Love Amongst a Death Match ((Blair && Moon Struck Fox))


Oct 28, 2011
The room was loud and buzzing with chatter, music from the string orchestra on the stage echoing through the crowd. Hundreds of people talked, laughed, and danced. Everyone was dressed in either a custom tailored tux or ball gowns, holding champagne glasses and presenting themselves like nothing short of royality. The lighting was warm and attractive, the golden decorations and furniture were lavish and expensive. The atmosphere was anything but boring.

All of the tributes were treated and healed of injuries from the previous round in the arena. They had been dressed by the Capitol's finest stylists, dolled up be the most talented of makeup and hair stylists, and their gowns and tuxes cost a small fortune each. All of the girls wore bright colors, all of the men wore tailored suits. If someone didn't know better, it would have looked like they were enjoying themselves. It would have looked like they were as happy as can be in their pretty dresses that were supposed to say something about their personalities; something that linked them to the character that the Capitol citizens saw them as.

Aurora, however, stepped out in a daring black dress that she was forced into. It was form-fitting all the way to her thighs, then loosened as it fell to the floor. It left her looking curvy, despite the starvation she had encounter not days ago, and seperated her from the other tributes by a long show. Not because she looked better, but because she looked jut as dangerous there as she did in the arena. Hair fall down her back in waves instead of a innocent up-do, her lips panted red instead of pink. The stylists had an obvious angle for the surprisingly threatening girl. They said they wanted her to seduct the crowd, yet remain a mystery, hence the color of her dress. She was a walking wild card, a person who the Capitol men wanted in their bed and the tributes wanted dead.

However, Aurora felt insecure. She was not this seductive, mysterious girl that everyone wanted her to be; what her character was. She was simply scared, worn down by the Games. She was quiet, always had been, and now her silence was looked upon as manipulation. Of course, she did play the game well so far. People had doubted her, but she was a fighter. She wanted to get home to her family. She wanted to suvive for them, and only them. But ever since she picked herself to go into the arena that faithful day, ever since she was marked the top killer in the Games, every since she murdured her own district partner (a boy who grew up just down the block from her) in order to get away from his dangerous grasp on her neck, she was marked as some one to watch and to be aware of. And judging by the looks of her fellow tributes, they were already planning a way to finally get rid of her.

She wondered if people realized how scared she was, just like the rest of them. That when they said her name with venom in their voice; they knew that her name came from her mother's favorite childhood fairytale.

Walking straight over to a waiter with champagne on his tray, her heels clicking against the marble floor, she grabbed a glass and downed it. She would need alot of alcohol to get through tonight and the rest of the intermission, that was for sure.
Bimo was unhappy, very unhappy, in fact he was down right pissed off and he made sure the people around him knew it. He had been forced into a tux, and warned not to take it off. They where lucky he hadn't, but with every passing moment he was getting more and more furious. This was the fourth quarter quell, a mockery, a hell on earth. They had changed the age limit from 12-18, to 16-20 years ago, so even though he was nineteen he had not been spared. It was a joke that he was there in the first place. Because of the rules of this quarter quell the person who's name was drawn, had to choose who would go. A boy from his sector, a massive bully, had been drawn, and he knew the instant that he saw those smug eyes look at him, that he was doomed.

So there he was in the games, not drinking, not eating, sitting in a corner and ignoring everyone growing more and more furious. He sighed a little and snarled as a young Capitol woman came over to flirt with him. He was known as The Mercy, because he had let three other contestants go, had not killed them. He was the lowest count as of yet, with only one kill. Every time he remembered it he felt sick, the way he had sliced through her belly, the way she had screamed and tried to pull her innards back into her own body.... he snatched up a glass of wine and sniffed at it before he suddenly tossed it to the floor, glaring around him as the crowd fell silent.

“You people make me SICK!” he hissed, his voice low, but the rage in it making it even more frightening than if he had been screaming. “you sit here in your lavish lifestyle, eating and laughing and drinking yet out there thousands are DYING of starvation just so you can wear pretty whore clothes!” several people gasped as they realized he had just called them whores, pressing hands to their lips, inching away from him. “we DIE for you and then you bring us here to make a MOCKERY of us! You people should burn in all the holy HELLS!” he kicked over a table, scattering food everywhere and causing some of the faint of heart to shriek in terror as he stormed through the crowd, shoving anyone who got in his way to the floor, uncaring if it was man, woman, child, or victim, fighting back the tears that wanted to come to the surface.

He didn't care that he was technically breaking the law by ruining the party, they wouldn't dare try to stop him lest he get hurt and be at an unfair advantage in the fights. He forced his way out of the crowds, giving a particular hard shove to a giggling woman, the silly thing clearly thinking it was all part of a show. Well clearly she realized her mistake when she spilled onto the floor and shrieked when he stepped on her hair on his way past, abandoning the party to go to the small area in which all the contestants could go to have silence and piece. There where twenty four tiny rooms, but they where mostly private, he went into the one that had The Mercy printed on it and slammed the door closed, pressing a hand to his face, the stress of the Games where beginning to take it's toll on him.
Aurora watched the commotion of one of her fellow tributes, her eyebrows creasig in confusion. He was the boy from District 5, she believed, but then again, she had not spent much time trying to get to know any of her competitors. It was useless, really, because they would all be gone soon enough. One by one, they would disappear with what the Capitol thought was their disposable lives. However, she remembered this particular boy because he had made himself just as famous as she. While she was making a name for herself, gaining the title of "The Traitor", he was doing the opposite. If the rumors were true, which they probably were, he had been letting his victims go. He had been sparing lives, which while is not breaking a rule, it's defeating the purpose of the Games. "The Mercy" had become a fan favorite for his compassion, a heart throb amongst the Capitol women, and none of them seemed to realize his actions were his way of being defiant... Aurora already hated him. While the Capitol swooned over his hero-like character, they basked in what they thought was her mysterious, dangerous quality. She was the villian that everyone loved to watch, because she was so unexpected, and she loathed having such a reputation. Didn't they realize she had no choice in keeping herself alive? Did they not realize she had a family to get back to?

