The journey of a thousand miles (Razgriz x Shards~of~Roses)

Hinata listened to him as he explained more of his village along with his clan. She nodded her head as she even heard him speak on the fact that his 'trick' had been hard for him to do this time around as she understood that. "Yes well you were just on the edge of life and death . . . I believe it gives a good reason to be tired and weak' she said to him with a soft smile as she tried to comfort him in his own weakness. Only as he turned to ask her what he last name was she stilled the smile fading as her eyes showed the true sadness that was held deep within her heart. "Yes well . . . I had come from the Hyuga clan" she said stuttering all the way through it though she had actually been getting better around him at not. Her stuttering was one of the things that had been getting better in the past three years of her life only when she was under intense emotions did they come back now. She had though on how well she was doing around those she called her friends almost never stuttering unless it was Naruto of course but she was managing not to faint in front of him anymore. Still no matter what if she was in front of the elders of her clan or her father and sister she couldn't seem to get the stuttering to stop to save her life.
Moritsune's steel-gray hues widened in surprise a little as she told him she was from the Hyuga clan; he'd heard only some details about them, but what he heard made him a tad jealous. And the Uchihas as well, but they weren't important at the moment. He was about to ask her about her clan, but the look of sadness in her eyes told him she wasn't happy with her heritage, silencing any questions he might have had. He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know if Hinata would be OK with the fact that the nurse told him of her being disowned. The fact that someone as nice as her had to have that done to her pissed him off; but then, he shouldn't get involved with other's affairs. "I see" he said simply, a look of sympathy on his face. He too knew the feeling of a clan not wanting you; it sucked.

He then decided to go about it in an indirect fashion, hoping to at least let her know that someone with an open ear was willing to listen. "Hinata......whatever's bothering you, you can tell me. And don't you worry about being a bother, either. It's not like I have anywhere to be, and I certainly won't be going anywhere for a few days." he then said to her, a smile - hopefully comforting, he never was all that good with facial expressions - on his face. Just as she helped him, he would do what he could to help her.
Hinata felt the tension in the air that she felt horrible as he seemed to want to know more she just couldn't seem to really bring herself to think on. As he asked what was bothering her and how she could tell him she gave a sigh as she nodded her head as she felt that it was the least she could do as she had listened to what he had to say on his own clan and village. "When I was born I was told from the start that I was to be strong as the Heir. Only i'm weak . . . shy and useless in the Hyuga traditions. Father . . . decided my sister would be better as the genius of the main house. I was disowned so that she would become the heir I never would be." she said as she looked out the window. "I had tried to save Naruto when he had been pinned during the fight. When i threw away the fact I was heir and died he was finally given a reason to do what he always wanted to do." she finished as she just couldn't talk on it anymore as silent tears fell down her face. To her father she was nothing but a weakling that didn't deserve the hyuga genes.
Moritsune instantly felt like shit for bringing up her clan; sometimes he really had to learn to keep his mouth shut. It was obviously a sore subject for her; the nurse told him flat out what happened, why did he have to press it? When she called herself weak, Moritsune was about to chastise her for beating herself up when she explained that her father had used her throwing away her name as the heir to save Naruto as the excuse to disown her. Now he just felt worse; he saw the shimmering trails fall down her cheeks. "Great job, you dumbshit, you just made the woman who saved your sorry ass cry. Yeah, you're a real nice guy, aren'tcha?" he scolded himself, truly feeling like a heel now. "Hinata.....I'm sorry, I didn't realize....." he started to say, but decided to shut up in case he made things worse. "Maybe I just shouldn't talk......I always make things worse that way."
Hinata shook her head as she heard him say that he was sorry. She knew that it wasn't a great story and more so when she had to tell it. "Its not your fault He did what was best for the clan. No matter how hard I tried I could never be my sister or Neji. Either one would be better than me" she said to him as she nodded her head as if she agreed. "I think I'm going to go. I'll come back" she said as she stood wiping her tears away as she just didn't think sitting here wouldn't help him any. "i'm going to go make sure you have clearance and hopefully a place to stay once you get out" she stated as she knew that it was just an excuse but it was still something to do.
"Hinata.....I'm serious, I didn't want to....." he started to say, but cut himself off as she left the room; well, now he really felt like a dick. Even if she said it wasn't his fault, he could have just shut up and not ask about it in the first place. "Damn it" he grumbled, laying his head on the pillow; well, she might have been somewhat sincere in her telling that she would get him clearance to stay in the village and finding a place to stay for him. But he didn't know that for certain; he brought up a fairly sore subject. He just hoped that she might be able to forgive him for doing that to her. Regardless,he just laid his head back down; he'd better get some rest.

