Breaking Miss Watson {darkest_fate&Master_Germish}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
The club was known for its mystery, for its darkness. Called The Den, it seemed to shift from place to place, taking residence in a city for only a few days, perhaps a week or two, before seemingly disappearing into the night. Little was known about the owners. Some claimed that there were, in fact, regulars to this hidden club, though no one seemed to have proof. Nobody knew anyone who actually could be called a regular, and no one seemed to really know what went on. All they knew that when it came to elite and selective, nothing came close to The Den.

Which went partway toward explaining why the beautiful Brit was walking toward it, her brown eyes sweeping the building. Miss Emma Watson was currently shooting a film in this city. The Den had apparently taken interest in the various stars and crew who happened to be doing said shooting, and an invitation went out to the lot of them. Emma, intrigued by the idea of such an exclusive establishment, accepted the invitation. She did find the dress code to be slightly strange.

According to the invite, all females must wear either dresses or skintight pants made of latex, leather, and/or lace of some kind. The more constrictive, said the invitation, the better. Thus Emma had squeezed herself into a black leather dress. Strapless, the thing felt almost like packaging, squeezing Emma's taut form into its confines. The thing pushed up those perky breasts, encasing them so tightly that Emma had barely felt there was room for a bra, even the lacy number that she'd managed to slide on. The hem of the dress barely extended halfway down her thigh as well, and she had to resist the urge to tug it down. Per other instructions, she wore heels as well: black. Her brown hair had been recently styled thanks to the crew, and her makeup had been done to accent her features quite well.

Thus did Emma enter the club, earning an immediate pass from the bouncer. What she didn't see was the man reaching up to speak into an ear bud as she passed. Instead, the girl entered the club, noting the thumping music, and the droves of people. Most of them were beautiful, in fact, most looked as though they could be cover models themselves. Everywhere you looked, there was a body tightly packed in latex, leather, or lace, and most were gyrating. Emma worked her way through the crowd, reaching up to move back a curl and smile. For now, she figured she needed to find something of a home base, to take in the scene around her and figure out where to go from there.
Kale Rosenthall was one of the few that could be called a regular at The Den. He knew the owner on a first name basis and therefore wherever the club moved he was guaranteed a VIP booth and unlimited access. He always had his fun walking on up to the bouncer and getting in before these big names and he always enjoyed how easy it was to pick up a nice girl there and have his way with her. Especially since most of the girls there were already heavy into the lifestyle this club represented; the bdsm lifestyle. The women always went to him upon his calling and were always so nice to him and always always listened to him, but this time he did not want that. The owner had told him some A list celebrities had been invited and he had a fun idea based on that.

That night he had gone to The Den as soon as it opened and he walked into the club and entered his booth and sat down. Enjoying the complimentary drinks and enjoying the teasing waitresses as much as he always did but he could not help but smirk as Miss Watson entered the club and seemed out of place so what he did is he simply got the attention of a waitress and told her to go get Miss Watson and have her brought to him. The waitress, being a submissive, said nothing but walked off.

The waitress walked up to Miss Watson and said. "Excuse me miss, but the gentleman over there has requested you join him." The waitress leaned in and whispered into Miss Watson's ear. "He is a regular." That alone should be enough to intrigue her, but the waitress added. "Apparently knows the owners." She then handed Miss Watson a drink and walked off to serve the other booths.

Kale saw the waitress saunter on over to Miss Watson and then he smiled and raised his glass to her as she looked over here and he knew the waitress did a good job. He sat back and waited for Miss Watson to come join him. For this A list celebrity to come mingle with him. When she walked over to his booth he couldn't help but gaze over her entire body and analyze her every curve. He had the look of a pure dominate and all the submissives in the club would have recognized that look, but he found Miss Watson simply brushed it off, which only intrigued him more.
Just as Emma was working her way toward a possible table, a waitress appeared. The starlet almost startled at the sudden appearance, and stood there, blinking while the waitress filled her in. The server had an appearance to her, a demeanor that struck Emma as being rather odd. The way she said "he's a regular" gave it an added weight, even moreso than Emma would have expected to hear. Just what was with this club? She spent a few seconds looking around, but decided to gradually work her way toward the man.

