Love Amongst a Death Match ((Blair && Moon Struck Fox))

Aurora let him kiss her, comfort her, hug her. Not only did it feel good for once to have someone care for her, but it was no use to hide their feelings anymore. If anything, it will get them sponsors, because everyone likes a "underdog" in a television show. In fact, people like an ill fated couple of lovers even more. So of course the Capitol viewers would pay extra money to make sure they survived a little longer. They wanted their deaths to be more climatic.

"You don't have to thank me," she whispered, leaning into his arms for a few moments longer. Her head rest on his chest, her cheeks nearly dry once again. "You would do the same for me." With that, she leaned up and kissed his cheek before standing up and getting her head back in the game. She walked over to the bag and grabbed the wrapped up bird meat, heating it over the fire before handing him his half and stomping out the remains of the embers.

"You're right," she murmured, taking a bite from her bird meat. "We need to hurry and move on. Find some more dependable water and whatnot... As for the days and nights, I think the Gamemakers are trying to screw with our heads. Make our days and nights shorter so that it appears more time has went by." Shaking her head, Aurora started to gather her things and shrugged. "Maybe I'm wrong."
he smiled a little as he cuddled her, gently holding her hand as he ate his half of the bird, before looking up at the sky. “there's no telling what those bastards are thinking.” he complained simply, shaking his head as he polished off the bird and headed off the branch to get some more water for the both of them, tucking the little container back into his bag once they'd both gotten their fill of water. He followed Aurora, letting her lead the way through the strange forest. For three days, nothing happened save for a small skirmish between Bimo and a district seven tribute, which ended in neither Bimo nor the other getting hurt, the other boy fleeing when he realized that Aurora had an Arrow aimed right at him.

With nothing happening the Capitol was getting bored, especially when Bimo and Aurora vanished into various caves to hide during the night and occasionally during the day. Bimo, as it turned out, was just as terrible a hunter as he was a cook. Aurora did all the hunting, and Bimo did most of the fire starting and water gathering. He had managed to take apart an old generator they had come across, after someone had attacked the generators during the Arena the Capitol no longer kept the generators that put of the shields on the inside of the Arena, he wasn't sure why they had been stupid enough to do that in the first place, but the old debilitated generator still had a large battery with life in it, making Bimo's fire starting job so much easier, all it took was the battery, two wires, and the fire was lit. unfortunately it seamed that it had given the Capitol... idea's, because on the fourth morning Bimo woke up to the smell of smoke, and not wood smoke... thick green wood smoke. He blinked stupidly at the roof of the cave and turned to look out the cave entrance.

For a moment he thought someone had set fire to the cave, flames where licking the edges and he frowned, sluggish with sleep he reached over and shook Aurora's shoulder. “hey... there's a fire.. we have to get up.” the smoke was making him tired and confused as it trickled in through the opening, making him cough as the fire outside grew. He stumbled to his feet, coughing harder as he shook Aurora's shoulder again,. “hey, wake up!” he ordered. “there's a fire! We have to get out before it covers the entrance!”
Aurora woke with a start, looking over her shoulder and where Bimo laid beside her. Her eyes went wide, trying to soak in what he was saying. Fire? Fire! She jumped to her feet, frantically running around the cave and gathering her bow, arrows, and backpack. The coughing came quick, makng it hard for her to breath. Her eyes darted around the cave, grabbing Bimo's arm so that they didn't lose eachoter in the smoke.

"We've got to get out of here," she agreed, trying to remaind calm. She moved toward the mouth of the cave, and her eyes went wide at the sight. The entire surrounding area was in a blaze. Trees were falling and going down in huge thunderous sounds. The air was thick with gray, nasty fog... "Bimo!" she shouted, pulling him out and running along side him as fast as she could. Her legs were not very long, so running was a chore. "We've got to get down to the river!"

The fire was obviously generated by he Game Keepers, for it was moving toward them way to fast to be natural. Aurora was so hot she was sweating and her eyes burned from the smoke. By the time they got to the river, she jumped in, trying to get the smoke from her skin and eyes. When she resurfaced, she coughed and laid down on the shore next to her backpack, bow and arrows.

The fire was still going, but it managed to stop just shore of the area they got to. It was obviously a ploy to get them close to other tributes, for it had not been a few minutes before she heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps. Eyes darting toward the sound, Aurora slowly stood and brushed her wet hair from her face.

