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Zombies in England (FULL)

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Apr 21, 2010

A Level 3, bordering on a Level 4 outbreak of Solanum, a deadly mutogenic that corrupts the human body, and turns it into a ominous zombie. The population of Earth has dropped dramatically, about 75% of the Earth's population is now part of the undead horde. Truly it is a dead world. Or will be soon.

Our story takes place in the rural communities of West Yorkshire, England, where news of the virus has just become known. As well as power outages, it is known that the Zombie horde has already attacked the closest city, Leeds. Barely any survivors made it out of the city. The village of Ackworth, bordering on the town of Pontefract is next in line for the zombie invasion, and people hurry to stock what they can, while riots and unrest tears the town and village apart.​

To all those receiving who want to survive, come to this address, bring supplies and equipment, what ever can help to survive. I hope you can make it.

Came the call over a specific radio signal, seeing it was the only reliable way to communicate electronically. The sender, a man named Jason Kharo, was holed up in a rather nice building, fortified with metal bars across the windows and heavy borders across the doors. Stocked up in rooms were various supplies, ranging from canned food, knives, bottled water, ropes and anything he could get his hands on, even condoms. Useful floatation devices. And you never know, you could get lucky!
RE: Zombies in England

Cameron heard the signal from a group of survivors who didn't trust it and weren't going to head over. Cameron however did trust it, so he got a move on to Ackworth, thankfully making no contact with any Zombies on his bicycle ride there. When he made it to Ackworth, he slipped past a group of Zombies and found the address; the house was boarded up and metal bars were on the windows. He called out "Hello?! Is anybody there?!".
RE: Zombies in England

Jessica had made it to the house almost two days ago with barely the skin on her back. She originally set out with the few survivors from her family and almost a truck full of supplies, but as they entered the town of Ackworth a zombie horde awaited them and took her family away from her. Jessica ran for her life, with only a rusted baseball bat as her weapon she made her way through the town and eventually found the safe house, her exhausted body falling onto the floor once the door had opened.
"Jason!" Jess called out as she ran down the stairs of the house, her bat at the ready "I think we have another visitor!" Looking past the lounge room to the bolted door, she gave a concerned expression. Half of the survivors who had found the safe house had already been infected and didn't last the night, the other half thought it would be a smart idea to raid the house, take what they could and start a safe house of their own. No matter who knocked at the door it always seemed to end badly, but not wanting to take the risk and doom an innocent man to his death, Jessica waited for Jason besides the door, anxious to find out what scum laid behind it this time.
RE: Zombies in England

Impatient, Jessica flung open the door and dragged the man inside she threw him to the floor and slammed the door, locking it she made it was secure before turning her attention to him. Her bat raised, she approached him cautiously "Have you had any interaction with a zombie in the past twenty four hours? Are you planning to rob us and leave us for dead? What is your business here, boy?" Jess asked in a panicked tone, obviously trying not to get duped by untruthful persons again.
RE: Zombies in England

"No No!" Cameron said in response to the woman's first two questions. "I heard about this place on the radio and came over here! I haven't seen a Zombie in two days!" he said, standing up and folding away his E-Tool.
"And don't call me boy" he added.
RE: Zombies in England

A skeptical expression plagued her face, she slowly lowered her bat, but kept it close. "Sorry" Jess stated, her lips pulling into a slight pout "We have to be careful, but you should know that". Walking around him she moved towards the stairs that lead to the second story of the English cottage "Come, I'll take you to a room, you'll have to meet the others later I don't think they're here".
RE: Zombies in England

"I understand" said Cameron, who followed the girl upstairs to a room.
"My name's Cameron by the way" he said, setting his stuff down except for his E-Tool and pistol, which he kept clipped to his belt and in a holster.
RE: Zombies in England

Leaning against the door way, she crossed her arms and watched him, her expression still doubtful of him. "Jess" She said in a cool tone "Now I don't own the place so I'm not the one who gets to say if you can stay or not, but since you're packing heat they might let you stay" She gave him a lopsided smile then slid out of the room, making her way back down stairs "You hungry?" She called out.
RE: Zombies in England

"What's on offer?" Cameron said, walking down the stairs after Jess. He heard a noise, but it was a tree branch falling. It still freaked him out as he was still on-edge, and his heart raced uncontrollably. He gripped his E-Tool subconsciously, before calming down and letting go of it.
RE: Zombies in England

Jess stood in silence, she had heard the branch too, taking a breath she closed her eyes. What hell was this? She thought as she continued towards the kitchen "We have a selection of canned soups or if you're daring a tin of braised beef that expired two months ago" Jess spoke as she opened one of the pantry cupboards.
RE: Zombies in England

"Oh god, the soup, please!" Cameron said. He leaned on the Kitchen table, having learnt to not sit down and get comfortable until he knew he was safe.
"Just asking, how many exits does this building have? If I'm gonna be staying here, I should know where they are" he asked.
RE: Zombies in England

Jessica pondered the question for a moment as she pulled out a tin of generic chicken soup and emptied it out in to a bowl, placing it in the microwave she lent against the cupboards and crossed her arms. "Well there's the doors, there is also a basement exit and if we go up to the attic there is a rope ladder we can use to climb down from there" She said as she listed the exits on her fingers while she spoke.
RE: Zombies in England

Jess looked away, pulling his soup from the microwave she placed it in front of him before turning to get him a spoon. "Like everyone else" Jess muttered, handing him the spoon, she sat down and the table and rested her head on her hand.
RE: Zombies in England

