Labrynth (nightsorceress & skydive78)

Once at his castle he lead her to a large chamber dominated by a huge bath tub, with whisps of steam from the hot water. To one side clothes were laid out. "I thought you may like to tidy yourself up before dinner?" He gestured to the bath, "would you like me to scrub your back?" He was quietly pleased that his minions had achieved this correctly in his absence.
Aurora eyes darted around the castle she could not believe how magnificent it looked. She eyes still wondered around as he brought her to the bath. It was huge, it held the biggest tube she had ever seen before. She smiled at him as he offered to scrub her back for her. she had never been naked in front of a man and was now nervous so she tried to play it off. "Oh certainly a great king such as yourself would not want to be reduced to scrubbing a girls back"
Jareth had lived a hundred lifetimes and he knew false bravery when he saw it. "For my queen nothing is too much trouble, I will leave if you wish or I can bathe you? I could even have a goblin scrub you?" He spun on his heel with arms outstretched "embrace it Aurora for all could be yours!"
"I guess I am use to bathing myself, I never had anyone to help me." she bit her lip a moment she did not want to so rude, "But if you would like to help you can, thank you, but can you just turn your back till I am in the water" she asked shyly.
Jareth smiled broadly, "of course my sweet Aurora" he let her remove the small amount she wore and slip into the water. He removed his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleves. Positioning himself behind the tub and Aurora. He took a soft sponge and.used it to massage her shoulders.
She felt relieved when he said he would turn his back to allow her to undress. She quickly undressed piling her clothes in a corner. She pulled her long hair up in a loose bun, and then slipped into the water. She sighed softly as she felt the warm water touch her skin. She sank down into the tube the water covering her breast. She then felt his hands touch her skin and smiled "thank you"
He stroked the nape of her neck "you have perfect skin Aurora, It's a pleasure for me to see and touch, so many ugly warty things in my kingdom, your beauty is a shining light" he whispered in her ear, barely breathing the words as he tried to encourage her to relax with his massaging hands.
Aurora blushed a little as he said how beautiful she was. Although she was very beautiful she, did not try to stand out. So she never really heard that before. "Thank you" she said once again. She was beginning to relax more and sighed softly from his touch.
The light in the bathing chamber was an orange glow, it emphasised her light tan that contrasted with Jareth's pale skin. He stroked his fingertips down her upper arms, again whispering in her ear "why so sad Aurora? why come to me? what can I do to give you the joy you deserve?"
She closed her eyes at his touch. It felt so new, but yet it felt so good. She turned her head to look at him, her body still hidden by the water. "I guess I am just not good at meeting people, I guess most people look right past me"
Jareth continued to stroke her skin gently, and when she turned to him he looked into her beautiful violet eyes. "I'd never ignore you Aurora" he said softly and leaned in to brush his lips against hers.
It was good to hear him say those words. She was not sure why but deep down she knew he meant it. As he leaned in closer to her she leaned closer to him as well. Her sweet danced across his lips giving him a feather little kiss
Jareth was concerned he was giving up his power over her, but honestly that's why he had wanted her with him. Leadership was a lonely job, and she seemed as lost in herself as he was. He sighed a little and kissed her a little more confidently.
Her emotions for him started to take a firmer hold over her. She realized that she could really care for him, and she hoped that he would care for her, but there was still a concern that she would be nothing more than a play thing for him. She may have to address that with him however she surrenders to the power of the kiss and let things fall as they may.
Jareth was delighted when she returned his kiss, he held the back of her neck lightly and probed het mouth with his tongue. His passion grew, he had been alone a very long time.
Her hand rose from the water and gently touched his cheek. Her kiss deepen, it filled with more passion as they continued. She leaned in to him a little bit more, however she quickly realized she was limited by still being in the bath. She broke the kiss and looked in to his eyes. "Perhaps it would be better it I get out of the bath and dry off before I splash you"
Jareth smiled at her, "oh I don't mind if you splash me but perhaps I can help dry you off?" He stood up and reached for her hand.
Aurora bit her lip at his suggestion. She had never been naked in front of a man before, the thought of it made her blush. "I umm... Well" she stumbled over her words trying to figure out the right thing to say
Jareth found her shyness wonderfully charming he had been alone so long this sort of interactionwas rare for him. "Of course, I'll turn my back like a gentleman, hand you the towel over my shoulder and leave while you dress, you'll find clothes in the wardrobe my dear Aurora" he said knowing he had more interest in her than forcing an intimate encounter.
Aurora smiled at his offer to turn his back. She was glad that he accepted her shyness. Once his back was turned she climbed out of the bath quickly taking the towel and wrapping it around her slender frame. "Thank you" she said softly and kissed him on the cheek. Once he was gone from the room she dressed. Putting on a lovely pale blue dress, she looked herself over she could not help but feel like a princess. With one last look she left the bath eager to see what Jareth thought of her.
Jareth awaited Aurora in his banquet hall, he had had his minions prepare as lavish a feast as they could. They had polished the chandeliers and mirrors and the place looked very grand again. He stood at the head of the table, as she entered looking every bit the princess, she looked happy and it made his heart swell.
It took her a few minutes to find the banquet hall, but when she did she could not believe how grand it looked. on the large table there was more food then she had ever seen before and all of it smelled so good. her eyes drifted around the room but stopped when she saw him. She stood there a moment not sure what to say to him, she noticed that he had a happy look in his eyes.
"you look wonderful Aurora, please come sit with me, tell me your hopes and dreams, I'll make them a reality" He pulled out a chair for her and gestured for her to sit.
Aurora smiled as he said she looked wonderful. She moved to the seat he pulled out of her and sat down, as she did her hand touched his. "thank you" she waited for him to take a seat as well. "you know you do not have to work hard make me like you and want to be here with you, just be who you are"
"i'm sorry Aurora, i've been alone a very long time, I shall relax a little, but please eat and we'll talk, then i'll show you arround a little, how would you like that?" he asked
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