There was something about his look too, something that made Emma's skin crawl. She had seen looks like that before, usually on super-confident movie actors or rock stars. Yet this looked even more pointed, and Emma felt her gaze shifting slightly, noting that a nearby waitress nearly shivered. Emma looked at the man, and decided to simply brush off the comment for now. No need to get too wrapped up in something like that.

So Emma approached the booth calmly. She smiled at the man, raising her drink toward him. "Thank you for the drink," she said almost immediately, "and thank you for the invite. I was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed by it all."

Emma waved a hand as she slid into a seat near Kale. Something about him, and this whole situation, made Emma reluctant to sit too closely to the sleek man. Still, she offered him her photogenic smile, and extended a hand.

"I'm Emma Watson," she greeted. Nothing additional, nothing about being famous or even "A-list." She figured he likely already knew, and she didn't want to insult him. Instead, she awaited for his response.
He flashed a quick smile at her as she thanked him for the drink and then took a seat in his booth and spoke about how she was getting overwhelmed and then she properly introduced herself and kale looked down at her hand and then back to her, his gaze still holding that confident and condescending look upon it as he took her hand firmly and said. "You may call me Kale." He said and nothing more as he released her hand and then went to looking over the dance floor and he broke the silence by saying. "What brings you here, Emma? I did not think to ever see someone such as yourself here, alone." He added that last part almost as if it held significant meaning to him and to the nature of his invitation. It held a strange threatening appeal to it, but was masked with such ordinary behavior and an almost complimentary appeal that it would have been hard for even the smartest and acute of language scholars would have been able to discern the real meaning of his assertion. As kale looked over the dance floor he saw a waitress walk by and he did not ask for her attention but she immediately froze in place and looked at him, her eyes on the ground and she said. "What can I get for you, Sir?" Kale smirked and said. "Another bottle of this champagne and whatever the lady wants." He said and looked to Emma as the waitress nodded but did not move at all as she remained completely still and her head still lowered and her eyes on her feet. It was as if she was simply waiting for an order or something to do. Waiting for kale to command her.
"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kale," said Emma, inclining her head slightly. That gaze, the confidence there. There was also something ringing in his voice, a commanding aura that was darkly appealing and yet quite intimidating at the same time. Emma had to suppress a shudder, and she could almost feel her flesh pimpling at the thought. She shifted, wishing that she was wearing something a little less revealing.


Then the waitress. Emma startled as she saw the woman stop, then looked over at Kale, not quite believing this. It was nearly like the magic in the Harry Potter films, except... somehow realer. The celebrity swallowed, looking back at the waitress, not at all surprised to find the woman's gaze averted. She agreed to champagne, simply asking for another glass, and watched as the waitress obeyed Kale's command as if it was her greatest joy in life.

"The service is rather... strange," Emma ventured, waiting until Kale dismissed the waitress, or however that worked. She glanced toward the powerful man, then looked to the dance floor. "Then again, they did say this club was exclusive. I suppose it would make sense for things to be... different."
Kale waved his hand and the waitress scurried off quickly, not wanting to disturb him at all and he looked to Emma as he saw he was having an effect on her and he was careful to say his next words and he said. "Emma. Dance with me." He told her as he stood and without even waiting for her to answer him he had her out of the booth her hand in his and he walked to the floor and released her and moved her in front of him and his hands traveled to her sides and he pushed against her and said. "This is the most exclusive club in the world. This will probably be your only invitation ever. This will probably be the only time you can enter, that is unless you impress the right people." Again his words were powerful, were commanding, his words demanded that they be heard and that they be obeyed. Again they had a very subtle underlying tone. He had said impress the right people as if this invitation was a test for her, as if it was her way of showing she belonged with the rare elite of this club. Kale had used his hands to get her to begin to gyrate against him and move her hips to the music as he moved them to the music. Again he is controlling her, he was controlling where they went and how they got her, all she was doing was gyrating her hips against his. He knew that she would take work, but the pay off would be immense, he couldn't help himself as his greedy mind imagined her before him on her hands and knees, waiting for his attention and his praise.
The waitress scurried, and Emma found herself alone with this powerful man. He issued a command; she recognized it as such. Yet still, her hand went out to grab his, and she found herself being led to the floor. In the back of her mind, Emma was fully aware that she was following his orders, doing as he said as he said it. However, she found his pull nearly irresistible. Then he spoke, letting her know about the conditions of her presence there. Emma found herself nodding, accepting this even as she didn't fully realize the weight.