Yes, Aurora hated "The Mercy". He made her look just as evil as the Game Maker himself.

However, the scene that unfolded in front of Aurora was quite unexpected, creating confusion to spread across her face. She did not flinch once during all of the shouting, the crashing, or the screaming. Instead, she looked on with pure indifferent. Maybe this boy was not as soft as he was made out to be, just like she was not as brutal as she was depicted.

The President went up to the stage, made a few jokes, distracted from the maids that quickly cleaned up the mess, and the room was back to its busy self. People continued to dance, drink, and eat as if nothing ever happened... Well, except for Aurora. She was baffled, trying to figure out what was going trough that boy's head. Didn't he realize that the Games could easily turn out of his favor if he angered the President? He was good as dead, she thought. What a shame.

Now, why she did what she did next, Aurora hadn't a clue, but she grabbed one of the full unopened bottles of champagne off a table and two glasses before heading down to the Tribute Suites. Stopping in front of his door, she sighed, knocking softly. As soon as the door opened, she knew exactly why she followed him.

She was lonely, and she was falling into a pattern than many deperate tributes did at some point. She craved human contact, a person who understood her pain, and despite how she hated the way his angelic reputation made her's look so much worse, she had a feeling after his outburst that "The Mercy" might 'get' her more than she thought.
Bimo hated his name of 'The Mercy', he couldn't bring himself to kill someone else, couldn't bear to let the one person he loved to see him as a murderer... but that was all behind him now, she was dead... the only person who he had ever truly cared about, the only person he had ever loved... the only woman, the only living thing that loved him back, was dead, starved to death without Bimo there to hunt for her. He felt rage boiling inside of him, hatred for all those people out there in their stupid dresses and he unleashed a short cry of fury as he started to rip the clothing off his body, stripping the silly, flimsy clothing. He had been dressed in white, to make himself look angelic... he hated white, white was empty, nothing... white was where you went when you died.

He froze when he heard someone knock on the door and he ripped it open, panting softly, clearly having some sort of breakdown for the wildness in his eyes, the rage in his face, and the long scratches he had given himself ripping off his shirt, which hung in tatters around himself. “...what!?” he demanded, tears in his voice as he stared at her. “what do you want!?” but he knew what she wanted... he wanted it to, he hissed softly and turned away from her, heading deeper into his room, swallowing thickly as he sat on the bed and his his eyes with a hand as he sighed. “this place... it's a madhouse..” he whispered. “they wouldn't be out there... laughing and drinking... eating, if it was them and THEIR people out there being slaughtered.” he growled, glaring at the floor before he looked at Aurora.

“i'm Bimo.” he stated suddenly. “i'm from district five.” he greeted her, holding a hand out to her. “please... I … join me? I don't want to be alone tonight.” he admitted softly. “i can't bear to be alone anymore...” he admitted softly staring at her with eyes that glowed like emeralds. “just for one night, I want to feel human again.” he admitted softly taking her hand in his, practically shivering at the contact. “just one night.” he pleaded, pressing his lips to hers, kissing her, his hand around her wrist, holding her tightly but not painfully. Whether he would let her go if she said no it was impossible to tell, but he was as desperate as she was for the comfort of touch, and while he wasn't a virgin, he didn't want to die without having sex one more time, without being able to hold someone, one more time.
Aurora looked him over, yet to have said a single word, and noted the frustration, the saddness, the rage in his demeanor. She noticed the tears the formed in his eyes, the flush that rose to his cheeks from the previous tantrum he had presented. It was obvious that before she walked in, he was haing quite the meltdown...

A frowned crept across her lips as she made her way over to where he sat on the bed, head in his hands. Gently, she placed the wine and glasses over on his dresser and went to sit beside him. As he looked up at her with those big green eyes, her heart fluttered a little. She wasn't sure if it was from attraction or sympathy...

"They are monsters," she agreed, her voice no louder than a whisper. When he held her hand, she didn't move away. It was felt too good to touch another being with out it being harmful to deny it. Instead, she rellished in it as she looked him in te eyes while he spoke. His words made her shudder, knowing exactly what he meant. Part of her wanted to say no, to tell him it was not a good idea to be giving in to such awful temptation. That this was the first sign of coming to the awful realization that their time was coming to an end.

However, his lips covered her's before she could protest. Sighing into the kiss, her body took over, trying to feed to her craving for human contact. She barely knew this boy, just now figured out his name, and she was giving in to their sexual desires. Why? Because she felt his pain. They were connected in a way that only fellow tributes could be subject to, and she could not deny this to him. She could not deny this to herself.

Pulling back, Aurora looked deep into his eyes and frowned. "My name is Aurora," she breathed, biting her lip out of habit. "I... Are you sure?" Swallowing, she reached up and wiped his eyes, hating that she thought so little of him before. He was so obviously hurt, and so was she. Her eyebrows creased, and suddenly she remembered how much she wished to be held by someone before... Well, before it was too late. "I... I- I'm a virgin."
he smiled a little as she kissed back, enjoying the sweet sensation that he so missed. He licked his lips a little and stood up, shedding his destroyed shirt before stroking her cheek. “i have never been more sure of anything in my life... but are you?” he asked, giving her a chance, one chance, to walk away, though they both knew neither would walk away from this without succumbing to their needs and wants. “a virgin?” he asked looking started before kissing her gently. “i will be slow, and careful.” he promised. He wanted to take her, hard and fast like an animal, to take out his rage on her slender body, but he wouldn't, it was not her fault that they where in this hell. He would offer her all the pleasure she deserved before she, and he died. He intended on taking his own life, holding his blade to his heart, and taking away the peoples pleasure of watching him die. It would ruin their games, his suicide, and he knew it.

