet it didn't quite translate now, and she mostly relied upon sensuality as she moved. her hands explored herself as her hips swayed, and she pressed against him, nearly writhing. She tossed her hair, the brunette curls bouncing along her neck, while those eyes took him in, practically eye fucking him. An undulation waved through her body, making Emma shake, her abs even rippling with the effort. She swayed, moving so her back pressed against him, grinding as she danced to the music, letting it, and the others around her, guide her actions.
Kale saw her body continue to react and he knew he had her and he would have her until he moved on. Which to be honest, he seriously doubted, here he had attained the submission of a beautiful A-list celebrity. Why would he give that up? Why would he feel like going back to messing with the other submissives of the club. He knew that if Emma did not stay with him that many submissives would be at his booth begging for his attention and control. But Emma's innocence to this world kept him attracted and that was what mattered. He smiled as she moved so easily with him and obeyed so easily until told to dance. He felt hesitation and he moved his hands against her hips. Rubbing in small circles as he looked at her and he saw those brown eyes. They were locked on him and moved over him. It was clear to him that she was eye fucking him hard and he smiled at her and let her. He knew that if she ever earned more than his fingers she would be in heaven. He would not be surprised if he outlasted her. Something extremely uncommon in the natural world, since men were so sensitive to sex and pleasure. As Emma danced he began a system. His hands became lighter and moved towards her lower back when he wasn't pleased with a motion, but when she did something well he pressed harder and slid his hands towards her crotch. With the system in place, Kale taught Emma how to dance for him. Kale was pleased, but he wanted something dirtier, he wanted Emma to practically beg him with her dance moves to fuck her right there on the floor.
Emma kept moving to the music, dancing as sensuously as she knew how. It took her a little while to recognize what Kale was doing with his touches. The first time those fingers lingered on her back, Emma was nearly confused. However, as she moved and saw them drift closer to her craving sex, she pretty well figured out what he was doing. Her hips swayed, moving in a manner most enticing. She shifted, keeping her hands along him, practically rubbing against him as she moved along. Her motions became less dancing, and more grinding against him in time with the music.

Breathing hard, the celebrity moved through the music. She rubbed herself against her dominant, especially moving to grind her hips against his leg. Another shift, so that her back was to him. Those hips moved in circles, the ass seeming to flex, just barely contained by that risque latex. Emma pressed herself against him, that same ass once more flexing, this time as it rubbed against Kale's body.

Her head shifted to look over her shoulder, those eyes again piercing into him, demanding attention, insisting that this was what he wanted, and what would lead them to the pleasure Emma was seeking.
As she moved he smiled as she figured out what his hands were doing and he let her experiment and as she danced less and ground her body into him more he slid his hands closer to her crotch. Finally she gave up dancing and just moved her body against his in time to the music. He smiled and his hands went to her crotch and pressed against the latex. Applying pressure as he ground his hands into her crotch, forcing her to push her ass into him more. He continued to move with her and let her grind into him for a while. He watched as she glanced over her shoulder and caught her gaze. It was clear what she wanted and he gave her a soft nod and leaned into her. Kissing her neck and saying. "My submissive is being good. She will get the attention she wants and more." He teased as he lifted her dress up just a bit. Barely enough to reveal her dripping sex to any onlookers, but his hand went straight to her slit and gave it a slow stroke before removing his hand and keeping them just resting against her crotch he moved her, her ass pressed to him and her legs between his.

He walked back over to the booth and when they arrived he smirked and patted her crotch before giving her neck a soft kiss and then he sat down and patted his lap. He looked at her and let her mount his lap slowly. When she finally did he only smirked at her and his hands went to her hips and rubbed as he motioned for a waitress to come over and he ordered a bottle of champagne for them. He then returned all of his attention on his girl as she was now sweaty from dancing and arousal.
The dancing was, in many ways, one of the most exciting things Emma had ever done. She could feel eyes upon her, as she ground against the handsome, domineering man in the middle of the club. The thin layers of latex did little to cover their bodies or prevent the feel of friction between them; if anything, it served to enhance all the sensations. Emma's tight nipples were already poking against the latex, forming little peaks in the fabric, emphasized all the more by her breathing. Again, she felt that this outfit sexualized her more than she would have been if she'd danced naked.

A glance was earned with a kiss on the neck. Emma's head lolled, that beautiful hair shifting to bare more of her white neck to him. The black collar stood out all the sharper against her skin, with bits of red showing where Kale had showered a little more attention. The chains were the only other thing marring her bared shoulders, again seeming only to emphasize the body they helped contain.

As hands lifted her dress, Emma gasped. She felt the cool air of the club again kissing her sex. her hands immediately went down, seizing the fabric, almost touching his. Protests and attempts to stop quickly vanished as a finger touched the overexcited area, making the girl tremble, falling back into Kale, her ass pressing tight against him.

Kale walked them over to their seat. Another exchanged kiss, and soon Emma was straddling the man again. She shifted, feeling a flush darkening her face. The dress again rolled slightly, lifting to show the bottom of her sex and the barest edge of that taut ass. Emma shifted again, trying to get comfortable and tug the dress down, though the motions were sporadic as Kale continued to tease her. Sweat had indeed slickened Emma's skin, and bits of her hair kept sticking to it, making her look all the more flushed and aroused.
Kale smiled as she moved so perfectly as they walked and it was clear she would take any attention he gave her and in the booth he teased her. His hands sliding from her hips to her legs and rubbing her bare legs as she mounted his lap and he looked over her as he said. "Emma, your my submissive aren't you? You love being near your dominant and know that he is your controller and you his submissive?" He asked as he reached over to her bag and pulled out the vibrator that he had requested she bring and he turned it on as he rubbed it between her slick legs. Watching as her juice coated the toy and made it glisten. He smiled as he saw her head roll as he touched the vibrating toy to her body and he continued to tease her with the toy. Touching her slit and running it along her pussy. Never giving her the pleasure of entering her body, only teasing as he used one hand to do so and the other hand moved up her body and cupped her breast as he just realized that her nipples were rock hard and his hand cupped her breast and squeezed her nipple as he said. "Emma, raise your elbows over your head. Get your arms out of the way." He said simply and commanding. He always loved playing with her as he continued to tease her and he said one word as he continued to torture her body and bring out pure pleasure. "Beg."
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