Village outcast (Ryuu and Shards)

naruto stared coldly at tsunade ¨the same could be said about me... if anyone trys anything else on miku... well¨ naruto had a very cold tone develop in his voice suddenly ¨lets just say it's a bad idea tsuanade. I'll be bringing miku back now, and i expect no trouble from anyone...¨ naruto stared at tsunade wondering if her affection towards him had any influence as to how she would handle miku. in a flash the floor beneath him cracked and shattered as he transported back to miku.

naruto dispelled his clone and with a gentle smile looked at her magnificent eyes and said as he picked her up carrying her as a prince would a princess ¨i took care of everything for us miku, you dont have to worry now¨ as he said this he couldnt help but lean his head down and kiss her cheek ever so gently.
naruto transported him and miku back to the village but rather than the gate right in front of his apartment door. naruto gently placed miku on her feet and opened the door and as he did gently grabbed her hand and said in a loving gentle voice said ¨miku, would you like to come in with me? it's not much, but it's my home... but if you like, it could be ours.¨ naruto said this as he gave miku a gentle loving smile as he looked into her perfect eyes hoping with all his heart she would say yes as he looked at this girl who he has fallen so in love with
Tsunade was shocked as she heard this though as she thought on it she knew now that she had to step it up. She figured that it would be best if she pulled a few tricks she had been saving. She knew that this was the time that Naruto was really going to show the village elders that people should be treated as people nothing more. As she knew this was going to be hard at first as she called one of her own anbu that was loyal to her she knew that protect on Naruto was going to be needed as she figured Miku would be with him. If she was going to disband the elders to be replaced she knew that this was going to get hairy.

