The journey of a thousand miles (Razgriz x Shards~of~Roses)


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
A young man trudged through the thick undergrowth of the forest, grumbling as his outfit snagged on low-lying branches. The majority of it being black skin-tight cloth revealing a lean, toned body, armor plating covered the front of his thighs and shins. Something akin to a vest covered his upper body and torso and a hood and mask covered his head and mouth, leaving only his steel-gray eyes exposed. An iron gauntlet rested on his left forearm, a sheath on his back held a long, sharp blade of Oboro craftsmanship; its blade was created specifically for him, enabling him to conduct chakra through to perform a variety of dangerous techniques. This was Oboro Moritsune, son of Oboro Akiko and Oboro Masahiro.

His parents were the most skilled in the their little village, able to practically take a small bit of metal and make it dance; next to no one outside of the village, however, would know of the Oboro clan or the Land of Steel from which he hailed. The only evidence of its existence with him was the headband on his forehead, the symbol of a hammer and anvil gracing the shiny metallic surface. A fitting logo, since those in the small, unrecognized nation were metalsmiths. Those who could become Ninja utilized a very unique chakra, the Metal Chakra. Combining the Fire and Earth chakras, this gave those in the Land of Steel unprecendented excellence in metal-working.

And while Moritsune was skilled in metal-working and the Metal Ninjutsu of his people, compared to the others, he was horrifically insufficient. And so, the Elder of the village- having survived an assassination attempt by one of his own - had him cast out, only to return when he became strong enough to truly call himself a ninja and to bring the head of that which tried to end him. And so he traveled, training day in and day out to become stronger; though he longed to return to the village, he wanted to prove once and for all that he, Oboro Moritsune, was strong to become a true ninja.

"Nrgh.....God damn it. Stupid branches!" he finally growled, his sword drawn in a flash and hacking his way through the branches until he reached a trail. Its length was embroidered with script; this was a Jutsu that enabled his chakra to flow through it, among other things. "Finally, hopefully this leads somewhere" he grumbled, the sword being shoved back into the sheath on his back. As he walked down the path, he felt like someone was watching him, causing him to pause.

Moritsune's eyes scannned back and forth; eventually he closed his eyes and raised two fingers to his brow, uttering "Metal Pulse Jutsu". This was a technique used by the Oboros to locate high concentrations of raw ore, but could be used to locate refined metal as well. A spherical wave of invisible chakra was emitted; it traveled through the forest, wrapping itself around trees and other objects. Eventually, he got something at his five o' clock; he thought to himself as his eyes opened rapidly "Kunai!" before his sword drawn in a flash to repel three kunai aimed right at him. The three blades were knocked away and sunk into a tree trunk not far from him.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Moritsune yelled out, his eyes darting as he tried to discern where the next attack might come from. A faint whistling was heard more Kunai was hurled at him; he managed to block most of them, but a few got through and sunk into his right arm and left leg. He grunted in pain, but tried to shake it off. However, a large man holding a club of some kind appeared in front of him and before he could do anything, the weapon connected with his body and sent him hurtling backwards. Moritsune bounced a few times before landing on his stomach; he tried to get up but felt a blade cut across his back and pierce his shoulder. "GAHH!" he cried out, but he found his body couldn't move.

He could feel the blood soaking into his clothes as it leaked out of him, creating a small pool of red. As his consciousness started to fade, he could barely her one of his attackers say in a deep voice, "This is the one Boss wants, right? Should we just end him here?" Another voice said, "Nah, he's finished; he'll bleed out long before anyone gets here." He felt hands all over his body, before they removed several pouches and his weapons. "Yeesh, nothing good besides the sword, gauntlet and kunai. Just food pills and these little metal blocks. Let's leave these useless pieces of junk and just go." Before long, the voices and footsteps faded away, leaving Moritsune without his sword and for dead on the trail, the gentle blowing of the breeze and rustling of leaves fading from his awareness.
Hinata gave a sigh as she jumped from tree to tree. Yet as she continued like this she thought on everything that had recently happened in her life. The Pain attack had shocked so many and while she had in turned died that day she still thought on it as a victory for herself. She had finally told Naruto how she felt and even stood up against someone no one else cared to go against. While she had been killed once revived she had been greeted by the same hateful words of her father on how she had put her title as heir behind her to help Naruto. In doing so she had been disowned for not thinking of the Hyuga name before her own desires. Hinata hadn't been too shocked as she started to gather her things to leave but hearing her father asking why she didn't just stay dead had her snapping. She had ran out of the Hyuga manor with Neji trying to keep up with her as she moved over the rubble of their village and into the trees. It was there she lost him quickly. Now she just kept running through the trees. As she finally came to a stop she was panting as she tried not to think on what she had heard. Hinata knew she had grown stronger not only in her gentle fist attacks but with her medical work as well.

