Village outcast (Ryuu and Shards)


Feb 14, 2010
Miku gave a soft sigh as she made the patrol on the small village she was sent to wait for the Ambassador from the Hidden waterfall village. The ambassador was suppose to be there weeks ago yet here she was still waiting. She had gone back to the village to tell them that he didn't show up only for Tsunade to send her back saying that they had received word he had gotten sick and will get there as soon as he's feeling better. The small village she was in barely had anything there as it was more farming than anything. the fields seemed to stretch on forever as the forest lay several yards away. Standing there she gave a sigh as she felt the wind pick up she closed her eyes letting the moment pass only as she opened her eyes in an instant she was in a fighting stance as she sensed several ninja's appear around here. The scroll she was to deliver on her belt as she pulled a kunai from her leg pouch. She didn't like this yet as they moved to attack crystal soon formed and shot off towards them. She was almost happy and not happy that they were in the field. While it gave her plenty of sight and room to use her crystal release it also gave the sheer number of them to attack at the same time. Working quickly she took down as much as she could as they kept coming the battle raged on still as she took down a few never fully killing them until they forced her hand she was growing tired and weaker with each crystal release she was forced to use.
It had been a long and borring 2 days for naruto, he had just finished yet another tedious D rank mission delivering supplies to a small town. He was on his way back to the hidden leaf when he saw a crystal kunai to his disbelief, and as he slowed down and walked up to it he heard a loud explosion as a paper bomb went off in the distance.

"Mutli-shadow clone jutsu!!" naruto shouted as he summoned dozens upon dozens of clones to come to the aid of the beautiful young women he saw as he entered the battle. Launching an endless barrage of rasengan all the quiet in the world seemed to be devoured by the horrifying sound of 2 dozen rasengan took out the young girls attackers.
Naruto approached the young damsel in distress with an outstreched hand and said "Naruto Uzumaki at your service!"
Miku looked up as she felt someone coming into the battle only as she saw who it was she was shocked. Everyone in the village knew of Naruto for one reason or another yet as she stood there recovering from the attack she was happy to know that he had came to help. "Miku pleasure to meet you" she said as she actually didn't have a last name with no family to speak of when she had been found and imprisoned by the elders due to her crystal release. To her it wasn't shocking that the village followed the elders lead when she was finally released on hating her for the power she was given saying that she must be dangerous and looking for the perfect time to strike the village down for what they had done to her. Tsunade though had been supportive and gave her every chance to try and prove herself still nothing as all eyes seemed to be on the male before her. "Thanks for the help" she said half way thankful and the other half wishing she had been a bit stronger thinking that she could have changed her tactics.
As Naruto oblivious to who Miku was said ¨All in a days work¨ he couldn't help but wonder what the crystal was that seemed to litter the battlefield, but nevertheless ignored it, as he was in a hurry to return home to the leaf. However as he looked at her he saw a familiar sight, the hidden leaf headband. ¨Hey! you're from the leaf?¨ as he said this a gentle breeze swept across the field as he looked at her and for reasons unknown to him began to turn a light red as the light of the sun glistened on the ground reflecting of the vast ammounts of crystal from the battle that only ened moments ago.
As she heard his reply she nodded her head only as he started to eye the crystal laying about the ground she gave a sigh as she started to focus on calling it all back only his voice interupted her focus as she looked to him. "Yes. I'm here waiting for my mission to come" she stated as she finally focused enough to call the crystal back as she held out her hand it all came flying back to her as she absorbed the crystal as her hand crystallized a little as she did this. Though while doing this she gained back some of the chakra infused with the crystal she had created.
as naruto heard her response he couldnt help but smile a little bigger and then noticed the beatiful crystal about him converged to Miku's delicate hand althought he felt a greater need to return home than continue to talk with Miku, so he bid the young girl ado ¨Well if you're alright for now I'm in a bit of a rush to get home. Good luck on your mission!” as he finished he leapt away in a hurry still red and still confused as to why he felt so strange when he talked to her, leaving a breeze of wind behind him as he headed home. As he kept going to the village Naruto felt a strange chill in the breeze and stopped cold looked about in confusion as he wondered what could have made such an evil chill in the air. regardless he got back on the move continuing on home.