*Some time later*

Moritsune was released from the hospital; thanks to the aid of the nurses and the excellent medical staff at the hospital, he was out in only a few days. Which was good, because there were people more deserving of the help than him. He was surprised that they even took him in, considering that he was an outsider and so many people here were so despairingly injured; the true degree of Hinata's words were revealed to him in just how many people were hurt. They were laid down on the floor on blankets, categorized according to degree of injury. He wished he was trained in the medical arts, but sadly, that was not an area of expertise known to the Oboro village; they were metal ninja, down to every last atom of calcium in their bones and iron in their blood cells.

It would just so happen that Naruto was coming to visit Sakura at the hospital where she worked; he was as determined as ever to have her accept to get another bowl of ramen from Ichiraku with him. She'd been so busy lately, but all he was trying to do was give her a chance to relax. Moritsune had just exited the hospital and ran headlong into Naruto; they both fell back, groaning slightly as their heads collided. "Hey, watch where you're going! That hurt!" Naruto said grumpily; Moritsune replied as he stood up and held out a hand to help him up, "I..I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Naruto just grumbled and took his hand, being lifted up to his feet.

However, this was not the end of the encounter; Naruto leaned in, narrowing his eyes. This continued for a while; Moritsune began to feel really uncomfortable. "Um....." he started to say, but Naruto cut him off, "Who the heck are you? I've never seen you before." Moritsune just started a bit before responding "Oboro Moritsune; I was attacked and brought in for treatment" Naruto just continued to stare; he then said, poking the headband on Moritsune's forehead, "Where the heck did this come from? I don't recognize that one". Moritsune gave a slight cough before replying, "I come from the Land of Steel" Naruto paused for a few moments and then said, "Never heard of you.......but I'll bet you heard of me. I'm Uzumaki Naruto!" Moritsune nodded, "Yeah, Hinata mentioned you; did you really save this village?" Naruto just laughed, "You're damn right I did! I'm gonna be the Hokage of this village, so I gotta learn to protect it!"
Hinata was actually on her way to the hospital as she had gotten him clearance to stay with her in the apartment that had been given to her, thankfully Tsunade had seen the signs of it coming so she had worked with Kurenai to pull money aside to get her a place when it happened. Not only that she was going to actually be paid to keep a close eye on him during his stay they even had her apartment with a second bedroom for him only she is suppose to make sure he wasn't a threat to the village.

As hinata got closer to him she was shocked to see him talking with naruto as she blushed and walked up to the two. "Mori" she said blushing as she looked to naruto a little. "I have . . . you a place to stay" she said to him as she really was happy to see that he had met Naruto to see what she meant about how he had really saved the village.
Both Naruto and Moritsune paused, turning to Hinata as they heard footsteps; it was Hinata. "Ah, Hinata!" Naruto exclaimed, giving her a friendly wave. Moritsune was about to explain that Hinata was the one who saved when she called 'Mori'. His face instantly flushed a little; did she really just give him a nickname? They'd only just met a few days ago! "H.....Hinata?" he stammered out, feeling strangely bashful. Naruto looked over at Moritsune, cocking his head in a confused fashion,"Oi, what's the matter with you? You're acting weird." Moritsune just shook his head, "Ah,'s nothing, eh-hehe; Hinata was the one who brought me in and she offered to find me a place." At this Naruto nodded, a smile on his face "Yep, that's Hinata for you. She's got a heart of gold; just wish her family could see that."