He took his time, undressing her gently, kissing her often, tangling his tongue with hers as he shredded the flimsy material that they used. Material like that would never have stood an hour out in the real world, he just tore her clothes off, and she didn't even have a scratch or a scrape to show for it. He gently spilled her onto the bed, kissing his way down her neck, pausing to suck there, but making sure to leave no mark before he traveled lower, kissing and suckling on each breast, leaving a lone of small hickeys along her sensitive flesh before stroking each nipple with his tongue, taking his time with each to show her the pleasures of her breasts. While he lavished her mounds with attention his hands trailed lower, stroking her ribs, across her hips, stroking down the tops of her thighs before traveling back up the inner, ticking the soft flesh as he grew hard in his passed pants, running his fingers slowly along her crotch.

“if you wish to stop, now would be the time to say.” he whispered suddenly, his emerald eyes looking up at her again, licking his lips, waiting for her response. As soon as he had the go ahead he traveled lower, his fingers stroking along her lower lips and gently stroking the clit until his mouth was there, his hot breath ghosting over her flesh. He was a complicated fellow, everything he did seamed to contradict itself. He was so gentle with her despite how angry he was, and with every touch he gave her, he himself seamed to calm down, and even with how needy he was, he was... teasing her, giving her all the pleasure she deserved for her first time as his tongue finally snaked out and stroked along her flesh, stroking along her, teasing the clit for a long moment with the flesh of his hot, wet, warm tongue before it delved deep into her rubbing and tasting the never before touched places deep inside of her.
Aurora was scared, never having been intimate with a boy before. Yes, she was eighteen, but in the districts, there was little time for romance. In fact, there was little time for anything but work and sleep. So when he started to tear her clothes away hungrily, she bit her lip in fear. What was she doing? She was giving herself to a stranger; a boy who knew nothing about her. Nothing at all. Yet, part of her yearned for his touch - Well, anyone's touch - and his innocent green eyes led her to believe this was her best shot at some kind of romance, even if it is short lived. Even if he would probably be thinking of someone entirely different as he held her close...

"You don't even know me," she murmured as her dress hit the floor. Letting his lay her on to the bed, she kissed him back with urgency, knowing they may not have much time. "I'm the most dangerous tribute in the arena, don't you remember? Wouldn't you rather have that sweet girl from District 8?" Her voice started to faulter, getting husky and filled with moans as his lips traveled down her body. Never had she had a man's lips on her breasts, sucking at her nipples greedily. It left her in complete euphoria, her eyes watching his everymove. When he started to touch her pussy, rubbing it in a way that she only did alone in the shower, she had to bite her lip in order to not cry out. Her hand went to her head, tangling with in his hair, and held his face close as his tongue pleassured her. Soon, her hips were bucking, feeling a something pulling at at her abdomen from with in. Her breathing was starting to come in fast, ragged pants and she got up on her elbow, finding it incredible erotic to watch him as he licked her most private spots.

"Oh God," she groaned, her hand started to grip his hair with a little more force. Part of her felt dirty to be on a man's bed with in five minutes of knowing him, but what did they have to lose now? Nothing, that's what.

"Just... Oh, just becareful, okay?" Aurora whimpered, pulling his face from her pussy. She didn't want to orgasm yet. No, she wanted it to be in a much more intimate, forbidden way. "And... And, call me by my name..."
he smiled a little as he looked up at her. “your not dangerous, not here... not now.” he muttered softly. “in the forest... maybe, but here... your just... lost, like me... alone... and afraid..” he nuzzled her, looking almost as lost and afraid as she was. “i don't have to know you, to know you need this as much as I do... to know you deserve to be held and loved before you, and I, die.” he muttered softly. He didn't know if she was going to die, she might, she might not, all he knew was that as soon as he was set in the forest, he was going to show them all the truth of what happened to people in the Arena. “i don't want another girl.” he whispered huskily. “i want you... you understand where the others don't.” he whispered smiling up at her before resuming his ministrations.

He smiled as he heard her calling to god, it meant he was doing his job right, he gave one last kiss to her clitoris before she managed to pull his head away, smiling at her as he leaned up an kissed her. “it's going to hurt a little at first.” he explained softly. “but I will make the painful part quick, and I won't move until you tell me to.” he promised kissing her again before holding her gently, pressing his face to her neck, kissing her as he lined himself up, rubbing his head against her cunt before slowly slipping inside until he heard her make any sign that he had hit her hymen, feeling the resistance gently before pulling back and driving forward, simply doing it in one quick motion and then holding himself still to let her recover, his mouth on her tits and his thumb on her clit to help her through the pain, gently nudging her breasts as he waited for her to say it was alright to move.

He moaned as he started to gently, carefully thrust in and out of her, gentle, and careful, slowly speeding up as she got used to it, moaning and groaning softly as he held her, kissed her, fucked her gently, stroking her body as he moved, biting her lip gently as he moved with her, panting against her. “you feel so good Aurora.” he whispered, kissing her again. “your so wonderful.” he whispered again. “i'm close.' he muttered, warning her as he leaned up, supporting himself on his arms, angling and giving her faster, harder thrusts to try and drive her over the edge into that plain of never ending desire and pleasure, kissing her hard and stroking his thumb along her clit to help with that plan.
Aurora nodded with trust as she felt him moving up her body, his mouth moving across every square inch of skin that she had. Her eyes stayed open, wanting to watch him and take in the moment to the fullest extect. He was right; she did want this as much as he did. She needed this as much as he did. And she was alone. Alone and afraid, wanting nothing more than to feel the warmth and understanding of another human being. Part of her hated how right he was. She did not like to appear weak and vulnerable, but he seemed to have a knack at it. Underneath him, she was just another nervous girl. Not a murdurer, a traitor, a mystery...

Seering pain shot through her nether regions, making her shried into the night. Her breasts heaved as she panted, her eyes squeezing shut as she got used to his size. It felt incredible, a mixture of pain and pleasure. But not only that, it took her breath away to keep so close to someone...

Soon, Auror was left moaning and writhing under neath him, giving in to the feeling of his thumb on her clit, his tongue on her nipple, his cock thrusting in and out of her pussy. Her hands reached up, clawing at his back as panted his name and unintelligable words.

"Oh, Bimo..." she murmured, "Oh, God, it's amazing..."

