The journey of a thousand miles (Razgriz x Shards~of~Roses)

Moritsune was about to start going towards the compound; he'd only not gone yet because he was trying to think of what to say to the bastard when he saw him. Hinata's question, however, snapped him out of his thoughts. He then turned to see her coming back towards, her face representing a real party platter of emotions. Hurt, concern, anxiety among others crossed her charming features; it was this that made him second-guess his actions. Would it really be worth it to Hinata if he instigated her father like this? Sure it was something that was downright cold and cruel, but this was also a clan-related issue; he might make things harder on her if he went through with what he was thinking.

After a few moments of pondering what the morally correct course of action would be, Moritsune eventually decided it was too much too soon; maybe if he was an actual citizen of this village his words would have more pull. But the fact that he was a stranger pushed things further out of his favor than he would have liked, so he made up his mind he would leave it alone unless Hinata requested his assistance for this particular matter. His steel-grey hues drifted towards the Hyuuga compound, staring rather intently at it before his expression softened and he turned back to her. "No, it's fine; we can head to wherever you were planning to go. Sorry for the trouble, just had something on my mind." he then replied, allowing her to take the lead again.
As Moritsune turned to look at her she could see he was thinking over what he wanted to do. To her she wasn't sure, if he truly wished to go to the place she once called home she would allow it of course as he was the guest. Yet as he turned to walked back to her she felt her release the breathe she hadn't known to be holding. As he asked here where she had been going she actually hadn't been sure where she would go after this the only place left was the training grounds he had seen everything else. "What did you have on your mind?" she asked him as she started to lead them away she seemed to slowly relax a little as they walked towards the grounds she used for training now. She was grateful that it wasn't harmed as it had been her grounds when she was part of her team with Kiba and Shino. Her guardian was now Kurenai if something was to happen to her, she was thankful for that as she had already seen her sensei as a second mother in her heart.
The walk throughout the village continued rather uneventfully; at least until she decided to stop at a rather open plot of land. It looked like the training ground back in his village, only If one were to visit his home, they would find a very desolate landscape. The reason being that they mined constantly, as the earth surrounding them was the richest in precious and non-precious metals any one Land had to offer. There were only a few things that grew: Sparse - but fully grown and healthy - trees and the black roses were the most common, with others falling into second and successively lessening frequency of occurrence.

"Crap!" he thought to himself; he was really hoping she wouldn't have asked what exactly it was he was thinking about. He doubted she would have appreciated that he was going to stir up trouble, even if it was in her defense. He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled nervously, " was nothing important. Don't worry about it." He then commented on the rather serene land before him, "So....this must be the training grounds. So much grass and foliage; there's nothing like this where I come from"
Hinata looked to him as she heard him speak that his thoughts were nothing to worry about as she gave a soft smile. "How long do you think you'll stay?" she asked him as she made her way to the training posts. Once there she started to stretch a little as she felt a little training herself wouldn't hurt seeing as she had been helping so much at the hospital she really been training. She knew that she had to be ready for when things went bad as she never knew when the next attacked would happen. She knew that there was no safety like it use to be at least until the village was rebuilt fully. So all ninja here had to be at there best at all times in case someone thought to attack during their time of need. Still as she stretched she would look over to him as she waited for his answer though she was sure he wasn't going to really give her one. Once she was stretched she looked to him wondering something before she finally asked. "Would you like to spar?" she asked as she did wonder just how strong he was. While she remembered he had said something about a sword that had been taken she could only guess he would need a new one.
Moritsune paused as she asked how long he was planning on staying here; how could he answer that? It was dependent on a plethora of factors; a few of said factors actually revolved around Hinata. He didn't know why he felt this way about her; it hadn't even been a week since they'd first met. But there was something about her, something that drew him to her like a honeybee to a fresh, fruitful flower. He could only watch as she walked toward the training posts and started stretching. It was here he noticed just how well-developed her body was; the way her clothes would stretch to accentuate her curves. Soon enough, he found himself drifting into an empty-minded daze for a few seconds before coming back to reality. "Oh, get a hold of yourself, Moritsune" he then scolded himself mentally, ashamed that he was being like this.