Though as she sat there on the branch she suddenly felt movement not far. She activated her Byakugan as she noticed figures walking away from one that was laying still. She waited only a few moments for the figures to leave fully before she was next to the man. She started her work instantly taking off the metal workings that were around the injuries. Her fingers glowed with a blue chakra as she started to slowly try and heal him as much as she could before she tried to move him. She worked quick as she got him to the point she could move him. Picking him up and having him on her back she jumped to the trees once more this time moving back to the Konoha. She knew that the hospital was already packed but it seems they will have one more patient soon. As she arrived she with him he was taken to be worked on as she turned to give a sigh.
As Moritsune's unconscious form was brought into the local hospital in Konoha, there was a slight argument between the staff and young Hinata over the availablity of space for someone new to be treated. There were many that were critically wounded from the severity of the attacks, and the truth was they couldn't fit everyone in. It didn't help his case that he was obviously an outsider; this put him on the lowest priority of the list, further endangering his chances of survival. However, as luck would have it, a room opened up due to someone being brought from a critical to a stable injury state.

Hinata was relieved of her burden and Moritsune was immediately moved into the newly opened room, where surgeons worked as fast as they could to seal up and treat his injuries. They were initially nervous at first to treat an unknown man, especially when he bore a foreign insignia; however, their Hippocratic Oath prevented them - on a moral basis - from denying someone in desperate need of treatment. He suffered five broken ribs, one of which punctured his left lung, further contusions on his chest and abdominal area, the penetration wound to his right shoulder and the slash across his back that nearly cut into his spinal cord. Luckily for him, the slash was fairly shallow so he wouldn't have to worry about any serious nerve damage.

A few hours in the OR later, he was determined to be fine enough to stay in a room for a short while. He was led into a room with a fairly comfortable bed, his exhausted state putting him into a deep sleep. It would be a short while before he awakened again; if anyone was curious to see who the new arrival was, they would have to wait until he'd recovered enough to talk.
Hinata had struggled with the staff to get them to take him. Yet as he was finally taken she didn't leave as she turned to one of the nurses asking where they needed the help. The fact of it was she was a medical nin so she could help here. They quickly told here the section that needed help. Disowned she had no place to go so as she moved quickly through the hospital she worked hard to help everyone she could as it took her mind off what was happening to her. The hours flew by as they were finally catching up on the injured still many needed attention she stayed there as she took a break moving into a nurse's break room to get changed out of the bloody clothes and into the nurse's clothes. She was grateful they were letting her borrow them yet as she got cleaned up she started out towards his room. Getting there she saw the chair next to him. She took the sit as she looked over him for a little while only to start to drift asleep there in the chair.
Moritsune's head swam as the hours passed; why wasn't he dead yet? "What the hell's going on?" he thought to himself, finding it strange that the attack didn't kill him. He felt himself waking up more and more; eventually his eyes twitched before parting to reveal the steel-gray hues. His body didn't hurt, but it ached; it was a dull ache, the most annoying kind in his opinion because of how long those usually lasted. "Fuuck" he groaned out; he then looked down his body to see that his clothing was gone and a good portion of his body was covered in bandages. "My weapons......Where are....Oh, right." he then said quietly, recalling that he'd heard his attackers taking his weapons as they left him along the trail.

"If I ever find those bastards, I'm gonna make them pay."Moritsune growled in his head, leaning against the soft pillow of the bed; the question now was how did he get here? He thought he was at least a few miles from any form of settlement; little was he aware that he was brought into Konohagakure, the most powerful Hidden Village across the Five Great Nations. It was during this time of trying to sort out his thoughts that he heard breathing. Very quiet breathing, to his left.