They were shining with a thin sheen of sweat, they moans, groans and breathing filling the room. Suddenly, she pulled him close, hearing his comment about getting close to his climax. Tears in her eyes, she leaned up to where her lips brushed against his ear.

"Please, tell me you love me," she pleaded, a tear running down her cheek. "I know you don't, and I know you never will... But it's just how I imagined my first time..."
he panted softly as he kissed her intently, moving along her, groaning as he felt her, held her, stroked her, pleasured her, reveling in the knowledge that she was enjoying it, that she was near her first orgasm, that she felt just as good as he did. He moaned softly as her lips brushed his ear and he smiled at the hopeful order. “i love you.” he whispered softly back to her, thrusting slightly faster. “i love you Aurora, forever and always.” he whispered kissing her intently, knowing it wasn't true, but it felt so good, so right to whisper that he loved her, kissing her hard again before moaning as he spilled his seed, arching as he cried out in pleasure, uncaring that anyone could have heard him, still thrusting, making sure she came as well, that she reached those impossible heights and tumbled over and over, spinning into a realm of pleasure that had no end.

When they where both finished, he did something even more surprising, he laid down and tugged her close to him, holding her, comforting her and gent;y holding her hand as if they where lovers instead of strangers. “stay with me, just a little longer?” he asked hopefully, his thumb tracing her knuckles as he sighed softly. “i hope you win.” he admitted suddenly. “out of everyone.. I think you deserve it the most.” he admitted softly, kissing the back of her neck before closing his eyes, settling into a gentle doze, just holding her gently wand waiting for her to get up, or for morning to come, whichever came first. Tomorrow they where going to be back in the Arena, they would be enemies again, him with his sling and his blade, and they would begin to fight, and die all over again until the next intermission where they would play this damn game again.

“i want you to have something.” he whispered suddenly, emotions choking his voice now as he settled something around her neck. A necklace made of fine gold, a mockingjay pendant hanging off of it. “it's the last thing I have of my mother.” he admitted softly. “i want you to have it... for luck... and so those... filthy capitol bastards can't have it.” he muttered softly, gently putting the clasp together before kissing her cheek before laying back down, holding her gently, closing his eyes and sighing softly, his breath ghosting gently along the back of her neck as he settled into a gentle sleep.
Aurora swallowed. This was all too much. She could not handle the saddness; the sorrow of her fellow tribute. His soft touch was so inticing, his words were so gentle... And she would never feel it again. In fact, what was most heart-breaking, was the fact that it was not real. They did not love eachother. They did not even know eachother. Soon they would be the arena, fighting to the death, and what would happen if she was forced to kill Bimo, the boy who took her virginity? The boy who gave her that last feeling of compassion before she was faced with death?

Laying in bed with him, feeling his arms around her and the rising and falling of chest behind her, Aurora started to feel nervous. Her hand went up to the necklace (a nice, expensive necklace that made her wonder how his family even aquired it) that was given to her by a stranger, a boy who wanted to her to keep it because he believed she had a large chance of living than he did. Why though? He appeared fit and strong. His odds were just as good as her's, if not more. So why would he not be the one determined to keep his pendant and take it home?

Aurora was crying now, unable to take in all of the emotion. Part of her was scared, part of her was sad, and part of her felt a surge of regret. She was that much closer to dying, laying in bed with a boy who was just as torn apart was she, as she gave him her virginty. She gave him a part of her that could never be taken back. All her life, she dreamed of giving it to someone she loved, someone who she thought she would be with for the rest of her life. Now it was gone, and while Bimo did a beautiful job in pretending that were old lovers as he thrust in and out of her, spilling his seed into her womb, it was not the same. Bimo did not really love her. In fact, she remembered the interviews where he was asked about the fiance he left behind that tragically died from starvation...

Standing up, not bothering to do it in away that would not wake him up, Aurora pulled the covers back and released herself from him arms. She sat up, putting her head in her hands, choking on her tears as her shoulders shook with her sobbing. This was awful... So awful. It felt good for a moment, worth it even, but now that she laid there in the silence, it left her feeling even worse than before. With a quick, uneasy movement, Aurora stood up and grabbedher dress off the floor, tugging it on and zipping it up the side. She grabbed her shoes in one hand, the bottle of champagne in another, and left ot the doorshe came in not an hour ago. She couldn't handle being around him. He made her remember just how sad she was, just how young and incomplete her life was. If she wanted to survive, to get home to her family. Aurora needed to stay strong.

With that, she went into her room and popped the bottle open. She sat in the middle of the bed, wrapped in her expensive dress, and drank straight from the mouth of the champange bottle. She waited for it to seep in, to calm her down and stop her from thinking so hard. A hangover, of course, was the last thing she was worried about.
Bimo was silently crying even as she was, the slow trickle of tears falling down his cheeks as he held her close, holding her just so he could feel the touch of another for just a while longer. He let her get up, feeling guilty for taking her virginity, but not feeling bad about giving her pleasure. No he did not love her, but he did care about her a little, how could he not after the tender moment that they had shared? How could he not when she was now sobbing at the side of his bed. He hesitated, sitting up a little, uncertain as to whether or not he was supposed to comfort her or not. He watched her get up and get dressed and just before she left, a few words of last minute comfort left his lips. “though the day is darkest, and the night filled with sorrow, good things always come after great misery.” he whispered, words that his fiance's sister had told him, words from his father. He lay back down, and sobbed himself to sleep. They had one day left of intermission, he didn't know how he was going to handle another day.

He sighed in the morning, seeing a new fresh suit hanging off his door handle, well they could fuck themselves. Instead of getting dressed in the pale suit he grabbed his normal clothes, dressing in the tattered pants and the dirty shirt, staring at himself in the mirror for a long time before smirking a little as he shook his head, moving over to the suit he started to tear it apart, just so they knew he wasn't going to wear the shit. He reveled in the feeling of tearing something apart, destroying it, ruining something of THEIRS. He left nothing more than tiny strips of cloth, scattered about his room, and grabbed a handful as he walked out, handing the handful of strips to the butler waiting for him, the man looking shocked as he stared at his handful of cloth as Bimo stormed away in his district clothing. He was going to cause mass hysteria today, just to have one last little bit of amusement before he died.