"Spar?" he then repeated; sparring actually sounded like a good idea. He'd been bedridden for some time and this would help get the kinks out of his body. He too stretched himself, feeling the resistance of his skin-tight outfit be stretched on his lean form. After a few moments he was ready; he then removed the plate armor on his shins and thighs, leaving only the cloth portion of his outfit on. He didn't know why the bandits didn't take those as well; maybe it was because he was face down in the dirt and they just didn't see them. Regardless, he shifted his left foot forward and brought his hands and arms up in front of him. "Ready, Hinata?"
Hinata was happy when she noticed him starting to stretch as a way to answer her question on if he would spar with her. Still as she watched him take off the armor he had on she noticed how his muscles were toned and well formed. She could easily see how he would be a good spar with her. Though as she watched him shift into a stance she did the same as she went into the altered hyuga fighting stance. Most knew that she didn't go by the traditional hyuga form as she had changed it to meet her own strengths. As he asked if she was ready she activated her eyes and nodded as she knew that she really needed the practice so she didn't want to hold back too much unless he showed that she needed to go all out. Still she wouldn't do it until she saw that as he had just gotten out of the hospital.
Moritsune couldn't help but smirk a little when she adopted her own stance; he knew this was going to be a good match. While Moritsune wasn't anywhere near as accomplished at taijitsu as someone like Rock Lee - even if he didn't know who that was - that wasn't to say he was completely defenseless; however, he would find Hinata's variation of the Gentle Fist style to be quite the challenging adversary to his abilities. And without much metal to work with - save for the plate armor, but he felt having to use those for a sparring match was going a bit far - he was at a significant disadvantage. But perhaps that's what would help him improve - fighting with a noted handicap. Though that was based on how strong she was, but he had a feeling she was stronger than she seemed to give herself credit for.

However, it couldn't hurt to see if maybe there was anything to use from the ground; placing his index and his pointer fingers to the space between his eyes, he called out "Metal Pulse Jutsu - Ferrum" Hinata would see his chakra form a kind of outline around his body before being emitted in a sphere-like wave, traveling in all directions. He read the feedback from his technique; less than point zero two percent raw ore in the surrounding area. That was nowhere near enough to be usable, so that was a no go. Resuming his stance he then said, "Here I come Hinata" He then moved forward with fair agility, his right hand coming back to throw a mid-power uppercut.
Hinata watched his every move. Even as he thought her eyes watched his face and eyes for reactions as she read every little sign he gave her wither he knew it or not. While she wasn't as good as reading people like Neji was she still had a way of going about that worked rather well for her. As she saw him perform the jutsu she saw he didn't have what he wanted within him. "Should have taken the metal I gave you uh?" she asked with a soft smile on her face. She was like a different person at times when sparring and fighting as she knew that it meant life or death no matter how much she didn't like it she had grown to accept it was part of being who she was. As he finally came at her she moved quickly her hand coming out to block the uppercut as she sent out her own strike infused with chakra to shut his pathways off in the shoulder should it land. She concentrated to make sure it was on the right track.
Moritsune was surprised at her speed; though he was pulling his punches slightly, he still tried to move as fast as he could to hopefully catch her off guard. The fact that she blocked his attack so easily made him smile, as he knew she would be an excellent fighter. However, he realized he was distracted by this and thus was too slow to dodge her counter-attack. He felt small but sharp jabs of pain as her own technique 'switched off' the chakra points in his left shoulder, the precision of her strike outright blocking the flow to his left arm. He didn't have any way deducing that though; but that was the last thought on his mind. For a moment, they stared at each other, her right forearm holding his fist under it and her left fingers jabbed into his left shoulder.