He looked over and saw a purple-haired nurse with a very sizable bust sleeping in the chair next to him. "How long was she sitting there? Was I out for that long?" he asked himself mentally before turning to look through the window; it was night-time. "Whoa, I must have been out for hours; though considering I almost died, that's not a problem for me." He had a thought to wake the nurse, but then decided against it; she must have had a busy day and was wiped out. So he just laid his head back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling, wondering who it was that brought him here - unaware that the savior in question was sleeping in the chair next to him.
As he woke and looked about another nurse walked in seeing him awake. "Well good now we can put a name on this chart" stated the nurse as she moved between him and Hinata. "Can I get your name?" she asked as she knew that she had to ask a few questions to make sure he wasn't an actual enemy of the village. She was rather normal looking short brown hair with green eyes. She was just a average nurse that had been given his case. "Your rather lucky you know that Hinata-sama was there when you were bleeding out" she said as she started to write down on the chart a little before putting it down to check his bandages. "She's not known for it but her medical skill saved your life" she said as she turned her head to look at her. "Then she just started up helping the hospital all day. Poor girl . . . disowned and saving a life all in one day" she stated as the entire village already knew about the hyuga's disowning the girl. Many were shocked while others were shocked it took so long.
Moritsune started a bit and turned his head to see another nurse walk in. When she asked him for his name, he said quietly, "Oboro Moritsune". He was still wondering where he was, but perhaps the good nurse would tell him. He saw her write down his name and what appeared to be a few other thigns before she worked on his bandages. She mentioned the name of the person who brought him in; he was about to ask who it was when the nurse turned her head to look at the woman in the chair. That was Hinata? Well, she was definitely cute; regardless, he'd thank her when she woke up. She looked like she needed the rest.

Moritsune's eyes widened, then narrowed slightly at the thought of the family disowning her. That must have been hard on her; and yet she was still going strongly enough to help him in his time of need. "I know the feeling; my whole village cast me out because they thought I wasn't strong enough." He left out the part of him trying to hunt down his former friend; he needn't burden them with his own tales. He then said to the nurse, "Thanks for the help, but if I may ask, where am I exactly?"
The nurse was happy to hear his name as she worked to make sure none of the wounds had opened yet as she heard him speak of his own village her eyes turned to him again. "Then you have more in common with Hinata-sama then you know" she stated as she knew that many within her clan thought her weak and useless. When he asked where he was she wasn't shocked he had been so close to death from what hinata had told them. "Konoha. The hidden Leaf Village. Your lucky actually, not only did Hinata-sama bring you here but she fought against the staff to have you taken in. You see right now there aren't many in the village that aren't here" she said her voice turning sad as she thought of all the injuries yet somehow all those who had died in the attack had been brought back to life. Hinata had been one of them. "Well you seem to be doing alright. I'll be back with food within the hour." she stated as she pick the chart up to put it where she had it before and left the room.

Hinata started to stir within a few minutes of her leaving as a nightmare started to take her dreams. She gave a whimper as she dreamed of her fathers hateful words was spoken to her by not only him but her friend even naruto. She woke up tears trying to form in her eyes as she looked down to her hands balled into fists her knuckles white with the force she was using trying her best not to cry anymore.
Moritsune just listened, looking back and forth from the girl sleeping in the chair back to the nurse as she explained about how she tried her damnedest to make sure he received medical treatment. While he was eternally grateful to her, he had to wonder why anyone would help a stranger from a relatively unknown land; though he knew deep down not everyone was a selfish asshole. But it surprised him that she went through great lengths. When she mentioned that there were relatively few people outside of the hospital, he had to wonder what exactly happened. His village was isolated, so that meant little news of the outside world - if any - ever made it within the ears of an Oboro. And during his months of traveling, he hadn't heard a word about the Akatsuki attack on the village he was being treated at, so he would be quite in the dark about everything.