He hesitated as he passed 'The Traitor' door and wondered if he should invite her along. She deserved to have fun too, before he decided not to bother her, she was probably sore, and unhappy with him. He sighed a little and headed out to get food, wondering if he couldn't escape? If he could find a way out... he could take Aurora with him, they could run away, go south, away from the Capitol and it's people, find help, find people who could come and slaughter every last one of those silly little twits with their fancy fucking dresses.... he could run away, leave, he could find food, he had gone out into the wastes before, found books, though he hadn't been able to read them they had bought him food for him and his fiance... he had not seen hints of other people, but maybe they where just very far away? He stood there, his eyes glossy as he thought, planning his escape. Screw suicide, he was going to get away! They where stupid, he was smart, he could escape, he was sure of it!
Aurora woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, a soreness in her nether regions, and feeling up guilt. She suddenly felt like an awful person for leaving Bimo in the middle of the night, refusing him the human contact that they both craved. Something had snapped with her, unfortunately, that made her need to be alone. Maybe the Capitol was right. Maybe she was souless; a girl who murdured and gave the viewers exactly what they wanted to see. After all, it was obvious that her fellow tributes thought the same thing. At the ball the night before, she glared at her, planning the way that they were going to get rid of her in order to heighten their chances of winning. She was the ideal target, because she was the largest threat.

After taking a shower, Aurora's personal stylist came in a applied makeup on her wear face, curled her hair, then pulled it back in a loose, wispy updo. After being forced in a white corset and panties, Aurora was relieved to see that they decided to give her a break on the dark, mysterious wardrobe. Instead, she wore a light blue, thin sundress, a pair of nude colored heels, and assortment of bracelets, and a set of pink-hued jewel earrings. Around her neck, she still had the mockingjay on, but the stylist made her tuck it beneath the neckline of her dress.

She was expected at breakfast, she like the other tributes, so Aurora made her way down to the large dining hall. There, she sat amost other Capitol citizens, the President, the Game Maker, and the other tributes. Chatter was loudly buzzing through the room, but she kept silent as she sipped her coffee and ate her french toast. Her eyes glanced up at Bimo, who entered the room a few minutes prior it looks like, but she showed no emotion. She felt too guilty about last night...

And then yet, she felt a warm sensation between her thighs that made her remember exactly why she did it in the first place.
he entered the room as he always did, with a scowl and a glare at all the 'popinjays' and sat down in the only chair left available at the very end. He poked at his food before finally giving in and eating, knowing he wouldn't be able to escape if he was starving to death. If he couldn't find a way out by the time he got slung back into the Arena then he was just going to kill himself... maybe he'd do it at night, in his room, instead of out in the Arena. Maybe he'd do it right there, in the breakfast dining room with their silly butter knives, or maybe he could find his knife. They had taken away their weapons as soon as they had been fetched out of the Arena, but Bimo bet he could find them,he was clever, he knew how to do things.

He looked down at the table and stared at Aurora, hoping to catch her eye, and once he had it he jerked his head towards the exit before getting up, purposely upending a plate of food into the lap of a woman, smirking as she shrieked and wailed as he practically skipped out of the room, almost chipper as he wondered what sort of chaos he could cause. He was going to do everything in his power to escape, and he had every intention of doing as much damage on the way as he could. His people, District five provided the power it took to run the shields, their electricity, their running water and their heating vents. Hell he had helped built most of the new power circuits that ran the Capitol. All he had to do was find the right wires, and instant, and total blackout. He had a feeling Aurora would enjoy causing mass panic before they either escaped or where flung back into the Area... or where killed by pissed off Capitol members, but that would ruin the games, and god forbid that happen.

He paused just outside of the dining area and nibbled on a bread-stick that he had taken from the table, well aware of how horrified the twits of the Capital where with his behavior. But he was not there on his own will, he was not a willing participant and he did not want to be there, and dammit he was going to stop acting like it. He was going to make these people understand how pissed off he really was by any means necessary... maybe, they seamed pretty stupid.
Aurora watched Bimo with a creased forehead, wanting to tell him to stop. The scene was nearly as bad as last night, and this time, the people around the table were having harder time calming down. She rolled her eyes, watching him leave the room... Did he really think this would help his case? Help their case? The President was fuming at his end of the table, probably plotting Bimo's death, and it angered Aurora. Why was he doing this? Why was he making their situation more complicated?

She followed him out into the hall in a discreet manner, but the expression on her face read disappointment. When she was alone with him, the hal deserted with a door seperating them from the rest, she glared at him.

"So this is how you are going to solve our situation?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "Acting like I child?"

With a sigh, Aurora put a hand on her forehead. "Haven't you figured it out yet? The only way to beat the Capitol is to beat the Game. The security is high here, cameras are everywhere, and the President is taking tabs. He's just going to make it that much harder on you, you know! And if you manage to get out alive, you will be lucky if he left anything alive for you to come back to."

Her eyes lifted up to him, and she swallowed back some unwanted tears. "We are not just fighting for ourselves, but for a our district, and we cannot change anything about our society while in the Games. One of us has to survive in order to make a difference."

Rolling her eyes, she walked toward a door that led out to the fenced in courtyard. She needed some air....

"I don't want to just survive the Games, nor do I just want to tell them to fuck off," she said, opening the door and looking at him over her shoulder. "I want to get home, and most importantly, I want to make sure that the 100th Annual Hunger Games is the last."