As he left the ambassador finally made his appearance known only minutes after he was gone. Though the moment before he got it she noticed something different felt off as she pulled the scroll back. The moment she did flames shot out as more advanced ninja appeared and the man before her changed into someone different. "Give me the scroll" he demanded as she put it back on her belt her hands already crystallized as she got ready for a fight she knew this one was against her as she knew there was a fire user with them. This could prove much harder. Yet as she went into too battle she had to fight all out killing each only as she finally defeated the ninja she turned to see the real Ambassador there as she handed him the scroll she felt another attack hit her knocking her out. She hadn't know the guy had gone rouge within the past 24 hours. As he gathered what he wanted from the men he sent to kill her he left happy to get the scroll that was suppose to hold information on the treaty that was to be renewed soon.

As Miku woke up a few minutes after the knock out she struggled to get herself up her body wracked with wounds from the fire user she pulled together enough crystal to create a dragon to carry her back to the leaf. She was hurt and as she finally got to the gates the dragon actually broke into pieces a sure sign that she was on the verge having lost so much blood and chakra.
Naruto had just come back from his mission the day before he was called to Tsunade. he was told to hurry as tsunade had yet to receive his mission report. naruto knew all to well just how horrifying tsunade could be in such a situation so he made it to tsunade's room as if by fate at the same time an anbu came to give a report on the crystal user's condition. ¨the crystal user has been placed in the hospital, she has a number of cracked ribs, burns, a broken wrist,a severe concussion, and had internal bleeding, she is now stable, the surgery was a success as the bleeding has stopped now.¨
¨good¨ said lady tsunade ¨keep me informed¨ ¨yes hokage-sama¨ and the anbu then vanished. while all the while naruto was just outside tsunade's office eavesdropping on the conversation. as he realized who they were talking about he burst into the room ¨granny tsunade you have to take me to Miku!¨ tsunade in shock he knew the crystal user reluctantly gave in after a heated debate about why naruto couldnt see Miku. Slamming open the door Naruto yelled ¨Miku!¨
Miku laid on the hospital bed sleeping off as the surgery had been a success she still was very weak on her chakra levels for her normal level. Though as she slept she heard someone shout her name. Slowly her eyes opened blurry at first as she tried to blink away the blurs soon they cleared as she saw naruto there. She was shocked at first that anyone other than Tsunade would come to see her yet as he stood there she wondered why? "Naruto" she said her voice low and weak showing how bad the beating she had taken truly had been. While in the end she had got through with the mission as the scroll she gave to the guy had been a fake. If the exchange had gone off without a hitch then she would have switched it out before he left. "Did you rest . . . up?" she asked her throat feeling dry as she tried to speak with him waking up more as she had only been out of surgery a few hours.
Naruto at seeing Miku so severely injured grew furious he felt such a connection to this girl he had just met somewhere deep inside of him he was unaware he felt a powerful similarity between the two of them and couldnt believe she was this hurt after he thought he had just recently saved her.
"What are you saying?! Did I rest?! What happened to you?! I thought I just took care of those thugs attacking you the other day!". Naruto, with every word couldnt help but become more and more confused and upset as he wondered what could have possibly happened to her
Miku felt like laughing yet as she did she felt her chest erupted in pain as she was actually shocked someone was upset that she was hurt. As she finally eased wincing a little as she finally looked to him. "The guy turned against me there was another wave after you left." she said as she coughed wincing from the pain. She was starting to get a little light headed as she gave a groan. "i'm sorry" she said to him as she soon passed out. A nurse came in to check everything seems that she had just pushed her rib out from where they had worked on it. The nurse popped it back in place with a snap only for her to cry out in pain as she was knocked out. It was hours later that she woke up not feeling as much pain now as they gave her something to dull it.
it had been a long time since naruto felt such anger well up inside of him as he looked at miku lay there unconcious. "naruto! i say we pay a visit to the fool who thought he could challenge the leaf ninja!" said kurama "hehe so looks like your realy getting into helping me eh?" said naruto "Never! i've just been beyond borred lately there have been no strong shinobi in a while" "hehe well whatever i'm just glad i've got some help!"
as naruto stared at her it became obvious the fox's chakra was flowing as the legendary fox form naurto mastered with killer bee appeared around him. he turned to tusnade "Who the did this to her..." naruto was dangerously calm as he let a small yet sinister smile go as he said this tsunade understanding naruto's feelings for his friends but curious as to when the two of them even became friends gave him all the information on the man she spoke of and as soon as naruto knew who he was after he demanded to be allowed to go after him immidietly, but tsunade had other plans on how naruto should deal with the situation "naruto... i've got a plan" naruto cloack slowly faded away after hearing those words curious as to the plan.
