Love Amongst a Death Match ((Blair && Moon Struck Fox))

Bimo was still half naked when she arrived, slightly damp, he hadn't taken an actual shower, he'd just stripped naked stepped under the flow of cold water to wash off the itchy sweat off of his body and then toweled himself off. He turned at the knock halfway through putting his pants on and smiled a little, hoping it was Aurora. “it's open.” he called drying his hair so that it stuck up in every direction as he tossed the towel onto the floor, showing off his body to her for the first time. They had been frantic the first time, so she had not been able to see, but like all district members his body was scarred according to his job. Spider web markings lined his body where heavy wires had either struck him, or laid on his flesh and burned him, or where sparks had landed and burned him. The power based district was by far one of the more dangerous ones, as the electricity and power they dealt with could kill with a single jolt. It was a miracle anyone from District Five was still alive. Still, the scars only added to his physical character, though they where quickly hidden by a shirt.

He smiled at her when she walked in, softening as soon as he saw her. “you still look beautiful.” he admitted smiling a little as he grabbed a wet wash rag, moving over to her. “may I? I want to see what you really look like, not hidden by all that face pain these Twitters seem so keen on.” he had decided to call them twitters, like the little twitter birds. Because they where just as flamboyant in their colors and just like the birds, they never stopped talking. He gently ran the cloth over her face, smiling as her face was revealed, making him smile. “i knew it, you ARE more beautiful without the face paint.” he teased smiling at her. “i bet that feels better too, I can't imagine that stuff feels very nice on your face.” he was chattering, nervous, unsure what was going to happen, not expecting sex, but unsure what she was expecting. he examined her face for a moment, wondering if he should really be trusting her?

He had seen her tactic, what if she was just using him, being nice to him to get his help only to stab him when he wasn't looking, stabbing him in the back in both senses. Part of him trusted her explicitly, but the other part of him was wary of treachery, and weary of playing the game already. He knew he had to be careful, his heart was already growing warm, fond of her, he might even dare say he loved her in some way, what way he didn't know. As a sister, as a friend, as a lover? He just hadn't had enough experiences in love to understand or know, but he knew his feelings where strong, driving him to do things he wouldn't normally do, like invite her back into his room, and agree to partner up with her. “i'm scared.” he admitted sudden;y, turning to look at her, blinking. “tomorrow we go back into the Arena... and I don't know... what to expect...” maybe, she might just give him answers. “... are you going to abandon me, or are we really going to work together?”
Aurora's eyebrows furrowed, the cool air tickling her damp face. He was so sweet, so tender about wiping the makeup from her face. She had not expected that action from him, and it left her stomach in knots. How would she ever betray this boy? Even if her life depended on it, Aurora was left wondering if she could even make herself harm him. Hell, she wondered if she could even stand to watch another tribute harm him, let alone herself. Shaking her head, she shut the door behind her and locked it, then walked over to a table that sat off to the far side of the room and sat the glasses down. As she poured them wine, she bit her lip.

"No," she answered truthfully, her face full of hurt. He did not make her sad, but the fact that her reputation led him to not trust her fully did. When she turned around to hand him his full glass, she sighed. "I'm... I'm not the monster they have made me out to be, Bimo. I never manipulated anyone. I never betrayed anyone! I just... I just did what I had to do, okay? Before I met you, I assumed everyone here was out for blood. I knew if I didn't kill them, they were going to kill me, and I can't leave my family alone in District 5 because I got soft hearted." She took a sip of her wine and let out a little sigh, sitting down on the foot of the bed and looking down at her bare legs and feet. "It's not my fault people underestimated me," she said with a little smirk. "They assumed since I look fragile, I would never survive. But I had three brothers. There was no way they would let me go through life not being able to take care of myself."

Aurora downed her glass, then moved to pour another. "Bimo... The reason I want to work together, is because if I die, I want to make sure that the person who lives will be the person who saves future young adults from this fucked up world. I want to know my family will live a life of happiness, not fear. Since that outburst you made in the ballroom, which I still believe was not your best move, I knew that you wanted the same things as me. You were fighting for the same reasons."

When she went back to sit on the bed again, her eyes lifted up to look at him. He was so handsome, so genuine... Maybe she was falling for him; maybe she actually cared about him. Who knew? But she knew these feelings could be dangerous. She knew they were in huge trouble the moment she felt herself wishing he would take her in his arms again and again, desperate to have him closer. "I'm scared too," she whispered.
he smiled as he tossed the now makeup riddled cloth onto the floor and watched her every move, not afraid, or worried, just curious, as if he accepted his fate of being stabbed in the back eventually. He looked upset when he saw he had hurt her feelings and he grimaced at himself, shaking his head. “i'm sorry Aurora, I know that I just... I talk sometimes and I don't think.” he explained. “i get slapped a lot.” he admitted trying to lighten the mood with a joke. “i know you won't betray me, I just wanted to make sure you where alright with working together...” he took his glass of wine and downed it before joining her on the bed taking her hand carefully, gently stroking her knuckles with his thumb, listening to her talk. “Aurora... no one will ever listen to me.” he informed her simply, shaking his head. “my own district LAUGHED, when I was picked as tribute... they laughed!” Bimo was a strange duck there, and no one liked him for various reasons, some he wasn't so sure of for himself. “if anyone is going to lead our people to freedom it will be you.” he admitted simply. “i'm week for being The Mercy... everyone will see me as week, week willed, and pathetic.” he shook his head. “you will be respected when you walk out of the Arena... they will know you are brave, serious, they will know that you can lead them to safety and freedom.”

