Village outcast (Ryuu and Shards)

As miku started to wake up she whimpered a little as she looked around she was shocked to find out she wasn't in her room anymore. Looking up she noticed she was in the ramen shop as her eyes went wide. She felt find the more she slept the more she healed so as she sat up she actually felt little pain. As strange as it was she healed faster than most. As she looked next to her she saw naruto as she gave a soft smile. "hey I'm guessing this is your doing?' she asked him as she just couldn't help but be happy that he had saved her from being alone. "You didn't have too" she said to him though she was grateful that he had.
"haha yeah i know" naruto was strangely happier than usual when around miku as he looked at her he saw someone who was going through the pain of being alone. naruto desperately hoped to let her know that she was never going to be alone again just iruka, sakura, sasuke, and kakashi, naruto would help save her from the abyss that is lonlieness. "so how's the ramen? even better fresh huh?"
the old man spoke "well i'll leave you to love birds alone now!"
naruto in a burst of embarassment sit out the ramen he was just eating and fell backwards off the stool flailing his arms as comically as only naruto can, and then hit his head on the ground.
As she heard what he said she nodded her head happy to hear that he had came for her. Though as she heard him ask about the ramen as she smiled. "Yes I'm sure this is going to be good. Though as they were given the ramen and she heard the comment she blushed hard. "Uh . . . I dont' think we . . . are like that" she stated to him as she shook her head before looking down to ramen as she started to eat so embarrassed from what he had said.
naruto still in a bit of shock for an instant thought of what it would be like if maybe they were like that... the thought like th pain from his fall faded. "hey miku once we're done eating why dont we take a walk? the forest can realy be incredible at night." naruto said after slurping down a hearty helping of his ramen
Miku nodded her head as she wasn't sure what to think at the moment, as she really didn't think that it would be so bad if she stayed with him in such a way. "The forest?" she asked as she hadn't really been allowed about the village without someone following her so she hadn't really gone outside the village as they would lock her up again. "I don't know . . ." she said as she grew uneasy at the thought of being back underground.
"hehe c'mon it's a nice night out and besides since you obviously can't train right now a walk would do you good. whaddya say?" naruto was for some reason drifting into the question of why would that large man from before have been heading for miku. he had learned she was a crystal user but still thought it strange that no one noticed the man enter the village.
Miku looked to him and noticed how he really wanted this as she gave a small laugh before nodding her head and giving in. "Alright I'll go" she said to him with a soft smile as she finished her meal and started to hand it back to him. "I'll pay" she said as she pulled out her purse to pay for the ramen that they had eaten. While she was happy that he had taken her she couldn't seem to get this feeling that something was about to happen shaken off.
"Ah i got this! hey old man!" naruto said this waving 2 free ramen coupons in the air with a smile on his face. "BAH! i gotta stop makin those you're gonna bankrupt me!" "heeey i pay a lot more than i used to!" "What?! you never payed before!" "exactly! now i only use these on weekends!" the old man frustrated swiped the coupons from naruto then gave a hearty laugh "ya know i guess it's fine tell ya what save those for next week these are on the house" the old man winked at naruto with a grin on his face naruto confused thanked the old man and helped miku out making sure she could walk then started heading to the forest with her.
As she got up and started to follow him out to the forest. She gave a soft smile as she was really actually happy with the way it was going down. As she looked to him she wondered just why he had become friends with her. "uh . . . I was wondering . . . just why do you care?" she asked turning serious for a moment as she just didn't know how to deal with how he acted towards her. No one ever treated her like he does.
Naruto as he heard this stopped short and became a little serious but still had a small smile on his face and looked up at the moon in the starry sky and said “honestly I don’t know. maybe its that I feel responsible for you getting hurt or maybe I see someone suffering in loneliness like I was for so long and want to help you Like I was helped, but I don’t know know, I just cant stop thinking about you and I guess for whatever reason I just like being with you” as naruto had said this he was looking to the sky but when he finished turned to miku and gave her a soft smile as he looked at her.