Moritsune thanked the nurse again as she left to tend her other duties; it wasn't much longer that Hinata herself started to whimper in her sleep. When her eyes opened, he was shocked at first to see a lack of pupils, but turned his attention to the glistening moisture forming in her eyes; whatever she just dreamt about obviously made her sad. He tried to get up to comfort her, but a pain shot through his body, causing him to groan and lay back on the bed. "Hey, you're Hinata, right? The one who helped me get treatment so that I wouldn't die? Thank you so much; my name is Oboro Moritsune, and I am deeply indebted to you for your kindness." he then said, a gentle smile on his face to try and comfort her in this manner.
Hinata heard the groan from next to her as her eyes cleared and looked to him. Seeing him awake shocked her but she was soon next to him checking to see if he opened anything. Her hands glowed blue once more as she saw a few weak points in his chakra as she had activated her byakugan as she looked him over. His words reached her as she stopped and looked to him. "I couldn't leave . . .you" she said trying her best to fight off the slight stutter to her words. She was actually rather steady considering she hadn't really met him before now. Though as she finished what she started she gave a nod and relaxed her figure. "Are . . . you in . . . any pain?" she asked once again her stuttering made her feel as though she was weak and a fool for being so self conscious.
"A little, but then again, I almost died" he then responded with a slight chuckle, trying to use humor - albeit a tad dark - to try and help her feel better. He had to do something, even if moving his body was out of the question for now; she saved him, plus it looked like she could do with a smile here and there. Surely everyone in the village didn't hate her? No, she was too nice to have that happen to her; he wanted to tell her that he felt her pain, that he too was thought of as weak and unwanted, but he wouldn't burden her. Besides, he was a bit busy being lost in looking at her; this close, she was absolutely beautiful.

Her eyes were a lovely shade of lavender, and her figure overall was perfection personified; a slight smirk crossed his face as he thought of several rather bitchy girls in the Oboro village that would be fuming if they saw her. When she finished, Moritsune didn't feel as much pain as he did before; though next time he wouldn't try to move so suddenly. He then let out a sigh and laid his head on the pillow, "Thanks, Hinata. It may not mean much, but I appreciate what you're doing for me. It's always nice to know there's someone out there kind enough to help others in need." He noticed that she did stutter a bit, but he didn't pay it any mind; far be it from him to point out a flaw when he had so many of his own.
Hinata looked to him as she heard him thank her. "Its nothing. . . I . . .was just there" she said to him as she shook her head. "I'm sure. . . someone else would . . . have done the same" she finished as she sat back down trying to think of what she should do. In truth she was lost, she had no home to go back to and no one really to rely on that she wouldn't be a burden to. "Are you hungry?" she asked as she started to think that maybe she could go and get him some food. Though as she started to think on it she did have a good amount of money her mother had left her. With that she started to think on what she could do for herself and maybe even him, in case he stayed after released.
(Sorry for the late reply, some stuff came up and I couldn't stay at the computer for more than a few minutes)
"Well, just know I appreciate what you did. A lot." he then said, smiling gently at her. "Well, even if someone else would have done the same, it's really if they could have done the same. You could, and you did, and for that, I'm extremely thankful you were there." Moritsune paused as he gazed upon her; she seemed.....indecisive. Like she didn't know what else to do; but then again, perhaps he was looking too much into it.

He was snapped out of his little thought bubble when she asked if he was hungry; Moritsune shook his head and replied, "Not right now, no. But thanks." He then smiled again and said, "But I would like to have some company, if you wouldn't staying for a while longer. I haven't really had anyone to talk to for a while, so it would be a nice change of pace. But I understand if you're busy; but if I may ask, a previous nurse told me that there were few that were outside of the hospital. What happened here?"
(sorry been sick >.<)

Hinata gave a soft smiled to him as she heard him speak of how she was good for what she did. "Thank you for saying that" she said to him with a blush. Though as she heard he would rather have someone keep him company she looked towards the door. "I'm . . . not sure if . . . I would be . . . good company" she said her stuttering acting up more for a moment. She really couldn't believe how much he was putting in her. Though as he asked what happened she looked out to the window. "Pain attacked the village, Naruto . . . . he fought, many people did. . . . it destroyed a lot of the village." she said as she shook her head. "In the end Naruto won against Pain and the Akatsuki that had come with him." she said to him with a sigh. "It was a harsh day" she said as she looked back to him.
(It's fine. Sorry for the slowness, hope you're feeling better)
Moritsune listened as Hinata explained that the village had come under attack from the Akatsuki and they ended up winning; though he had no clue of who this 'Naruto' was, he'd definitely heard of the Akatsuki. They'd never bothered his village for some weird reason, but given the rumors he'd heard about some of their members, he was infinitely grateful they'd been left alone. He assumed 'Pain' was their leader or something; whether or not that was the truth would remain for him to be seen.