he smiled a little and shook his head before pulling her into his arms, holding her tightly. “i'll protect you Aurora.” he promised softly, licking his lips nervously. “i'll make sure you win, no matter what you are going home to your brothers.” he promised reaching over and grabbing the bottle of the wine and gently pouring her some more before adding more to his own glass, holding her with one arm as he savored the wine this time, his eyes closing as he sighed. “it's a shame they pat us down, this wine would make a really good disinfectant.” he admitted calmly, wondering how they where going to survive. “can I tell you a secrete?” Bimo asked softly, clearly half drunk, but still sober enough to talk and function properly. “... I know there are other places...” he admitted softly. “that's why no one likes me... because my father... wasn't from the districts... he was from the Capitol... and my mother.... wasn't from either.” he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. “she came from a place far away... and no one liked my father, and they where afraid of my mother... and that's why I know we'll be ok if we leave... because my Mother wasn't from here...” part of him expected her to pull away from him, stare at him with the same shock and loathing as everyone else did when they found out, the only people who had never hated him had been his fiance and her elder sister, everyone else hated him just because he was of a strange bloodline, because his mother had been strange and his father had been the enemy.
Aurora turned her head, looking up at Bimo with shock and bewilderment. Her eyebrows scrunched with confusion, and she held her wine glass tight between both her hands. She didn't pull away from him, not did she give him a glare. Her expression was full of wondering; trying to decide if he was telling the truth or if it was simply the alcohol talking. With a shake of her head, Aurora took a moment to let what he said sink it. Bimo did not present himself as a liar, even when tipsy.

"Your mother was not from here... And your father was from the Capitol? How did you even end up in District 5?" she asked suddenly, looking up at him. The only light in the room was from the book and a few security lights in the distance outside. She pulled away, but only to settle into her position on the bed with interest and curiosity. "There is a law, isn't there? Gah... I can't remember what it is. Something about children under the age of eighteen with Capitol bloodlines could be taken if they deem their parents are not alive or not fit, even if they have plenty of people to care for them in the Districts. I think it's their way of keeping their population going strong." Aurora shook her head, the waved away the thought. "I'm not completely sure. I learned it in school a few years ago... But, I mean... With a Capitol bloodline, I can't even believe they would have you eligible for the Games. They are so intent on keeping their heritage alive..."

She gave a little shrug, blushing from her rambling, and looked up into Bimo's green eyes. And then she remembered that lots of people who were born from Capitol citizens that had left to join districts tended to change their last names. Bimo may not even have a Capitol name, and with his parents being dead for so many years, he could have very well gone unnoticed... However, it worried Aurora a little. The Capitol had their ways, and they would find out eventually. They always did.
he sighed and nodded, looking at her startled to see that she wasn't looking at him with horror or hatred. Maybe it was just because she didn't know him well enough? He wasn't sure but there had to be a reason shy she didn't hate him... right? “my father took my mother there so she would be safe, the other Capitol's didn't know.” he explained hesitating a little. “he died of some disease while my mother was pregnant, they never knew that he had gotten someone pregnant as far as I know... that's why I have no last name. Mother was terrified they would take me away.” she admitted. “she promised me to another woman's daughter, so that I would have at least one friend growing up.” he admitted. “there is a law, I was always terrified that they would find me so I memorized it...” he admitted swallowing thickly. “any Child of a Capital Bloodline born outside of the Capital will be taken into the Capital for safe keeping until they are of an age to decide for themselves where they want to live. Meaning eighteen... but by that time their so brainwashed that the Capitol is the only place they want to live, they don't know anything else.

“i'm eligible because they don't know that I am Bimo Achilles. Son of Caesar Achilles.” he admitted smiling a little, smirking viciously. “i plan on telling them the truth, either before I die or when we both walk out of here... I don't know how we'll get away with it, but I know that there have been other games where two tributes escaped Alive... if I could read I would have looked at their Archives... but I can't, so I didn't.” he admitted sighing a little. “my father and mother loved each other, very much.” he admitted. “but the Capitol would have killed my mother, Riverwind without a second thought rather than let ANYONE know that there are other places to go, especially the districts.” he smiled a little. “i'm nineteen now.” he admitted. “when I tell them, theirs not shit they can do about it, and it might protect any future children I might have.” he admitted thoughtfully. “i think anyway. As long as I have the bloodline, and I'm alive and married, they shouldn't be able to take my children away from me.” he admitted smiling a little. “i've always wanted children.” he admitted.

He yawned loudly and groaned a little and rubbed his eyes a little, looking sleepy. “...tired.” he admitted resting against her, smiling a little. “aurora... if we both make it out of this alive... do you think we can still be friends?” he asked hopefully. “i'd like to court you, when we're both safe.” he admitted calmly smiling at her. “we could move far away, try to find my mothers people... they can't be all that far away right?” he asked his head tilted as he blinked at her. “i know I shouldn't... but I like you Aurora, a lot...”
Aurora looked up at him, a smile spreading across her face. He was hard not to like. His sweetness and determination for a happy life simple gave her a warm feeling, a feeling she never thought she would have while in the Capitol. Her hand grabbed his as she pulled him up toward the middle of the bed, laying down with her head on the pillow. Biting her lip, she looked up at him with something that had yet to appear in Aurora's eyes; innocence.

"I've always wanted children too," she whispered, smiling a little. "Something about the thought of having a little boy or girl running around a little cottage, having a husband that loves me and comes home from work every night just to be with us... The Districts don't even bother me, you know. I like having a modest lifstyle, but I want my children to be safe. I don't want them to live in fear of being apart of the Games."

With that, she frowned, but not for along. Her heart ached at his confession, and she suddenly realized she hoped for the same. It was a stupid wish, she knew that. They would not both make it out a live. The rules were very, very clear... But she found herself daydreaming like she used to do at home, being married and having children... And then she realized Bimo seemed to make the dream that much more vivid. While she had a hard exterior, and a stubborn personality that led her to want nothing to do with love, she craved it as much as he did.

"I... I..." she stammered, blushing a little. Wasn't it cruel to feed him such outlandish thoughts? To encourage him of things that would never happen? Maybe. However, Aurora took one look at Bimo and her heart melted. Something about him made her serious, harsh wall break down. "I would like that, if we got back home," she continued, her voice a hushed whisper. Reaching up from where she laid on the bed, her hand carressed his face gently.
he smiled a little at her. “thank you Aurora.” he muttered softly. “for not hating me.” he muttered softly, so used to people hating him just because he was born, just because he was strange and different before looking astonished at the look in her eyes, his own widening as he stared into her, even as he let her pull him into a laying down position next to her, his head tilted a little before smiling at her, his face soft and affectionate, almost loving as he leaned over and gently kissed the shell of her ear with a small sigh. “when we go back home.” he muttered calmly. “not if... when, if we have faith, then we will think much better, have better idea's... Isalay used to say, that there is no point in living, if you cannot think with an optimistic heart.” he admitted smiling at her as he gently caught her hand in his, holding it gently before leaning over her, his eyes filled with passion, lust, affection, and protection as he examined her face.