And with that, she left, walking outside and breathing in the semi-fresh air. She felt bad for going off on him, but she had been holding it in for so, so long... His antics had finally set her off.
he looked shocked as she yelled at him, his eyes wide. “i... but!” she just rolled over him and left him stunned, leaving him standing there, thinking about what she had said, sighing a little as he shook his head, setting a hand over his eyes. “dammit Bimo...” he muttered softly before he sighed, realizing she was right. Trying to escape would fail, it always did. And his plan to kill himself in the hunger games would do nothing to stop the games, would do nothing to fix anything. No, he had to do something else. And he knew exactly what. He headed outside after her and stood next to her, his emerald eyes watching the fake world that these people had created. “it's disgusting here.” he muttered softly. “there's no grass or tree's... no animals... no sounds...” he muttered softly, looking around and licking his lips. “i'm sorry Aurora... your right.” he admitted glancing at her before looking at the ground, hesitating. “i... have to confess... I was planning to kill myself.” he admitted. “or try to escape somehow...”

he sighed. “i realize how stupid that is, how stupid I am.. was acting I... I didn't mean to upset you I just... we're not here willingly... we shouldn't have to play this damn dress up doll for them and I was upset...” he admitted softly. “learning that....” he swallowed thickly. “ Isalay was the only person who ever cared about me... no one likes me in my district... in fact they all LAUGHED when I walked up to that horrid bitch and took my place in the games...” he admitted, his voice choked. “they laughed, and... wished me a slow and painful death.” he admitted swallowing thickly. “i... decided something just now though.” he admitted licking his lips again, a nervous habit. “i'm going to help you win.” he admitted calmly. “i have no reason to live anymore, except for you.” he admitted looking at her. “your the first person to care about me save for my little sister.” he admitted shaking his head a little.

“i might not succeed, but I am going to protect you during the games, I have an idea.” he admitted smirking a little. “it might not be a good idea, but it is an idea... but one of us has to win to do it, because no one else would be brave enough to try it.” he admitted softly. “i mean... who would ever think that the districts could one day just pack their shit up and leave?” he asked smirking a little his eyes narrowed a little. “their useless without us right? They can't do anything, they can't even cook their own goddamn food... if we can just get one district to leave, the others will follow, and the Capitol will fall... right?” he asked softly, glancing at her. “would you be willing to try? We have to do something... we're all dying, starving, there's a cough spreading in my district and no medicine to stop it... I know that there's a rash spreading in district two, and it's killing people. Someone calls it 'pox', and the Capitol doesn't care because we can all be replaced...” he sighed a little, realizing he was rambling. “sorry... I... never can seam to learn when to stop...”
Aurora clenched her jaw, looking down at the ground as he talked, never looking at him. Her eyebrows were scrunched together in frustration, but she fought the urge to interupt him. She had to admit, the boy had a determination that put her's to shame, and his heart seemed so much more pure... When he mentioned his dead fiance, guilt settled in the put of her stomach making her regret going off on his in such a rude, heartless way. He was just sad, broken-hearted, and when he admitted his suicide plans, she sighed.

Her blue eyes glanced up toward him, and she frowned, shaking her head. "I'm not going to let you do that," she murmured, "I don't want you to help me win." Her stubborn side was showing, and she was sure that she seemed like that cold, heartless girl the Capitol made her out to be. "First off, we need to take everything one step at a time... You make a great point about the Districts leaving, but where would they go? The world is in ruins... We would never survive." Shaking her head sadly, she walked over to a little stone bench and sat down, her hands fumbling with her skirt. "And the last thing you need to be doing right now is ensuring your death, okay? Stop with the outbursts. You will never get out alive that way, and instead of putting all of your money on me, why don't we... create an alliance? We will protect eachother. No matter what, one of us need to leave that arena."

Aurora didn't like the deal she was making. She liked to fly solo, only depending on herself, but she knew he had good intentions. She knew he was strong and a good ally to have, so why not? Honestly, if she didn't win, she would be just as happy with Bimo making it out....

"And about last night," she whispered, looking down at her hands, "That was just a one time thing, right? The last thing we need is to... get attatched. We need to focus on the Game." Her voice shook a little when she said that, almost as if she didn't want to at all.
he shook his head. “there are places to go.” he admitted. “i've seen them in pictures.” he admitted. “if one of us could go out first and find a place, and then go back and take everyone there, it would easily be a paradise. We're all smart enough to do it, we have hunters, electricians, farmers, we have everything we would ever need right where we live now. We just take what we need and leave.” he stated before smiling at her. “besides, I want to protect you.” he admitted. “but I will behave.” he promised calmly. “i will do what they say, I will even apologize.” he promised smiling a little as he sat down next to her, gently taking her hand to stop her from fumbling with her dress. “an alliance?” he asked curiously, his head tilted. “... you realize... it would only be the two of us... one of us would have to kill the other.” he warned softly. “unless someone got one of us first....”

he sighed a little and stared at the ground for a moment before glancing at her, offering her a smile. “if you want it to be only a one time thing, then it will only be a one time thing.” he promised. “but... you are my friend... I think.” he admitted frowning a little. “i'm not sure... I've never really had a friend before.” he admitted before smiling. “i was never focused on the game, so I won't be hurt by it.” he promised. “i care about you aurora.” he admitted as he stood up and smiled at her. “think of me what you will, but I do care about you.” he admitted before heading into the dining area, where everyone had finally calmed down, only to tense as Bimo came back in.

“i would like to apologize for my behavior.” he stated calmly, looking around at everyone. “i was... upset, and had no one to take out my anger on... I am sorry to have hurt anyone or upset anyone.” he admitted hesitating before bowing his head to them and heading to his room to change into the god awful white suit. But he had promised Aurora that he would behave, and he intended on keeping that promise. He sighed a little as he reached into his pants pocket and examined the picture of his little family, his fiance and her sister, the only family he'd ever known and now both of them where dead... Aurora was the only emotional link to a person he had left. Maybe it was just because they'd fucked, but he really did care about her, and he would protect her, no matter what she said.
Aurora had followed him, making it into the dining room just in time for his apology. She bit her lip, trying hard not to smile too wide. For some reason, his genuine personality made her a feel a tad better. Even among the death and torture, he seemed to still stand his ground on her beliefs. She respected him, and not that he took her advice, she trusted him. Eyes glancing around the room, Aurora noticed something... off. The tributes were looking at her with hatred, like always, but the President had another expression on his face. An expression that told her he noticed them disappear together. He knew that she had something to do with Bimo's sudden apology... Biting her lip, she wondered what the President was thinking. Maybe he thought she was on his side, swaying Bimo from making anymore horrific scenes to disturb the Capitol. Maybe he thought this was another one of her manipulative tactics in getting rid of Bimo, making him trust her only to kill him... Or maybe he realized they were teamed together, and he was plotting a way to end their alliance as soon as possible.

