Labrynth (nightsorceress & skydive78)



The Goblin King lounged back on his throne, surrounded by horrid scuttling things. He lazily watched the young twins who were about to run out of time. He watched them through one of his many enchanted spherical crystals, they would not complete the labrynth and soon they would join the ranks of his minions. He was bored, very bored, his eye wandered to his cabinet of spheres in which he kept memories. As usual his eye lingered on the sphere that he had used to keep an eye on Sarah. He nearly fell from his throne, when for the first time in an age he saw some movement. He rushed to grab it and peer deeply inside.
Aurora mindlessly sifted through items in and old box. Full of stuffed animals and trinkets from her childhood. Her father had dropped off the box after cleaning out his basement. As looked over the items Aurora was filled with memorys. But then she came across a small box. She remember her aunt Sarah giving it to her before she moved a way. Aurora had meant to look at it, but something always got in her way.

Aurora now had her chance and open the box. Inside she found a well read book "Labrynth" she read the title out loud, she had never heard of it before. And then she found a journal. Her aunts.
Peering deeply through space and time, both of which worked very differently in his Kingdom he saw blured images of a book, his book, containing the words of power. Was it Sarah? he wasn't sure, it was a young woman, suddenly his boredom lifted. He beconed over a squat ugly minion "you, go from here and find out who has my book, report back to me as quickly as possible, and do not be seen" he grabbed the goblin roughly "and do not be seen, your life depends on it" the thing scuttled from the throne room. Re taking his seat he smiled to himself.
Aurora put everything back in the box, everything that is accept for the book and the journal. She took those over to her desk. She opened the book and flipped through through the pages, it was about a great maze. Not only that but a goblin king "goblin king huh? Well this does look like something I would like to read" she set the book a side and looked at the journal.
The goblin king paced around, kicking out at scrabling nasties that scuttled about his feet. If she would read the book, sections of it aloud, he could bring her to his realm. Still though he'd need a way of tempting her to willingly surrender herself to him.
Aurora opened the journal, her vibrant purple eyes skimming the first page. she read it out loud "Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that you have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great... " She looked up from the page "what was Aunt Sarah writing about." she thought aloud as she often did. she then noticed at the end of the quote it listed a page number from the book. Underneath of the page number sarah continues to write "the last line is the secret it is how to break the hold, once said aloud it will stop him"
In the half light of the evening, the goblin king gazed out from his castles tallest tower over the vast labrynth. It's ever changing forms and traps still delighted him, but it had lost some of its excitement, no one had come close to completing the maze in many years. He now knew the young lady with the book was not Sarah, the crystals had revealed that when he saw her vivid eyes.he picked out a spherical crystal and cast it out across universes. He could wait no longer for news, he would send her a gift. Soon he hoped he would learn what he could offer to tempt her into his realm.
Aurora spent the remainder of that even looking over her Aunt's journal as it recounted her tale through the labyrinth. She could not put down the journal not until ever page was read. As crazy as her aunt had sounded in this journal there was some truth to her writing, she could tell by its wording her Aunt Sarah meant every word she penned. But then end of it Aurora enthralled with the story of the goblin king being real Aurora felt the need to try it herself just to show herself how crazy this all was. She slowly rose from the bed holding in the Journal in her hand. The 20 year old bit her rosy lip nervously "umm, I am not sure how to do this, but umm, If you are real show yourself, if what Aunt says is true then i want to see the goblin king for myself" She glanced around the room again and nothing happen.