"I'm sorry to hear that; but I'm glad to hear this Naruto person defeated them. He sounds like a pretty powerful guy." "If he could beat the Akatsuki, maybe he could give me some pointers." he thought to himself; no, he wouldn't. He vowed to get stronger of his own accord. He then addressed her "Hinata, you really shouldn't belittle yourself like that. I think you'd make excellent company." "Not to mention a very bright addition to this dull room" he added as a thought, not wanting to offend her. She did have a lot going for her in the looks department, but there was something else about her, something more that made her seem even more attractive. But for the life of him, he couldn't put his finger on it.
Hinata listened to him as she nodded her head in return. "It was a trying time and we are still trying to repair and protect what is left of the village" she said as it was very much hard for the village as most the ninja had been injured and those not hadn't been in the village during the attack. Though as she leaned back in the chair she was sitting in she gave a sigh as she really wasn't sure what else to say. "Why were you out there?" she asked wanting to turn the attention on him and off her. She wasn't sure what else to do as she sat there. To her this was pushing the limits of what she usually did.
Moritsune paused when the lovely brunette asked why he was out in the forest; he paused, wondering if he should really explain. Well, it's not like he had anything to lose, right? "Well, my village cast me out a while ago. Told me not to come back till I was stronger; so that's my story. Just going where the wind takes me, trying to improve my skills. Some training though.......I get jumped and nearly die." He then remembered something: his equipment. "Um, Hinata, if it's not too much trouble for another question.....Did you happen to find anything on me when you brought me in here? Anything objects I might have been wearing?"
As she listened to what he said she felt horrible for she didn't want such things to happen to good people like him. Though when he asked her if she had found anything on him she paused for a moment before shaking her head. "No I'm sorry. Did they take them?" she asked him as she wondered just who it might of been. Though she wasn't sure how much she could help him get his items back even if she knew the people.
"Damn it" he grumbled; that meant he had nothing. His blade, Jiki, was a special gift from his mother and father that was given to him to help defend. It formed a basis for several of his techniques; his gauntlet was the main metal body that enabled his attacks. Without some form of metal to work with, he was sunk. "Yeah, they must have; right before I lost consciousness, I heard one of them talking about how someone wanted the sword I was carrying. But, thanks.....Now I just need to figure out what to do." he said; he wasn't angry with her, he was angry with himself.

He then looked over at Hinata and said, "Well, since I can't really do anything......When I recover, how about I see if I can lend a hand around here? It sounds like you guys might need the help; if not in the hospital, then around the village. I'm an excellent metal-worker" Hinata probably noticed the strange chakra in his system, even though Moritsune was oblivious to the Byakugan characteristic of the Hyuuga clan; it was a very rare type of chakra that had not come by Konoha ever and seen very little in the Five Great Nations.
Hinata nodded her head to him as she heard him speak on how he would figure it out on his own. Though she was grateful that he had hope to figure his problem out, While she kept having trouble just thinking on the matter for herself. Shaking her head she looked back to him to hear him offer to help the village when he felt better she gave a soft smile and nod. "That would be very helpful, As for metal I'm actually sure we need all the help in that area we are currently a little stretched out in that department." she said with a nod only for a nurse to walk in with his meal she had promised to bring. "Oh Hinata-sama glad to see you up." the nurse said as she put the food down and turned to Moritsune. "You need to eat and within the next few days you'll be released" she stated as she had already talked with the doctor about how well he was recovering under Hinata's care.
Moritsune smirked; usually he wasn't boastful but when it came to metal and the related Ninjutsu, no one could beat an Oboro. Of course, he didn't look all that intimidating right now. "Well, I'll be happy to help out if your village needs it. Not like I have a time window; I'm certain my village would want me gone as long as possible, hehe." A bit dark for humor, but it was to lighten the mood. And he found himself wanting to get closer to Hinata, but slapped himself mentally, "Jeez, Moritsune, she's probably already taken. Someone that cute and nice? No way she'd want an outsider; she's probably got guys banging down her door wanting to ask her out."