"Maybe I should have you're right, but there's another reason we consume metal, Hinata." he then replied, as he called out "Mass Shift" and delivered a flat-palm strike with his right hand to her chest to knock her skidding on her feet away from him, a small layer of iron having formed under his skin to moderately increase the force applied. "I don't what you did with that little jab attack of yours, but I don't think it worked" he then said with a confident smirk; however, as he called out "Mass Shift" once more to shift the iron into his left hand, it didn't work. "What the.....?" he then said, looking down and flexing his hand as he tried again, "Mass Shift!" Nothing.........what the hell did she just do to him?
As she felt the hit to her chest she gave a groan as she skidded back she took her stance once more as she listened to what he said. "Yes well just wait" she said as she watched him try to do the same on the left arm. She gave a soft smile as she noticed how it didn't work. "I cut off the chakra channels to your arm" she said to him bluntly as it was as she said. "It won't return to you for a few hours" she said to him with a soft smile as she sat there letting him process the information. She was letting him set the pace as she would react to his attacks only at the moment as she let him figure things out as she figured him out at the same time.
Moritsune blinked as she explained; she cut off the chakra channels to his arm. Well, that sucked; he didn't know she could do that. But his surprise transformed into a genuine smile as he said, complimenting her, "I see.......You grow more impressive by the minute, Hinata. You know that?" With his left arm out of commission in terms of chakra control and use, it would limit the effectiveness of his Mass Shift ability; as he resumed his stance, he then said, "Let's continue, shall we?" With that he launched himself towards Hinata.

As they sparred with each other and traded blows, Moritsune was learning quite a lot about Hinata; while she seemed a tad reluctant in normal situation, she was far more comfortable in a battle setting. It was like she was a different person. Of course, he revealed several things to her as well; his ability to manipulate metal clearly depended on a well-sustained chakra flow, and despite being a bit unsure of himself, he would prove to be a fairly competent practitioner of taijitsu. Nowhere near Hinata's level, but good enough to show quite the degree of flexibility when evading some of her attacks.