Tsunade explained all about the scroll and Miku's mission to naruto and had her shinobi spread the word naruto had the real scroll to draw out the man who attacked Miku hoping he would still want the scroll. soon after the rumor was established naruto left the village hoping he would draw out the attacker. (an aside by kurama)"naruto this is the real you the one that seems to be able to keep me so determined to help you... this girl must realy mean something to you even after such a short time knowing her, this is why i help you..."
(now for info on the above)
kurama is the 9 tail-naruto gained control of the 9 tails recently soon after the 9 tails(now to be called kurama fopr the sake of time) began to see naruto defend him and the other bijuu while reluctantly helping naruto saying he just hates the opponents more he soon revealed himself to be a powerful ally to naruto, as this occured naruto had beforehand while mastering control over the fox had made a unique seal on him in the form of a cage, now as naruto and kurama were making nice naruto released the seal and the fox and naruto are experimenting as allies.

the cloak i will pm an image of to you but its the picture of naruto in the top left corner of my profile pic. the cloack is what happens now when naruto uses kurama's power
as Naruto walked through the forest a sudden kunai was thrown at him dodging quickly Naruto saw the man described by Tsunade as the target, behind him was the rouge ambassador and summoned forth the fox cloak and in a flash the shinobi in front of the ambassador was on the ground Naruto then made quick work of the rest of the shinobi he had notice before hand hiding in the trees and in a matter of seconds knocked out the ambassador and brought him back to Konoha for questioning using a shadow clone to carry the shinobi who was the ambassadors main guard as far as Naruto could tell. After bringing the men back to the village he went to Miku's room as he saw Tsunade checking her medical report.
"Ah Naruto good to see you back so soon, I had some questions for you regarding Miku." Naruto then proceeded to explain all about how he met Miku on the way back from his mission a few days ago. Tsunade had a curious look on her face which Naruto wasn’t quite sure of but none the less Tsunade left he heard her talking to an anbu as she walked away but as his stomach growled he felt there was a more pressing matter. After Naurto was at Ichiraku and ate his fill, Naurto was met by Tsunade who said Miku should be well enough to talk to. Naruto quickly made way for Miku’s hospital room and fell fast asleep as the warm summer sun warmed the room while he lay in a part of the room not yet hit by the afternoon sun.
(Thanks for adding more. I was having trouble posting something)

Miku woke up shocked as she looked over to see Naruto asleep on the chair. She was actually feeling a lot better now as she sat up a little it hurt moving but she rather be training than staying in the bed. Only she knew with how bad she had been beaten she wouldn't be allowed to train for a while at least. As she adjusted the bed so she could relax. As she got that done she looked over to him again, she admired him and what he had done for himself. She wasn't sure what to think as she had tried hard to get the town to see she wasn't some monster because of her crystal release. Most would sneer when they heard about her hurt saying how she should have been killed.
As naruto slept his mind drifted into the sacred realm that is the world of dreams. Naruto saw a beautiful girl before him however she did not face him she was sitting on a large stone in the middle of a field, she had magnificent flowing hair so familiar yet so strange as he felt he had never seen the girl in his life. It was a beautiful winter day in his dream but there were no clouds in the sky as he looked at her naurto intrigued by the girl started walking to her yet as he drew closer great black and heavy clouds began to form in the sky. He kept walking to the beautiful girl but as he drew near shadow on the ground began to rise the sky now completely black covered by a great cloud. This startled naruto as the shadows began to take the shape of humans the stone on which the girl sat began to turn towards naruto but as this happened lightning began to strike all around thunder was all naruto could hear now except for the foul and dead yet still living moans that could be heard from the strange shadows that surrounded the girl moving toward her. Naruto ran to see her face but she was now completely encompassed by the shadows as they began to engulf her and as he ran to pull her away the ground beneath naruto began to crumble and naruto screaming for her to take his hand saw her get pulled into the ground by the shadows and as he saw this the shadows disappeared and the ground split as it did so naruto did fall.