"Someone is coming," Aurora whispered, looking over to Bimo with concern.
he was coughing hard, his head higher than hers and was inhaling more of the smoke, it took him a long moment to realize that he needed to bend over so he stopped breathing in the smoke so badly, which slowed down his running as well. He was lucky that he hadn't set himself on fire as he ran along side his lover, diving into the river and coughing hard as he resurfaced, shaking his head hard as he continued to cough, spitting soot out of his mouth as he scrubbed his face and eyes, trying to clear the smoke out of his vision as he watched the fire stopping. “son of a bitch we just walked right into their goddamn trap didn't we!?” he demanded wheezing as he stumbled to his feet facing the footsteps. “get behind me.” he ordered panting hard. “i'll get them on a direct assault, if you see a shot, take it, make sure you don't miss.” he ordered smiling at her. “it will be ok, just shoot them before they gut me.” he ordered drawing his knife, leaving his sling strapped to his belt, it would do no good in a close combat attack.

He stepped out in front of her and watched as another male stepped out and Bimo groaned. “oh son of a bitch...” he complained softly as he watched the other heft a mace in his hands, the other from district three, at least Bimo thought he was from three, whatever the case was, the male now facing them Bimo had helped before the break. Bimo had yanked the other out of a pit trap, somehow, Bimo felt like the Capitol had done this on purpose, punishing him for saving people instead of killing them. He just knew it, so now he and this other boy where facing off, weapons in hand, eyes narrowed as they studied each other. “sorry, but it has to be done.” the other started, rushing forward with a scream of rage, Bimo yelling his own battle cry as he slammed into the other male, weapons striking each other, sending out a shower of sparks as Bimo grunted and pushed, both men struggling against one another, trying desperately to gain the upper hand. The only problem with this, was that Bimo was now constantly in the way of Aurora's shot.

They where both grunting and growling as they tripped and started rolling along the ground, Bimo striking without warning, the other boy screaming wildly as blood sprayed across the clearing as Bimo sink his blade into the others belly and jerked upwards, tearing through flesh and belly as he leaped away, wiping his forehead with his hand, not realizing that he had just spread blood across his face as the other boy screamed and rolled onto all fours, trying to hold his innards inside of his belly, Bimo's lip quivering as he gripped the other boy's hair and forced his head back, slitting his throat from Pulse to Pulse, the boy making terrible gurgling noises as he started to drown in his own blood for a moment before he went limp, Bimo letting off a small sob as he crawled off the other, cleaning his blade on a clean part of his pants before stumbling over to the creek and tried to wash himself clean, ignoring the bruises that where spreading across his flesh from the fight, and the three inch long gash across his chest from the mace striking him, he just wanted to get clean of the blood that was covering him.
Aurora watched the whole thing with wide eyes, having her bow ready to shoot through the other tributes head. However, with their rolling around on the ground and lose counter combat, it was much harder than she thought to get a good shot. The fear of hitting Bimo was too great, and that lead her to simply watch with horror. The blood, the screams, the punching, the hair pulling... It was all so real; so graphic. No matter how many times you see a murder take place (even if you are the muderer) you never get used to it.

The sob that left Bimo's lips was the last straw. He was strong, brave, clever... However, he was human, and sensitive. It made her fall for him even more than he had over the past few weeks. He semed to have an effect on her that no on ever had before. Her eyes went soft and she put her bow down and walked over to the water bank where Bimo was now sitting. She crouched down beside him and wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head on his shoulder with her lips to his ear. She head him for a long moment before speaking in a soft voice.

"Shhh..." she cooed, kissing his cheek gently. "It's okay. You had no choice. You knew it would come to this."