"I've been told I'm quite impressive," she managed, trying to sound playful. The hands were upon her body, sliding along her leather encased sides. Those hands suggested Emma move; she followed their command, her hips moving. He wanted gyration; she recognized it. This wasn't how Emma usually danced, and she found herself reluctant to start engaging in it now. Her hips swayed, they moved to the music, but her movements were not as sexual as Kale had likely intended. Those brown eyes slid off him for a moment, looking around, noting the positions of the other dancers. Not just where they stood or how they danced, but how they seemed to interact with one another.

"This club certainly is unique," concluded Emma. She turned back to Kale, smiling with forced cheeriness. Again, she was struck by how he carried himself, as if he was expecting more of her and she didn't know what. Did she even want to return to this club? She couldn't quite decide...
Kale heard her speak and listened to what she had to say and he nodded when she concluded that this club is unique and he said. "It is indeed, a very unique place, but it is a special place. A place where people can fully express themselves, to show everyone what they truly are." He said as he moved them around the dance floor and had her hips gyrate against him and he knew there was no sexual desire because he had not even attempted to see if Miss Watson was submissive or not, but considering she did not question the commands he felt that if he could remain the strongest dominate, that she would be drawn to him and obey. He continued to dance and just enjoyed the music and when Emma was getting moist with sweat he lead them back to the table and planted a kiss on her neck as he let her slide into the booth and he took his spot across from her and he said. "Where did you learn to dance, you can move your body nicely." He said as his eyes once again traveled over her with a dominate gaze. With a gaze that did nothing but analyze and practically undress Emma and look at every inch of her body to see if she was worthy of any more attention from Kale. After all, if she was to be a submissive then she should have to feel that she needed to earn her time with a dominate like Kale.
Fully express themselves? Emma glanced around for a few moments, again noting how people interacted, how they looked. She was beginning to suspect that she knew precisely what was going on here, and she knew that it certainly wasn't for her. Yes, Kale had a draw to him, an appeal that Emma certainly couldn't deny, even to herself. But she wasn't about to go submitting herself to him or anything.

They simply danced, and Emma enjoyed it for what it was. They danced till Emma was starting to feel flushed, and then Kale was leading them back to the booth. The kiss on her neck made Emma stiffen for a moment, and she looked to him. Should she tell him that she wasn't interested, or at least, not interested in that manner? No, better to remain polite for at least a while longer.

"I took some lessons," she told him, smiling. "It's always a good idea to be well-rounded. Well, that and I've earned some role simply by being good at dancing."

As Emma paused, she noticed how Kale looked at her, analyzing her, almost sizing her up as though she were meat or something. She shifted again, subtly pulling at the dress, tugging the hem down at first, not realizing that she was subtly enhancing her cleavage, before her hand went up to slightly tug the dress up. Somehow, Emma managed to pull the leather tight against her, something she couldn't fix, so she simply smiled her way through it.

"It's quite interesting here," she ventured, waving a hand, "but I think I might have to leave soon. We're shooting and all, and I wouldn't want to be tired."
He looked over her and noticed how she tugged at her dress but it only accentuated her curves and her body. He smiled softly as she said she had to go because she was shooting and he couldn't help but smile softly and said. "You can stay a bit longer, can't you? Shooting doesn't start till mid morning and it is only." He paused and looked at his watch. "ten after midnight." He said as he looked over her and could tell she wasn't as submissive as he initially judged and he needed to get her to stay a bit longer. For him to show her how to behave and how much pleasure can be derived from complete submission especially to him, but he knew that wouldn't work so instead he knew that tomorrow he would personally invite her back to the club and they would dance again and he would explain the nature of this club more and more. Until he could fully assess her and know what she likes. He would make sure though that she was the only one of the cast that was invited back so that she knew it was because she impressed him and he wanted her back. He wanted her to get used to following his wishes and commands and something told him that she would not deny an invitation to the club because of how exclusive it was. It would make her feel superior among others. He looked over her carefully and less analytically than before. He simply wanted to get a feel for her on this first greeting.
Her company saw through Emma's little ruse, and she had to smile at him, feeling decidedly abashed. Though she hadn't realized that it was even as late as he told her; somehow time had gotten away from her. The girl squirmed for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Now, leaving felt quite rude, but on the other hand, she didn't want to wind up staying too late and missing shooting tomorrow. From what she remembered, her job tomorrow was relatively light though...