He bent down and kissed her again, deep and passionate as he slowly started to tug her clothes carefully off of her again, starting with her shirt and giving her many chances to make him stop as he kissed and sucked all over her neck, his hands sliding up to her breasts, intending on driving her wild with pleasure again and again before they drifted to sleep, wanting to give her one more happy moment before the battles started again in the morning. “i will never let anything happen to you.” he promised softly, kissing her eagerly as he carefully worked her pants off, gently stroking her clit with nimble fingers. “i will protect you, I will always protect you. In, and out of the games.”
Aurora met each of his kisses with increasing hunger, craving his contact and his comfort that he provided. His words gave her hope, and while she was too stubborn to believe his outlandish theories of them surviving and lving happily ever after, she found herself wanting to hear them more and more. Never had she been so wrapped up in another person; never had she given in to that butterfly-like feeling in her stomach before... But here she was, letting Bimo undress her, letting him embrace her, letting him have her in everyway. Maybe it was because she really was falling for him...

"When we get back home," she repeated with a heated sigh. A moan reached her lips as his fingers stimulated her clit, and her back arched off the bed, her chest moving upward and toward him. Within moments, her hands reached up to tug his shirt of his head, wanting to feel his body against her's. The heat it created gave her more comfort that she had ever imagined. She let him play with her body for a few more moments, his fingers making her sex wet with need. Panting with lust, Aurora moved forward to push him off of her and on to his back. Her naked body straddled him, and she took in his bare chest. The scars caught her eye, and without evening thinking twice, she bent down and kissed each one. Her lips were soft and gentle, her hands caressing his sides all the way until they reached his pants. When her mouth reached his neck, sucking on a sensitive area, her hands started to attempt to slide his pants down enough so that she could feel his member in her small hands. The last night, everything was so rushed. Their passion took over and they wasted no time. Tonight, she wanted to rellish in the moment.

"Bimo," Aurora whispered, her lips at his ear. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and her hands curiously fondled his cock. "I think I'm falling for you, and I'm not sure I want to... I'm not sure it's safe for us to love eachother."
Bimo moaned softly as he kissed her gently, stroking her and teasing her, stripping naked for her, teasing her flesh with his fingers and his mouth moaning happily before gasping as he was flipped onto his back his eyes wide. “what in the?” he asked, utterly baffled as he raised himself onto his elbows, looking a little confused but curious. He had clearly never been ridden before. He groaned softly as she kissed his scars, arching gently against her and squirming with glee, he'd never had them payed attention to before, they where very sensitive, the nerves super sensitive because of the electricity, they often ached still, though they had happened years ago. Her light touches felt amazing, and he relaxed into her attention, smirking at her. “i have decided you really are mysterious.” he teased, grinning at her. “one never knows what you'll do next.” he teased groaning happily as she sucked on his neck, stroking along her sides.

He bucked into her slender hands, his cock thick and full in her hands as he pulled her down for a long kiss, blinking at her as he felt her soft fingers on his cock before rolling them back over, smiling at her, kissing her again. “i think I'm falling for you too.” he admitted softly. “you make my world seem, perfect.” he admitted softly kissing her. “you make everything seem so bright and worthwhile... even this horrible Games seam a little more worthwhile, even if only because I got to meet you.” he admitted softly. “but... if you like, during the games, we can hide our feelings?” he offered, slowly, gently slipping inside of her with a small sigh, feeling the pleasure engulf him. “i would wait a lifetime for you.” he admitted smiling as he gently rocked inside of her, moving slowly, carefully as he kissed her intently. “we can show our emotions now, while it's safe... and during the games we can keep it hidden, pretend we don't have feelings for each other, so that we won't put ourselves in Danger” he decided smiling at her. “sound alright to you?”
Nora moaned, her breathing now coming out as labored pants. Her eyes closed in pleasure and her legs moved to wrap themselves around his muscular waist. As he gently thrust in and out of her, she kissed softly, savoring every touch of his lips. "Okay, Bimo," she whispered, her mind fuzzy from their current state, "Stop... Just stop over-thinking things, okay?" A smile spread across her lips as she leant up to kiss him again, her hands moving within his hair. Her body was now slick with their sweat and arousal. The moans that came from her mouth were now filled with desperation, turning into deeper, mangled groans. "Oh, Bimo... Oh, please," she whimpered, feeling her pussy start to throb around his hard member.

It was the first time that she thought it might not be the smartest thing to have him cum inside her, releasing his seed into her womb. However, reality kicked in and she realized it would not matter. Thier chances of surviving were very slim, especially with ten other tributes still alive, and getting pregnant was the least of her concerns. It was likely that she would not live long enough to realize her irresponsible actions had produced something even greater...

"Oh! OH!" she shrieked, letting out noises that she was sure people could here up and down to tribute hall. She did not care though. Holding on to Bimo for dear life, she let her climax take over and hugged him close, her lips at his neck. "Bimo..."
Bimo moaned as he grimaced. “sorry... sorry I always think to much... oooh you feel wonderful.” he moaned holding her tightly and moving inside of her, thrusting and moaning. His mouth fell onto her breast, teasing her nipples with his talented tongue and groaning eagerly as she pleaded with him, his thumb settling onto her clit, touching and teasing her even as his thrusts sped up, moaning as he felt her throbbing around him. He cried out in pleasure as she came, yelling loud enough that he KNEW the others heard him, spilling deep inside of her. He was a smart boy, but he knew nothing about birth control, Isalay had taken care of that, taking the birth control pills that some of the Capitol 'spies' smuggled out for the few District members that could afford it. Bimo always gave all the money he made from finding books and other interesting things to Isalay so she could buy food and clothes.