Aurora bursted into a fit of laughter "Ok its time to get a hold of myself, I have watched way to many movies" she shook her head and then tossed the journal on the desk. She walked from her room to her apartment kitchen getting herself a glass of water. "glad no one could see me make a fool of myself"
The scouting goblin returned and crouched before his master, who was obviously eager for news. "I saw her, she's pretty, she is reading from the book! I saw your gift float into her room through the window so I grabbed this!" The excited creature handed the king a deep red lipstick before continuing "so now gifts have been exchanged, you can use your clever words and whisper to her in the night and see her better through the crystal!". The king smiled, for once a minion had served him well. He would indeed now be able to talk to her, through mirror reflections and whisper to her in the night. He rewarded the goblin with the freedom of the bog of eternal stench and Sat back to consider his next move.
She finished her water the whole time feeling like she was a fool for believing what her Aunt had written. She set her glass down and returned to her bed, she change into a pair of boys shorts and a tank top and climbed into bed. "Silly" she said to herself as she looked up at the ceiling. As foolish as she felt she thought there was some truth to what Sarah had written. She slowly feel a sleep.
Jarel watched her every move via the crystal at her bedside. She was not Sarah but she had some similar characteristics. She certainly was a rare beauty though, with stunning eyes. She seemed a little sad, maybe lonely he pondered, trying to ignore the chaos around him. He watched her drift off to sleep, and after hours, when she slept deeply he started to send images from his mind to her dreaming one. He could never do this while she was awake and fully consious. He sent her images of his realm, and of himself always holding the stolen lipstick, and many images of the book. He wanted her to be fascinated by the dreams and begin to fall under his spell.
Aurora dreams were at first her normal ones, but then as she slept they changed. They filles with images she had never seen before, she saw a giant maze, a castle, and then suddenly a man. She every time she saw him she could not help but think he was handsome, and then she saw her lipstick. finally at one point in her dream her subconscious mind called out to this man "who are you?!" in the pit of her stomach she thought she knew, but she had to know for sure.
The goblin king smiled broadly, she was reacting just as he had hoped. He spoke back to her via her dream "but you already know who I am, you have everything you need already to come to me, I can give you all. Open your mind and let me know more about you?". He blew a kiss across universes to the sleeping beauty.
Aurora shook her head as if she was awake. "I do not understand, how can this be real, and if it is real why are you toying with me" she was different than her aunt. Sarah always had grudge with the world feeling no one cared or understood her. Aurora mind open to jareth and he could she was a gentle young woman, her heart longed to find it way in the world. He also saw how lonely she was, she had her parents but not anyone else.
Jareth closed his eyes as he came to know a little about Aurora. She was searching for something, but she wasn't sure exactly what that was. So he decided to make her an offer, an offer to come to his world and potentially share his kingdom, if she could prove herself.
With her minds eye she starred at the goblin king as no answer to her questions came. She did not know what to say or do. And she we to afraid to wake up for worry she would never see him again.
"Come come Aurora, you know already what you want. Come to me, be mine and I'll give you the freedom of my kingdom. All you need do is help entice more into the labrynth. I'll give you all you dream off"
Aurora thought for what seemed like ages. Part of her was afraid, what if by leaving her world she is unhappy in his. What then could she come back, would he let her come back? but then what was in this world her now? she was alone, her parents had moved away, her father a retired from the army wanted to put his roots down some place warm she finally made up her mind "I want to come...but why do you want me?"
The goblin king sighed and whispered into her mind "even I wish for better company at times, the company only a beautiful young lady can offer. Give yourself to me Aurora and you can have all you desire, I ask you be mine and you help me build my goblin army" He hoped she would come to him, when she gave herself willingly she would be his and she could help him fill his labrynth with fools who would fail to solve it in time and become more servants.
Silence once again fell between them, she was not sure what he meant by help him build his goblin army, and she hoped it was nothing bad. Finally she seemed to make her choice "o...k" she said softly hoping this was the right thing to do.
Jareth smiled broadly before whispering "when you awaken you will be in my world, i cannot control where, but i'll find you quickly. Remember things are not as they seem in my world, just as you read in your book"
As soon as his words were spoken her eyes snapped opened. It took her eyes a moment to focus but when they did she defiantly not in her apartment. She was laying on a path and on either side of her there were walls. She was sprung to her feet and looked around. She didn't even seem to noticed that she was standing bare foot, only wearing her boy shorts and tee shirt in the middle of well she didn't know where. She was frighten now. panic started to set in and she started to move from the spot she stood and began to run looking for someone, anyone
Jareth felt the magic in the air as Aurora landed in the Labrynth, from a tower in his castle he sent out floating crystal spheres to start searching for the beauty. He didn't want her to interact with the residents of the maze, he'd hate her to get a poor impression of him he wanted her at his side.
Aurora ran twisting a turning with the maze, her feet ached as she stepped on sticks and rocks but she didn't noticed. She noticed a strange crystal fly past her head and seemed to hoover around her, She was looking at it when she suddenly tripped falling to the ground scrapping her bare knees on the stone surface
one of the crystal spheres found Aurora very quickly, which delighted Jareth greatly. He saw her fall and he felt for her, it was highly unusual for him to care for anyone but himself, it worried him a little as he didn't really know the girl. He checked his apperance in the mirror before he used his magic to transport himself to her, she didn't see him appear but he stepped to her and held out a silk handkerchief to her.
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