"I could probably stay for a little while longer," she admitted. She shifted, looking around at the club. The place still seemed off-putting, still seemed less like somewhere she wanted to be. Yet the man had asked, and Emma figured it would have been impolite, yes, that was it, it was manners. Emma smiled at Kale, trying to think of a polite direction to take for the conversation.

"Is the club staying long?" she asked. Probably not a question Kale could answer, really, but she was fishing at this point. It was either that or start asking Kale personal questions, and somehow, Emma got the feeling that simply wasn't allowed, and would most certainly be frowned upon.
Kale smiled as she was being polite but he could tell this was not going anywhere near where he would like it to go and having a feeling that she would enjoy his idea he said. "It should be staying for another week or so." He then stood up and took her hand. Pulling her out of the booth and not telling her where he was taking her he moved through the dance floor quickly, his grip on her hand tight as he was not going to lose her and he moved before opening a door and then they were alone in a quite hallway, though the music of the club could be heard thumping faintly and he continued to lead her down the hallway before he entered a room and closed it, locking it. Before she could say anything, Kale moved her to a wall and pushed her against it gently and placed a strong kiss to her lips. His tongue demanding entrance into her mouth and his hands rested on her hips as his tongue finally got into her mouth and explored her tongue as well as her mouth, despite this he was remaining in complete control of the kiss before he broke it and took and deep breath and said nothing. His hand slid under her leather dress and went right to her pussy, rubbing it roughly and he said. "You are going to be such a fun little girl, Emma. Just relax and enjoy it, your body has been craving the strong touch of a dominant all your life." He said as he wanted her to think about his words and to realize they were true.
Another week or so, which meant that Emma could possibly invite friends or at least have someone confirm that the place actually existed. She wasn't sure she really wanted to come back here, ever. There was something about the place that set her nerves on edge, made her squirm in her seat. That squirming only increased whenever Kale showed her attention.

Now, he moved to take her hand, nearly pulling her out of the seat. Emma protested, but she followed, wondering where exactly he was taking her. Questions rose to her mind, and she even opened her mouth a time or two to ask. Yet they never quite came out. Instead, she watched, noting the various people, who had started engaging in activities that were more and more sensual. Emma passed a pair of women who were feeling one another's bodies quite intently, their kiss showing tongue as their hands bared skin and played with tender bits. A woman was giving a man a various obvious blowjob, while he pulled at her pulled up hair. Perhaps the worst for Emma was having people stare at her, admiring the beauty encased in leather: a package wrapped for their friend Kale to enjoy.

Into a room, and then, Emma started to grow nervous. She started protesting, but any protests were smothered by a kiss, one that seized her lips and burned with passion. A tongue entered the sweet mouth, and Emma found herself reacting, the sheer sensuality guiding her more than mind or conscious. The hands were sliding along the leather, and she could feel him along her hot skin. within moments, it had slid underneath the leather, pressing against the lacy panties the girl wore. Emma yelped and broke away, her hands going to touch the hand within her.

"What? I don't--I don't even know what you're talking about!" insisted Emma. She'd suspected, and she'd found herself unwillingly following him. But this? She turned, looking toward the door, trying to think of a way of leaving. Emma was growing panicked, her eyes flicking around, noticing the room and widening as she realized what it was, where she was.
He smiled as she followed so perfectly and she even reacted to the kiss and when she broke it and moved from him he smiled and said. "Emma, don't kid yourself. A celebrity like you doesn't have much time to herself and besides, I know that somewhere deep in you, you enjoy my control, my confidence only arouses you." He said and he stepped to her quickly, once again pinning her up on the wall and his hand slipped between her legs and rubbed her panties softly and slowly while his free hand went into her hair and grabbed it tightly. His lips once more planted themselves onto hers and his tongue slid into her mouth as he kissed her so deeply while he held her by her hair and his hand on her panties began to move quicker, applying more pressure to her needy loins. His eyes locked onto hers through the kiss and the hand in her hair made it so she could not break it until he decided to. Which he only did when he felt her running out of air. He broke the kiss and said. "See, your already getting wet." He teased her even though he barely felt anything other than the material of her panties, but he hoped he would bring it to her attention and she would feel the growing arousal in the pit of her stomach.
It was true that Emma certainly didn't have much in the way of time to tend to her own needs. The confidence part was undeniable: Emma had felt drawn to that from the first meeting. But control? Emma shook her head, trying to deny that. He pressed against her, and once more a hand rose between her legs. The Brit tried to close them tight, only to succeed in clamping the hand between the two warm thighs. Fingers were rubbing against lace now, grinding against the sex beneath.