He himself had never even considered how babies where made, he knew the basics, you had to have a dick, and a vagina, and it grew in a woman's belly but other than that he had never considered what would happen when he had sex, Isalay had never gotten pregnant so he wasn't even aware he was putting Aurora at risk by cumming deep inside of her. He had never needed to know. He sighed softly as he held her, staying buried inside of her as he held her tightly, listening to his next door neighbor fornicate with a small chuckle. “well at least we're not the only ones doing it.” he muttered softly as he gently tickled her breast. “you should sleep... we need to save our energy.” he muttered softly, nuzzling her neck gently. “we need to be on top of things tomorrow... we could set up a base camp, and lay traps all around it... then we'd be safe, for the most part.” he admitted. “we'll make a sort of shelter, and wait for the others to kill each other out before we make our way out to deal with the survivors...” it was a decent plan... but, in the end it would never work, the Capitol would never allow them to just sit there and be Idle, they'd release something to wipe out their camp and get their asses in gear.
Aurora laid there in his arms, not moving an inch and panting heavily. She nodded, her eyes slowly closing as she rest her head on his upper chest. The sound of his voice, the feeling of his heart beat underneath her ear... It soothed her. With a soft smile, Aurora tilted her head up to look at the emerald green eyes before her. "There is no point on dwelling on a game plan," she murmured, "The arena is never what we expect."

Reaching down, Aurora grabbed the blanket and pulled it over body of their tired bodies before snuggling back into his arms. The innocent scene made her think of home, how simply life could be in the Districts. She was sure that if it were not for the Games, she would never have been drawn to Bimo. Always being so intent on being independent, she never felt the need to rely on someone for comfort. Now, Aurora could picture a like with Bimo. She could see them living a simple, free life back home. She could see them spending nights like this together reguarly... He was the type of boy that girls dreamed of having children with, if they looked deep within his sweet nature, and Aurora was no exception. However, she was better at shoving her feelings to the side if she felt they would only make matters worse. This was that kind of situation.

"I want you to promise me something," she whispered, looking into the darkness, her head resting on his chest. "Do not put your life on the line for me, alright? I'm strong. I can take care of myself. This is an equal partnership..." Biting her lips, she closed her eyes. "If you want to do me a favor, protect yourself. Ensure that atleast one of us makes it out."
he smiled a little and nodded a little. “this is true.” he admitted softly. “even if we do plan their going to throw some unknown twist at us.” he complained shaking his head a little. “their such dicks.” he complained with a small sigh, gently nuzzling the back of her neck. “we'll survive though... I know we will... somehow.” he wanted to be with her, more than anything or anyone he had ever felt an attachment or an attraction to, Aurora was the one. He'd known it the second he'd laid eyes on her in the Arena, but he'd refused to admit it. Isalay had always believed in love at first sight, but Bimo had not, now it seamed like he was being proven wrong... again. He wasn't the sort to like people in any form, he wasn't the sort to care about people, but he wanted to take care of Aurora, he HAD to take care of aurora, because he had failed to protect Isalay, and he was terrified he would fail Aurora like he had his sister. He just hoped that he could pretend to not be in love with her while on the arena...

he paused, listening to her and then shaking his head. “i can't promise that.” he stated simply. “i don't think before I do things, I just do them.” he admitted smiling a little. “i'll probably step in the way before I even consider the promise, but I'll try.” he promised gently biting her ear. “go to sleep.” he ordered calmly. “we can talk more in the morning.” he promised calmly sighing softly. “plus you have one last interview in the morning.” he reminded her. “they wanted to save you for last since your the most popular.” he admitted wrinkling his nose a little. “i think I might be in second...” he admitted snorting a little as he snuggled into the bed a little and drifted off to sleep.

He woke her in the morning and handed her clothing over to her, already getting dressed, half asleep as he stuffed his legs into his pants. “your interview is in an hour.” he explained. “i thought you might need some alcohol before you went on.” he admitted smiling at her, setting his hand on hers. “we're going to win... no matter what.” he promised her before taking a deep breath. “i'll go out first and head to breakfast... I'll see you on the battlefield.” he promised, hesitating before kissing her long and hard before smiling at her. “good luck with your interview.” he sated calmly setting a glass of wine into her hands.
Aurora winced and nodded with a little frown as she started to get dressed in her pajamas from last night. It was just early enough for her to dash across the hall and get a shower before her stylists had to fix her hair and makeup. A sigh left her lip as she stood up and kissed Bimo back equally as passionate. Leaving him broke her heart, making her realize how hard the incoming Game was going to be. Could she watch him get hurt? No, she couldn't. It was not safe to be so attached to to another tribute, she knew that, yet it was so hard to not like Bimo. His demeanor was so sweet, so sincere... He was a much better person that Aurora.

"Be safe," she murmured, "Don't do anything rash... And head East after the countdown. That's where I will be."

And with that, they went their seperate ways and Aurora went straight for her shower. She thoroughly washed her hair and body, forcing herself to not dwell on what was to come in a few hours. Her stylists fixed her hair into a low ponytail, gave her minimal makeup, and dressed her in a part of dark jeans, leather books, a jade green sweater and a black, durable jacket. She was dressed for the arena. No fancy, glittery dresses; just strong clothes that would keep her safe in the wild.

The long awaited interview of Aurora Carington was taking place. She sat in a armchair next to the excited reported, and her expression remained stoic and strong. Her answers were simple; It was true that she had the highest kill count and the largest threat. She was there to win, not for the glory but to get back to her family. However, when she was asked about her sudden impression on Bimo, Aurora was stumped. It took her a moment to find an acceptable answer that would not drive them into deeper trouble.