"I've got a story" said Cameron, scarfing down some of the soup.
"I was on holiday. Back in Australia I'm a film student. I'm still writing a script on a notebook in my bag. Then, Zombies appear, bam, I'm stuck here. I barely escaped Leeds when it was over-run."
Cameron drank more of his soup.
"I just thought you should know" he added.
RE: Zombies in England

Jess gave him a blank stare, her fingers tapping the surface of the table "Well then you're lucky I opened the door" Jess sighed before leaving the table, taking her bat with her. "The others should be around soon, you should get yourself cleaned up" She threw him a lopsided smile then left the room, heading back upstairs.
RE: Zombies in England

Cameron finished his soup, and wondered if coming here was the right thing to do. He went back upstairs and returned to his room. He added some notes to the tome that his movie script had become, before setting it down. He gave himself a dry shave and changed the thermals that he wore underneath his leather. That was about as much cleaning up as he could do.
RE: Zombies in England

Jessica flopped down on to her bed, putting the bat close by, she starred up at the celling, wondering where the others were before drifting to sleep.

((Got any ideas of what to do? o.o))
RE: Zombies in England

((Yeah, I guess that could work))

There was a thump in the night that caused Jessica to bolt out of bed, her hands clutching the old, rusted bat she slowly made her way downstairs. Scared, Jess made barely a sound, her heart racing she rounded the corner and took a swing at a figure in the dark.
RE: Zombies in England

Jess flicked on the lights and sighed with relief as a stack of cushions tumbled down after being struck by her bat. She smiled slightly and was about to head back upstairs when there was a loud know on the door. Giving a loud groan she dragged herself through the lounge room towards the door. Raising her bat once more she wrenched open the door and pulled the new comer inside, slamming the door closed behind him she double checked it was secure and then turned her attention to him. Keeping her distance Jess did not move to lower her weapon, a skeptical expression on her face she spoke "Have you had contact with the undead in the past twenty four hours? Are you planning on stealing from us and making a mockery of our good will? What are your plans?"
RE: Zombies in England

Olivia heard of the safehouse just a short time after it's first inclusion into the airwaves. She promptly packed up her room in her thoroughly fucked-up abode in Pontefract, having only just moved from Sussex; From the posh and, dare she say, perfect mansions of the sussex plateau to the dank and dreary boredom of the valleys..oh joy. Having lugged her equiptment the journey from her destroyed homed to the safehouse, she..well let herself up, hacking the security systems to remove them for a moment then climbing up through a hatch in the roof. She set her stuff up in the afternoon, when security was lax and everyone was tired, simply so they wouldn't see her, and then took a nap. However, she awoke with a start hours later in the middle of the night, hearing sounds from downstairs, a scuffle perhaps. She grabbed her modified pistol; a reduction chamber so bullets flew faster and hit stronger, a ball-point laser sight for accuracy, and with a small attached compartment underneath which shot bear mace, one of the only substances that really fucked with those undead twits. She made sure it was fully loaded and then slowly snook down stairs, yet when she saw it was just the random girl she had spotted with the spiked bat, she simply chuckled and lowered her weapon slowly. "Oh. Good Mornin, my name is Olivia Cross. Pleasure to meet you, charmed. -- Ah! And your security is..well awful actually, upgrading it now and making some for those fiends to play with." she noted, stepping forward to hold her hand out to the three.
"What in fuck's name is going on down here? How did you get in my house?" A voice came down the stairs, obviously unhappy that his sleep had been disturbed. He'd been working hard locked in his room, letting Jess sort visitors and such out, trying to figure out what on earth he could do about this entire cluster fuck. Wearing a pair of jogging bottoms and short sleeved, tight black top, Jason made an imposing figure as he came to the bottom of the stairs. "No really, I'm tired and honestly can't be arsed dealing with all this stuff now, so can you all just go to sleep? I've got trip lines set around the garden and fence line, so we'll know if any ghouls come." He said, shutting who ever would ask about keeping watch.

"Just find a bed and sleep. Sort shit out in the morning. Goodnight." He said, ignoring any one's questions and stomped back upstairs to the master bedroom. He really didn't care who shared rooms with who, but for sake of tidying up and such, Jessica had been sleeping in the double bed with him. It was a zombie invasion, petty things like gossiping who was sleeping with who was irrelevant here. "Up at seven, we're hitting the nearby local store. Ten, fifteen minute walk. Don't pack much." Came his voice as he walked across the landing, into the largest upstairs room.

The house was quite large, the Living room went across the front of the house next to the porch and main entrance, while going down an open hall way was the kitchen, conservatory, dining room and a study-turned-supply-room. Upstairs was three bedrooms, one on-suite bathroom and one larger family bathroom. Each bath was full of water, as were the sinks. The basement contained many of the supplies, including a dynamo powered generator, chemical latrine, petrol, ropes and various other survival equipment. All windows were barred with steel rods, doors could be barred with heavy iron bars. Surrounding the back of the house was a tough, wooden fence with a heavy cast-iron gate. Also a garage that had a fully fueled and prepared Toyota Hilux 4x4. For emergencies only. A path led there from the kitchen. Also there was the not so secret hatch out of the attic onto the roof.
Jacob rolled over in his bed, somebody had obviously decided to gatecrash, and piss Jason off in the process. Evidently, that was not a good idea. He rolled over in his bed, checking briefly that his weapons were still beside the bed, the feel of cold steel beneath his fingers almost as arousing (though thankfully not in a sexual way) as the feel of a hot body between the sheets, especially during a zombie apocalypse.

He'd stolen the sword from a suit of armour posing with great solemnity in the college hall, and with a bit of a polish and sharpen it seemed to be functioning nicely. The thought brought a smile to his face, and slowly, he drifted back off to sleep.
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