His other hand had gone up, pulling back her hair and moving it so their lips once more connected. Emma felt him seize her lips, taking control, seizing her breath. There was no option to move, no resistance that seemed possible, let alone right. Emma tried, tensing her body and pushing against the wall. Escape was not to be hers, and she felt him sucking the air from her, the liplock making her head light, her world spinning. No breaking; held in place. Then he broke, leaving her breathless and panting.

A hand had pressed tight against her sex, teasing the flesh. Yet Emma, surprised and resistant, hadn't quite gotten as wet as Kale might have hoped. She was proving the stereotype of her people quite well: almost not reacting to what he was doing to her. The words, however, hit hard, and she felt a weight of arousal deep within.

"Let me go," she spoke, her voice harsh, yet still breathless. Her head spun, and her body was already beginning to war with her mind, a fight that she wasn't sure she could "win." "Let me go, and I won't press charges."

A threat; what she could manage, despite a heaving chest and a rising temperature.
He smirked as he continued to tease her with his hand and he said. "I'm not going to let you go, and your not going to press charges. I can feel you getting aroused, I see the blush in your cheeks, I see the look in your eyes, your body is loving my control of it." He said as he decided to go even farther than he was right now and he pulled her hair back, exposing her neck to him. He knew that if she had any submissive in her at all this position would send chills down her spine. After all it was the most submissive pose available, to offer her neck to her dominant completely was to give her dominant her life. He placed kisses on her neck as his hand slid up and then down as his hands now rubbed her flesh softly, her panties resting just below her pussy and he smiled as he continued to rub her exposed cunt now. He knew she was getting hot and bothered, he just needed her body to take over and let him control her.
The words continued to hammer at Emma, revealing that which she had been struggling to hide. His control was overwhelming, and there was certainly something intoxicating in his motions, in his touch. He jerked her hair back, and Emma gasped as she felt her neck exposed to him. Something primitive kicked in, letting her know that he was, in fact, dominating and taking over. Emma found herself struggling against it, pushing against the wall, but not quite able to leave.

Lips rained kisses upon Emma's neck, and the Brit moaned. Her eyes pinched shut, her breathing shaky as she fought against the mounting feelings. She knew her mind didn't want this, that it was against societal norms and she certainly didn't want the press. She tried shaking her head again, and attempted to push off the wall.

A hand pulled those silken underwear off, baring the tiny slit of a sex to the air. a little tuft of light brown hair just crowned the sex, and Emma looked and felt very vulnerable. His hands sought out her newly bared flesh, and the starlet bit her lip, pushing against him, trying to reject the mounting feelings and seek escape, even as her body grew hotter and hotter.
Kale smiled as he pulled a moan out of her and he felt her body heating up and he knew he was close to winning this girl as his. He just needed to show her the strength of her orgasm when procured by a dominant of his caliber. He continued to stroke only her soft little labia and rain kisses down on her neck as he wanted nothing more than to feel her juice all over his hand and he stopped the kisses as his mouth moved next to her ear and he spoke softly, letting his warm breath tickle her ear as he said. "Emma, give in, your body loves what I am doing, you have no reason not to obey. The press will not know, this club is exclusive, nobody in hear will dare say a word about what goes on in here. Your body needs this and you need it to, you just do not know. Your lucky, fate has given you to me. To show you what you really are, to show you the pleasure you will find in submitting. For that is what you are, a submissive, no not just a submissive. Your my submissive." He said and placed a kiss on her neck, just below her ear as he pulled her hair back more, making her tilt her head back completely as his fingers slowly slid just the tips of themselves into her and stroked her walls. Wanting and knowing her orgasm will come soon. He hoped his words had the desired effect on her, that she realizes that she is indeed supposed to be his submissive and that if she gives in she will love her life tenfold.
The fingers played masterfully over Emma's underutilized sex. The girl could feel her hips moving against the fingers, her body seeking out the pleasure that those digits so willingly provided for her. Heat gathered all throughout the woman, as those oft-suppressed emotions and desires were drawn to the surface. Emma could feel her sex moistening, arousal creating the wetness that would allow him entrance into her most secret of places. Kisses kept raining upon her neck, and she felt her head rolling. She didn't deny him, wasn't sure that she could. Instead, she bared more white flesh for his oppressive lips, allowing him to seize her.