"If I do not make it out of the Arena," she murmured, "I believe Bimo will. He's been sorely under estimated." With that, reporters eagerly went to work on writing in their notepads. It was that moment that Bimo had become just as exciting of a "character" to the Capitol as Aurora.
Bimo chuckled a little and nodded. “i'll try.” he promised. “east.” he agreed, vanishing to look for his own stylist, letting him dress him in a dark sweater and a leather jacket with simple jeans and horrifyingly they made him wear shoes... still he could use the shoelaces for something he supposed. He let the guards lead him down to his starting gate. Instead of releasing them all at once, each Tribute had a gate that they exited out of. The gate they left out of changed every break so they didn't know the surrounding area, but Bimo knew that already. He accepted his knife, his sling, and the heavy rocks he had found. He was glad he didn't have to find new ones.

He sat there and waited, smirking a little as he shook his head a little as he watched the interview, chuckling a little as she watched the interview. “way to go Aurora, now I'm a target too.” he teased the Television shaking his head a little as he looked through one of the books in the little room he was waiting in. to keep fighting down and sabotage to a minimum the Tributes where separated the hours before the Arena opened again. Bimo was glad for the quiet time, even if he knew he was already being watched by the cameras. He didn't care about the cameras, he only wanted to win and be free with Aurora. Soon enough the doors slid open and he gathered his weapons and inched his way out, looking around cautiously before darting for the woods. The 'meadow' around the woods where dangerous and filled with beasts, you couldn't stay there long or you would be ripped apart by beasts.

He raced for the woods, diving into the woods just in time to avoid the striking Talons of a massive bird, the creature's head diving in after him, but he was quick and was already gone, racing east and freezing when he saw two Tributaries already fighting, wrestling on the ground, trying to strangle each other. Part of him contemplated taking one of them out while they where distracted, but his conscience won and he looked for a way around them, not wanting to get involved until he was with Aurora. Killing someone was going to hurt, and he would cope better with Aurora there, just as he knew he would be able to help her when she finally killed someone. The guilt would be shared, they could comfort each other while still watching out for one another. He panted as he finally made it to the eastern sector of the Arena, his blade out and sling swinging in high arched circles, waiting to be ambushed by another tribute, trying to find Aurora and hoping those damn massive birds hadn't gotten to her.
Aurora had managed to sprint east at the end of the countdown, runnng as fast and far as she could. The other tributes immediately turned on her, aiming their weapons at her as soon as they saw her. However, as luck would have it (for now) Aurora managed to slide past each one and climb up into a high tree that over looked a vast amount of the arena. Her eyes darted everywhere, her bow and arrows ready, and she prayed Bimo made it. What would she do if thee one person she trusted died before she could even say goodbye? Her heart was racing and her stomach felt sick.

Sure enough, Aurora saw him heading her way after about a half an hour. The arena was already starting to darken, which was odd. Usually the gamemakers kept it light outside for longer periods of time, wanting the fighting to last long enough to get good footage. However, as soon as she saw Bimo, she saw another tribute following him. The boy had a sword, ready to take off Bimo's head in an instant. Feeling a surge of panic, Aurora did not hesitate to raise her bow. The arrow whizzed past Bimo, nearly hitting him, but going straight into the heart of the boy behind him. He died instantly, and she let out a sigh of relief.

Jumping down from the tree, she walked over to him with a relieved expression. Her eyes shifted from him to the dead boy on the ground and a frown spread across her lips. Reaching down, she pulled her arrow from the boy's chest with a quick jerk, then looked back over at Bimo. "You found me," she murmured softly, slipping the arrow back into her satchel. Reaching out, she wrapped her arms around him, not being able to contain the happiness of realizing he was okay. It was to hard to hide her emotions after spent so long wondering if he ever made it out of the meadow.

Pulling back, Aurora was now close enough to him to where he could easily see the three inch long gash across her left cheek where the girl from District 8 through a knife at her.
Bimo was panting hard as he ran, having full out sprinted the entire way, ignoring the camera's that where following him, not noticing the other boy behind him, pausing to take in his surroundings, his eyes wide as the Arrow whizzed past his face, cutting a long, thin slice across his chin, his head turning to watch the other fall, shocked and startled, his heart hammering in his chest. “g...good shot.” he managed to stutter, adrenaline coursing through him as he turned to face Aurora. “thanks, I didn't even know he was there.” he admitted wrapping his arms around her. “ was scared you didn't make it through the meadow... I almost didn't.” he admitted. “damn giant birds.” he growled. “with our luck those damn things are going to breed just like the mockingjays did.” he growled with a shake of his head, looking around with firm eyes. “we need to find somewhere to hide... it's dark already... and I don't like it...” he admitted gently stroking the cut on her cheek.

with it dark already so soon, that meant that the Capitol had something new planned, something... nocturnal. “come on, lets get n the trees, no one ever looks up.” he admitted heading for the nearest tree, slipping up into the branches before pausing, looking up at the sky, hesitating. “stay near the middle of the trees, we don't want to be picked off.” he warned bring his lips. “and we don't want to loose sight of the ground either in case someone spots us before we spot them.” he doubted it, the trees where thick and the arena was getting darker with every minute. He reached down once he was on the first branch and helped her up as well, looking around nervously. “... I've never been in the dark before...” he admitted softly, sounding... amazed. District five was never dark, ever. They where constantly lit up from all the power towers and electrical panels. The dark was mysterious to Bimo, who found it...exhilarating, and frightening at the same time. “i don't like this, it's the middle of the morning.” he growled, examining the midnight like surroundings. “what the hell are they planning!?” he demanded, swallowing thickly as he pondered the fresh hell that the Capitol had planned for them.
Nora put a finger to his lips and narrowed her eyes, giving him a shake of her head. "Sh," she whispered, motioning around them. "You need to be more quiet. We are targets. The big birds in the arena are the last things you need to be worrying about. It's the other tributes that want to get us out of the way." With that, she moved her fingers south to gently caress the small gash on his chin. A frown spread across her face and she let out a sigh. "I'm sorry about that," she whispered, "Got a little too close, huh?"