Naruto then looked at Hinata and said, giving a thumbs-up to her, "You be sure to take care of him, Hinata! See ya around!" He then disappeared into the hospital, resuming his quest to find his 'Sakura-chan'. "So, Hinata, that's Naruto, huh? Very......outgoing, isn't he?" he then asked humorously; after a moment, he then asked, "So......if you don't mind me asking, where will I be staying?" He'd assumed it would a be a small one-person hut or something like that, unaware that he was actually going to be staying with her.
Hinata looked to him as she brought her forefingers in front of her as she pressed them together and swirled them around as she couldn't help but feel shy around naruto. As Naruto spoke highly of her on what she had done for Morisune she gave another blush as it seemed to go even deeper still as Naruto made his way to leave she looked down to the ground as the comment about how her family could see it just made her face show the sadness on the subject. The moment Morisune turned to ask her where he was to be staying she forced a smile as she moved to talk her voice still cracked a little betraying how she felt. "You. . . . you'll be . . . st. . .staying with me" she said as she turned to start towards the apartment complex that held her new home.
Moritsune watched Hinata as he spoke highly of her; it was plainly obvious that these two were good friends. Her blush made him think that she really liked him; not too surprising considering he was the hero of the village. He then watched as Hinata's face fell; even if he wasn't the one to mention her family again, he still felt bad that she had to be reminded of it. He then took a deep breath and started to form a verbal apology, but he was quickly silenced as Hinata revealed where he would be staying. The wind blew gently, rustling the trees as he stood there, staring at her back, noticing for the moment how the light made her raven hair shimmer.

However, that thought was thrown as his brain tried to process what she just said to him. He was truly stunned; he was staying with her? Didn't that seem a tad.......awkward? "H...Hinata? Are you sure that's okay?" he said, confused as to why someone who'd only just met was letting him room up with her. It wasn't that he hated her; he - a complete stranger from a relatively unknown land - was just plain surprised that he was being allowed to live in the same residence as a citizen of the village. Then again, if the damage was what he'd heard about, then he guessed that there weren't a whole lot of other options. He then recovered, catching the potential implication, "S...sorry! It's not that I don't want to stay with you! It's very generous of you to let me! It's just, I thought I would be placed in a separate area for new arrivals or something."
Hinata looked to him back to him as she heard him ask if she was sure. She gave a nod of her head as they started walking she listened to him as she shook her head. "At the moment we don't have many arrivals the fact that your a strange ninja it would either be in a prison like place or a Jounin keeping you with them." she said as she stated the fact that she was a Jounin of the village now as Kakashi (Temporarily Hokage) had pushed her rank up along with Shikamaru and neji after the attack. She wasn't sure what to say to him though as they started towards the apartment. "I was given a two bedroom apartment to be housed in so you will be in your own room. I don't have much there but it will be enough to keep us comfortable. I'll be working in the hospital when not out on missions when the time comes." she said as she wasn't sure how long he was going to be there but it would be a while before they actually got finished with repairing the village.
Moritsune nodded as she explained the situation; the thought of sitting in a prison cell wasn't exactly the most appealing. Her explanation also told him implicitly that she was a Jounin, since he was staying with her; she must be a very skilled kunoichi. Before he was banished, his skill level was at that of a Genin; he liked to think that he was at least a Chuunin now after everything he'd accomplished in his trials, but he had no way of knowing for certain. "I should get her something as a gift, just to show some appreciation......No, better yet, I'll make her something. Just need to find some scrap metal" he then thought to himself; he could at least do that much.

He then just followed behind her, listening as she told him he would have his own separate room. He was both a tad let down and relieved; he didn't know if he would be entirely comfortable having to share a room with her, but at the same time it would have been nice. He shook himself of those thoughts as he walked behind her; he allowed his eyes to wander, seeing the damage that was caused. It was horrible; there were many areas that he saw that were completely barren, like some great force had just pushed everything away. So many people must have died......He couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if he lost his clan. When she wasn't looking, he saw a few pieces of scrap iron in a pile and took them, hiding them in the small pouch that miraculously didn't get stolen.
As they finally reached the apartment complex it was on the far side of the village that had little to no damage. There were a lot of tents surrounding the area still as they started up the stairs she knew that the Hokage had this place held for her, She was extremely thankful that she was given such a place. She pulled out keys and opened the doors. The apartment wasn't huge but definitely more than she ever dreamed of having for herself. "your room will be the one on the left mine is the across the hall." she said to him with a nod before heading towards the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" she asked as she started to get some food out as she herself was a little hungry herself.
Moritsune followed Hinata up to her apartment; once inside he saw that it was a very nice place, all things considering. "Jounin deserve this, not a low-life like me. Hinata's far too generous" he then thought to himself. He knew that the scrap metal he gathered would lack shine; he would need a silvered metal to do that, as pure iron was incredibly dull looking. He then got an idea; headbands had a silvered layer on them, to help them stand out. "No, not right now, but thank you" he then replied to her question as he took off his shoes at the door before entering. While she was busy, Moritsune took the scrap metal from his pouch and using his chakra, purified and formed it into a ball.