“Buwaaaah!!” THUD! Naruto had fallen onto the cold hard hospital floor with a loud and painful thud.
As she heard naruto fall to the floor she gasped. "Are you okay?" she asked as she was actually a little worried about him there. Though as she sat there she knew that she couldn't believe he had fallen down. "Bad dream?" she asked as she wasn't sure to do yet all she sat there she felt as if she couldn't do anything. It was really something to her though this feeling of wanting to help someone specifically wasn't something she was use to. "Are you hurt?' she asked wondering just what made him fall from the chair. She was worried that maybe the fox had been bothering him. "Is there something I can do?" she asked him
as naruto looked up from the floor at her every aspect of her being was made even more noticable and magnificent as the sun lowered directly behind her showing off her beautiful hair, her perfect arms, her delicate hands, and her beautiful face seemed almost out of this world with a halo of light from the sun surrounding it. as naruto began to blush as he gazed at her beauty he said "Huh uh uh n-n-no im fine just uuuh, yeah a bad dream thats all,ummm so are you feeling better? i mean you certainly look bettter. uh! not that you didnt look fine before!" naruto was saying all this as he became uncharacteristacally nervous as naruto quickly stood up he regained his composeure physically and mentally. naruto smiled at her "hahaha yeah im fine there's no need to worry about me! after all i am gonna be hokage someday so a ridiculously painful fall is nothing to me!" naruto's incredibly self confidence and comedicness shown brightly as ever as he stood there in the hospital room. "so how are you? feeling any better? Oh yeah i forgot to mention i took care of that rogue ambassador for you from the other day" naruto beamed of pride in his helping miku and of his success at the mission he was given to find and capture the ambassador and his personal guard.
Miku looked to him as she noticed how he was acting when he was first looking to her. She just didn't know what to say though as he asked if she was feeling better she nodded her head. "Yeah a little hungry though" she said to him only as he stated that he was fine she just didn't think someone could be like that. To fall down only to jump back up not thinking anything of it. Though as she thought on it she knew that was what she had heard. It had been that nice to see it though for herself. "Oh you got him good. I'm glad I switched the scroll just encase." she said to him with a soft smile.
"haha yeah well tusnade went ahead and gave it to me as a mission so i thought i'd better do my best!" naruto then in spur f the moment naruto attitude then proceeded to give a look as if he had just realized something and said "hold on i'll be right back!" just after he said that the window flew open as naruto leaped outside hopping from building to building as he headed to ichiraku to get miku some food being the spur of the moment thinker he is. naruto rushed in asking for a quick to go bowl of ramen the old man happily obliged giving naurto the ramen. naruto promptly paid and ram back to miku's room shouting "itidakimasu!" "hehe i thought since you were hungry i'd get you some ramen!" naruto quickly gave Miku the ramen with a big smile on his face as always
Miku listened as he spoke on the fact that Tsunade had given him such a task. She really gave a smile as she heard that he had wanted to do his best. Nodding her head she understood that only as he jumped out the window she was more than shocked as she didn't know what he was doing. As he rushed back she was trying to think what had given him the idea to leave. Though the moment he jumped back into the room seeing the ramen she blushed a little. She knew that he had liked the ramen that he was handing to her as she saw him at Ichiraku's often though never really went in so she had never gone in. As she looked to it and taking it with a soft smile. "Thank you" she said to him as she said her thanks before starting to eat happy to try it finally. Only as she took her first bites she found herself understanding a little why he had liked it so much.