Miku listened as she heard the different reasons he thought he was being nice to her. She really didn't understand it at all yet it seemed he didn't either. "I guess thats better than nothing" she said to him as she looked to the moon. "Do you know what this village did to me?" she asked as she wondered if he even knew about her. "How much at times I hate this village and want it gone" she said as she closed her eyes as she always tried to push away such thoughts. "When I was brought here. I was sold to the elders as a crystal user. They put me underground and forced me to train since the age of two telling me I was no human but a crystal placed in human form and for that I must never think I'm human as I'm nothing but an abomination." she said as she felt tears building as she kept her eyes closed. "I grew up underground never allowed to see the sun or moon only training and allowed a meal a day with only four hours of sleep. When Tsunade-sama found out about me she released me only for the villagers to say the same thing the elders did. I'm not allowed at night without someone watching me thanks to the elders. I don't even think Tsunade fully trusts me. Then again I wouldn't either. It would be so easily to destroy the village." she finished as she shook her head turning away from him. "Your the hero and I'm the abomination. I don't think it would be good for you to be around me" she said to him.
naruto as he heard this fell into a state of shock¨... miku when i was born and had the fox sealed in me i was feared i grew and as a child was neglected and hated there were times when i wanted to get rid of them all and i almost did. the only reason i didnt release my demon was because of iruka sensei... even then i was still hated by all. but i forgave them later on... but this, this is awful what they did to you i dont know if i can forgive the elders for something like this. i don't know when these damn villagers will stop fearing everyone who the elders think are a threat just because that person is stronger or more gifted than them... but with me i promise ill never let them do anything to you. ill keep you safe ill keep you free ill never let them force you into loneliness like the do with so many like you and me. ill protect you...and... as long as i live you WILL be loved miku.¨ naruto saying this as he lost all respect for the villagers he thought he had, he also realized something even more important. the answer to miku's question. as his face lit up he smiled and said ¨i have the answer now miku... i think i love you, i love you more than those pathhetic villagers fear you.¨ naruto realizing what he just said began to feel very embarrassed and blushed a little as he quickly turned away in embarrassment.
Miku was a little shocked as she heard what he said. Her eyes went wide as she looked to him and even more so as she heard that he loved her. Her face blushed up as she watched him turn away as she just didn't know what to say to him. She blushed even more so as she came to stand next to him. "I really like hearing that" she said to him with a soft smile as she leaned against him happy someone actually cared for her. Only as she did she suddenly felt something hit her back. She groaned in pain as a sebon could be seen at the back of her neck as she started to fall limp. "I knew she couldn't be trusted" stated the anbu that had been sent to watch her by the elders.
"MIKU!" in the instants of the anbu speaking, naruto was speakng with the fox.
"naruto! what will you do? you know if we attack them we'll be fugitives" naruto staring dead on at kurama said "yeah now lets do it"
naruto flooded with fox chakra and went into the kyuubi mode and with one one fist used the thundergod technique CRUSHED the anbu who hit miku into the ground sending everything nearby flying, leaving a massive crater but making sure not to kill the anbu. naruto ran back to miku with the cloak still on.
Miku gave a whimper as she heard her name the senbon had only been to knock her out for a couple hours. When she finally actually woke up happy to find that she was with naruto only as she did she noticed something was different about him. "Naruto?" she asked as she just didn't know what to think at the moment.

(Sorry writer's block)
naruto in concern of someone trying to track them down and find them was keeping up his fox cloack to use its sensory powers to detect any incoming anbu when he saw miku wake up and said "hey miku" he gave her a soft smile "dont worry i took care of the anbu. nobody is gonna find us, i made sure we put a lot of distance between us and the village for the night" as naruto said this he looked over towards the end of the ledge he brought miku to and at the forest below. naruto turned back to miku "but tomorrow im going back to the village and talking to tsunade and seeing whats going on but regardless of what she says ill make sure no one ever attacks you evr again"
Miku looked to him noticing the fox cloak there she gave nod. "You have control over the fox?" she asked as she really wasn't that sure what to think at the moment though she was happy he seemed to actually have the control over it as it had to make things easier for him. As she sat up she listened to him as he talked on having a talk with Tsunade as she nodded her head with a slight blush to her face.
naaruto grinned at miku and said ¨hehe sorta. we kind of teamed up. ill tell you about it later but right now just get some rest miku, you realy need it¨ naruto having said this laid down on the ground and began to to fall asleep as he himself was actually very tired.