He then took off his headband and ran a chakra-charged hand across its length, stripping the layer of silver from the surface. He then brought the liquid-like silver and iron ball together, mixing them thoroughly in such a fashion that whatever he formed would shine brilliantly. He then placed the alloyed orb in between his hands, muttering "Transform". A small flash of light, and his hands part to cup a silver-iron rose without its stem. Where he grew up, sakura blossoms didn't occur at all - it was roses, and few people had ever seen a black rose, which grew naturally in his home nation. The metal flower shined like polished black onyx; it wasn't much but hopefully she would like it. He then walked into the kitchen and bowed, holding out the gift he'd crafted in his cupped hands, "Hinata.....I know this is laughably inadequate, but please accept this gift, as a token of my gratitude for rescuing me and providing sanctuary".
Hinata gave a nod as she heard that he wouldn't be eating with her as she worked in the kitchen to make dinner for herself. While she did make a little for him as well hoping that he would eat it later as she knew that he would need to eat. Still it was shocking to her as she was finishing her meal and his bento as she heard him moving about behind her, she put the food on her plate before looking behind her to see him standing there. She was shocked as she looked to the rose then to him. "Wow . . . you didn't need to do that" she said to him as she looked over the rose over and over again. "Really its okay you didn't have to do that" she said to him as she just couldn't believe he actually cared to show how he was happy she took him. Soon she realized she was being rude by not accepting the gift. "Where should I put it?" she asked him as she took it from him. She really couldn't believe he really had thought of something to give her. As she walked into the living room she found herself placing it on the hearth of the room as she felt it belonged there. "Tomorrow we'll go out and see just where you'll be working." she said to him before heading back into the kitchen. "I made you a bento its in the fridge now" she said to him.
Moritsune felt rather proud of himself for being able to wow her with his meager token; though openly expressing one's pride was something that was looked down upon in his village, so all Oboros were taught to be extremely humble and respectful of others. That didn't mean, however, he could keep a small yet barely noticeable smile from creeping across his face; the fact that he was bowing was the only reason Hinata didn't see it. He was growing worried at her insistence that he didn't have to do it; did she not like it? Well, no surprise; he must have screwed it up somehow.

He felt her take the iron object from his hands, his smile fading a little to make seem more pleased than outright happy as she placed his gift on the hearth of her residence. It also brought a sense of relief to him that he didn't offend her by offering a substandard gift. "It wasn't any trouble, Hinata.......I'm just glad you found it to your liking. I only wished I could do something more to truly express my gratitude." he then replied, rubbing the back of his head a little in nervousness.