Give in. Her body loves it. No reason not to obey. Her body rocked against those words, and Emma could feel her breath coming faster and faster. Her pale skin showed the red of arousal, the flush that came from her body's natural reaction. Again, those hands went between her legs, seeking out the fingers that played so wonderfully against her. Emma's heaving chest seemed to surge against her dress, her breasts nearly begging to be released, but somehow, she felt the confines almost more exhilarating, the sense of control ever present.

A submissive; submit; give in to him; let him draw the sensations and feelings from her. A pull on her hair, and Emma felt her head slide back further, baring the white neck even more to him, completely submissive to his motions. The lips had returned to her neck, kissing her, and she felt the fingers diving deeper into her sex. They would find warmth: soft walls of velvet closing about the digits: wet lips just kissing the digits as they touched her. Emma was already trembling, fighting desperately against her body's urges, knowing it was wrong, not wanting to give in.

"I--" she tried speaking, instead she moaned, her body quivering, her eyelids fluttering, her hips sliding toward him. "I--Please--I--"

Emma didn't even know what to say, but groaned again, feeling her sex growing hotter and hotter, wetter and wetter, and she knew his words to be true on some primal level.
Kale could sense that he was getting close, her body was responding perfectly and he heard the lust in her voice as she could not speak without a moan or a groan escaping from her lips. Kale smiled and as he kept her head pulled back and his fingers stroked the soft warm velvety flesh between her legs he kissed his way back up to her ear and he simply said. "You submit to me. That is what you want to say. I know you do, your body desperately wants your mouth to say that. Know that those words will bring more pleasure than my fingers ever will. But you need to realize that on your own. You need to hear your voice speak those words, to verbally acknowledge your submission. To say aloud that you belong as my submissive." He said as he placed another kiss on her ear and moved back down towards her neck and suckled on her neck and collar bone. His fingers moving slightly deeper into her and he moved carefully towards the area of her g-spot. When he had sunk his entire fingers into her warm core he began to stroke her wall up towards her clitoris and out to him. Wanting to strike that g-spot just right. To show her that he was her master over her body, and if she allowed it, her mind.
The fingers continued to stroke, drawing more and more wetness from Emma's willing body. Her sex felt as though it were melting: molten hot and beginning to leak with feminine juices. The hips kept moving, kept seeking out those fingers, kept seeking that pleasure. All the while, she could feel his lips pressing against her, kisses of passion, kisses of domination. The girl moaned, she shook her head, she even managed enough to push against the wall, if feebly.

Say aloud that she belonged? Emma shook her head again, her hair starting to get in her way, trapped between lips and marring portions of her face. She could feel him kissing her, suckling her neck, sure to draw red marks upon the white of her flesh. Even as she struggled, both with the arousal and against it, Emma felt the heat flaring within. Sweat was beginning to bead now, and her legs parted further, allowing him greater access. Those fingers dragged along her inner walls, massaging her sex as no man had done before.

Then, his fingers were teasing toward her clit: that tiny bundle of nerves just sticking out. Emma had known of the clitoris in a general sense, but never bothered with it, and her feeble attempts at "lovemaking" certainly hadn't helped her discover something. Nor had any of that touched upon that hidden spot within.

That spot that Kale found.

"Oh goooooood!" cried Emma. Her body jerked and spasmed. Emma's entire form seemed to be moving, quaking and jerking. She arched her back, letting out wordless cry: a sharp, piercing one. Her sex spasmed about fingers, releasing more liquid, nearly anointing those fingers with her juices. Pleasure rippled all throughout her, overwhelming senses and taking full control over her fine form. The girl could do nothing except ride it out, moaning, groaning, even outright screaming at the intense pleasure called forth by Kale's masterful manipulations.

