Labrynth (nightsorceress & skydive78)

She whimpered in pain as she slowly sat up, her hands were scrapped as well as her knees, she looked herself over slowly. She was banged up but no worse then when she had fallen of her bike. She hadn't even noticed Jareth's arrival until she noticed his boots. Slowly her eyes trailed up his legs to her chest finally her eyes met his. her vibrant purple eyes just stared at him, as she sat on the ground. "your him.." she whispered softly
"and your her" he said with all the confidence of a man holding the right cards. "take this for your cuts Aurora" he passed her the hankerchief. He looked very grand in his calf boots of polished leather jhodpurs, shirt, jacket and cravat. He stared into her purple eyes with his pale grey/blue ones and smiled.
Aurora hand reached to take the handkerchief "thank you" she said softly almost meekly. she dabbed it against her knees cleaning them a little, and then pressed against her palms. Once her wounds were atleast cleaned up for the moment she slowly rosed to her feet and stood before. She was a petite creature that stood about 5'3. She as a slender girl but with shapely womanly features and long raven colored haired.
Jareth crouched down before her, she was a rare beauty and her eyes much more vivid than could be seen through his crystals. "you're very welcome Aurora to my kingdom" he said as he helped her up taking her petite hand in his and pulling her up to him.
Aurora smiled a little. She was not very good with meeting new people perhaps that was why she was as alone as she was. "Thank you" she bit her lip not very sure what else to say
He enjoyed being close to her, it was good to be close to anybody who had no warts. "i'm very glad your here Aurora, would you like to have a look around? I'm sure you'll find it quite stimulating?"
She looked at him amount and smiled at him "I would love to look around this place seems so enchanting, but um" she nervously bit her lip as she noticed her minor cuts were still bleeding. "I hate to impose but is there a way I can clean up a bit first" she was more worried about her cuts she did not seem to notice she was still only in her pjs
"why of course dear Aurora, how rude of me! Mind you, you do look really rather fetching in your current atire! come to my castle, we'll find you a splendid gown or two, diamonds and pearls and anything else your heart desires, you can have it all when you're at my side" He smiled down at her.
Aurora blushed, her cheeks turning rosey and she quickly shook her head. "Oh no no, i do not need or desire anything fancy" she looked up at him, "I did not come here looking for any of those things, i just came here maybe to make a friend"
Jareth grinned, from somewhere nearby a creature shrieked, causing him to pause before he said "a friend Aurora? A friend? Really now, you change your centre of reality to meet a new person? We both know you came for other reasons too, even if you can't yet admit it.". He paused again this time there was only an oppressive silence. "Perhaps your happy nearly naked? I certainly have no objections, but if you'd like some clothing you can have anything you wish, if you will come to my castle?"
Aurora was taken back a moment the way he spoke. and jumped when she heard the horrible sound looking around for the source but she could not find it. "Perhaps I do want more, but time will only tell that, but I can assure you sir, i did not come here for your riches." She drew a deep breath looking around "I would love to see your castle if you are still willing to take me"
Jareth relaxed a little, he was prone to the dramatic, and changes of mood. "I'd be honoured to take you, I cannot transport us both magically but I can guide us quickly. He set off expecting her to follow, he spoke over his shoulder to her "the labrynth is home to a great many, though I doubt we'll see any, they tend to avoid me!" He chuckled
Aurora saw that his mood change and she smiled a little. She began to follow him through the Labrynth, she looked around as she did. "Why would they avoid, are you not there king/" her question was innocent
Jareth stopped dead in his tracks, "of course I'm their king! And most of them are here in one form or another because they failed to complete my labrynth, and they'd be wise to avoid me!"
Aurora stopped suddenly as he did. She quickly understood that the creatures here were not here by choice it was because they failed to complete the labrynth. She bit her lip a little.
Jareth resumed his walk, but stoped after a few paces when it became apparent that Aurora had stopped. He turned and gazed at her, although puzzled at why she had stopped he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. "what's wrong? ... surely you're not concerned for them?"
Aurora seemed to be deep in thought when she heard his voice she blinked quickly and looked at him "what...well perhaps i am a little concerned for them, I mean at one point they use to be human as I am now, what did they leave behind..."she looked down a little she wondered if one day she would share the same fate as them.
Jareth grinned, "oh my dear Aurora are you concerned that you'll share their fate? I wanted you to give yourself to me with no fear, dso have none, your fate is yours to decide" he said as he lead them to a set of gates and threw them open, "be my queen Aurora"
Sher once again began to follow him as they came to a gate she watched as they opened. She let his words sink. He wanted her as his queen. "you don't even know me, what if i turn out to be someone you do not want to share your life with?" she questioned him softly worried that she would not meet is expectations of her.
Jareth smiled inwardly, "so perhaps you wish to prove yourself to me? would you like to try my Labrynth Aurora?" He watched her reaction closely, he had already decided he wanted her very badly indeed. He certainly wouldn't yet give up his position of power over her!
Aurora looked at him and bit her lip a little, he was certainly different he had a vain strike in him, and was a touch dramatic at times. She knew she would have to work hard to get to know him, as well as show who she was to him. "well now why must i prove myself to you, why not get to know who I am with out using your great maze? but if that is how it must be done then i am left with little choice, but how will you prove yourself to me?"
Jareth threw his head back and barked out a laugh. "prove myself to you?, prove myself to you?!!" he shouted. However as always his fury disolved as quickly as it came, "come to my castle sweet Aurora and bathe, be dressed, eat, drink and we'll get to know one another the same way as everyone else"
Aurora almost jumped when he began laughing but she held ground, she knew she needed to be less meek around him, however that was going to be a challenge for her, however when she did make a bold statement it seemed to work in her favor. She walked over to him smiled a little "i was hoping we could get to know each other just like everyone else"
Her smile to him shook him more than any words could have. She looked stunning then, dressed even as she was. He had to pause before continuing "we're nearly there, we'll soon have you comfortable Aurora"
She smiled as they continued to walk. "Thank you" she said softly. She followed him to his castle wondering what was instore for her once she arrived there.
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