Reaching down, Nora grabbed Bimo's hand and started to lead him deeper into the forest. "We need to establish distance, and we need to do it quick. The sun is setting rapidly and we need to get far enough away in order to find a safe place to hunt." In the arena, Nora was more professional; more serious. She was intent on not being distracted by her feelings toward the boy next to her. If they were both going to make it to the end, silly little emotions needed to be set aside. Right? Letting go of his hand, she loaded her bow and took care in moving with an extreme amount of caution. In a matter of a few hours, they managed to cover several miles and got into the more tropical area of the arena with plent of water and animals to hunt and eat for the night.

Once she knew that they were far from any other tributes, Nora turned to Bimo and gave him a little smile. "We will be fine... The are most likely making it dark in order to speed up the survival process. They want to see us make fires and what not. Fires always start battles since the smoke is an easy give-away of any hiding place." As she spoke, she walked toward the sandy bank of the clear blue water. Thirsty was a understatement for how Nora felt... And that's when she noticed the shift in the sand underneath her.

Blue eyes darting down to her feet, she noticed them quickly slipping into the earth. Quick sand.
he blinked as he was stopped from climbing the tree and blinked again as she told him to be quiet, his head tilted a little as he blinked. He'd forgotten about the other tributes in his terror of what was coming in the darkness, flushing hard as he realized he'd probably done exactly what the Capitol had wanted him to do, and give away his location. He smiled a little as she caressed caressed his bleeding cut. “you shouldn't touch it, the bleeding cleans it out, I'll patch it up later. I'd rather have a cut across my chin than my head off my shoulders any day.” he promised letting himself fall back into the Arena mindset. “thank you for that by the way.” he stated calmly, quietly now, letting her lead him deeper into the more tropical place that he hadn't been aware of. He had clung to the edges, just hovering between forest and meadow eating the leftover from the giant bird kills, giant dogs and other birds, and once one of the birds themselves after two of them got into a fight.

He nodded a little. “we will be fine.” he agreed smiling a little. “i'm clever, and your smart, your good with long ranged and I'm good with short ranged, we're practically built to kick ass together.” he admitted with a small smirk. “and it's a good ploy on the capitol's part.” he admitted with a small shake of his head. “the question now is, do we start a fire or sit the night in the darkness?” both options where very dangerous. He looked at the clear blue water, feeling a twinge of unease, nice perfect water just sitting there? Doubtful... “Nora wait... it's...” he was going to say poisoned, he was sure it was poisoned but when he saw her ankles sink into the sand he realized it probably wasn't poisoned. “shit, hold on Nora. Don't move an inch, the more you struggle the faster you'll sink, I'll find something to pull you out.” he ordered and promised looking around for a rope or a thick vine before he realized they probably weren't safe either and grabbed a thick stick off of a nearby tree, rocking hard on it until it snapped and dumped him on his ass. He grimaced a little and rubbed his ass as he got to his feet again.

He scrambled to his feet and raced back over to Nora, testing the sand carefully with the tips of his now bare toes checking to make sure it was solid ground setting one half of the strong stick in her hands. “Hold on tight.” he ordered calmly. “i'll pull you out.” he explained digging his heals into the dirt and started to haul on her, heaving her out of the quicksand. It was a good thing he was physically strong because while she wasn't all that heavy, that quick sand had a tight grip on her. He pulled her close enough and grabbed her arms, buried almost to her hips he wrapped his arms around her, just under the armpits and started to pull as hard, the sand making strange squelching noises as it tried to keep her, keep sucking her in, and for a long moment, they where at a stand still, Bimo against the sand, the boy groaning as he strained, the sand suddenly releasing her, sending them both flying backwards, a loud yelp falling from his lips before he made a strangled noise as she landed right on his belly, driving the air out of his lungs, wheezing as he rolled onto his side, trying to gulp in air. At least Aurora was free of the quicksand... he hoped, he couldn't tell if she'd come out when he'd fallen backwards or not.
Aurora's heart was beating so hard, she was sure it was going to pop out of her chest. Quick sand was a new one for the Games, for Aurora had never seen it in any re-runs of the older episodes. This was something crafted specifically for this round, apparently, and she felt stupid for already falling into the trap. Standing still and letting the san envelope her, quickly slinking up her legs as she waited for Bimo to fetch something to get her out, was the hardest part. The feeling of it was awful, making her seem helpless, and the seconds droned on like hours. Relief rushed across the pretty features of her face when he returned, and she grabbed hold of the stick without a second thought. It was odd feeling to be so dependent on someone; to just sit there while he put all of his energy in pulling her from the monsterous sand.

She landed on top of him with a thud, panting out of relief. She was too shocked to move, even when she was knocked to his side after her turned over to catch his breath. Her eyes glanced upward at him, barely able to make out his face in the darkness, and gave him a look of pure appreciation. He had saved her life through and through... If anything, Bimo was a quick thinker. Maybe he was right. They were a perfect match to survive the Games together, and that instilled even more fear within her. How far would the Capitol go to seperate them?

"Thank you," she whispered once he stopped coughing quite as hard. She eased herself to her feet and grabbed his arm, pulling him up with her. After brushing off her clothes and quickly checking to make sure all of her arrows were still intact, she started to move around the sand and toward a nice secluded cave. Her eyes scanned it, making sure no animal was living in it before entering. "We could probably make a small fire in here," she murmured, "The smoke won't be quite as dense and the cave with hold in some heat even after we put it out.... If you get the fire ready and keep look out, I'll go shoot down a few birds to eat."

With that, Aurora reached over and grabbed his hand, carressing it with her thumb. Something about her still had a hard time voicing her emotions; something still urged her to not grow soft toward her feelings for Bimo. However, after he saved her life, she felt she owned him a little assurance that she was in fact there to protect him as much as he was there to protect her.