Just as he was about to ask Hinata something, the other nurse came in with a tray of food. Not much, some miso soup and vitamin pills. He needed something else too; but with his iron blocks gone, he couldn't get the metal supplement needed of their people. "Thank you....but if it's not too much trouble, is there any metal scarp metal lying around? Iron, preferably, but I'll take whatever you have to offer." He knew that request would sound very strange; however, if some was found, then Hinata and the nurse were going to get a first hand demonstration of his capabilities as a Metal-chakra ninja.
The nurse looked to him as she heard the request she nodded her head. "I believe there is some scraps downstairs I'll go get them" she said to him with a soft smile before heading out. "You can do something without anything?" she asked figuring she was about to see another bloodline trait though she was a little shocked she hadn't really seen one that needed another item other than Gaara. As the nurse came back with the iron scrap she wondered just how this was going to be yet stayed quiet as she waited for him to show them just what he was thinking of before. She knew that this was going to be something to watch as she had seen something special in his chakra that she hadn't seen before.
"Thanks" Moritsune said, his gratitude as honest as ever, as he took the scrap; the chakra glowed on his hands for a moment as he analyzed the metal for impurity content. "Hmmm, fairly clean for scraps. Not bad." he thought to himself. He then clasped the metal scraps, the iron sandwiched in between his hands such that the fingers lined up with each other. His eyes closed as the chakra flow to his hands intensified; he grimaced at the effort it took in his current condition. In full health, this was no problem, but as he was now, he was finding it exceptionally difficult. The fact was he would need this if he was going to survive; he would work through any discomfort.

The two women watching would see the metal beginning to waver; it was starting to liquify, his chakra acting as an energy containment. "Metal Style - Puddling Jutsu" he then said; the metal disappeared, forming into a liquid-like ball in between his closed hands. He strained a little as he modulated the chakra flow, his brows furrowing occasionally from his effort to purify and form the metal; however, soon enough, his hands parted to reveal that the loose scrap had been transformed into a near-perfect, marble-sized sphere. His right hand contained the pure iron, whilst his left contained a black pile of stuff; this was the carbon and other impurities in the steel It may not have looked like much, but he just did in a minute what took even accomplished metalsmiths a few days to accomplish. He then wondered if he should really put it in his mouth; he then realized he had to, even if it made him look like a freak.

He polished off his rice before looking back, knowing that this was going to be awkward for everyone. "Alright, I know this is going to look incredibly strange, but trust me, I need to do this" he then explained; he then opened his mouth and placed the marble-sized iron ball under his tongue before closing it again. Inside his mouth, his tongue glowed as his chakra slowly dissolved the iron into his body; iron was the most suitable for the Oboro people, next to the noble metals such as gold and silver. It aided in chakra flow and helped catalyze the body's healing processes; of course, if anyone else were to try this, they would likely die of metal poisoning. He then poured the black powder from his left hand into the empty rice bowl; he then looked at the nurse and said, quite clearly despite having a metal ball under his tongue, "Thank you".
Hinata looked to him as she saw what he was doing. Soon she activated her Byakugan as to what how his chakra worked its way into the metal she was actually shocked by the way it seemed to work her eyes worked hard at analyizing everything she was seeing at the moment though the nurse stood there confused though as he pulled his hands apart showing the two different balls of metal she gave a soft smile before clapping her hands. "That was amazing" she said to him as Hinata relaxed and let her eyes deactivate. She wasn't sure but as she watched him eat the nurse left as she had other people to care for. Hinata stayed quiet as he gave a warning about how he was going to do something that would make him look strange yet she just shook her head and watched. Once again as she noticed the chance in chakra her eyes activated as she watched him work the iron in his system. "So metal worker uh?" she asked as she let her eyes deactivate once more as she thought it all through. "Is your entire village like this or just your family?' she asked him as she wanted to know a little more of where he came from.
Moritsune's cheeks flushed a little at Hinata's compliment; it was just a metal-forming technique. But then, this was a chakra type not commonly seen, so he guessed it would be considered amazing. "Yeah, I'm a metal worker, but everyone in my village can do this; this is actually the simplest trick my clan has. If I wasn't hurt like I am now, I wouldn't have had as much trouble" he then explained in response to her question. While it may have appeared that he pulled it off seamlessly, the truth was it was sloppy. The fact that it took him a few minutes to even perform this would have made his elders weep in shame; a lot was expected from a child in the Oboro clan. Many would consider it too much; but when you were a small fish in a huge pond, you had to work extra hard not to get eaten up.

He didn't know why, but Hinata was real easy to open up to; maybe it was because they were both disowned by their friends and family. "Sorry if this sounds forward, but I'd like to know more about you" he then said; her eyes seemed familiar, like he'd seen them somewhere before. "What was your last name again?" he then asked; of course, she hadn't told him it, as her identity had been revealed by the nurse that just left. But if he heard her last name, maybe he could identify any bloodline traits she could possess. Assuming he knew about them from the start, of course.
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