Aurora had started to walk to her room in order to change into clothes for her workout and training session when she noticed Bimo in the hall way dressed in his white suit. She smirked, walking over to him and giving him a once over. He was handsome... More than handsome, actually. And despite how much it looked like he hated that suit, he looked quite charming in it.

"It suits you, you know," she murmured, reaching up to straight in his tie. Her eyes held less sorrow in them as they did before, and they flashed up to meet his. "And... Well, I respect what you did back there." A small smile spread across her lips, and she finally dropped her hands from his white suit jacket.

With that, she turned to walk toward her bedroom, leaving the door ajar as she picked up her schedule from where it was placed on her bed during breakfast. Luckily, it looked like she was going to get to shoot her bows and arrows today in the training center before lunch.
he sulked a little as he looked down at himself. “i hate it.” he admitted scowling a little. “it's itchy.” he growled sulking a little. “and it clings in all the wrong places.” he complained sighing a little. “but I suppose it's only for one more evening.” he muttered shaking his head. “besides it's not that hard to fake an apology to nitwits like that.” he admitted quietly so only she could hear him, smiling at her as he watched her leave, hesitating before moving over to her door. “Aurora?” he asked softly, hovering at the doorway. “will you meet me tonight? One last time... we don't have to do anything I just...” he sounded almost ashamed. “i don't like to sleep alone.” he admitted softly. “and I've been so lonely I just... you can say no of course I don't mind but I... just needed to ask.” he admitted smiling at her rather sheepishly before grimacing as he glanced at a clock. “oh hell... I'm late for that last interview... just... think about it alright?” he asked before vanishing down the hall to meet with the interview crew.

He answered his questions polity, apologizing again for his bad behavior again. Explaining how he and his fiance had met, they had an arranged marriage, ever since they had been in the womb they had been promised to each other but he had felt she was more of a little sister. He finished up with his interview and headed into the training arena for his own practice session with his cloth sling. He was already pretty good with it, he used it to hunt. Though he hadn't used it to kill anyone yet he knew it was only a matter of time. His blade was nice, but it wasn't long ranged, and anyone with another long ranged weapon would have an advantage if he didn't use his sling, so he practiced, determined to keep aurora safe.

He sighed once it was done and headed to the final party, dressed up as he was supposed to be, and he was perfectly behaved as he talked with stupid women and idiot men and drank copious amounts of wine which did nothing to get him drunk. It wasn't until later that he realized that the servers where making sure he didn't get anything but juice, fearing another outburst. It annoyed him, but he didn't argue it, he could get a wine bottle from the kitchens later, and hopefully, if aurora didn't want to be alone either, he would have company. He'd even be willing to sleep on the floor just to have company in the night before they all had to go back into the death and destruction. He just wanted to have a moment of happiness before he had to go and kill someone again.
Aurora went down to the training room for a few hours, hitting targets with her bow and arrows. This was a skill she'd had since she was young; a skill that was already decent with out practice. However, she was intent on pefecting it. The weapon was something she needed most when it came to the Games, for if she was left to defend herself with only her body, she was good as dead. Being small in stature, Aurora was not a very physically intimidating person. But with her bow and arrow? She was one of the largest threats in the Games.

After showering and being dressed in knee length formal dress and heels, Aurora walked down the hall and joined the rest of the tributes at the finaly party. Her hair was down and wavy, like usual, and around her neck sat the necklace Bimo had given her. For some reason, she could not make herself take it off. It meant too much to him, and since he thought she was the person worthy to wear it (for reasons she was not sure of) she found her self becoming attatched to it.

Blue eyes scanning the room, Aurora saw Bimo from across the room and hesitantly walked over to him. When he confronted her in her room earlier, she had said nothing. She only listened to him, taking what he said into consideration, and before she could answer, he was rushing off. However, his words had burned into her mind, making her feel something she never wished to feel while in the Games. She was starting to soften toward Bimo, even though she was trying not to, and it scared her to think they would be pinned against eachother at some point. Would she be willing to kill him if she had to? Maybe, but the chances were starting to fade rather quickly...

"Uh... Hey," she murmured, offering him a little smile. In her hand was a glass of white wine, something she desperately needed. This night was their last night; their last night of safety until the next intermission, which could be two days from now or two weeks from now... Relieved that they seemed to be standing far enough away from most of the people in the room to have a little privacy, Aurora took a sip of her wine and raised her other hand up to the necklace he gave her. "I just wanted to let you know..." Her voice came out quiet and hesitant, for she knew she should be telling them that they needed to everything professional. They didn't need to get attatched and he needed to start realizing that both of them would not make it out. There was no point in trying to find the redeeming qualities within her, like he seemed to be talented at. However, she couldn't manage to say any of that because what he said was also true for her; she hated to sleep alone these days. "I'd like to stay with you tonight... If the offer is still there, that is."
Bimo looked like he was on hell on earth, his eye was twitching but he was at least trying to keep his temper as he listened to some idiot twit chatter about how KIND he was and how MERCIFUL he was and how... he just wanted to punch her in the face, but he didn't, for one he was a girl and he was raised better, and for two he'd promised Aurora. The little twit vanished when Aurora appeared, fearful of harsh words between the two tributes. “i will give you the world, for that one glass of wine.” he pleaded, staring wistfully at her glass. “they won't let me have any, they think my 'temper tantrums' are related to the alcohol.... I may have blamed the alcohol but it's making this all a lot more hellish than it needs to be.” he admitted rubbing his aching head. “do these people never shut up?” he complained before pausing in his complaining as he realized she was still wearing the necklace and that she wanted to say something.