"I'll be back," she whispered, "No longer than twenty minutes, I promise. If I don't turn up before then..." She shook her head, leaving her statement unfinished, and headed toward the thicker part of the woods. Her hunting trip was wuick and successful though, for she came back in about fifteen minutes with four small birds and a pocket full of nonpoisonous berries. When shee returned, she had a smile on her face and immediately went to work on plucking the birds of their feathers and taking a knife to their heads. Her hands were busy at work as she sat in the darkened cave, her facial expression casual. This kind of work was simple; something she did every day back at home. It actually made her feel at peace.
he smiled at her, looking relieved, so relieved that she was alright as he struggled to sit up, coughing and wheezing to get his air back. “no problem.' he managed to respond to her thanks, getting to his feet slowly with a shake of his head. “next time, remind me not to gasp though... I hate loosing my wind.” he complained cracking his back and shaking his head, following after her, looking wary about the cave. It was really very amazing Bimo had made it anywhere the first round, he was suspicious of everything. He hadn't even drank from a stream until he watched at least twelve others drink from it first. He had slept in the trees, and had avoided pretty much anything that another animal hadn't touched first. Good strategy... if you wanted to starve to death. He followed her into the cave and nodded a little. “i'll keep watch.” he promised. “and yell if someone comes along.” he promised looking around the cave for materials to light a fire, gathering only long dead branches and logs, using his knife and a rock to try and make sparks. It was so much easier to start a fire using a battery and wires.

By the time she got back though, he had two rocks and was showering a birds nest with some soft fluff in the middle of it with sparks again and again trying to get one or two of them to take hold, glancing up at her, his stomach growling as he saw the birds and doubled his efforts, bending down and blowing on the embers until it burst into flames, nearly taking his eyebrows with it. By then she had already finished cleaning the birds and was just waiting on him, he fed the fire little sticks, and then bigger until he had a large fire going, one that let out very little smoke. “dead things don't give off much smoke.” he admitted looking proud of himself for thinking of it as he prodded the fire and then stood up, examining a large 'trunk' that he had pulled out of the ground, pulling out his knife and started digging out the middle of t until he had something that resembled a cup. It wouldn't hold too much, but that was only if he could get to the water. “i'll be right back, if I start yelling, my idea didn't work and I need help.” he admitted offering her an impish grin before heading out and yanking down two of the long skinny vines, using his knife to cut them into more manageable sizes, making a face as thick green sap spilled out the ends, coating his hands. “gross.” he complained as he dug holes in the sides of his 'pot' turning it into something akin to a bucket with a handle.

Then he scrambled up a tree, he liked tree's, they where safe, nothing could make a tree not safe. He carefully inched his way out over the water using a long branch. Many of the nearby trees had thick branches that hung out over the water and Bimo was hoping to lower his pot into the water to get a good drink from it. He wasn't really all that shocked when it worked. He sniffed at the water, uncertain if he should trust it or not but in the end thirst won out and he took a long drink. He could get three swallows out of the pot like thing, which wasn't much, but would be enough for now. He lowered it into the water again and then carefully lowered it to the ground, carrying it over to Aurora. “i have water for you.” he chirped happily, offering her the pot. “get something to drink because I won't be able to go back out there, it's too dark, I'll slip.” he admitted shaking his head as he settled onto the ground with a small sigh. “i'm so tired already.” he complained softly. “everything seams so much harder this round... quicksand... where the hell do those people get these ideas from?”
By the time Bimo was back with the water, Aurora had already cooked the birds through and started cutting the meat from the bone. She left two out to eat and quickly wrapped up the other two in the plastic that was in her backpack. There was not always going to be a safe time to hunt, and packing away extra food was never a bad idea. She made sure there would be enough for both of them; a protective instinct starting to grow for Bimo that she never knew she had. Not for men, anyway. Aurora had always been independent, and while she dreamed of having a family, she never went as far as believng it would ever come true. Her mindset had always been on survival, never happiness, and the emotions that were starting to develope where Bimo was concerned shocked her.

"I cook much better at home, I swear," she murmured, handing him the cooked bird with a smirk. "The leftovers are in my bag. Figured it could be breakfast."

Taking the little cup of water from his hands, clearly impressed at how he made it, Aurora took a sip and big bite of the bird. It was good, a little gamey, but better than nothing. It was funny how even though they spent several days in he Capitol eating fine food and drinking the best wine there was, that she could easily transition back to hunting and eating what they were lucky enough to find. The girl could be taken out of the District, but the District would never be taken out of the girl.

Nodding, Aurora scooted over to where Bimo sat, sitting close enough for their thighs to brush up against one another. She bit her lip and let out a sigh. The night was as dark as midnight, as if it shouldn't be in the middle of the day, but that meant that the next day would be even nearer and that they needed to be prepared for it. The time change could easily knock them off kilter, and that was probably what the Gamemakers were trying to do. "You're right," she murmured, "It is much harder... But that just means we need to go ahead and get some rest. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be rough." Looking up at him, she gave him a soft smile, noting that he already looked quite tired. The though of the next day scared her, but having Bimo near made her feel alot better. "We should sleep in shifts to be safe. You go first... I'm not that tired right now."

With that, she patted her lap, signally he could lay his head down if he would like. The fire kept them warm, but it was small enough to where she didn't feel the need to put it out quite yet. In fact, she liked the peaceful scenery it gave; the way it made Bimo's skin glow and how the heat seemed to comfort them.
he grinned when she promised she could cook better at home and shook his head. “i'm glad one of us can.” he admitted. “my cooking consists of burn outsides and raw insides.” he admitted shaking his head. “not a good way to start the day, especially with poultry or fish.” he admitted with a face, smiling when she took the water. “District five kids have to have good balance if we're going to walk the high wires over the electrical conduits.” he admitted. “like the tight rope walkers of before the war.” he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head. “climbing trees is easy compared to power towers.” he admitted nibbling on his food with a small noise of approval. “this is tastier than I thought it was going to be, some of the birds around here just look... gross.” he admitted wrinkling his nose as he ate some more.

“i like this more.” he admitted suddenly. “catching our own food... finding our own water... instead of it just being handed to me on a platter.” he admitted scowling as he contemplated the parties and breakfasts. “... it feels less like abandoning everyone back home.” he admitted calmly. “i hate eating in... that place, because I know everyone back home is starving to death...” he sighed a little and offered the rest of his bird to Aurora. “you should finish that, I've lost my apatite.” he admitted moving deeper into the cave so he wouldn't be in her way if someone came along, but he did reach out a hand to gently touch her leg, feeling comforted by her presence. He didn't sleep for more than an hour or to before he gently gripped her shoulder. “you sleep.” he ordered, his voice strangely tense, probably having just had a nightmare of some kind. He settled out in front and watched the world around him, knife in one hand and his sling in the other, his eyes strangely cold as he studied the world, but gently stroked her hair as she slept.