Miku gave a yawn as she looked to see Naruto come back. Hearing that he had taken care of everything she gave a soft smile nodding her head as she curled into his arms. Still as she felt him transport them she was shocked at seeing his apartment before her. "Are . . . you sure?" she asked as she looked to him more than shocked that he wanted her to really live with her.
naruto looked at her with the most gentle of smiles and said ¨miku... in the few short days I've known you, you have grown more near to my heart than the village itself. your eyes are an oasis for me in a vast desert, your hair is so beautiful I could swear it was woven by angels. your smile warms my heart like nothing else in the whole world. i love you miku and if this isn't love, then i don't wanna know what it really is. so yes, I'm sure.¨ naruto, stunned he even put all those words together realized just how much he meant as he smiled at miku and said ¨so why dont you come inside miku and we relax and enjoy each other's company properly¨ naruto smiled as he said this and gestured inside towards the room
Miku looked to him as she listened to him as she found herself choked up on the emotions she felt within herself and heard from him. As he spoke such things she smiled her eyes tearing up as she had never in her life had she thought she would ever hear from anyone. Yet as she walked in with him she couldn't help but lean against him. "You are the most loving man I've ever met. Thank god for you" she said as she pressed against him loving the life he was wanting to give her she only hoped it worked out for them.
naruto as she leaned against him felt a great joy at miku wanting to to live with him. his hopes had been realized as she walked in with and he couldn't help but smile with incredible love and joy. naruto after walking in closed the door stood in front of miku putting his hands around her and kissing her gently on the lips and saying ¨if you like, my bed is big enough for both of us to be on if you wanna lie down for a while¨ as naruto was saying this he knew what he might be leading to but also knew she was the only person he could ever want to do 'that' with. he loved her very deeply and would do whatever it took to show her, and to make her happy.
Miku gave a soft smile as she really couldn't believe how lucky she felt at the moment as she walked in with him. "I'm okay really" she said to him as she really was happy that he cared so much for her. "Are you still hoping to be Hokage?" she asked him as she wanted to know more about him and while she knew now that she had an impact on his life she didn't want him to change because of her. She wanted to see him reach the goals he had been seeking since he was young.
naruto let loose a massive smile and said ¨Hell yeah!! I'm gonna be hokage one day just you wait! And when I am... I'm gonna make sure everyone has to recognize you for the incredible person you are miku¨ naruto walked up to miku and gave her a warm hug hug and said ¨Just you wait. If people could recognize a screw up like me they'll recognize someone as incredible as you in no time¨ natuto gave a warm smile
Miku nodded her head as she just couldnt' help but feel a new sort of pride bubble up in her as she found herself not wanting it to end. She gave a smile as she listened to what he said about how there was no doubt in her being accepted by the village. "I hope your right really I do" she said as she leaned against him with a soft smile as she closed her eyes happy as she let her body relax into his as she sat on the couch with him. "I love you" she said sleepily her eyes staying closed as she leaned against him.
As Naruto felt Miku leaning into him when they were on the couch he felt a strange excitement. neruto truly did love this girl, in such a short time she had become so dear to him. Naruto looked down at Miku as they sat on the couhc and placed his hand on her cheek very gently and lifter her head just a little bit, just enough that he could lean his head down and kiss Miku on her lips gently and as he let his lips part from hers he said "I love you to Miku, I love more than I think I've ever loved before". As naruto said this he used his other hand to gently brush her beautiful hair behind her ear as he leaned in and kissed her yet again.
Miku could feel such warmth from him she had never felt before. Yet as she felt him brush her hair behind her ear she blushed looking him in the eyes she could see the depth of love he felt for her. When he leaned into kiss she closed her eyes and allowed all the emotion she felt for him to transfer over. She was truly loving the man next to her. The way he held her was with such tenderness that she had thought wasn't real. Yet this man had opened her eyes to so many things already with just the few days she knew him.
Naruto as he kissed Miku, felt an incredible emotion rushing through his body as he kissed this beautiful girl before him, and slowly placed his hand behind her waist, and placed his other hand behind Miku's head and his kiss became more passionate than before. Naruto felt such incredible joy and love as he kissed Miku and he began to slowly lean himself and Miku down onto to the couch, resting Miku's body gently on the couch as he kissed her perfect lips and his right hand moved from behind Miku's head slowly to her cheek as he lay her onto the couch, feeling an incredible wave of passion flowing through his body for the girl he was kissing.
Miku found herself lost as she closed her eyes letting herself lose herself in the moment loving the feeling he gave her and more so as his arms came to surround her in a warmth she hoped would never leave. Even as she felt him move her to lay on the couch with him over her she didn't care as her body pressed against his own. His hand stroking her cheek she turned into it wanting for his touch to never leave her own.
Naruto kissing Miku began to give way to his passion for her as he became more passionate in his kissing and slowly his tongue entered her mouth caressing her own tongue while kissing her. Durring all of this Naruto had begun to have a serious erection at kissing Miku the girl he so desparately loved. Naruto began to slowly and gentely rub up against Miku as he slowly moved his left hand from her waist down to her firm butt, as he continued to passionately kiss her
Miku couldn't believe how strong this was as she felt his hands start to roam she gasped just as his tongue entered she found herself just slowly drowning in the passion as she pulled back panting from the kiss only to go right back to it the moment she had some air in her lungs once more. Her mind fuzzed over as she pressed against him she knew that she wasn't going to stop nor did she want to stop this any time soon.
Naruto began to kiss more passionately, moaning slightly in ecstasy in what he was doing, he was going to make love to the girl he was so desparately in love with. He began to slow down however and pulled back and with a loving and slightly passionate smile and said "Hold on a moment Miku, I think here might be a good time to get more comfortable. Don't you?".
Miku looked to him as he pulled back at first she thought it was because he wanted to stop only as he heard what he said she blushed and nodded her head with a bright smile for she truly wanted to be with him. Thought of this being so soon never crossed her mind as she looked to him with a gleam in her eyes she really wanted to stay with him.
Naruto looked at Miku, the girl he had only recently met as she gave a beautiful little smile when she nodded, and felt so happy to be able to do this with her, he slowly unzipped his jacket, let it fall onto the ground. He leaned back down to her beautiful face, placed his right hand on her cheek, kissed her gently on the lips and said "You know Miku. There's a bed in the other room that I think would be much better suited for this kind of thing if you want." Naruto gave Miku a smile as he said this. He would finally be able to be with the girl who he had fallen so hard for.
Mika gave a soft smile as she heard him mention a bed. "I would like that" she said to him as she pushed him up as she got off the couch and started towards the other room. She gave a soft smile as she opened the door and looked back to see if Naruto was following, once she saw he was she pulled off her pants and left her purple laced underwear on and the black tank top as she go on the bed pulling the covers back waiting for him to join.
Naruto smiled softly at his new found love as he slowly walked over to her in the bed. He grabbed the covers from her and leaned down to gently kiss her cheek, and got in himself. He turned to face her in the bed, slid his hand under her head, gently rubbed her arm with his other hand, and said "I love you Miku. I really do." Naruto gave a loving smile after saying this, and with Miku in his arms, prepared to slowly drift into sleep with her until morning came.
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