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the cursed one's love (rp w/ XxMoonlightRomancexX)

"I'm sorry. Was either of them a neko?" She asked, curious, figuring he would stop her when he no longer wished to talk about his family. "And are you the older or younger brother?"
As she asked him this he thought. "Well they mostly hid their features so they could get good deals on the addictions." He says calmly. "But my older brother i have no idea what happened to him after i left."
She nodded. "Maybe if you get rid of Savage he'll come after me instead." Roxy said, she could tell that he had been close to his brother and hoped he could see him again. "Maybe it's best if he uses me as a host and you forget about me anyway.."
"It would make sense but his body cant take over a female host." He says calmly as he walked with you.
He walks closer to you feeling that he should ask again but he tries changing the subject. "It's a nice day out." He says calmly.
"Yeah.." She said in agreement but her tone was a distant one, as if her mind was elsewhere. "D...Do you think you and I could ever be happy, Pierce?" She asked, her question seeming to come out of nowhere.
He was surprised you asked that question. "I'm sure you will Roxanne." He says trying to hide the tiny bit of hurt he felt from fearing she wasn't happy around him.
He seemed a little relieved. "Well to be truthful here Roxy I haven't been happy i the past 6 years of my life till i met you."
At first Roxanne looked at him with a look of surprise on her face and she shook her head, her way of saying she didn't believe him and that he was simply trying to make her feel better without words. After looking at him a moment longer she looked down at the dogs.
"If you don't believe me maybe this will help." He says kissing your neck as they walked side by side now. He continues this a few seconds before stopping.
At first Roxanne wanted to pull away, knowing what it did to her. As he kissed kissed her neck while he walked she let out a soft moan when when he stopped seconds later she pulled away from him some. "That feels really good.."
He just gazes at you kindly with true love showing in his eyes.
"Well I'm not in danger alright." He says having to stop as the dog relieved its bladder.
Roxanne nodded, closing her eyes with a sigh. She was beginning to hear Savage's voice whispering things into her mind. Clearly trying to turn her against Pierce.
He starts to sense savage and cuts him off from you once more. "Just block him out hun." He says worriedly.
Roxanne shook her head, able to get him out of her mind for now. "It's not that simple, my love. For vampires whoever turned them is their sire and it's who teaches them." She said.
He just thinks as she says this. "Maybe...." He mummers to himself.
Roxanne shook her head and walked ahead of him again. "Maybe I'll just let him turn me into the monster he wants." She said back to him, feeling as if he didn't believe her.
"Roxy I have a idea on how t end this bullshit." He says thinking of some ritual to do this.
Roxy didn't say anything in return to him. She honestly didn't care anymore the way she saw it even if he got rid of Savage she would still be this monster the demon had made her into. The further she tried to push Pierce away the more she could hear Savage and the more she believed him.
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