She was woken after only an hour of sleep herself, by a strange noise, or maybe it was the sudden warmth missing from her side, whatever the case was, Bimo wasn't next to her, or even in the cave. He wasn't hard to find though, he was hanging several feet off the ground, his feet would barley touch Aurora's head as he kicked and writhed and made that strange noise again as he turned a strange shade of red. It would take a moment longer to realize what was happening, his torso and neck where wrapped tightly in the same thick vines that he had used to get the water with, the plant tightening hard around his neck and chest, strangling him viciously, leaving him to choke and gag, his eyes rolled in the back his his head as he tried to struggle, making those awful choked noises as the vines only tightened harder the more he struggled, a massive maw reaching out of the trees, a thick green slime spilling out of it's fleshy 'mouth, sizzling as it struck his shirt and skin, eating his flesh causing him to try to scream, his legs kicking even more as he realized that as soon as he stopped struggling, he was going in that acid filled mouth.
Aurora felt safe with Bimo in more ways that one. She felt cared for, protected, and it was easy enough to trust him. After all, she put her life in his hands when she laid down next to him, her head in his lap, and it wasn't but a few minutes before she was drifting off to the feeling of him gently stroking her hair. It was such a simple way that he touched her, but it comforted her immensely. So much that she went into a deep sleep considering the atmosphere.

However, the sound of his choking brough her awake with a start. Her eyes flew open, and she immediately paniced. Bimo was no where to be found. Did he go off and get him self killed? Did he backstab her? Was it just a dream that he was there in the first place, and in reality she had been alone all along? All of these questions flew through her mind one after another as she jumped to her feet, grabbing her bow and arrows, and went to look for Bimo. Her heart raced and then eventually stopped at the sight of him.

"Bimo! Oh, God! Hang on, okay?" Panic raced through her mind and body as she looked at all the different vines, then the mouth. She decided that needed to be taken out first, and quickly loaded her bow. With a quick aim, she shot it straight into it's mouth, injuring whatever "it" was badly enough for it to let out a scream and loosen it's grip on Bimo. With a frown, she continued to shoot at it's acid spitting mouth, then put one arrow through the thickest vine around his neck. Soon, it dropped him to the ground, recoiling back into the tree it branched froom and leaving Bimo on the ground. Aurora ran over to him, a gasp leaving her lips, and she put his face in her hands, looking down at him with concern. Tears were in her eyes, to her surprise, and she leaned down to wrap her arms around him, despite how much he probably hurt, and started to cry in his shoulder. "Oh, God, Bimo," she murmured, "That scared me so much.... Why did you have to go off without telling me? What if something happened to you?! I'd be all alone..." She sniffed, then raised her face to look down at him. It was very unlike Aurora to burst into tears, which meant she was truly upset.

Standing up, Aurora pulled Bimo to his feet and gently walked him back to the cave, making him lay down as she stripped his shirt off. Tearing his shirt in strips (which was already damaged from the acid) she made little bandages to tie around his most injured areas. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she sniffed as she nursed his burns, her eyes avoiding his out of embarassment. "Please don't do that to me again," she whispered, "If you need to go off for a minute, at least wake me up to let me know. Don't let me wake up to you being gone."
Bimo was sure he had never ever felt so relieved to see someone in his life as he caught sight of Aurora. The brief glimpse was all he got as as soon as she shot the thing it's grip tightened and the entire thing began to writhe before it unleashed that horrible shrieking cry as it released him, dumping him on the ground where he gasped for hair, barley able to get a breath for a long moment, gasping like a fish for a long moment as she pulled him into her arms, pulling him into a sitting position, which allowed him to get a much greater breath, coughing hard. “oh... god... thought I... gonna die.” he admitted through deep wracking coughs. “i didn't... go anywhere.” he admitted. “i stepped off to the left to pee and it grabbed me.” he admitted still coughing and gasping for air, his purple face slowly returning to it's usually tanned complexion.

“i'll try to be more careful.” he promised smiling at her as he offered her a small kiss on the lips, gently brushing away her tears before standing up with her help, laying down where she ordered him to, watching the sun slowly start to brighten the Arena, the Capitol deciding it was time to wake up the contestants as he watched her strip his shirt into bandages. He winced every time she touched the burns on his arms and he offered her a small smile, stroking her cheek. “hey... hey now, aurora shh.” he ordered once she had his arm bandaged, pulling her into a tight hug, kissing her forehead. “shhh Aurora.” he whispered softly rubbing her back. “i'm safe, see I'm right here.” he murmured softly. “you saved me, I'm not dead, or dying, and I'm not going to, I promise.” he muttered softly, stroking her hair before pulling back and giving her a good long firm kiss, reassuring her that he really was fine. “now come on, we can't sit here all day.” he stated simply. “the other Tributes will be on the move soon.”

he hurt all over, but he knew better than to think he could just lounge all day and nurse his damages. The other tributes weren't going to care that Bimo was sore and hurt, they where only going to see it as an advantage. He sat up and twisted, cracking his back with a groan and then cracking his neck. “lets get to breakfast and then head out.” he suggested watching the light filling the Arena. “i wonder how long the day will last, when the night was so short...” he muttered softly. “it will either be twice as long, or just as short as the night...” whatever the case, there where going to be very tired tribute's... and when people where tired, they got stupid, and when they got stupid, they got reckless, crazy, and sometimes, even suicidal. “we'll have to make sure to get enough sleep no matter what the days and nights are like., at least five hours, for the both of us... to keep from going luny.” he checked the bandages on his arm, grimacing a little. “thank you, by the way, for saving me and patching me up, you do good work.” especially when they had no water, no bandages, or first aid of any kind. It was going to hurt, and probably get infected, but for now, it wasn't so bad.
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