“... of course it's still open.” he promised smiling at her. “my door will always be open to you, your probably the only person in this room who won't actually stab me in my sleep.” he admitted shaking his head as he reached out and stole a glass of wine from one of the waiters before they realized he was behind Aurora, downing the liquid and sighing. “i wish they would end this, I'm exhausted” he complained shaking his head. “they had me in an interview for three hours asking me variations of the same damn question... how can people be this stupid and still be alive?” he complained sulking as he looked around him. Being the last dinner, none of them where allowed to leave until the party was declared finished. “you do look lovely in that dress though.” he admitted smiling a little. “i'd offer you a dance, but I think that would send more than a few people into heart attacks.” he admitted yawning a little, the glass of wine helping him to relax just enough to feel more comfortable. “how was your day?”
Aurora blushed a little at his compliment and looked down, her fingers rushing against the beading of the top of her dress. She didn't move when he grabbed the wine and downed it, not blaming him for his actions. The wine in her glass was only full because her stomach as too weak to handle it at the moment. Her nerves and her feelings toward Bimo (which were becoming more complicated every time she spoke with him) were taking their toll on her...

"Thank you," she murmured, at both his compliment and his acknowledgement toward what she had told him. He still wanted her to come see him tonight, a relief washed over her. But why? Why was she so happy to be with such a stranger? Was it because they felt such a bond that only the Games could provide? Yes, it was. She was desperate for affection; desperate for human contact. They needed eachother more than they needed air, for they were eachother's last chance at happiness before death. She was determined to not get to know him and not fall for him. It would hurt her too much to realize they would have no future beyond the Games... No, she just wanted the comfort he could provide at the moment, and she had no problem giving it right back.

Rolling her eyes, Aurora smirked and took his arm. She placed her wine glass on a tray of a waiter walking by and started to pull him out to the dance floor. "Then let's give them a heart attack, shall we?" she murmured, not knowing what had gotten into herself. As she knew was that she was placing his hand on her waist and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her body immediately started to move a slow, romantic song that was played by the live orchestra.... People stared. No, everyone stared at the two competitors dancing together; holding eachother. However, Aurora didn't care. At this moment in time, she was intent on savoring any kind of happiness she could muster up before the next morning.

The President smirked from the corner of the room, the wheels of his mind turning. Star-crossed lovers? Oh, this would make the Games very interesting, he thought. The viewers would eat it up, and the romantics of the Capitol will swoon over their heart-wrenching story. The reviews will be better than any of the past Games, and at the end, the President will give them the tragic ending everyone will crave...
he smiled at her, looking pleased to have complimented her properly, he was not normally very god in that department, he almost always said something stupid. His fiance had found it endearing, everyone else had found it as a reason to go ahead and pound his head in. he was just glad that Aurora liked him just a little bit, he'd never had a friend before, save his fiance and she didn't count, they had been raised from the same crib, they where bound to like each other. He knew he was going to regret this later, knowing that eventually they where both going to be facing each other at the end, and eventually they where going to have to decide, between the two of them, who was going to die. But that was a thought for another time. He watched her set the wine down and sulked a little at the loss of the alcohol but his annoyance with the party was quickly swept away by Aurora pulling him away and onto the 'dance' floor, though no one ever danced.

He smiled as he set his hands on her waist at her insistence and he chuckled a little as he looked down into her eyes. “you realize that this is probably going to come back and bite us in the ass?” he asked amused as he felt the burning eyes as everyone realized why Bimo had suddenly started calming down, he had been tamed down by Aurora, his heart had stopped hurting so much and he had calmed down. Aurora had fixed something deep inside of him that he had never expected to stop hurting. “it feels nice.” he admitted softly as they circled slowly, other couples starting to dance, though Bimo and aurora where the only tributes dancing with each other, the others had found he smiled as he bent down, his lips brushing her ear. “everything seams brighter when your around.” he admitted before pulling away from her as another Capitol man tapped his shoulder, wanting to dance with Aurora. Bimo could only be glad that the people of the capitol where gentlemen, and would never try to 'cop a feel' as it where.

He himself went in search of wine and something to eat, nibbling only on the food he recognized and had seen someone else eat, wary of being poisoned somehow. He enjoyed another glass of wine and then ignored the alcohol, not wanting to get too drunk, as then he really wouldn't be able to control his temper, not that it was there. Aurora had done something to him and he felt like he was floating in clouds, he even smiled as the idiot capitol girls twittered his head off as he waited for the party to be put to an end so he could go to bed, he was so tired. He just wanted to curl up on the floor and go to sleep, and it looked like he wasn't the only tribute who was tired, three of them where sleeping at various tables and finally the party was called to a close when some of the waiters realized the tributes where not going to be entertaining the capitol anymore that night. Bimo was glad to move into his own room, stripping off his scratchy suit and wondering if he had the energy to take a shower before Aurora got there.
Aurora was a little disappointed when a young, tall Capitol man decided to cut in and steal her away from Bimo. Sighing, she gave the man a smile and let him twirl her around the dance floor. For the most part, he was polite, and she only caught him looking her up and down once. He did not keep her longer than a few songs, and when he was finished, he moved on to another tribute girl. Apparently, he was a social climber. Nothing was better than getting to dance with a tribute, and he seemed to be trying to get a piece of all of them.

After they were dismissed, Aurora felt relieved to know she could change out of her dress and heels and into a pair of light blue sleep shorts and a matching tank top. Her hair still fell in waves, and she was too lazy to remove the makeup. What was the use? Washing her face that night would not prepare her for the next day. And, despite her insistence to stay nuetral when it came to Bimo, he found herself rushing to get to his room before it got too late. Luckily, she grabbed a bottle of wine from the kitchen and two glasses before it was shut down, so she halled it along with her as she walked barefoot down the hall.

Knocking softly, Aurora bit her lip. Was this a mistake? Would getting close to Bimo distract her from the importance of getting out of the Game alive? She suddenly realized that they would eventually have to decide who would live or die, and she was not so sure she could bring herself to kill him. He was too genuine, too caring... Maybe the Districts could use someone like him; someone who could convince them to riot, yet make them feel protected. She on the other hand was "mysterious" and her demeanor due to her reputation in the Game led her to be thought of as a person that people did not know whether to trust or not.
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