As she heard that from him to sleep she really couldn't help but smile as she closed her eyes as she felt him laying down next to her. She thought for a second before she quickly placed a dome of crystal surrounded them as they fell asleep she knew that they would be protected from all sides as they slept.
naruto making sure to wake up early was feeling a little drowsy but still knew what he had to do. in a tired and calm voice naruto said "hey miku i need you to open this crystal dome so i can hurry over to the villageand talk to tsunade"
Miku looked to him as she started to wake up she nodded her head to him. As an opening formed as she rolled over to allow him out as she was still very tired her body taking everything it could to fix itself.
as naruto saw miku opening the dome he was enchanted by what he saw. naruto so the sun rfracting tthrough the crystal on to her tired body and saw the sun hit her face as she opened the dome naruto insticually at seeing such beauty from this girl placed his hand on the side of her head leaned down and kissed her ever so gently on the lips keeping in mind she was still weak. naruto after parting lips leaned back and said in a very gentle voice and said "im sorry you're just to beautiful" naruto smiled a very gentle smile almost as gentle and peaceful as the kiss he had just given to the beautiful girl before him as he stared into her eyes
As she looked to him she had felt his hand on her head as her eyes opened she felt his lips meet her own. She was shocked but she didn't push him away in fact she leaned in finding herself kissing him back. As he said that he was sorry she just shook her head. "I'm not sorry" she said to him with a soft smile. While she really didn't want to wake up her mind was starting to wake up as it really started to realize she really did just kiss him.
naruto could only stare into miku's eyes as he heard her words and saw her beautiful lips he had just kissed as he could just think of the things he wanted to say and do at that moment but in the end he knew just how weak and fragile she really was at that time and so he with a determination to prtoect her, he said "i'm glad to hear that... im going to be leaving a shadow clone behind, if anything happens he'll transport you away and keep you safe." "Shadow clone jutsu!" a cloud of smoke burst from beside naruto as a clone covered by his fox cloak appeared beside him naruto turned to his clone and said "keep an eye on her, if anything happens take her to mount myoboku with the toads alright?" the clone replied in turn "gotcha!" naruto with a smile on his face said "see ya soon miku" naruto using the fox cloak used the thunder god technique to get to the village in no time at all.

naruto appeared before tsunade in her office sitting on the window ledge as she was adressing 3 anbu about what to do about naruto's disappearance as they all saw naruto the 3 anbu leaped at naruto. the first pulled a sword on naruto's neck from behind, the second leaped in front of tsunade holding a sword out defensivly and the third anbu quickly performed hand seals and used a binding jutsu on naruto forming a kind of curse seal on naruto to restrict his movements.
naruto looked at tsunade calmly and said "why did they attack miku and why am i being treated like an invading shinobi?"
Tsunade looked to him as she noticed the anbu react to him being there. She gave a growl as she pushed them away from naruto. "He is not a THREAT!" she yelled at them punching the one that had placed a blade against his neck. To her naruto was her little brother she would never allow them to do this to him. As she got the anbu in line she turned to naruto. "Its what she said. I've tried my best really just the elders pulled rank on me. It would take a mutiny among at least one of the elders to have the others taken down." she said to him as she turned to look at the Anbu. "really i'm trying to get the elders to let it go but . . well it hard . . . she has more power than even myself if she was to turn against the village there is no doubt she would crush us." Tsunade said as she sat down and pulled out her sake.
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