"Haha! good ain't it? yeah old man ichiraku(think that's his name lol) really makes a mean bowl of ramen". "so what do you..." Naruto stopped short. outside on a not too close but still visible rooftop he saw a large man in a black cloak with a hood covering his face, with an incredibly large sword the size of the man body in length, staring into the room they were in. "hold on Miku" naruto spoke these words with a seriousness very few ever heard from naruto. in a flash of light and chakra naruto in his newly mastered fox cloak stood directly in front of the man on the rooftop. the man flinched at such blinding speed as naruto grabbed him by his cloak picking him off the ground, as naruto did this the man began to scream in panic. "AAAAAAAHHH!!!" "who are you?" naruto said in the same serious tone from before. "I-I'm a mercenary just a sword for hire please whoever you if you let me go I swear I'll leave! Please!" naruto let the man down and began to turn to return to the room as the cloaked man grew an evil grin and swung his sword straight down on naruto filling his blade with chakra for extra destructive power a thundering crash was heard throughout the area. the man spoke "Heh pitiful fool" he lunged at Miku's hospital room with great speed. halfway through the lunge naruto still in his cloak appeared directly above the man clenching his fists together he smashed the man into the ground leaving a crater around the man. village jonin quickly appeared at the bloody scene. "what happened?" "who is this?" the jonin all looked at naruto. naruto had dispelled his cloak immediatly after hitting the man. "Ah naruto what happened?" "oh just a mercenary sent to infiltrate". the villagers cheered their hero on for always being there and always protecting the village with loud cheers and praise. Naruto still not used to all this attention began to turn a bright red and said "Hahaha it was nothing, realy just doing my job haha. Well i've gotta go so ummm stay safe... i guess?" naruto still a little embarassed and excited quickly returned through the window to Miku.
while in the background anbu took the merc for questioning.
Naurto gave miku a smile and said "so how is it?"
Miku looked to him as she gave a smile as she nodded her head to him as she was actually loving it as she ate it she really did loved it. Only as she noticed his change in demeanor she grew worried as she wasn't sure what to do. Though as he left she heard the clashes of powers as she wondered just what was going on. She gave a soft groan as she had tried to get up right when he came back. "What happened?" she asked as she felt the pain take her body again. She had her legs already on the ground as the sheets moved it showed the burns that she had gotten from the fire attacks. Her mind only to make sure that he was okay as she finally gave in on trying to get up as every time she did she felt her knees go weak.
naurto saw the burns on Miku's leg and was stunned at the burns shehad recieved and it startled him as while he thinking of how all her physical suffering right now was his fault he said "Huh? oh out there? some guy showed up and i went to check it out and attacked me then was heading over here so i made sure he wouldn't be getting near you anytime soon" when naruto said this an anbu walked into the room and proceeded to kick naruto out “uzumaki naruto you are to leave this room at once, the crystal user is to have no visitors until further notice." Naruto then rebutted very calmly with "her name is Miku" he then turned to Miku and said "well i guess i gotta go for now i'll be back later ok miku?" he said this with his signature naruto smile he has so very often as he left the room
As she heard what he said she nodded her head as she pulled herself back into the bed. She really didn't know what to think though as she laid down hearing that a male had came after her. "Oh thanks" she said to him with a soft smile only as she saw the anbu come in telling Naruto to leave she felt a stab at how he spoke about her. Only the pain was lessened when she heard naruto tell the anbu her name. "alright thanks for the food" he said as she gave a soft smile back only wishing he didn't have to leave. He was the first person to treat her nice.
it had been a few hours since naruto was asked too leave miku and he had a little plan set up by then for a way to eliminate the boredom of her time in the hospital. naruto slowly, and quietly opened the hospital window to miku's room after making sure the guards were only outside her door and avoiding detection by the guards walking around the building. naruto stepped into the room made a shadow clone, had it transform into miku, picked up miku in his arms and had the clone get into the bed.
naruto's clone closed the window after naruto had left naruto while carrying miku walked into ichiraku ramen having made sure she didn't wake up before. adressing old man ichiraku said "hey gramps ya mind whipping up the two bowls of ramen i mentioned earlier?" "aaaah naruto she realy is pretty but why is she asleep???" "oh yeah i wanted to suprise her with a night out of the hospital" "well all right 2 bowls of ramen coming right up".
naruto still holding miku sat her down on one of the seats and rested her head and arms on the table, and then sat down on the seat next to her.
"here ya go naruto 2 bowls of ramen"
naruto excited to get the night of ramen and fun started said "WAAAAAKE UUUUUUP!!" with a very large smile on his face
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