After a particularly fast-paced bout of sparring, they stood from each other. He was breathing fairly heavily; he was beginning to feel the effects of the blows she'd landed on him. If his assumptions were right, she'd shut down over sixty-three percent of his chakra network. Of course, that was merely a guess; he had no real idea, just a guess based on where she struck him. He said nothing as he tried to go in for another attack, not letting up in the intensity for too long. However, this wouldn't go quite as planned; somehow, he managed to trip himself, sending him facefirst into Hinata's nicely-sized chest and causing to fall down, her beneath him and his body between her shapely legs. He groaned slightly before propping himself, "Ow....S...sorry, Hinata, I don't know how that happened."
Hinata worked hard to keep pace with him as she didn't want to go too fast or hard on him. Still she did have to pick up pace from time to time when he changed tempo. She had to give him credit though he was doing rather good for his first time against her. He hadn't know about what her strikes could do to his body and as she shut his chakra system down slowly she noticed he was trying his best to deal without his Mass shift though she did have to give it up to how flexible he was as it rivals her own. Still as he went for another attack seeing him trip shocked her as her eyes went wide when he fell enter her. More so when he felt right into her cleavage. Her face glowing red as he pulled himself out of her chest yet she could still feel him between her legs. As he went to talk she went out her eyes rolling back as she fainted her face still red.
Moritsune propped himself up more, worried that he'd just hurt Hinata badly. "Hinata.........?" he asked, getting himself from between her legs. Her eyes were rolled up into the back of her head; a momentary panic set in. "Oh God, Hinata....I'm sorry! I don't know....." he then started to say, but her unresponsiveness showed that she was unconscious and her face was red. Luckily, their little accident happened next to one of the training posts themselves, so he then gently placed her so that her back was up against the post in a sitting position. She didn't seem to have any major external injuries, which brought a small sense of relief, but she was still passed out. "Come on, Hinata, wake up" he pleaded.
Hinata started to wake up with a groan as her eyes fluttered opened. Still as she looked to see that Moritsune was sitting right in front of her she blushed as images of what just happened passed through her. "Guess . . . . yo. . . you. . . . won" she said stuttering all through the sentence as she couldn't seem to get over the fact he had been pressed so tightly against her. Yet as the memory came to mind her body started to tingle in a way that she had never felt before along with a heat in the pit of her stomach came to coil itself as she blushed a little more. "I . . . thi. . .think we . . . shou. . .should stop" she stuttered again as her mind went about trying to figure out why her body was reacting like this. She never felt her body react in such a way before.
Moritsune started a bit as Hinata groaned, her eyes slowly opening to reveal those lovely lavender hues. An audible breath could be heard from Moritsune as the sense of relief washed over him. "Thank goodness...." he finally uttered; he was worried about her. Though when she commented on how he won, he chuckled and replied, "I hardly think so; that was an accident. Sorry about that." His own face was a tad flushed; the few moments where he'd laid on top of her in an (admittedly) lewd position revealed that her body was incredibly soft. And he would be lying if he said he didn't feel a flash of arousal course through him in that instance; his concern for her well-being, however, overshadowed it completely. Her constant blushing was obvious to him; she'd been embarrassed to have him laying on her like that. "Hinata......I'm really sorry that happened. I don't even know how I tripped; heh, guess I can be quite a klutz, huh?" he then said, adding the last part as a bit of humor to hopefully defuse any tension that may have come up.
Hinata gave a soft smile as she started to push herself up to stand as she listened to him saying how he hadn't won and that he must be a klutz only after saying sorry once again. She gave a soft smile as she tried to push down her arousal and looked to him. "No its was an accident so lets just call it a day" she said to him as she had finally gathered herself enough to force away the stutters still her face was blushing as she turned to start walking back towards their apartment. "You should rest and eat" she said to him as she felt that she might have pushed too hard and caused the fall herself.
Moritsune was glad that Hinata seemed to forgive him for his clumsiness. "Sounds like a good idea to me" he replied to her suggestion to call it a day; he was glad that there was no one around to see Hinata and Moritsune in such a compromising position, else he felt there would have been quite a few problems to deal with. He re-attached the thigh and shin armor plates to his outfit before standing up to follow her back. Hinata's suggestion of food and rest sounded good; he remembered that she'd made a bento for him in the afternoon, and now he was definitely hungry enough to eat it.

Their little sparring match wore him out quite well; though he was definitely looking forward to doing it again, but he'd make sure to not trip over himself like an idiot. It was a short while later that they arrived back at her residence; after taking off his shoes, he went into the kitchen and retrieved the dish she'd crafted. "Wow, this looks delicious!" he proclaimed; it'd definitely been a while since he'd eaten this well. Most of his provisions over his travels had been food pills and dango from the shops located around the world, bought with money he'd scrounged together doing odd jobs in the small towns he'd come across. Most would be considered D or C-ranked missions in this village: rescuing lost pets, helping weed gardens and the like. But those thoughts went out the window as he dug in, saying after a few bites, "It's not just delicious......This is the best thing I've had in forever!" he then said quite excitedly; the Oboros weren't exactly renown for their culinary skills, opting to use mass-produced rations pills. It made sense, considering the relative isolation of their land, but it just didn't have any flavor.
Hinata gave a sigh of relief as they got back to the apartment yet as she took off her shoes she saw Moritsune rush past her to go get his food. While she was a little hungry herself as they had actually taken quite a while on the tour and then the spar it wasn't shocking to her that he was so hungry while she was just getting hungry again. "Well I'm glad you liked it" she said to him as she gave a soft bow of her head while she went to grab an instant noodles for herself as she didn't feel like cooking this time. Still as she started to make it she wondered just how much he would enjoy her cinnamon buns in the morning as she had them every morning that she could. Still as the noodles finished cooking she started to eat her own dinner for the day as she actually gave a yawn. As she picked up the noodles and sat down on the couch to eat it. Soon enough she had finished it and had fallen asleep on the couch.
Moritsune himself finished his meal; he could get used to eating food like this. Of course, he wouldn't expect Hinata to make him a bento everyday; she wasn't his slave or housemaid, he was her guest. He'd learn how to make his own food somehow; though he certainly wouldn't mind if Hinata offered to make something for him. He cleaned out the bento box itself so that it could be used again; the only problem was that he didn't know where to put it. He went to go ask Hinata where he should put it back, only to find the obviously tired woman sleeping on the couch. He couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she looked when she slept; it was weird how attracted he'd grown to her. But he couldn't help it; something about her just made him want to be near her, if only he could put his finger on it.