She was cut off by a cannon signally they death of the tribute he killed, and she stood up so she coud crouch down in front of him, ripping a piece of her tshirt so that she could clean the cut on his chest. "I would have been dead by now if you weren't with me," she murmured, "A goner for sure..." After she managed to clean hit cut out really well, she looked into his eyes. There was a hint of sadness in them. "I used to not bother thinking about what I would do if I were to live through all of this. It was useless; false hope. But now... Now, I do. And the worst part is, when I think about what I want to do after all of this, it consists of you." Her lips trembled and she looked away from him, rinsing the cloth in the water. "And that will never happen, Bimo."
Bimo was trying to shut down, struggling not to think, struggling not to feel anything as he washed himself clean from the blood, he wanted to curl up into a little ball and sob, but he couldn't cry in front of someone, and with the camera's there... they where always watching. He was trembling violently when she hugged him, and he tensed violently before relaxing into her arms, swallowing thickly. “just because I had to... doesn't make it right...” he whispered softly wincing as the loud echoing bang of the gong filled the air, closing his eyes, straightening himself so he could finish washing off, wincing when he hears her tear her shirt. “... you should be careful about how much shirt you tear off or you'll be as bare chested as I am before too long...” he warned, not particularly wanting to share the sight of her breasts with anyone else.

“... no, you would be alive.” he promised smiling at her. “your strong and clever and smart.” he admitted kissing her gently before wincing at the touch to his wound. “ouch... that hurts a lot more than I thought it was going to...” he admitted, feeling the soreness of the area. His entire chest was going to be a bruise when he stopped bleeding. He took her hand, stopping her when she began to talk about the future, and he smiled at her. “there are others who have gotten out alive from the games.” he admitted softly. “many, many others.” he admitted. “i... looked them up in the library... some people threatened to kill themselves so that they both died... some where taken out for various reasons, at the end, when we're both still alive... we'll threaten to kill ourselves... and, if they refuse.” he shrugged. “i'd rather be dead, then live a life without you.” he admitted smiling at her, bending over and gently kissing her again. “everything will be fine, I am almost certain of it...” he admitted before letting her finish cleaning his cut.

“come on, the fire's dying down, I guess the Capitol saw what they wanted to see... son of bitches they all are.” he complained helping her to her feet. “lets find shelter for a little while and then find some food... I'm hungry.” no matter how bad he felt, no matter how upset they both where, they had to survive to make it mean anything. Bimo was sure... he was certain one of them, could convince all of the villages to leave, all of the sectors to pack up their things, and go north.... to freedom... or was it south?... down the mountains. That is where they where going.. they where going down...
Aurora let him help her to her feet and she looked up at him with soft, gentle eyes. He was so sweet, so determined... It made her heart ache to simply be in his presence. Was she falling for him? Maybe... As much as she feared the true answer to that question, she could not help herself when she was around him. Her usually cold, hard features visible warmed beneath his gaze. Even in a situation like this.

The managed to find a ditch-like area that was surrounded by a thick veil of trees. It would serve as protection and a nice hiding spot, especially since the sun was already setting. "Bimo?" she mumured after fixing them up a little area to sleep in. Her eyes darted around the small area, sure that even the tiny cameras of the capitol would not get a very good look into their shelter. Again, she felt that ache in her heart as she looked at him, and she thought she was sure that this was how he felt the first night the had sex; when he wanted to make the most of their last night. A familiar stirring was residing in her stomach, and she reached out and grabbed his forearm. "Are you attracted to me... really?" Her head tilted to the side, and her voice was low. "Or am I just... you know... a last resort?"
he smiled at her as he got to his feet, feeling tired and upset still but he couldn't let that get to him. he had to survive, for Aurora, so they could someday be happy together. so they could someday have a life together. his smile brightened as her chilly expression softened towards him, giving him everything he needed to know. she loved him just as much as he loved her. he followed her into the covered area, sighing a little as he settled down onto the dirt, closing his eyes, still struggling to contain himself, control himself. he desperately wanted to curl up with her, have a nice long slow fuck, and go to sleep with her in his arms. that aught to give the bastards a shock to the heart... but he wasn't sure that he could do that though.

he looked up at her when she spoke his name, tilting his head to the side as he studied her blinking as she grabbed him before smiling at the question. "no... i'm not." he whispered softly. "attraction doesn't come close to what i feel for you." he admitted slowly pulling her close, pressing their lips together tightly. "when i see you smile, my heart flutters with joy, when i see you frown i feel a deep desire to fix whats bothering you. seeing you, in any light makes me want to take your body for my own again and again in every way possible. your so good, kind, sweet." he murmured kissing her again. "you make my heart feel as if it's being squeezed until it's damn near painful.. and being away from you... makes me damn near cry." he admitted softly. "in all honesty Aurora, i think i love you..." he admitted softly. "i feel more for you, than i have ever felt for anyone in my entire life."
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