When she mentioned that she'd made him a bento, he nodded and responded "Alright......If it's alright with you, I'll eat it later" he then said as she went back into the kitchen. He then sat down on one of the sofas in the room, thinking about the attack a few days ago. He leaned forward, the tips of his forefingers supporting his head as his mind went over what his attackers said before abandoning him. He was definitely targeted; but by who? No one could use that sword to its fullest extent but him, making it worthless to anyone other than another standard self-defense weapon. The gauntlet he saw reason for taking: Pure iron like that was very useful in crafting for ninja tools, and was extremely difficult to manufacture. Same for the kunai; they were Ninja weapons, therefore valuable as tools for defense.
As she noticed how he seemed rather uneasy with wither she liked it or not she gave a soft smile. "I really do love it. Its just you don't have to do something to say thank you. I'm sure you still need to rest so not to over do it tomorrow. The rose is amazing nothing I've seen here" she said to him as she tried to tell him why she didn't deserve such a gift yet also saying how grateful she was for it as she knew that it was impolite to turn down the gift she just didn't want him to truly think she wouldn't help him if he hadn't given her something for it. She would help anyone no matter their talents or power. She just believed there are times in a person's life where they need help why shouldn't she help them. Turning back to get her food and heading to the table so that she might actually eat she heard that he would eat later. "Thanks fine with me. Also I remembered when you needed the iron scraps in the hospital so I found some more rather clean ones and placed them in your room so help yourself to them. Though I'm not sure how many I can get for you with it being so short." she said to him as she started to eat she was silent her chopsticks moving with grace as she didn't seem to eat anything like a normal person as her training in being an heiress taught her to make everything look graceful as she tried to put it into place with him so close.
(Sorry for the delay; been having writer's block with some of my RPs, not to mention the slight cold I've been having)

Moritsune looked up as Hinata told him not to overdo it; while he felt fine, she probably knew a lot better than him about the true state of his body. He was no medical ninja, so he would trust her judgment. "Alright I won't, but I'm glad you like my gift" he then replied; while she may have told him that he didn't have to do anything to express his thanks, it was just who he was and how he was raised. He felt she was worthy of the gift, unaware that the very dilemma of her worthiness was the reason she was so hesitant to accept it.

He noticed the rather refined nature of her eating; the Hyuuga family really must have been a very powerful family indeed. He felt a slight twinge of guilt as he remembered how sad the mentioning of her family made her; he wanted to apologize, over and over again, but felt that bringing it up again would only make things worse. He wished there was something he could do about her; however, clan issues like that were best left alone when it came to outsider interference. But, he could at least let her know that he would help her in any way possible. "Don't worry about it too much; that marble of iron I had will actually sustain me for about a month or so. So I won't be needing a whole lot else". He then inhaled slightly and added, "But if there's anything I can ever help you out with, don't hesitate to let me know, alright?"
(Its okay I understand, wondering do you know any sites that have good naruto rps but doesn't demand a profile and control over how strong your character is? because if you do please for the love of god send me a link. I'm sick of the if you rp your character more I'll allow it to be a high rank shit with people T_T)

Hinata looked to him as he spoke on the fact that he wasn't going to need so much she was happy to hear that as she hadn't been able to get too much. Still she wasn't sure if someone might try and attack the village while they were repairing so she knew it was best if they be ready for anything. As Hinata was eating she heard him offer to help about if she needed it she blushed a little and shook her head then thought better of it. "the same goes for you. If you find yourself in need of anything just let me know" she said to him as she thought on what she was going to do. For it was a still midday she was thinking that maybe she would show him about the town once she was finished eating. "Would you like to see the village after I finish?" she asked as she knew that while he wouldn't be working today a tour would help him around tomorrow when she wouldn't be with him the entire time.
(No, I'm sorry. Was it something I said? Are you not enjoying the RP we have right now? Just curious is all; if there's something I need to fix, tell me and I'll do it.)

"I will, Hinata" Moritsune replied calmly; at least his stay would be pleasant. He was sharing the space under the roof of a very kind woman, who also had the bonus of being very nice to look at. He couldn't help but wonder exactly what his work detail would include; with his abilities, it would make rebuilding any and all metal structures much more streamlined and efficient. But he had a feeling he wouldn't be doing any work today; that was fine by him, since it meant he got to spend that much more with Hinata. "I'd like that very much, Hinata; but please, don't hurry to finish on my account. You'll find I can be a very patient man under normal circumstances." he then replied to her offer; he wondered what this village must have looked like before it got attacked. Maybe there would be a picture of it somewhere.
(Oh no its I just really want to rp my oc with a canon character but those rps seem to keep dying off T_T)