But, regardless, he needed to turn in as well; she'd told him he would start his work tomorrow, and that she'd show him where exactly it was he would be working and who he'd be working with. He went to a nearby closet and placed a blanket over her beautiful form before retreating to the bedspace she'd pointed out was his to use. Removing the shin and thigh armor plates once more, he settled into the small bed; seeing as he didn't have any bedclothes to use, he'd be sleeping in his normal ninja outfit. He then just laid there, his thoughts shifting from Hinata to who it was that targeted him. None of it made any sense; eventually, his tired mind gave up and he slowly passed into the realm of dreams.

It was here that his dream began; he was back in the training grounds where he'd been just a few hours ago, and he was still sparring with Hinata. After each of them going through increasingly complex feats of flexibility and martial arts ability, it came to the point where he landed on top of Hinata, his face nestled between those covered mounds of joy. "A....ah, sorry, Hinata, don't really know what happened there. You OK?" his dream-self then said, unaware of the rather strange turn this was about to take.
Hinata looked up as she blushed feeling his face between her mounds had a weird effect on her. "Yes . . . I just feel . . . so hot" she said with a half moan. Her eyes looked to him as she was laid out under him still. Suddenly her jacket was off showing her form. Her fishnet top showed her spaghetti top under it where her luscious cleveage full in view for him as she was panting a little as she arched on the ground her hands moving over her form. "What is this?" she asked him.
Hotsuma - well, his dream form, anyway - flushed as well from the proximity of their position; he was wondering why Hinata hadn't pushed him off of her. He also wondered how he got here; it would seem he was unaware that he was dreaming, thinking that he had knocked himself silly by falling over on top of Hinata. His blush turned even more prominent as her jacket seemed to just vanish into thin air, exposing her cleavage to him. Damn, she had a nice pair; he then rested his forehead against hers, feeling their body heats becoming one as his lips moved dangerously close to hers.

He had no idea why he was doing this, what had come over him? "Hinata....." he groaned out before pressing his lips to hers; he could feel some of the heat beginning to gather in a rather embarrassing spot, and did his best to prevent it from growing. However, as he failed to pull himself away from Hinata, the problem would only become worse and worse until of them put a stop to it...somehow.
Hinata looked up to him her eyes wide still she felt his lips against her own. She didn't even stop to think as she pressed against him kissing him back with a need that took her body over. Soon her mesh top was gone leaving her in her chest wrappings as well as her tight ninja shorts that had gained a wet spot.
Moritsune was enjoying this immensely; he'd never really been with a woman like this before, but that just made the experience that much more enjoyable for him. The fact that she seemed to be mysteriously losing clothing just made it all the hotter for him. Their bodies mashed together, her sizable chest flattening against his own as he removed the top half of his uniform, revealing the toned musculature of an Oboro. "Hinata...." he moaned out as his hands groped her breasts from over her wrappings, feeling his manhood start to grow and strain against the fabric covering his groin as his lips returned to hers, the tent in his pants grinding against her covered pussy.

In the waking world, Hotsuma's rather realistic dream was having a profound effect on his own body. The tent in his pants slowly grew in size, stopping after a certain point due to the constraining nature of his underwear and pants, but still leaving a sizable bulge. His breaths becoming increasingly loud moans of utter pleasure as his heat grew from within, his touches on Hinata in the dream world making him experience extreme pleasure in his sleep.
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