This or That?

Trapped in the Internet. Easily - you have no idea how much of the internet that is porn :p

Punch in the belly, or punch in the face?

Books with paper or E-book?

Trapped in the Internet. Easily - you have no idea how much of the internet that is porn Tongue

You're right, but have you seen the horrors that lurk in the deepest parts of the internet?
Paper. Nothing like the feel of a book in your hands. Well, that's not really true...

Two in the hand or one in the bush?
Robotic. It's cleaner and less smelly.

Cuddling with a lover under a blanket or sitting in the passenger's seat of a rumbling spacecraft about to blast off?
Paper. Nothing like the feel of a book in your hands. Well, that's not really true...

I know that feeling. I got an e-book as a present, but it's still empty because I'd rather use the money for other stuff. And here is the place were I'd put all the merchandise of my two favorite shows...if I had any!

Day-dreaming because a dream is a way for your brain to reflect on what you've done on the day, including everything you've heard or seen and so on.

Being rich and uncurable ill or being poor and extremely healthy?
Ghh.... The hardest question ever. I feel like ass right now though.

Thickness or Length(I think we all know what I am talking about here~)
(Sure we know what you're talking about. A book. Right? lol) Length.

Striptease or ripping the clothes off yourself?
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