Hinata took another bite as she heard him tell her not to rush through the meal for him. Each time he spoke she felt as though he kept trying to make sure he wasn't stepping on her toes. That thought made her blush a little as she gave her head a nod happy to think that the fact she had food in her mouth at the moment was a good excuse for not talking. She turned her attention back to her meal as she thought on where she would take him through the village. While she wanted to avoid the hyuga compound it was were most of the now homeless villagers were being placed as the hyuga compound had been one of few spots that hadn't been harmed in the attack. While at first she had been thankful now she wasn't as much for if she wanted to visit someone she was most likely to have to go to her old home.
(Sorry for the delay; wasn't really sure what to write for this one. Sorry to hear that your Canon X OC RPs aren't lasting; if I wasn't so full up I'd do one with you)

Moritsune merely sat and waited patiently; part of him wanted to go exploring his temporary residential village very badly, but a larger part of him made him remain calm and collected. He was her guest, not her master; as far as he was concerned, she dictated the pace of things around here. And he was more than happy to oblige her, of course. He noticed that her apartment was very well-kept; there were some places he stayed at that he felt should have been condemned. But, he put it out of his mind, as he was not there, but here. He then looked up at the hearth, sharing her sentiment about how the iron rose looked quite good placed up there and smiling inwardly that she liked it enough to put it on display.
Hinata gave a soft sigh as she finished her meal she then cleaned up and turned towards the door. Putting on her shoes she looked back to him. "Alright lets go" she said to him while she was trying to be kind the thought of seeing her old home hurt as she hadn't been there since she was kicked out. As she opened the door and started down the stairs of the apartment complex she looked back to see if he was following. She started with showing him the most damaged areas as they were pretty much nothing but rumble. He could see that it was pretty much cleaned up not though the materials were piling up as they were going to start building soon. This is where the main battle happened" she said as she looked out to the large dents in the earths surface where Naruto had stood against Pain. As she turned to head back towards the parts of the village that seemed to be untouched or less damage. The closer they got to the Hyuga compound the quieter she became. Only as they reached the path that would take them to the Hyuga compound that she stopped all together. "Most of the homeless at the moment is being placed within the hyuga compound down the street" she said as she turned around to leave not wanting to be there.
(Ah, sorry! Been having trouble with keeping my RPs in order; just know I'm still interested in doing this if you are)
Moritsune looked up as Hinata beckoned him to follow; slipping his shoes back on he followed her down the steps from her apartment, watching as the afternoon sunlight glinted off her long brunette locks. As they traversed the ruined areas of the village, Moritsune could see people moving lumber, girders, and other things to various places of the village; it was clear that much work needed to be done. This was confirmed even more as he saw first-hand the destruction this 'Pain' had caused, Hinata having pointed it out to him; it looked like some great force had literally pushed everything from the center of the village out. He counted himself lucky that such a fate had not befallen his village, but felt true sympathy for the people here; he'd do his best to help them rebuild however he could.

He then turned around and followed her as she walked away. They then changed paths, walking through a relatively quiet section of forest. The sun was filtered through the relatively dense canopy of tress; he was surprised after the devastation he'd seen that the scenery was still intact in parts of village. Then again, Hinata did tell him that certain areas of the village weren't affected by the battle. He noticed that she seemed to clam up, not really talking all that much; he was about to ask what was wrong when he saw a compound in the distance. It was her statement that told him this was the Hyuga clan's compound.

"So that's where she used to live......." he thought to himself as he stopped behind her; he could feel how sad she was. And he didn't blame her; being rejected by one's own blood wasn't easy. His fist clenched; she was such a nice girl, how could anyone treat her this way? Even if it was based on strength or capability, you don't treat a child that way! Even as Hinata turned around to leave, she would find Moritsune not following; no, he was going to have a word with the head of the Hyuga clan.
(yeah I still want this)

Hinata was a little shocked when he hadn't followed but felt that she wasn't there to force him to follow still she knew that she couldn't go to far. She had to keep an eye on him as to make sure no problems happened for him and the villagers. Though as she stopped to turn and look at him. "Is there something you wish to do?" she asked him as she really didn't want him go anywhere without her for fear how people would react to him without her with him. He was a strange ninja in a recovering village so any strange ninja had actually been turned away unless they were part of a village they had a treaty with them. "Do you wish to go further" she asked as she walked back to him. While she had no wish to go back to the manor she knew that she also had a duty to him and the village to stay with him.
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