As it subsided, Emma felt her vision swim, completely overcome by the intensity of the orgasm, unable to move or to really think: she simply slumped against the wall, nearly falling completely.
Kale smiled as his master manipulation of Emma's sex brought about probably the most powerful orgasm of her entire life. Kale slid his fingers out of her slowly and he just stroked her delicate and sensitive sex as it spewed its juice down her legs. Kale smiled and held her up from her body collapsing with the hand in her hair as well as the hand stroking her sensitive delicate pussy. He leaned in and placed strong firm kisses on her neck as he went to her ear and said. "That is what a dominant brings to a submissive. Pleasure that is indescribable. Pleasure that you will never experience outside of your dominant's hand and body. It is obvious to me and to the other trained submissives and dominants in this club that you are a submissive and that your my submissive. You will find that no other man can do what I did as quickly and as decisively as me. I know your body better than you. All I need is for you to give me your mind and your love. Be my submissive and you will have no regrets about anything at all." He said as his fingers continued to stroke her and to hold her head back and her neck exposed. Kale desperately wanted this girl to realize her true nature, to see that she was indeed meant to be his submissive.
The fingers left, and Emma could feel hot liquid upon her thighs and legs. His hands moved to hold her up, to brace her, and another began stroking her. Kale stroked Emma not as a person did to another, but like you would a possession, a pet that you happened to dote upon and love more than the rest. He leaned forward, and Emma felt more kisses upon her neck. Her resistance was gone, burned away by an intense climax.

Intense pleasure; Emma was a submissive. The girl still wanted to deny it, felt her mind resist and recoil from the idea. But her body wanted more, craved it. Her head was already moving before she could fully comprehend the action: nodding its acceptance of her new role. She would be his, if the reward for being so was to get more pleasure exactly like that. He knew her body, and now his fingers were returning.

Hips moved to fingers, a neck lolled, and the starlet moaned, a moan of half desperation, half despair. There was no pulling back, and Emma didn't think she would even if the option had become available to her. Kale not only had her where he wanted her, but where Emma wanted to be.
Kale saw her head nod as she accepted her position and then her head rolled with his kisses and her pussy moved with his fingers and he knew then and there that she was his and that he could leave and she would be back as soon as he invited her back. Kale kissed her neck once more and then whispered into her ear. "Emma, my submissive, I want you to wear a necklace, that shows all you belong to me, It is usually a collar, but in your line of work I doubt you could wear a collar, so this necklace will be your reminder of my fingers on your body, of the pleasure and control your dominant has over you." He said as he gave her pussy a soft pat before reaching into his back pocket and putt a silver dog tag like necklace around her neck and on the tag it simply said. Kale's good girl, and then listed some of Kale's information such as his phone number and the time to contact him. Kale smiled and then said. "Also, tonight before you sleep you will shave this tuft of hair." He said as his hand returned to her nether region and he played with the small bit of hair above her slit and then he removed his hand and added. "Lastly, I want you to purchase two things for me. A vibrator and an anal plug." He said and then delivered another kiss to her neck and slowly released her hair, letting her head fall back to it's initial position.
More kisses, more movements, and Emma could only groan. He kissed her upon the neck, a kiss that felt like a finishing move, then whispered words into her ear. Emma, still dazed, still panting from her orgasm, could only nod. Whatever he said; she was going to obey. At least, that was how it would go for now. Besides, his explanation made sense: it might look like a collar, so this is a necklace of some kind.

Emma felt a slight pat, one that made her yelp and jerk again. Soon, something was enclosing around her neck, cinching tight. Emma recognized it, having seen such things on animals time and time again. She'd seen it on a few humans too, though she barely remembered that now. Her glazed brown eyes flicked down, seeing it, seeing the tag glistening there. She reached for it, seeing that it didn't even have her name, but instead a statement of ownership. This made Emma squirm; she wasn't sure she really... but she remembered the sexual tension, the great climax he'd wrought upon her body.

It had been so splendid.

More orders were soon coming, along with a pat to her sex, one that made her cry out. The girl nodded, agreeing. She would shave; she would find a way to purchase such things. Emma wasn't even entirely certain why she agreed, only that it seemed like the best course of action. Agree, and receive the reward. It made sense. She had to do what made sense.

"Should I come back to the club tomorrow?' asked Emma, not sure. No, she shook her head; she shouldn't want this at all. Her mind was just so addled, so confused...
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